I have used the below code to perform text detection on the image.
const client = await new vision.ImageAnnotatorClient({ credentials });
const [result] = await client.textDetection(path);
the intended result is BBTPB9999Q but
the program output is BBTPB9999C
Is there any way to improve the accuracy?
From my experience the quality of the pictures matters. So I think improving quality of analyzed image is only way to improve results of detection when it comes to descriptions similar to your example, like serial numbers etc. Once I had an idea to try to convert images before, ex. make them monochrome, however I never got test results worth implementing. You may try this...
At the moment, in Google Cloud Vision, only way to improve the the result for the same picture is to Specify the language, however this will work only when you want to detect text in already known language.
Of course, it's not really a bankbot yet.
The source data that has been given to me is a hundred rows or so of telephone scripts (probably artificial in nature).
I'm trying to use them to fine-tune the davinci model on open-ai. Just feeding them in in the
{prompt:question, completion:answer}
format has not yielded great results. I've also tried sending the conversation back to it in the prompts in hopes of improving the outcome, but that's been a mixed bag too as it's prone to repetition.
On the openAI website, there I have found this:
{"prompt":"Summary: <summary of the interaction so far>\n\nSpecific information:<for example order details in natural language>\n\n###\n\nCustomer: <message1>\nAgent: <response1>\nCustomer: <message2>\nAgent:", "completion":" <response2>\n"}
{"prompt":"Summary: <summary of the interaction so far>\n\nSpecific information:<for example order details in natural language>\n\n###\n\nCustomer: <message1>\nAgent: <response1>\nCustomer: <message2>\nAgent: <response2>\nCustomer: <message3>\nAgent:", "completion":" <response3>\n"}
Can someone point me to some examples of this in action with some actual data plugged into it in a q&a bot context? Thanks.
I am building a package that uses the Google Analytics API for Python.
But, in severous cases when I have multiple dimensions the extraction by day is sampled.
I know that if I use sampling_level = LARGE will use a sample more accurate.
But, somebody knows if has a way to reduce a request that you can extract one day without sampling?
setting sampling to LARGE is the only method we have to decide the amount of sampling but as you already know this doesn't prevent it.
The only way to reduce the chances of sampling is to request less data. A reduced number of dimensions and metrics as well as a shorter date range are the best ways to ensure that you dont get sampled data
This is probably not the answer you want to hear but, one way of getting unsampled data from Google analytics is to use unsampled reports. However this requires that you sign up for Google Marketing Platform. With these you can create an unsampled report request using the API or the UI.
There is also a way to export the data to Big Query. But you lose the analysis that Google provides and will have to do that yourself. This too requires that you sign up for Google Marketing Platform.
there are several tactics of building unsampled reports, most popular is splitting your report into shorter time ranges up to hours. Mark Edmondson did a great work on anti-sampling in his R package so you might find it useful. You may start with this blog post https://code.markedmondson.me/anti-sampling-google-analytics-api/
I am trying to develop a real time face recognition model using faceapi js using node and express. I have tried to recognize the face using the below code.
But it seems that it takes a minute to train and recognize a model. Is there any way to improve recognizing speed to get real time results as in browser?
The code is loading and training the models on each request, why not load once on startup like so:
let loadModelsPromise = loadModels();
async function detectFace(image) {
await loadModelsPromise;
This way the first call may be delayed, however each subsequent call should be very quick. I'm presuming that the uploaded face is not added to the training data.
I've proposed a title for our thesis, Movie Success Prediction through Social Media comments using Sentiment Analysis, is there a way you can get the comments on social media (twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc.) and use it for your software? like an API or any other way. is that even possible to use your software on different social media to get the comments for prediction or should i change my title and stick to one social media like Facebook or twitter only?
what's the good algorithm for this?
what programming language and framework/IDE should i use?
I've done lots of research on google and still hoping for more info here. Thank you.
Edit: I'll only use YouTube and YouTube API.
From the title of your question, it seems that the method you need to use is distant supervision. You need to retrieve data with labels you think it is proper for your task. For instance, a tweet containing #perfect hashtag would probably be a positive tweet. So, you can define set of hashtags for your task, negative, positive or even for neutral; then you can retrieve tweets by those via Twitter API. For your task, those should be for movies, therefore your data should contain movie related information in first place.
Given that you will deal with text data and you'd like to create your own dataset, it is better to start with Twitter. Its API works for your needs and it is very well-documented. The language and frameworks are upto your choice, since APIs supports many known languages as well. Personally, I'd start with python or java to quickly solve future problems easier with community support.
For a general survey of this area, you may dive into papers and resources from here:
Distant supervision could be used to create a sentiment lexicon out of millions English tweets by using sets of negative and positive hashtags as well. You may take a look at Chapter 5 of this thesis ( https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/980377/1/Ozdemir_MCompSc_F2015.pdf ), this may also give a good insight for your thesis, too.
Hope this helps.
So, a little bit on my problem.
Can I use machine-learning instead of Elastic Search to find results depending on the user's text input? Is it a good idea?
I am working on a car spare parts project, and we have split the car into 300 parts that we store on the database, with some data for each part (weight, availability, etc).
When the customer inputs the text of his part, we need to be able to classify the part, and map it to one in our database.
The current way it's being done is by people on our team manually mapping the customer text with the parts on our database, we want to automate that process.
We tried using MongoDB text search, but it was often inaccurate since parts have different names in different parts of the country.
So we wanted something that got more accurate results, and improved by the more data we have, we immediately considered TensorFlow, after some research and taking part of Google's Machine Learning Crash Course, I got to that point where it specified:
Models can't learn from string values, so you'll have to perform some feature engineering to convert those values to something numeric
That would be useful in the case we have limited number of features as strings, but we don't know what the user will input as a text.
So, my questions are:
1- Can we use Machine Learning to map text input by the user with some documents on our database?
2- If we can do that, is it a good idea to favor it over other search tools like ElasticSearch?
3- Can ElasticSearch improve its results the more data we have? How?
4- How would you go about this problem?
Note: I'd be doing that in Node.js, and since TensorFlow.js is new, I am inclining to go for other solutions, but if push comes to shove, and the results are much better, I would definitely go there.
TL;DR: Yes and yes.
This is a perfectly suited problem for machine learning. Especially so, if you have a database of past customer texts that have already been mapped to parts. Ideally, you have hundreds of texts mapped to each part. If that is present, you can design and train a network. And models can learn from string values with some engineering, and it's not that bad.
I'm not sure ElasticSearch would improve much on the network. I don't know much about auto parts trading, but as a wild guess, "the large round thingy that helps change direction" would never be mapped to "steering wheel" by ES but could be learned easily by a network - provided there are at least some examples of people using that text to specify steering wheel.
You can but don't have to necessarily use tensorflow.js for your network. The AI could run on your server as a webservice, and you'd just send over the customer's text to it and it would send back it's recommendations of part SKUs and names.