Why to call multiprocessing module with Process can create same instance? - python-3.x

My platform info:
uname -a
Linux debian 5.10.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.70-1 (2021-09-30) x86_64 GNU/Linux
python3 --version
Python 3.9.2
Note:to add a lock can make Singleton class take effect ,that is not my issue,no need to talk the process lock.
The same parts which will be executed in different status:
Singleton class
class Singleton(object):
def __init__(self):
def instance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
Singleton._instance = Singleton(*args, **kwargs)
return Singleton._instance
working function in the process
import time,os
def task():
print("start the process %d" % os.getpid())
obj = Singleton.instance()
print("end the process %d" % os.getpid())
Creating multi-process with processing pool way:
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
with Pool(processes = 4) as pool:
[pool.apply_async(func=task) for item in range(4)]
#same effcet with pool.apply ,pool.map,pool.map_async in this example,i have verified,you can try again
The result is as below:
start the process 11986
start the process 11987
start the process 11988
start the process 11989
end the process 11986
end the process 11987
end the process 11989
end the process 11988
All sub-process has its own memory,they don't share space each other,they don't know other process has already created an instance,so it output different instances.
Creating multi-process with Process way:
import multiprocessing
for i in range(4):
t = multiprocessing.Process(target=task)
The result is as below:
start the process 12012
start the process 12013
start the process 12014
start the process 12015
end the process 12014
end the process 12012
end the process 12013
end the process 12015
Why it create same instance with this way ?What is the working principle in the multiprocessing module?
#Reed Jones,i have read the related post you provided for many times.
In lmjohns3's answer:
So the net result is actually the same, but in the first case you're guaranteed to run foo and bar on different processes.
The first case is Process sub-module,the Process will guarante to run on different processes,so in my case :
import multiprocessing
for i in range(4):
t = multiprocessing.Process(target=task)
It should result in several (maybe 4 or not,at least bigger than 1) instances instead of the same instance.
I am sure that the material can't explain my case.

As already explained in this answer, id implementation is platform specific and is not a good method to guarantee unique identifiers across multiple processes.
In CPython specifically, id returns the pointer of the object within its own process address space. Most of modern OSes abstract the computer memory using a methodology known as Virtual Memory.
What you are observing are actual different objects. Nevertheless, they appear to have the same identifiers as each process allocated that object in the same offset of its own memory address space.
The reason why this does not happen in the pool is most likely due to the fact the Pool is allocating several resources in the worker process (pipes, counters, etc..) before running the task function. Hence, it randomizes the process address space utilization enough such that the object IDs appear different across their sibling processes.


Python Multiprocessing GPU receiving SIGSEV meesage

I am looking to run 2 process at the same time. The processes use AI models. One of them is almost 1Gb. I have researched and seems that the best way is to use multiprocessing. This is a Linux server and it has 8 core CPU and one GPU. Due to the weight, I need GPU to process this files. archivo_diar is the path to the file and modelo is previously loaded. Code goes like this.
from multiprocessing import Process
def diariza(archivo_diar, pipeline):
dz = pipeline(archivo_diar, pipeline)
def transcribe_archivo(archivo_modelo, modelo):
resultado = modelo.transcribe(archivo_diar)
p1 = Process(target= transcribe_archivo, args = (archivos_diar, modelo))
After p1.start() is run, I get the following message:
SIGSEGV received at time = 16766367473 on cpu 7*
PC: # 0x7fb2c29705 144 GOMP_pararallel
What I have found so far is that is it is a problem related to memory, but I have not seen any case related to multiprocessing. As I understand, This child process inherits memory from the main process and modelo which is the heavy file is already loaded in memory so it should not be the case.
As you can see, the 2 process (in the functions) are different, what I read is that in those cases the est approach is to use Pool. I also tried using pool like this:
pool = Pool (processes = 4)
pool.imap_unordered(transcribe_archivo, [archivo_diar, modelo]
And I got the following error.
RuntimeError: Cannot re-initialize CUDA in forked subprocess. To use CUDA with multiprocessing, you must use 'spawn' start method.
I tried using
and when I do pool.join() it hangs forever.
Does anyone knows the reason of this?

Is there a reason for this difference between Python threads and processes?

When a list object is passed to a python (3.9) Process and Thread, the additions to the list object done in the thread are seen in the parent but not the additions done in the process. E. g.,
from multiprocessing import Process
from threading import Thread
def job(x, out):
out = []
pr = Process(target=job, args=('process', out))
th = Thread(target=job, args=('thread', out))
pr.start(), th.start()
pr.join(), th.join()
This prints ['f(thread)']. I expected it to be (disregard the order) ['f(thread)', 'f(process)'].
Could someone explain the reason for this?
There's nothing Python-specific about it; that's just how processes work.
Specifically, all threads running within a given process share the process's memory-space -- so e.g. if thread A changes the state of a variable, thread B will "see" that change.
Processes, OTOH, each get their own private memory space that is inaccessible to all other processes. That's done deliberately as a way to prevent process A from accidentally (or deliberately) reading or corrupting the memory of process B.
When you spawn a child process, the new child process gets its own memory-space that initially contains a copy of all the data in the parent's memory space, but it is a separate space, so changes made by the child will not be visible to the parent (and vice-versa).

Issue with spawning multiple processes

I am running a code and getting this error:
An attempt has been made to start a new process before the
current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.
This probably means that you are not using fork to start your
child processes and you have forgotten to use the proper idiom
in the main module:
Could someone help me with this?
Here is the code, I am running:
def heavy(n, myid):
for x in range(1, n):
for y in range(1, n):
print(myid, "is done")
for i in range(50):
for i in big:
Depending on the OS, the new process will be either forked from the current one (in linux) or spawned (Windows, mac). A simplistic view of forking is that a copy of the current process is made: all the objects already created will exists in the new copy, alas will not be the same objects as in the initial process. Indeed, objects in one process are not directly accessible from the other process. Spawning starts a new python interpreter, re-runs the file (with a __name__ different from '__main__'), and then runs the target passed when creating the Process. The re-running of the file is what is part of the 'bootstraping phase'.
In your case, as you do not use the if __name__ == '__main__': guard, when the file is re-run tries to start new process, which would lead to an infinite tree of new processes. The multiprocessing module takes care of this cases and detects that you are trying to start new processes even before the target was run.
For a simple test of what happens when you use multiprocessing, see the code in this answer.

Python: running many subprocesses from different threads is slow

I have a program with 1 process that starts a lot of threads.
Each thread might use subprocess.Popen to run some command.
I see that the time to run the command increases with the number of threads.
>>> def foo():
... s = time.time()
... subprocess.Popen('ip link show'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()
... print(time.time() - s)
>>> foo()
>>> [threading.Thread(target=foo).start() for _ in range(10)]
0.11541390419006348 # !!!
0.10175108909606934 # !!!
Is there another way of executing a lot of commands from single process in parallel that doesn't decrease the performance?
Python's threads are, of course, concurrent, but they do not really run in parallel because of the GIL. Therefore, they are not suitable for CPU-bound applications. If you need to truly parallelize something and allow it to run on all CPU cores, you will need to use multiple processes. Here is a nice answer discussing this in more detail: What are the differences between the threading and multiprocessing modules?.
For the above example, multiprocessing.pool may be a good choice (note that there is also a ThreadPool available in this module).
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import subprocess
import time
def foo(*args):
s = time.time()
subprocess.Popen('ip link show'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()
return time.time() - s
if __name__ == "__main__":
with Pool(10) as p:
result = p.map(foo, range(10))
# [0.018695592880249023, 0.009021520614624023, 0.01150059700012207, 0.02113938331604004, 0.014114856719970703, 0.01342153549194336, 0.011168956756591797, 0.014746427536010742, 0.013572454452514648, 0.008752584457397461]
result = p.map_async(foo, range(10))
# [0.00636744499206543, 0.011589527130126953, 0.010645389556884766, 0.0070612430572509766, 0.013571739196777344, 0.009610414505004883, 0.007040739059448242, 0.010993719100952148, 0.012415409088134766, 0.0070383548736572266]
However, if your function is similar to the example in that it mostly just launches other processes and doesn't do a lot of calculations - I doubt parallelizing it will make much of a difference because the subprocesses can already run in parallel. Perhaps the slowdown occurs because your whole system gets overwhelmed for a moment because of all those processes (could be CPU usage is high or too many disk reads/writes are attempted within a short time). I would suggest taking a close look at system resources (Task Manager etc.) while running the program.
maybe it has nothing to do with python: Opening a new shell = opening a new file since basically everything is a file on linux
take a look at your limit for open files with this command (default is 1024):
and try to raise it with this command to see if your code gets faster :
ulimit -n 2048

How to share a variable with forked process in python?

In python3.6 I have the following code which forks a process, and the child changes a variable. However, the variable of the same name remains unchanged
import os, sys, time
var = 42
child_pid = os.fork()
if child_pid == 0:
print(f"Child Process start {os.getpid()}.")
var = 20
print(f"Child variable {var}")
print(f"Child Process end {os.getpid()}.")
print(f"Parent Process start {os.getpid()}.")
for x in range(20):
print(f"Parent variable {var}")
print(f"Parent Process end {os.getpid()}.")
How can I share the variable var in the example between the child and parent process?
Forking a process creates a new process with a new PID and in a separate memory space. So basically you can not share variables even if they are globals.
If you create a thread you could share global variables.
Otherwise with two (or more) processes you can use IPC (stands for Inter Process Communication) : https://docs.python.org/fr/3.5/library/ipc.html.
Common IPC are sockets (even local) but you can choose another one (e.g. memory mapping, message queues, shared memory ...).
Here is a post for the same problem but in C, the IPC being handled by the OS the principle remains the same : How to share memory between process fork()?.
