Aync / Await return pending - node.js

Why is my Aync Await Function returning an Pending Promise ? i already tried .then statement but it doesn't work, here is my code :
const findData = async () => {
let query = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
return query;
research["uploaderInfo"] = findData();
when i tried to console.log the findData, it just gave me this :
Promise { <pending> }
Promise { <pending> }
and when i tried to check the research object, it was empty, but when i tried to add a console.log(query) inside the findData() function, it gave me the expected result, which mean the query is correct, and this is an issue because of the async / await.
i tried #dai solution to add await when i tried to set my research like this
const findData = async () => {
let query = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
return query;
async () => {
research["uploaderInfo"] = await findData();
when i tried this, any code that i put inside the second nameless async function does not work, i tried to set the object to random string and it still doesn't changing

Read this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56590390/159145
Short answer: Run NodeJS 14.17 (or any version after 13.3+) with the flag --harmony-top-level-await and you can have this:
// program.js
const findData = async () => {
let query = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
return query;
research["uploaderInfo"] = await findData();
...or even just this (assuming your research and userSchema objects are trivially instantiated):
// program.js
research["uploaderInfo"] = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
Longer answer without NodeJS flags:
It looks like NodeJS 14.17 doesn't yet support "top-level await" (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but that's not a real problem: it just means you need to wrap all of your original top-level ("root function") code in an async function and invoke it immediately.
Like so (I've named the function entrypoint, though you can use an anonymous function if you like):
// program.js
async function entrypoint() {
const research = ...
const userSchema = ...
const findData = async () => {
let query = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
return query;
research["uploaderInfo"] = await findData();
Note that you can elide and inline findData's function and call userSchema.findOne directly:
// program.js
async function entrypoint() {
const research = ...
const userSchema = ...
research["uploaderInfo"] = await await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });


Fork with async await in nodejs not working

I have tried to forking in node. For simple calculation it seems to work fine. But when I use for loop, I don't get any result. I have tried using promise also but all I get is promise pending. Below are the code used.
In moduleProgress.js:
const getModules = async (studentArray) => {
let progress = [];
for (const student of studentArray) {
console.log(student); //prints the first student id an then nothing happens
let std = await User.findById(student); //stops here
console.log(std); //nothing
std = {
username: std.username,
firstname: std.firstname,
lastname: std.lastname,
batch: std.batch,
return progress;
process.on("message", async (params) => {
const progress = await getModules(params.students);
In another file:
if (students.length > 0) {
const calculation = fork("helpers/moduleProgress.js");
students: students,
calculation.on("message", (response) => {
allStatus = response;
success: true,
allProgress: allStatus,
Solved it.
Called the instance of mongoose in the moduleProgress.js (child) and it worked as a charm.

How to use async await inside another async function

i have a question about using async await inside another promise. I have a function call another function to get a transaction details.
When i running the function LastTransactions the field details do not show results. Anyone can help me ?
LastTransactions: async (transactionKey, page) => {
const api = `https://api.pagar.me/1/payables?recipient_id=${transactionKey}&count=${totalResults}&page=${page}&api_key=${PagarmeApiKey}`;
const response = await axios.get(api);
transactions = response.data.map((item) => {
return {
id : item.id,
transactionId : item.transaction_id,
trxDetails : [transactionDetails(item.transaction_id)],
return transactions;
and a detail function
async function transactionDetails(id){
const response = await axios.get(`https://api.pagar.me/1/transactions/${id}?api_key=${PagarmeApiKey}`)
const data = response.data;
return data;
You need to utilize the Promise.all method to take an array of promises and return an array with your transactions once each individual call for transaction details finishes.
async (transactionKey, page) => {
const api =
const response = await axios.get(api);
// create an array of promises and wait for
// all of them to resolve before continuing
const transactions = await Promise.all(
response.data.map(async item => {
const { id, transaction_id } = item;
// get transaction details for each item in the array
const trxDetails = await transactionDetails(transaction_id);
return {
transactionId: transaction_id,
return transactions;
Promise.all() - MDN
Since transactionDetails(item.transaction_id) is Asynchronous, you need to await that as well, otherwise it will return immediately and trxDetails will contain a promise object, and not response.data.
try this:
transactions = response.data.map(async (item) => {
return {
id : item.id,
transactionId : item.transaction_id,
trxDetails : [await transactionDetails(item.transaction_id)],

cannot make an async function using sequelize

I'm trying to get information from my model but it always returns me Promise { <pending> } or undefined (on all the ways I had tried)
Heres the code that I'm trying to use to retrieve information from DB
const cnabBody = require('../controller/cnabBody');
let resultado = cnabBody.encontrarUm().then((r) => {
Heres my controller
const CnabBody = require ('../model/cnabBody');
exports.encontrarUm = async () => {
const { nome_campo } = await CnabBody.findOne({where:{nome_campo: "Nome do Campo"}});
return nome_campo;
I would need to know more about the object structure that's resolved from the findOne function, but it sounds like the nome_campo object being returned is a Promise object rather than a value. If that's the case then you'd also have to await on the nome_campo (assuming it's not undefined).
If CnabBody.findOne() returns this:
nome_campo: somePromise
then you should either change findOne to await on that Promise and send back the object it resolves to, or you need to await on it after receiving it in your controller. The latter could be done like this:
const CnabBody = require ('../model/cnabBody');
exports.encontrarUm = async () => {
const { nome_campo } = await CnabBody.findOne({where:{nome_campo: "Nome do Campo"}});
if (nome_campo) return await nome_campo; // <--- add await here if defined
However I'd say it's nicer if findOne could be changed (assuming you have access to the code) so that calling await CnabBody.findOne() returned the actual result and not a Promise. Having Promise that resolves another Promise seems redundant, but if you are not the author of findOne then you might not have the option to change its resolved object.
In your controller change const { nome_campo } to const nome_campo. it will work
const CnabBody = require ('../model/cnabBody');
exports.encontrarUm = async () => {
// const { nome_campo } = await CnabBody.findOne({where:{nome_campo: "Nome do Campo"}}); <== problem is here
const nome_campo = await CnabBody.findOne({where:{nome_campo: "Nome do Campo"}});
return nome_campo;
I was calling my async functions inside a function that wasnt async soo when i tried any await method it wasnt awaiting or returning a error soo i changed my first line
wb.xlsx.readFile(filePath).then(async function(){
soo my code looks like this now and it is working fine. (:
wb.xlsx.readFile(filePath).then(async function(){
var sh = wb.getWorksheet("Sheet1");
// console.log(sh.getCell("A1").value);
const field = await cnabContent.findOne({where: {nome_campo: "Nome do Campos"}});
Thanks for all that tried to help me, made me do alot of searchs and read about promises, async and await and get this solution.

Promise not waiting for firebase query to complete and gets resolved too soon

I have created a promise, which would take an array of firebase keys as input, loop them to query firebase realtime database. My issue is even after I use async await, for firebase to provide results back, promise is getting resolved quickly.
function firebaseQuery(keys){
const result = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
keys.forEach((key) => {
const snap = app.child(key).once('value');
const snapJSON = await snap.then(snapshot => snapshot.toJSON());
result.push({ key: key, post: snapJSON });
forEach does not pause for await statements, so it won't work like this (https://codeburst.io/javascript-async-await-with-foreach-b6ba62bbf404). Better to map the keys into an array of promises, and then use Promise.all() to wait until they all resolve. Something like this (just make sure to handle your errors)
async function firebaseQuery(keys){
const result = await Promise.all(keys.map(async key => {
const snap = app.child(key).once('value');
const snapJSON = await snap.then(snapshot => snapshot.toJSON());
const returnValue = { key: key, post: snapJSON };
return returnValue;

Async / Await fails in Node JS

I am having some issues with Async/Await when trying to process my MSSQL Query.
The query works fine because if i do
I get the expected result. But i need to wait for the result from first query to pass on to second one so i tried below. Am i missing here something ? I would like to keep it as clean as possible because i might have the need to execute more then 2 in Sequence.
async function someMethod() {
var newId = await sqltest.getNextId("A")
var nextId = await sqltest.updateId("A",newId)
console.log(newId + ' - ' + nextId)
Here is what my getNextId looks like
const getNextId = (counter_id) =>
{const params = [{ name: "p_counter_id", type: sql.VarChar(10), value: counter_id }]
.storedProcedure(params, "sp_counter_sel")
.then(result =>
var newCounter = sequence
return newCounter
.catch(err => {
console.log('Error: ' + err.message)
ok to eliminate all confusion here is my .storedProcedure code
let storedProcedure = async (params, storedProcedureName) => {
const pool = await getOrCreatePool()
let request = await pool.request()
params.forEach((parameter) => {
parameterDirection = parameter.isOutput ? 'output' : 'input';
request = request[parameterDirection](parameter.name, parameter.type, parameter.value)
try {
return await request.execute(storedProcedureName)
sql.on('error', err => {
} catch(err) {
let message = {
message: {
msg: err.message,
number: err.number
throw message;
There is no underhanded error it just returns undefined - undefined for the console.log
This comment is actually is the important bit!
getNextId does not actually return anything, not the value you are looking for, and not a promise that you can await. The reason you are seeing output is that getNextId runs a console.log in the then callback.
But console.log(sqltest.getNextId("A")) is probably spitting out an undefined
Since sqlUtil.storedProcedure seems to return a promise (you can tell because you call then() on it, you should be able to convert this to an async function, and await on that.
const getNextId = async (counter_id) => {
const params = [{
name: "p_counter_id",
type: sql.VarChar(10),
value: counter_id
const result = await sqlUtil.storedProcedure(params, "sp_counter_sel")
var newCounter = sequence(
return newCounter
console.log(await getNextId("A")); // Should be what you expect.
This function now has a return value. Because it is now async and has a return statement that is not nested inside another function. It now returns a Promise that resolves to newCounter, and can be called with await.
