Azure windows server 2019 install docker - azure

I hope somebody can help me with this issue.
I have a windows server 2019 hosted on azure. I would like to install docker for some tests.
Before to jump to docker, I updated the operative system
I downloaded docker desktop from docker website.
Installation went without any issue.
But when I try to start the app, I get the error that the Hyper-V is not running.
At this point, in the server management tool => add features I checked if Hyper-v was installed and if containers was also installed, After this I went to services.msc and restarted Hyper-v managment and also set to auto hypervisorlaunchtype and restarted the VM. When I logged in back, I had the same issue.
I know this is a case of nested virtualisation, but I was wondering if is achievable on a cloud platform.
Can please anyone help me to understand this and if its possible or/and what I am doing wrong

I tried to install the docker desktop in my environment and it was successful with out any issue. Created a vm with windows server 2019 and updated to latest and installed docker desktop from here Install Docker Desktop on Windows and it is running as expected.
Nested virtualizations is supported in azure but all the vm sizes not support nested virtualization, So Try to deploy the VM with any of the following series D_v3; Ds_v3; E_v3; Es_v3; F2s_v2 – F72s_v2; M and check.


There has been a runner system failure, please try again

How to resolve this error specially on macbook. I have installed docker on my machine also but its not working.
You have to start docker deamon on your gitlab runner.
Below is link to docker desktop for mac.
If you start docker desktop gui, docker deamon will start.
This problem is not just for mac computers but also for windows. I experienced this problem and found out that the the PowerShell script part for Infra as Code that I was using was not installing docker.
I therefore made changes to the Infra as Code to ensure that Microsoft-Hyper-V is enabled and that docker is actually installed and docker service started, then the computer HAS to be restarted for the changes to pick up.
I do not know the exact order of when the restart should happen since I am still understanding the flow but I can update my answer when I have more info

Windows Container vs Docker Container and Azure Container Services/Kubernetes cluster with Linux OS

In the previous threads I asked a question about the way to move the Windows Containers into a Azure Container Services, and I received a great help
Deploying Windows Containers (created with Docker) into Azure Container Service
Pushing Windows Containers (built with Docker) into Azure Container Service (ACS) with Linus OS
I successfully created a Docker container on the Windows Server 2016 and through a Docker hub I moved the Docker container into a Kubernetes cluster with Windows Nodes where I was able to run these containers
However, after I ran a demo for my manager, I now need to conduct an additional research as my manager has some questions.
First of all, he is curious why the docker container cannot run on Windows (I do use Docker command when create the container) After all the Docker container should be platform independent and run in any environment, on both Windows and Linux
Also, I understand that there should be a switch between Windows and Linux when running Docker builds. However, on Windows Server 2016 with Containers there is no docker switch. Only command line is available.
Is that possible to switch between Linux and Windows modes on the command line and also, just in case, I am NOT working with Windows Containers, I am trying to work with Docker Containers.
Is that a true statement that a Docker Container with the .Net Core application (which is also cross platform cannot run on Linux)?
Thank you very much for your answer!
he is curious why the docker container cannot run on Windows (I do use
Docker command when create the container) After all the Docker
container should be platform independent and run in any environment,
on both Windows and Linux
To short, containers are not for virtualization, and they are using the resources of the host machine.
Windows container need .dll files, but Linux does not have those .dll files. And Linux based container need libraries, but windows does not have those.
Is that possible to switch between Linux and Windows modes on the
command line
About containers switch, please refer to this article. we can follow this article to configure docker for windows.
Is that a true statement that a Docker Container with the .Net Core
As far as I know, for now, we can't run windows-based container on Linux.

How to run Linux Docker images on Windows Server 2016?

I have used docker for windows with linux containers on windows 10 sucessfully - but now I want to use a new shiny Windows Server 2016 for that task - but how?
I have installed the docker features using this guide:
Installing the normal docker.msi fails because the windows version ist not Windows 10.
Unfortunately, when trying to run any linux vm docker throws the error:
image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform.
In the docker beta I could switch between using windows containers or linux containers - but how I can do that on Server 2016= There is no tray icon or else.
It is now possible to run Linux containers on Windows Server 2016 although it's not as simple as running the Docker for Windows installer. Full instructions are in the following answer: Linux Docker container on Windows Server 2016
Updated answer
Windows Server (from version 1709) now supports Linux Containers.
For more information read:
Old answer
Unfortunately, as of now (January 2017) I don't think it is possible.
Windows Server 2016 has native container support. These containers use the Windows kernel so it is only possible to run Windows processes. To run Linux containers you would need the MobyLinux VM.
For now you have to run Linux containers on Windows 10.
For more information read "2. You have to use Windows inside the containers (for now)" from this article by Elton Stonema.
And a similar question on Stack Overflow.
Linux Docker container on Windows Server 2016

Running linux container on docker windows

I installed Docker for windows on a windows 10 box. It required me to enable the HyperV feature on it. Everything installed correctly and is running fine.
Although one thing took me by surprise. I am actually able to run a linux container on docker windows. I thought cross-containerization is not possible conceptually. Can anyone please help me understand how does this work?
HyperV is used to spin up a Linux VM to run containers. Docker is still running Linux containers under the covers, the native Windows containers are still being developed.
Basically, you are running a Linux Container on a Linux Machine rather than Windows. Windows runs a VM in Hyper-V when you download the Docker for Windows. You can open Hyper-V Manager and see a Linux VM will be running. Currently Docker for Windows is in beta which supports the Docker natively which needs Windows 10 build no. greater than 14393.222 or a Windows Server 2016.

Windows Azure Service Fabric count not start

To the point: Having trouble setting up Windows Azure Service fabric. Please help.
System Detail:
Windows 8.1 Enterprise
Windows Azure SDK 2.6 (installed before Service Fabri SDK install)
SQL Server 2012
Other errors also appear but those are before trying to start the service. Following is error screen shot when I tried to expand Node view
Troubleshooting link available in the SDK tutorial is not helping. I tried with un/installing the SDK but no luck.
Could you try running the following command from an elevated powershell session?
if((get-ItemProperty 'hklm:\software\microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\perflib\009' Counter).Counter[0] -eq ''){echo "Corrupt"} if([System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory]::Exists("Service Fabric Actor") -and ![System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory]::GetCategories().CategoryName.Contains("Service Fabric Actor")) { echo "Corrupt" }
If this command prints out Corrupt, you will need to run 'lodctr /R' to recover the performance counter registry on your system. Depending on your system, you might need to run lodctr from c:\windows\syswow64 and c:\windows\system32.
