Trigger a named pipeline in gitlab - gitlab

I would like to switch from my jenkins jobs to gitlab pipelines entirely.
However, some jobs are never executed as the result of a pipeline.
I would like to be able to trigger these jobs/tasks manually (e.g. by pressing a button or curl).
These manual jobs are intended to perform some source code modifications (such as dependency updates, creating tickets for external rollouts, ...) and create a MR as a result (which is then covered by the normal ci pipelines).
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to trigger these.
There is the trigger API, that allows to run the pipeliens for a certain branch, but I would like to trigger a pipeline only by name.
I explicitly don't want to rerun the default pipelines on these triggers.
I also considered using environments/deployments, but these tasks lack a real lifecycle and I don't wish to repurpose those for my needs.
TLDR: How do I trigger a job/pipeline by name?
- triggers

You can use:
when: manual
when: manual
How it looks:


How to debug Gitlab CI scheduled pipeline not running?

I have a Gitlab CI pipeline schedule and noticed that pipelines are not running (anymore).
When starting the schedule manually via the UI (<repo-root>/-/pipeline_schedules) it shows the following
However, there is not pipeline started and no error message is provided.
What can I do in this situation?
The success message is misleading in the sense that one might thing the pipeline was actually created, although it only means that a pipeline was scheduled.
There are various reasons, why a schedule cannot run (anymore).
This can be for example because of conflicting rules or outdated fields in your yml caused by breaking changes due to Gitlab upgrades.
To get to the root of the problem why your pipeline did not run you can trigger a pipeline manually and set the
CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE to hold "schedule" as value.
To do so, go to <repo-root>/-/pipelines/new, set your target branch or tag and the variable as follows
Additionally, you may want to provide further variables required to properly simulate your problematic schedule via the manual run.
Next hit Run pipeline and you should observe an actual error message why the pipeline could not run.

Running gitlab pipelines before a merge request is published

I have a project that runs a pipeline with a few jobs/stages in it. I have the project set up to create merge requests when I push to another branch. Those jobs kick off after the merge request is published. Is there any way to start the pipeline before the merge request is published?
Here is what I ended up adding based on the accepted answer.
- when: always
If you want to use the basic configuration, I'd probably take a look at workflow:rules in Gitlab's pipeline configuration reference:
The top-level workflow: keyword determines whether or not a pipeline is created. It accepts a single rules: keyword that is similar to rules: defined in jobs. Use it to define what can trigger a new pipeline.
Here you could use the merge_request_event-rule:
For pipelines created when a merge request is created or updated. Required to enable merge request pipelines, merged results pipelines, and merge trains.
Gitlab also offers Pipelines for merge requests, which could be a better fit for your specific use-case. Keep in mind that not every user can trigger a pipeline if the relevant branch is protected.

Can the build policies on a pull request in Azure Devops use the yaml-files that is updated in said PR?

We have all our pipelines checked into code, but if we deliver a PR with changes in those pipelines, the PR Build Policies will run with the YAML-files in MASTER, not the ones that we want to check into master. It's basically a deadlock.
Say you want to remove a validation that makes all your PRs fail, so you make a PR but you can't merge it cause the build policies fail :P
PS: I know I can remove the policies, complete the merge, and add the policies back in as a manual job, but that is not really a good solution.
Create a separate yaml pipeline with the pre merge build steps that you then set in the PR policies for. It will always run the code from the current branch that the PR is created from.
We do it like this:
(All in same repo)
build_steps.yml - Yaml template with build steps
azure-pipelines-yml - Main pipeline that has a reference to build_steps.yml to build the project
pre_merge.yml - Secondary pipeline that is run only by PR request which has a reference to build_steps.yml so there are no differences in the build and two places to update if something changes.
Whole yaml definition:
trigger: none #Pipeline should never trigger on any branches. Only invoked by the policy.
- name: system.buildConfiguration
value: 'Release'
- name: system.buildPlatform
value: 'win10-x86'
- name: system.debug
value: 'false'
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
name: $(SourceBranchName)_$(date:yyyyMMdd)$(rev:.r)
- template: build_steps.yml
And then in the policies you setup it like this:
All this applies also to classic pipelines. You need to create a seperate pre-merge build pipeline that could reference a TaskGroup with the steps used in the main build pipeline. In both cases you dont have to use a template or Taskgroup and and create the steps manually. But if the build would change in the future you have 2 places to update.
Just throwing this out there as an alternative. However; if desired can maintain one yaml pipeline that can do both the pre merge and the deployment.
Would want to create a variable to detect if the pipeline is running against the "master/main" branch similar to:
IsMainBranch: $[eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')]
From there the variable will need to be a condition on subsequent jobs/stages. Personally I do not like this approach as it limits the portability of the pipelines. In addition it interjects another variable to account for; however, felt it fair to provide an alternative option.

Is it possible to script the flow/stages/steps in Azure Pipelines?

I'm trying to setup Azure Pipelines for a CI setup and I'm using the YAML syntax to get started. However, I was wondering if it is possible to script the flow at "runtime"? Like you can do in Jenkins script: spawn builds etc.
Depending on the commit I want to have a vastly different flow.
This is because I currently have a mono-repo setup with Conan libraries and I want to rebuild the libraries that are necessary depending on the commit, thus the build-flow is not the same for each commit. I want to spawn jobs so I can take advantage of parallel building on several agents.
For your issue ,do you refer to trigger builds based on specified commits? If so, you can trigger builds by adding tag trigger in yaml. You can create tags on the commits. If the tag created meets the trigger condition of the tag trigger in yaml , then the build will be triggered.
- v2.*

How do I establish manual stages in Gitlab CI?

I'd can't seem to find any documentation of manual staging in Gitlab CI in version 8.9. How do I do a manual stage such as "Deploy to Test"?
I'd like Gitlab CI to deploy a successful RPM to dev, and then once I've reviewed it, push to Test, and from there generate a release. Is this possible with Gitlab CI currently?
You can set tasks to be manual by using when: manual in the job (documentation).
So for example, if you want to want the deployment to happen at every push but give the option to manually tear down the infrastructure, this is how you would do it:
- deploy
- destroy
stage: deploy
stage: destroy
when: manual
With the above config, if you go to the GitLab project > Pipelines, you should see a play button next to the last commit. When you click the play button you can see the destroy option.
Update: Manual actions were Introduced in GitLab 8.10. From the manual "Manual actions are a special type of job that are not executed automatically; they need to be explicitly started by a user. Manual actions can be started from pipeline, build, environment, and deployment views. You can execute the same manual action multiple times." An example usage of manual actions is deployment to production. The rest of this answer applies to Gitlab 8.9 and older only.
Historical Answer:
It does not appear as though manual deploy/release was available in Gitlab in 8.9.
One possibility is to have a protected branch which triggers a release. See info about protected branches here:
Essentially a protected branch would allow you to Create a branch (testdeploybranch) which only you would be allowed to merge code into. Whenever a commit to dev would pass the Gitlab CI tests and deploy jobs, as well as your manual review, you could merge that commit into the protected branch to trigger the release. For this branch you can then set up a special release job in Gitlab CI using the only option in the .gitlab-ci.yml job definition. Read more here:
So something like this:
only: testdeploybranch
type: release
script: some command or script invocation to deploy to Test
This might not be exactly what you are after, but it does allow you to do manual releases from Gitlab. It does not provide an easy way to manually do the same release procedure manually for different servers. Perhaps someone else might be able to expand on this strategy.
Finally, we have Gitlab CI manual actions that were introduced in GitLab 8.10.
