Cascading two or more LSTM models - keras

I am working on a case study where i want to make a comparison of performance between a standard LSTM model and a cascaded lstm models as provided in the picture (you could see the block diagram). I would like to know what function could be useful to stack these models. it worth mentioning that each output sequence is an input to the next block, i.e. the LSTM-1hr model has been cascaded with each other and the output block was separately trained in a supervised manner while freezing weights for the input block. The secondary block is initialized with the weights from the basic 1hr model.
the image shows the block diagram of the models that i want to build


Conv2D filters and CNN architecture

I am currently pursuing undergraduation, I am working on CNN model to recognize Telegu characters.
This Questions has two parts,
I have a (32,32,1) shape Telegu character images, I want to train my CNN model to recognize the character. So, what should be my model architecture and how to decide the architecture, no of parameters and hidden layers. I know that my case is exactly same as handwritten digit recognition, but I want to know how to decide those parameters. Is there any common practice in building such architecture.
Operation Conv2D (32, (5,5)) means 32 filters of size 5x5 are applied on to the input, my question is are these filters all same or different, if different what kind of filters are initialized and who decides them?
I tried to surf internet but everywhere I go, the answer I get is Conv2D operation applies filters on input and does the convolution operation.
To decide which model architecture would be best, you need to experiment. Thats the only way. As you want to classify, VGG architecture would be a good starting point I believe. You need to experiment with number of parameters as it depends on your problem. You can use Keras Tuner for it:
For kernel initialization, as far as I know convolutional layers in Keras uses Glorot Uniform Initialization but you can change that by using kernel_initializer parameter. Long story short, convolutional layers are initialized with a distribution function and as training goes filters change the values inside, which is learning process.
Edit: I forgot to inform you that I suggest VGG architecture but in a way you downsize the models a lot. Your input shape is little so if your model is too much deep, you will overfit really quickly.

Embedding layer output is stochastic?

If I use two identical models to learn over a dataset, but the order in which the samples are presented differs, would an embedding layer output the exact embeddings?
I think you will not get exact embeddings. The parameters of embeddings depend on how gradient decent selects them, so you probably get different values when the sample batch order is different. Furthermore, there is an initial random weight initialization for embedding layer, which also could contribute to a difference.
However, I would expect that 2 words close in one embedding will be also close in another embedding.

Use Pegasus in Huggingface for a downstream classification task

I have collected a dataset of paragraphs summaries, where the summary may or may not correspond to the paragraph it is paired with. I also have the labels of whether a summary corresponds to the paragraph or not (1 if it is a corresponding pair, and 0 if it is not).
I would like to use the pretrained Pegasus_large model in Huggingface (off-the-shelf) and train it on this downstream classification task.
Since Pegasus does not have any CLS token, I was thinking of possible ways of doing this.
I want to concatenate the paragraph and summary together, pass it through the pretrained Pegasus encoder only, and then pool over the final hidden layer outputs of the encoder. If I use the Huggingface PegasusModel (the one without and summary generation head), it expects me to provide decoder_input_ids, which I assume are the true tokens (labels) when pegasus is trained as a seq2seq model for summary generation. However, since I am not training my model to generate summaries, and would like the encoder representation only, I am not sure what to put as my decoder_input_ids.
My questions are: 1. Am I right in assuming the decoder_input_ids are only used for training the model for sequence generation, and 2. How should I get the last hidden layer outputs without having any decoder_input_ids?

How to use a pre-trained object detection in tensorflow?

How can I use the weights of a pre-trained network in my tensorflow project?
I know some theory information about this but no information about coding in tensorflow.
As been pointed out by #Matias Valdenegro in the comments, your first question does not make sense. For your second question however, there are multiple ways to do so. The term that you're searching for is Transfer Learning (TL). TL means transferring the "knowledge" (basically it's just the weights) from a pre-trained model into your model. Now there are several types of TL.
1) You transfer the entire weights from a pre-trained model into your model and use that as a starting point to train your network.
This is done in a situation where you now have extra data to train your model but you don't want to start over the training again. Therefore you just load the weights from your previous model and resume the training.
2) You transfer only some of the weights from a pre-trained model into your new model.
This is done in a situation where you have a model trained to classify between, say, 5 classes of objects. Now, you want to add/remove a class. You don't have to re-train the whole network from the start if the new class that you're adding has somewhat similar features with (an) existing class(es). Therefore, you build another model with the same exact architecture as your previous model except the fully-connected layers where now you have different output size. In this case, you'll want to load the weights of the convolutional layers from the previous model and freeze them while only re-train the fully-connected layers.
To perform these in Tensorflow,
1) The first type of TL can be performed by creating a model with the same exact architecture as the previous model and simply loading the model using tf.train.Saver().restore() module and continue the training.
2) The second type of TL can be performed by creating a model with the same exact architecture for the parts where you want to retain the weights and then specify the name of the weights in which you want to load from the previous pre-trained weights. You can use the parameter "trainable=False" to prevent Tensorflow from updating them.
I hope this helps.

Keras: better way to implement layer-wise training model?

I'm currently learning implementing layer-wise training model with Keras. My solution is complicated and time-costing, could someone give me some suggestions to do it in a easy way? Also could someone explain the topology of Keras especially the relations among nodes.outbound_layer, nodes.inbound_layer and how did they associated with tensors: input_tensors and output_tensors? From the topology source codes on github, I'm quite confused about:
input_tensors[i] == inbound_layers[i].inbound_nodes[node_indices[i]].output_tensors[tensor_indices[i]]
Why the inbound_nodes contain output_tensors, I'm not clear about the relations among them....If I wanna remove layers in certain positions of the API model, what should I firstly remove? Also, when adding layers to some certain places, what shall I do first?
Here is my solution to a layerwise training model. I can do it on Sequential model and now trying to implement in on the API model:
To do it, I'm simply add a new layer after finish previous training and re-compile (model.compile()) and re-fit (
Since Keras model requires output layer, I would always add an output layer. As a result, each time when I wanna add a new layer, I have to remove the output layer then add it back. This can be done using model.pop(), in this case model has to be a keras.Sequential() model.
The Sequential() model supports many useful functions including model.add(layer). But for customised model using model API: model=Model(input=...., output=....), those pop() or add() functions are not supported and implement them takes some time and maybe not convenient.
