Hide payment method if specific shipping method selected in odoo eCommerce website - web

I want to hide specific payment method (cash on delivery) if specific shipping method selected before. For example, if I check shipping method A , then in the next step, payment methods I have only one method to check ( other methods disabled or unable to check). I try to edit and add many2many relational field of payment.acquirer model in shdelivery.carrier and use this filed in controller but it not work , so far I havent' find the solution.
this is my code snapshot:
my python code:
class ShippingMethod(models.Model):
_inherit = 'delivery.carrier'
payment_acquirer_ids = fields.Many2many('payment.acquirer',string='Payment Mathods')
my controller
class WebsiteSaleDeliveryExtraCost(WebsiteSale):
#http.route(['/shop/change_shipping_method'], type='json', auth='public', methods=['POST'], website=True, csrf=False)
def change_shipping_method(self, **post):
carrier_id = post.get('carrier_id')
print('******00******', request.session)
carrier = request.env['delivery.carrier'].browse(int(carrier_id))
acquirer_ids = carrier.payment_acquirer_ids.ids
acquirers = request.env['payment.acquirer'].search([('id','in',acquirer_ids)])
# if acquirers:
# return request.redirect("/shop/payment")
return acquirers.ids
her is JavaScript code to route controller:
odoo.define('website_sale_delivery_extra_cost.checkout', function (require) {
'use strict';
var core = require('web.core');
var publicWidget = require('web.public.widget');
var _t = core._t;
// hide payment method base on shipping method
selector: '.oe_website_sale',
events: {
'click #delivery_carrier .o_delivery_carrier_select': '_change_shipping_method',
_change_shipping_method: function (ev) {
var self = this;
var $radio = $(ev.currentTarget).find('input[type="radio"]');
if ($radio.val()){
route: '/shop/change_shipping_method',
params: {
carrier_id: $radio.val(),
}}).then(function (data) {
if (data.length >= 1) {
return { location.reload(); };
} else {
return false;
}); // end of then
} //end of if
* #private
_trackGA: function () {
var websiteGA = window.ga || function () {};
websiteGA.apply(this, arguments);
* #private
_vpv: function (page) { //virtual page view
this._trackGA('send', 'pageview', {
'page': page,
'title': document.title,
Any other ideas how to solve this issue ?


Executing nested WaterfallDialogs - nodejs

I'm trying to build a requirement system for order dialogs in our bot, so that we can reuse the main structure for different procedures.
enum DialogIds {
// Necessary Ids
oauthPrompt = "oauthPrompt",
// Requirement dialogs
itemWaterfallDialog = "itemWaterfallDialog",
// Reset Dialogs
summaryWaterfallDialog = "summaryWaterfallDialog",
// All other prompts
unrecognizedItemPrompt = "unrecognizedItemPrompt",
beneficiaryConfirmPrompt = "beneficiaryConfirmPrompt",
askBeneficiaryPrompt = "askBeneficiaryPrompt",
reasonPrompt = "reasonPrompt",
orderConfirm = "orderConfirm"
export class OrderDialog extends ComponentDialog {
private responseManager: ResponseManager;
private requirementManager: RequirementManager;
private luisResult: RecognizerResult | undefined = undefined;
// TODO: get userState and ConversationState
private service: BotServices,
telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient
) {
this.initialDialogId = OrderDialog.name;
// Response manager serving OrderResponses.json
this.responseManager = new ResponseManager(["fr-fr"], [OrderResponses]);
const routeWaterfallDialog: ((
sc: WaterfallStepContext
) => Promise<DialogTurnResult>)[] = [
this.telemetryClient = telemetryClient;
new WaterfallDialog(this.initialDialogId, routeWaterfallDialog)
* Order specific dialogs and requirements
const itemWaterfallDialog: WaterfallDialog = new WaterfallDialog(
[this.itemStep.bind(this), this.itemEndStep.bind(this)]
const reqs = [
new Requirement<string>("claimant", false, undefined),
new Requirement<string>(
// Create requirement manager for this dialog
this.requirementManager = new RequirementManager(reqs);
// Add all the prompt
this.addDialog(new ConfirmPrompt(DialogIds.beneficiaryConfirmPrompt));
this.addDialog(new TextPrompt(DialogIds.unrecognizedItemPrompt));
this.addDialog(new TextPrompt(DialogIds.askBeneficiaryPrompt));
this.addDialog(new TextPrompt(DialogIds.reasonPrompt));
this.addDialog(new ConfirmPrompt(DialogIds.orderConfirm));
* We save the token, query graph is necessary and
* execute the next dialog if any, if not we'll
* execute the summary waterfallDialog.
* #param sc context
async route(sc: WaterfallStepContext): Promise<DialogTurnResult> {
this.requirementManager.set("claimant", 'nothing');
let next = this.requirementManager.getNext();
while (next) {
await sc.beginDialog(next.dialogId!);
// Execute summary if there are no elements left
if (!this.requirementManager.getNextBool()) {
await sc.beginDialog(DialogIds.summaryWaterfallDialog);
next = this.requirementManager.getNext();
return sc.endDialog();
* #param sc
async itemStep(sc: WaterfallStepContext): Promise<DialogTurnResult> {
// Couldn't recgonize any item
if (this.luisResult!.entities.length === 0) {
await sc.context.sendActivity(
// prompt user for the item again
return await sc.prompt(
const entities = this.luisResult!.entities as generalLuis["entities"];
if (entities.PhoneItem || entities.ComputerItem) {
const item = entities.PhoneItem
? entities.PhoneItem
: entities.ComputerItem;
if (item) {
this.requirementManager.set("item", item[0][0]);
return await sc.next();
async itemEndStep(sc: WaterfallStepContext): Promise<DialogTurnResult> {
// Save result from itemStep(prompt triggered) if any
if (sc.result) {
await sc.context.sendActivity(
// retrieve item from result and save it
const item = sc.result as string;
this.requirementManager.set("item", item);
return sc.endDialog();
The line
const result = await sc.beginDialog(next.dialogId!);
Is starting a WaterfallDialog declared in the constructor of the Dialog, and the route method is also inside a general waterfallDialog.
The problem is that, when one of the child dialogs prompts the user, the code doesn't wait for the user response, and because of the way the route works it will call the same dialog again(if a value on an object is not filled it will call the indicated dialog, that's what the requirement manager does).
If saving the return from that line, we can see that the status is "waiting", how could I fix it, or should I create independent dialogs for each requirement, and not just waterfallDialogs?

Laravel Excel upload and progressbar

I have a website where I can upload a .xlsx file which contains some rows of information for my database. I read the documentation for laravel-excel but it looks like it only works with progress bar if you use the console method; which I don't.
I currently just use a plain HTML upload form, no ajax yet.
But to create this progress bar for this I need to convert it to ajax, which is no hassle, that I can do.
But how would I create the progress bar when uploading the file and iterating through each row in the Excel file?
This is the controller and method where the upload gets done:
* Import companies
* #param Import $request
* #return \Illuminate\Routing\Redirector|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
public function postImport(Import $request)
# Import using Import class
Excel::import(new CompaniesImport, $request->file('file'));
return redirect(route('dashboard.companies.index.get'))->with('success', 'Import successfull!');
And this is the import file:
public function model(array $row)
# Don't create or validate on empty rows
# Bad workaround
# TODO: better solution
if (!array_filter($row)) {
return null;
# Create company
$company = new Company;
$company->crn = $row['crn'];
$company->name = $row['name'];
$company->email = $row['email'];
$company->phone = $row['phone'];
$company->website = (!empty($row['website'])) ? Helper::addScheme($row['website']) : '';
# Everything empty.. delete address
if (!empty($row['country']) || !empty($row['state']) || !empty($row['postal']) || !empty($row['address']) || !empty($row['zip'])) {
# Create address
$address = new CompanyAddress;
$address->company_id = $company->id;
$address->country = $row['country'];
$address->state = $row['state'];
$address->postal = $row['postal'];
$address->address = $row['address'];
$address->zip = $row['zip'];
# Attach
return $company;
I know this is not much at this point. I just need some help figuring out how I would create this progress bar, because I'm pretty stuck.
My thought is to create a ajax upload form though, but from there I don't know.
Just an idea, but you could use the Laravel session to store the total_row_count and processed_row_count during the import execution. Then, you could create a separate AJAX call on a setInterval() to poll those session values (e.g., once per second). This would allow you to calculate your progress as processed_row_count / total_row_count, and output to a visual progress bar. – matticustard
Putting #matticustard comment into practice. Below is just sample of how things could be implemented, and maybe there are areas to improve.
1. Routes
import route to initialize Excel import.
import-status route will be used to get latest import status
Route::post('import', [ProductController::class, 'import']);
Route::get('import-status', [ProductController::class, 'status']);
2. Controller
import action will validate uploaded file, and pass $id to ProductsImport class. As it will be queued and run in the background, there is no access to current session. We will use cache in the background. It will be good idea to generate more randomized $id if more concurrent imports will be processed, for now just unix date to keep simple.
You currently cannot queue xls imports. PhpSpreadsheet's Xls reader contains some non-utf8 characters, which makes it impossible to queue.
XLS imports could not be queued
public function import()
'file' => ['required', 'mimes:xlsx'],
$id = now()->unix()
session([ 'import' => $id ]);
Excel::queueImport(new ProductsImport($id), request()->file('file')->store('temp'));
return redirect()->back();
Get latest import status from cache, passing $id from session.
public function status()
$id = session('import');
return response([
'started' => filled(cache("start_date_$id")),
'finished' => filled(cache("end_date_$id")),
'current_row' => (int) cache("current_row_$id"),
'total_rows' => (int) cache("total_rows_$id"),
3. Import class
Using WithEvents BeforeImport we set total rows of our excel file to the cache. Using onRow we set currently processing row to the cache. And AfterReset clear all the data.
namespace App\Imports;
use App\Models\Product;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Row;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\OnEachRow;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Events\AfterImport;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Events\BeforeImport;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithEvents;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithStartRow;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithChunkReading;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithMultipleSheets;
class ProductsImport implements OnEachRow, WithEvents, WithChunkReading, ShouldQueue
public $id;
public function __construct(int $id)
$this->id = $id;
public function chunkSize(): int
return 100;
public function registerEvents(): array
return [
BeforeImport::class => function (BeforeImport $event) {
$totalRows = $event->getReader()->getTotalRows();
if (filled($totalRows)) {
cache()->forever("total_rows_{$this->id}", array_values($totalRows)[0]);
cache()->forever("start_date_{$this->id}", now()->unix());
AfterImport::class => function (AfterImport $event) {
cache(["end_date_{$this->id}" => now()], now()->addMinute());
public function onRow(Row $row)
$rowIndex = $row->getIndex();
$row = array_map('trim', $row->toArray());
cache()->forever("current_row_{$this->id}", $rowIndex);
// sleep(0.2);
Product::create([ ... ]);
4. Front end
On the front-end side this is just sample how things could be handled. Here I used vuejs, ant-design-vue and lodash.
After uploading file handleChange method is called
On successful upload trackProgress method is called for the first time
trackProgress method is recursive function, calling itself on complete
with lodash _.debounce method we can prevent calling it too much
export default {
data() {
this.trackProgress = _.debounce(this.trackProgress, 1000);
return {
visible: true,
current_row: 0,
total_rows: 0,
progress: 0,
methods: {
handleChange(info) {
const status = info.file.status;
if (status === "done") {
} else if (status === "error") {
this.$message.error(_.get(info, 'file.response.errors.file.0', `${info.file.name} file upload failed.`));
async trackProgress() {
const { data } = await axios.get('/import-status');
if (data.finished) {
this.current_row = this.total_rows
this.progress = 100
this.total_rows = data.total_rows;
this.current_row = data.current_row;
this.progress = Math.ceil(data.current_row / data.total_rows * 100);
close() {
if (this.progress > 0 && this.progress < 100) {
if (confirm('Do you want to close')) {
} else {
title="Upload excel"
<p class="ant-upload-drag-icon">
<a-icon type="inbox" />
<p class="ant-upload-text">Click to upload</p>
<a-progress class="mt-5" :percent="progress" :show-info="false" />
<div class="text-right mt-1">{{ this.current_row }} / {{ this.total_rows }}</div>
<template slot="footer">
<a-button #click="close">Close</a-button>
export default {
data() {
this.trackProgress = _.debounce(this.trackProgress, 1000);
return {
visible: true,
current_row: 0,
total_rows: 0,
progress: 0,
methods: {
handleChange(info) {
const status = info.file.status;
if (status === "done") {
} else if (status === "error") {
this.$message.error(_.get(info, 'file.response.errors.file.0', `${info.file.name} file upload failed.`));
async trackProgress() {
const { data } = await axios.get('/import-status');
if (data.finished) {
this.current_row = this.total_rows
this.progress = 100
this.total_rows = data.total_rows;
this.current_row = data.current_row;
this.progress = Math.ceil(data.current_row / data.total_rows * 100);
close() {
if (this.progress > 0 && this.progress < 100) {
if (confirm('Do you want to close')) {
} else {

passing function to a class in nodejs

I have a function that I need to pass to a class I have defined in nodeJs.
The use case scenario is I want to give the implementer of the class the control of what to do with the data received from createCall function. I don't mind if the method becomes a member function of the class. Any help would be appreciated.
//Function to pass. Defined by the person using the class in their project.
var someFunction = function(data){
//And I have a class i.e. the library.
class A {
constructor(user, handler) {
this.user = user;
this.notificationHandler = handler;
var result = new Promise (function(resolve,reject) {
//doesn't work. Keeps saying notificationHandler is not a function
result.then(function(resp) {
}) ;
//I want to pass this resp back to the function I had passed in the
// constructor.
//How do I achieve this.
callApi(){ ...somecode... }
// The user creates an object of the class like this
var obj = new A("abc#gmail.com", someFunction);
obj.createCall(); // This call should execute the logic inside someFunction after the resp is received.
Arrow functions (if your Node version supports them) are convenient here:
class A {
constructor(user, handler) {
this.user = user;
this.notificationHandler = handler;
createCall() {
var result = new Promise(resolve => {
// we're fine here, `this` is the current A instance
result.then(resp => {
callApi() {
// Some code here...
Inside arrow functions, this refers to the context that defined such functions, in our case the current instance of A. The old school way (ECMA 5) would be:
createCall() {
// save current instance in a variable for further use
// inside callback functions
var self = this;
var result = new Promise(function(resolve) {
// here `this` is completely irrelevant;
// we need to use `self`
result.then(function(resp) {
Check here for details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions#No_separate_this

How to Filter Data in Grid when Route Changed

Hi I'm very new to angular.
I have an url like http://localhost:3000/prizes/brand1 , brand2, brand3
I want to reload my grid items and filter them base on that brand.
{ path: 'prizes/:brand_name', component: PrizeComponent }
This is the method that I have to get the items
getPrizes() {
return this._http.get('/prizes')
.map(data => data.json()).toPromise()
How do I reload/call back the get method base on the new route and how do I get the brand name and pass that one as a parameter to the get method.
If to use dataService to fetch data:
export class daraService {
private brandName: string = '';
constructor(aroute: ActivatedRoute) {
aroute.url.subscribe((data) => {
console.log('params ', data); //check for brand here
this.brandName = data[data.length - 1]
getPrizes() {
// you can access this.brandName value here
return this._http.get('/prizes')
.map(data => data.json()).toPromise()

Inheritance in Node.JS

I am using node.js and programming based on express.js. I have tried to use util.inherits to implement inheritance in JavaScript. What I've tried is as follows:
function Request() {
this.target = 'old';
console.log('Request Target: ' + this.target);
Request.prototype.target = undefined;
Request.prototype.process = function(callback) {
if (this.target === 'new')
return true;
return false;
module.exports = Request;
function Create() {
this.target = 'new';
util.inherits(Create, Request);
Create.prototype.process = function(callback) {
if (Create.super_.prototype.process.call(this, callback)) {
return callback({ message: "Target is 'new'" });
} else {
return callback({ message: "Target is not 'new'" });
module.exports = Create;
var create = new (require('./create'))();
create.process(function(msg) {
My scenario is :
I have Request as base class and Create as child class. Request has field target that initialize old in Request constructor.
Now, I create Create class object which first call Request constructor and then initialize target field with new. When I call process function of Create, I expect to get message of target is 'new' but it returns another!
I searched similar threads for this, but all are what i tried! Can any one explain what was wrong?
Thanks in advance :)
util.inherits has really awkward super_... anyway, this should work:
Create.super_.prototype.process.call(this, callback);
But really,
var super_ = Request.prototype;
And then the syntax becomes almost convenient:
super_.process.call(this, callback);
