How to downcast mutable structs not as references - rust

I have this trait and implementation:
pub trait AsyncKeyProvider {
async fn get_key_async(&mut self, key_id: &str) -> Result<Option<Jwk>, ()>;
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
impl AsyncKeyProvider for GoogleKeyProvider {
async fn get_key_async(&mut self, key_id: &str) -> Result<Option<Jwk>, ()> {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
In order to pass it into my handler in actix-web, I'm passing through a GoogleKeyProvider like this:
let key_provider = web::Data::from(Arc::new(GoogleKeyProvider::default()));
let server = HttpServer::new(move || {
.route("/validate", web::post().to(validate))
With the handler doing this:
pub async fn validate(jwt_body: web::Json<JwtBody>, provider: web::Data<Box<dyn AsyncKeyProvider>>) -> impl Responder {
let provider_object: &GoogleKeyProvider = provider.as_any().downcast_ref::<GoogleKeyProvider>().expect("Wasn't a GoogleKeyProvider");
match validate_jwt(&jwt_body.jwt, provider_object).await {
validate_jwt then tries to call a method on the provider struct like this:
async fn validate_jwt(jwt: &String, provider: &GoogleKeyProvider) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let key_to_use = provider.get_key_async(<thing>).await.unwrap();
Which presents me with this error:
error[E0596]: cannot borrow `*provider` as mutable, as it is behind a `&` reference
--> src\routes\
48 | let key_to_use = provider.get_key_async(<thing>).await.unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^ `provider` is a `&` reference, so the data it refers to cannot be borrowed as mutable
As far as I can understand, this is happening because the result of my downcasting is a reference (due to downcast_ref), but I think I'd be wanting the plain GoogleKeyProvider type instead - I'm not sure on that though. I believe the provider needs to be mutable as the values inside it (see below) can change during the lifetime of the provider (it's intended to provide a temporary cache for some keys, and automatically update them if they're out of date)
pub struct GoogleKeyProvider {
cached: Option<JwkSet>,
expiration_time: Instant,
I'm not sure how to get this working with downcasting, though. Is anyone able to help me see where I've gone wrong?

You have to choice if get_key_async update somme thing at the struct.
The simple code below show you the error
trait Atrait {
fn afn(&mut self) -> i32;
struct Astruct {}
impl Atrait for Astruct {
fn afn(&mut self) -> i32 {
fn main()
// test should be mutable
let test = Astruct{};
let value = test.afn();
println!("Value {}", value);
This work because afn(self) is not declared mutable afn(&mut self)
trait Atrait {
fn afn(&self) -> i32;
struct Astruct {}
impl Atrait for Astruct {
fn afn(&self) -> i32 {
fn main()
let test = Astruct{};
let value = test.afn();
println!("Value {}", value);


How do I implement an iterator from a vector of std::Rc<std::RefCell<T>> smart pointers?

I'm trying to understand how to work with interior mutability. This question is strongly related to my previous question.
I have a generic struct Port<T> that owns a Vec<T>. We can "chain" port B to port A so, when reading the content of port A, we are able to read the content of port B. However, this chaining is hidden to port A's reader. That is why I implemented the iter(&self) method:
use std::rc::Rc;
pub struct Port<T> {
values: Vec<T>,
ports: Vec<Rc<Port<T>>>,
impl <T> Port<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { values: vec![], ports: vec![] }
pub fn add_value(&mut self, value: T) {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.values.is_empty() && self.ports.is_empty()
pub fn chain_port(&mut self, port: Rc<Port<T>>) {
if !port.is_empty() {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
.flat_map(|p| Box::new(p.iter()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &T>>)
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
The application has the following pseudo-code behavior:
create ports
fill ports with values
chain ports
iterate over ports' values
clear ports
The main function should look like this:
fn main() {
let mut port_a = Rc::new(Port::new());
let mut port_b = Rc::new(Port::new());
loop {
for val in port_a.iter() {
// read data
However, the compiler complains:
error[E0596]: cannot borrow data in an `Rc` as mutable
--> src/modeling/
46 | port_a.add_value(1);
| ^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable
= help: trait `DerefMut` is required to modify through a dereference, but it is not implemented for `Rc<Port<i32>>`
I've been reading several posts etc., and it seems that I need to work with Rc<RefCell<Port<T>>> to be able to mutate the ports. I changed the implementation of Port<T>:
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub struct Port<T> {
values: Vec<T>,
ports: Vec<Rc<RefCell<Port<T>>>>,
impl<T> Port<T> {
// snip
pub fn chain_port(&mut self, port: Rc<RefCell<Port<T>>>) {
if !port.borrow().is_empty() {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
.flat_map(|p| Box::new(p.borrow().iter()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &T>>),
// snip
This does not compile either:
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing temporary value
--> src/modeling/
35 | .flat_map(|p| Box::new(p.borrow().iter()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &T>>),
| ^^^^^^^^^----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| | |
| | temporary value created here
| returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
I think I know what the problem is: p.borrow() returns a reference to the port being chained. We use that reference to create the iterator, but as soon as the function is done, the reference goes out of scope and the iterator is no longer valid.
I have no clue on how to deal with this. I managed to implement the following unsafe method:
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
self.values.iter().chain(self.ports.iter().flat_map(|p| {
Box::new(unsafe { (&*p.as_ref().as_ptr()).iter() }) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &T>>
While this works, it uses unsafe code, and there must be a safe workaround.
I set a playground for more details of my application. The application compiles and outputs the expected result (but uses unsafe code).
You can't modify anything behind an Rc, that's correct. While this might be solved with a RefCell, you don't want to go down that road. You might come into a situation where you'd need to enforce a specific clean() order or similar horrors.
More important: your main is fundamentally flawed, ownership-wise. Take these lines:
let mut port_a = Port::new();
let mut port_b = Port::new();
loop {
// Creates an iummutable borrow of port_b with same lifetime as port_a!
// ...
// A mutable borrow of port_b.
// But the immutable borrow from above persists across iterations.
// Or, even if you do fancy shenanigans at least until this line.
To overcome this, just constrain the ports lifetime to one iteration. You currently manually clean them up anyway, so that's already what you're doing conceptually.
Also, I got rid of that recursive iteration, just to simplify things a little more.
pub struct Port<'a, T> {
values: Vec<T>,
ports: Vec<&'a Port<'a, T>>,
impl<'a, T> Port<'a, T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
values: vec![],
ports: vec![],
pub fn add_value(&mut self, value: T) {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.values.is_empty() && self.ports.is_empty()
pub fn chain_port(&mut self, port: &'a Port<T>) {
if !port.is_empty() {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
let mut port_stack: Vec<&Port<T>> = vec![self];
// Sensible estimate I guess.
let mut values: Vec<&T> = Vec::with_capacity(self.values.len() * (self.ports.len() + 1));
while let Some(port) = port_stack.pop() {
values.append(&mut port.values.iter().collect());
fn main() {
loop {
let mut port_a = Port::new();
let mut port_b = Port::new();
print!("values in port_a: [ ");
for val in port_a.iter() {
print!("{} ", val);

Returning a mutable reference to a value behind Arc and Mutex

pub struct ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc<Mutex<Vec<TreeLine>>>,
impl ForesterViewModel {
pub fn new() -> ForesterViewModel {
ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])),
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<TreeLine> {
I need help writing the get_the_forest function. I've tried many various things but they all return compilation errors. I need to return a mutable reference to Vec<TreeLine> which is wrapped behind an Arc and a Mutex in self.m_tree_lines.
There is no way of doing this.
You create a concrete MutexGuard object that releases the mutex when it dropped when you call lock; you cannot move a reference out of the scope that contains the guard:
pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &Whatever {
let mut guard =;
drop(guard) // <--- implicitly added here, which would invalidate the ref
You also cannot return both the mutex guard and a reference, for more complex reasons (basically rust cannot express that), for the same reason it cannot have a reference and an object in a single structure; see the discussion on Why can't I store a value and a reference to that value in the same struct? basically your best bet is one of two things:
/// Return the mutex guard itself
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> Result<MutexGuard<Vec<TreeLine>>, TreeLockError> {
/// Pass a function in, which patches the mutable internal value
pub fn patch_forest(&mut self, patch: impl Fn(&mut Vec<TreeLine>)) -> Result<(), TreeLockError>{
let mut guard = self.m_tree_lines.lock()?;
patch(&mut guard); // <-- patch happens while guard is still alive
Full code:
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
use std::sync::PoisonError;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::ops::Deref;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TreeLockError {
impl Error for TreeLockError {}
impl fmt::Display for TreeLockError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl<T> From<PoisonError<T>> for TreeLockError {
fn from(_: PoisonError<T>) -> Self {
// ---
pub struct TreeLine {
pub value: &'static str
pub struct ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc<Mutex<Vec<TreeLine>>>,
impl ForesterViewModel {
pub fn new() -> ForesterViewModel {
ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])),
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> Result<MutexGuard<Vec<TreeLine>>, TreeLockError> {
pub fn patch_forest(&mut self, patch: impl Fn(&mut Vec<TreeLine>)) -> Result<(), TreeLockError>{
let mut guard = self.m_tree_lines.lock()?;
patch(&mut guard);
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut vm = ForesterViewModel::new();
let mut trees = vm.get_the_forest()?;
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "one"});
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "two"});
} // <--- Drop the mutable reference here so you can get it again later
// Patch
vm.patch_forest(|trees| {
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "three"});
// ...
let trees = vm.get_the_forest()?;
println!("{:?}", trees.deref());

Sending a closure (which returns a struct with a trait) to a thread leads to sized error

I'm trying to send a closure which will generate a structure to a thread, however when I try to do it I get a Sized error. I understand the error (the size is indeed not known at compile time), however adding Boxes and other such tricks does not seem to solve it.
I've tried to look into how to implement the Sized trait, however it seems to be quite special and honestly above my understanding.
I've written a minimal reproducible example:
use std::thread;
trait DataProcess {
fn start(&self);
fn run(&self);
fn stop(&self);
struct SomeDP {
name: String,
impl DataProcess for SomeDP {
fn start(&self) {
fn run(&self) {
fn stop(&self) {
fn thread_maker(builder: Box<dyn Fn() -> (dyn DataProcess + Send)>) {
let thread_builder = thread::Builder::new();
let handle = thread_builder.spawn(move || {
let dp = builder();
fn main() {
let dp_builder = || SomeDP {
name: "nice".to_string(),
Which you can also find on the playground here
This works
use std::thread;
trait DataProcess{
fn start(&self);
fn run(&self);
fn stop(&self);
struct SomeDP{
name: String
impl DataProcess for SomeDP{
fn start(&self){println!("Started");}
fn run(&self){println!("Running");}
fn stop(&self){println!("Stopped");}
fn thread_maker<F>(builder: F)
F: Fn() -> Box<dyn DataProcess>,
F: Send + 'static {
let thread_builder = thread::Builder::new();
let handle = thread_builder.spawn(
move ||{
let dp = builder();
fn main(){
let dp_builder = || -> Box<dyn DataProcess> {
Box::new(SomeDP{name: "nice".to_string()})

Initializing a FnMut member variable with a static Fn function

Problem Description
I have a Config struct that can store a FnMut callback function. The catch is: not all of my configurations require a callback function, so I would like to make adding a callback function optional. This requires the member variable to be initialized with a default function that will get used if no callback is set.
Existing Code
struct Config<'a>{
callback: &'a mut dyn (FnMut(&str))
fn default_fn(msg: &str){
println!("default_fn({})", msg);
impl<'a> Config<'a> {
pub fn new() -> Config<'a> {
callback: &default_fn // ERROR: types differ in mutability
pub fn set_callback(mut self, callback_fn: &'a mut dyn (FnMut(&str))) -> Config<'a> {
self.callback = callback_fn;
fn main() {
// Our FnMut callback
let mut msg_log: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut callback_fn = |msg: &str| {
let mut config = Config::new();
(config.callback)("Hello World!");
config = config.set_callback(&mut callback_fn);
(config.callback)("Hello World!");
// Demonstration that the callback actually works
println!("{:?}", msg_log);
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
13 | callback: &default_fn // ERROR: types differ in mutability
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ types differ in mutability
= note: expected type `&mut dyn for<'r> std::ops::FnMut(&'r str)`
found type `&for<'r> fn(&'r str) {default_fn}`
Does someone have any suggestions on how to solve that problem?
Things I already tried, without any success:
Initializing it with a closure: callback: &|_: &str|{}
Using a member function instead of a global function
Creating a mutable reference: callback: &mut default_fn
(causes: cannot return value referencing temporary value)
I'm running out of ideas, any help is appreciated. Even if the answer is that what I am trying to do is impossible for reasons I didn't realize yet.
You should really box the trait object function. That makes the whole code much easier to use:
struct Config<'a>{
callback: Box<dyn FnMut(&str) + 'a>,
fn default_fn(msg: &str){
println!("default_fn({})", msg);
impl<'a> Config<'a> {
pub fn new() -> Config<'a> {
callback: Box::new(default_fn)
pub fn set_callback(self, callback: &'a mut dyn (FnMut(&str))) -> Config<'a> {
Config {
callback: Box::new(callback),
fn main() {
// Our FnMut callback
let mut msg_log = vec![];
let mut callback_fn = |msg: &str| {
let mut config = Config::new();
(config.callback)("Hello World!");
config = config.set_callback(&mut callback_fn);
(config.callback)("Hello World!");
// Demonstration that the callback actually works
println!("{:?}", msg_log);
Note that it is difficult to use callbacks in idiomatic Rust. I would even say that they aren't idiomatic at all. You should use a channel, something like that:
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender, SendError};
struct Config {
sender: Sender<String>,
impl Config {
pub fn new(sender: Sender<String>) -> Config {
pub fn send(&self, message: String) -> Result<(), SendError<String>> {
fn main() {
let (sender, receiver) = channel();
let config = Config::new(sender);
config.send("Hello world!".into()).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", receiver.recv().unwrap());
Just wanted to share the solution I found:
Single-threaded, callback-based.
While in my opinion this one really answers the question I had, I think you guys are still right about the problems I might encounter in the future with this programming style. I will definitely reconsider your advice about using channels.
struct Config<'a>{
callback: Option<&'a mut dyn (FnMut(&str))>
impl<'a> Config<'a> {
pub fn new() -> Config<'a> {
callback: None
pub fn set_callback(mut self, callback_fn: &'a mut dyn (FnMut(&str))) -> Config<'a> {
self.callback = Some(callback_fn);
pub fn run_callback(&mut self, msg: &str){
if let Some(callback) = &mut self.callback{
} else {
// Default code
println!("default_fn({})", msg);
fn main() {
// Our FnMut callback
let mut msg_log: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut callback_fn = |msg: &str| {
let mut config = Config::new();
config.run_callback("Hello World!");
config = config.set_callback(&mut callback_fn);
config.run_callback("Hello World!");
// Demonstration that the callback actually works
println!("{:?}", msg_log);

Storing types in a HashMap to dynamically instantiate them

I am trying to store structs in a HashMap keyed by string so that I can later create new objects by string. Think of a REST API where clients can get the server to instantiate a specific object by supplying a name.
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct MyStruct;
impl MyStruct {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
struct MyOtherStruct;
impl MyOtherStruct {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
fn main() {
let mut h = HashMap::new();
h.insert("MyStruct", MyStruct);
h.insert("MyOtherStruct", MyOtherStruct);
// This is pseudo-code
let obj = h.get("MyStruct").unwrap()::new();
As I expected, this doesn't work due to syntax errors:
error: expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, or an operator, found `::`
--> src/
25 | let obj = h.get("MyStruct").unwrap()::new();
| ^^ expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, or an operator here
My second attempt was to store a reference to the new method of each struct instead of the types themselves.
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct MyStruct;
impl MyStruct {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
struct MyOtherStruct;
impl MyOtherStruct {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
fn main() {
let mut h = HashMap::new();
h.insert("MyStruct", &MyStruct::new);
h.insert("MyOtherStruct", &MyOtherStruct::new);
let obj = h.get("MyStruct").unwrap()();
This fails because the fn items have different types and can't be stored in the same HashMap:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
22 | h.insert("MyOtherStruct", &MyOtherStruct::new);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected fn item, found a different fn item
= note: expected type `&fn() -> MyStruct {MyStruct::new}`
found type `&fn() -> MyOtherStruct {MyOtherStruct::new}`
Since I'm pretty new to Rust, I'm out of ideas. How can I solve this problem?
This is ultimately fundamentally impossible. In Rust, local variables are stored on the stack, which means that they have to have a fixed size, known at compile time. Your construction requires the size of the value on the stack to be determined at runtime.
The closest alternative is to move to trait objects, which introduce a layer of indirection:
use std::collections::HashMap;
trait NewThing {
fn new(&self) -> Box<Thing>;
trait Thing {}
struct MyStruct;
impl NewThing for MyStruct {
fn new(&self) -> Box<Thing> {
Box::new(Self {})
impl Thing for MyStruct {}
struct MyOtherStruct;
impl NewThing for MyOtherStruct {
fn new(&self) -> Box<Thing> {
Box::new(Self {})
impl Thing for MyOtherStruct {}
fn main() {
let mut h: HashMap<_, Box<NewThing>> = HashMap::new();
h.insert("MyStruct", Box::new(MyStruct));
h.insert("MyOtherStruct", Box::new(MyOtherStruct));
let obj = h["MyStruct"].new();
You will find this pattern out in the world, such as in hyper's NewService.
what is [the value of &self of method new] when calling h["MyStruct"].new()
It's an instance of MyStruct or MyOtherStruct. The only reason that the same type can implement both traits is because there's no real unique state for the "factory" and the "instance". In more complicated implementations, these would be two different types.
Using the same type is common for such cases as sharing a reference-counted value.
See also:
Is it possible to have a constructor function in a trait?
Here is a more complex example of #Shepmaster's solution, using different types for Factories and the objects themselves:
use std::collections::HashMap;
trait NewThing {
fn new(&self) -> Box<Thing>;
trait Thing {
fn execute(&mut self);
// MyStruct
struct MyStructFactory;
impl NewThing for MyStructFactory {
fn new(&self) -> Box<Thing> {
Box::new(MyStruct {test: 12, name: "Test".into()})
struct MyStruct {
test: i32,
name: String
impl Thing for MyStruct {
fn execute(&mut self) {
println!("MyStruct {} {}", self.test,;
// MyOtherStruct
struct MyOtherStructFactory;
impl NewThing for MyOtherStructFactory {
fn new(&self) -> Box<Thing> {
Box::new(MyOtherStruct {my_member: 1})
struct MyOtherStruct {
my_member: u32
impl Thing for MyOtherStruct {
fn execute(&mut self) { println!("MyOtherStruct.my_member: {}", self.my_member); }
fn main() {
let mut h: HashMap<_, Box<NewThing>> = HashMap::new();
h.insert("MyStruct", Box::new(MyStructFactory));
h.insert("MyOtherStruct", Box::new(MyOtherStructFactory));
You could use std::any::Any to erase the type of the entry. They use Any::downcast<T> to check if the entry at the location matches your type, and get a Ok(Box<T>)
