Struct fields should be all of same trait, but not neceesarily same type - struct

I am trying to implement the following trait and struct:
pub trait Funct {
fn arity(&self) -> u32;
#[derive(Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct FunctionLiteral<T: Funct> {
pub function: T,
pub args: Vec< FunctionLiteral<T> >
pub enum Foo {
impl Funct for Foo {
fn arity(&self) -> u32 {0}
pub enum Bar {
impl Funct for Bar {
fn arity(&self) -> u32 {0}
fn main() {
let baz = FunctionLiteral{
function: Foo::Foo,
args: vec![FunctionLiteral{
function: Bar::Bar,
args: vec![]
I can set it up the way I have for the generic type T to be of trait Funct, but I don't necessarily want T to be of the same type.
Here, compiling the code gives the following error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
31 | function: Bar::Bar,
| ^^^^^^^^ expected enum `Foo`, found enum `Bar`
error: aborting due to previous error
Is it possible to set up FunctionLiteral such that I can have different types for function and the items of args, while forcing both of them to be of type Funct?

The problem
When you do:
Structure<T: Trait>{
inner: T,
many: Vec<T>
You are telling the compiler to create a specialized instance for each different T. So if you have Foo and Bar both implementing Trait, then the compiler will generate two different representations, with two different sizes:
struct Foo(u8);
impl Trait for Foo{
// impl goes here
struct Bar(u64);
impl Trait for Bar{
// impl goes here
Then the compiler will generate something like:
inner: Foo,
many: Vec<Foo>
// and
inner: Bar,
many: Vec<Bar>
Obviously you cannot put Foo instances into Bar as they are different types and have different sizes.
The solution
You need to Box<> your Funct types in order to make them the same size (i.e. pointer sized). By putting them behind a (smart) pointer you are essentially erasing their types:
let a: Box<dyn Trait> = Box::new(Foo(0));
let b: Box<dyn Trait> = Box::new(Bar(0));
Now both a and b have the same size (the size of a pointer) and have the same type - Box<dyn Trait>. So now you can do:
struct Structure{ // no longer generic!
inner: Box<dyn Trait>, // can hold any `Box<dyn Trait>`
many: Vec<Box<dyn Trait>> // can hold any `Box<dyn Trait>`
The downside of this approach is that it requires heap allocation and that it looses the exact type of a and b. Youno longer know if a is Foo or Bar or something else.
Instead of Box you can use any other smart pointer, such as Rc or Arc if you need its functionality.
Another option
Another option is to make Foo and Bar the same size and type. This can be done by wrapping them in an enum:
enum Holder{
Bar(Bar), // any other types go here in their own variants
Then your structure will look like:
struct Structure{ // no longer generic!
inner: Holder, // can hold any Holder variant`
many: Vec<Holder> // can hold any Holder variant`
The downside is that you have to either implement a delegation like:
impl Trait for Holder{
fn some_method(&self){
match self{
Holder::Foo(foo) => foo.some_method(),
Holder::Bar(bar) => bar.some_method(),
Or match everywhere you want to use the object. Also now your Holder enum will be the size of max(sizeof(Foo), sizeof(Bar))
On the plus side:
you still know the actual type - it's not erased
no heap allocation


Pattern matching for get the desired type on a impl statement

I have these two types:
pub struct A;
pub struct B;
The following trait:
pub trait MyTrait {}
and a free function:
fn do_something(mut element: impl MyTrait) { ... }
I want to, based on the real type behind the impl, do something different depending the type of the element that is coming in the current function call.
// pseudo-snippet
match element {
A => do something with A,
B => do something with B
Is possible in Rust, determine the type behind an impl statement? Or, at least, make some decision making workflow based (if-else branches, patter matching...) on that impl?
The way to do this is to add a method to MyTrait, which does the two different things you want, or which returns an enum that you can match.
pub trait MyTrait {
fn do_something(self);
There is no mechanism to directly branch on what a concrete type is in the way you mean. Technically you could achieve it with std::any::TypeId, but you shouldn't — because you're defeating static checking, making it possible for an error in your program (not handling the right set of types) to be delayed until run time. Instead, by putting the functionality into MyTrait, your program has the property that if some type implements MyTrait, there is necessarily a definition of what do_something should do with that trait.
There is no syntax for match on types. The only way to do any kind of "downcasting" is via the Any trait. You can use it with an impl MyTrait if it also constrained to be 'static:
use std::any::Any;
pub struct A;
pub struct B;
pub struct C;
pub trait MyTrait {}
impl MyTrait for A {}
impl MyTrait for B {}
impl MyTrait for C {}
fn do_something(mut element: impl MyTrait + 'static) {
let element = &mut element as &mut dyn Any;
if let Some(a) = element.downcast_mut::<A>() {
// do something with `a`
println!("is A");
} else if let Some(b) = element.downcast_mut::<B>() {
// do something with `b`
println!("is B");
} else {
// do something with `element`
println!("is unknown");
fn main() {
is A
is B
is unknown
The two caveats with this code are 1) the 'static constraint, meaning you can't use this with traits or implementations with non-static generic lifetimes; and 2) you can't get an owned version of A or B (the type of a is &mut A in the above code).
This type of code pattern is very un-idiomatic. If you want to have trait instances exhibit different behavior based on their implementations, you should have an associated method for it:
pub trait MyTrait {
fn do_something(self)
Or if you want to implement behavior on a closed-set of types with shared behavior, you should instead use an enum:
enum MyEnum {
fn do_something(element: MyEnum) {
match element {
MyEnum::A(a) => { println!("is A"); },
MyEnum::B(b) => { println!("is B"); },
With either of these methods, you don't have the same caveats of trying to circumvent the polymorphic trait system.
See also (none address the impl Trait case, but they pretty much all say the same thing):
How to match trait implementors
How do you match a trait in rust?
How to match on data type in Rust?

How can I convert dyn FnMut into a custom trait object? [duplicate]

In the code below it is not possible to obtain a reference to a trait object from a reference to a dynamically-sized type implementing the same trait. Why is this the case? What exactly is the difference between &dyn Trait and &(?Sized + Trait) if I can use both to call trait methods?
A type implementing FooTraitContainerTrait might e.g. have type Contained = dyn FooTrait or type Contained = T where T is a concrete type that implements FooTrait. In both cases it's trivial to obtain a &dyn FooTrait. I can't think of another case where this wouldn't work. Why isn't this possible in the generic case of FooTraitContainerTrait?
trait FooTrait {
fn foo(&self) -> f64;
trait FooTraitContainerTrait {
type Contained: ?Sized + FooTrait;
fn get_ref(&self) -> &Self::Contained;
fn foo_dyn(dyn_some_foo: &dyn FooTrait) -> f64 {
fn foo_generic<T: ?Sized + FooTrait>(some_foo: &T) -> f64 {
fn foo_on_container<C: FooTraitContainerTrait>(containing_a_foo: &C) -> f64 {
let some_foo = containing_a_foo.get_ref();
// Following line doesn't work:
// Following line works:
// As does this:
Uncommenting the foo_dyn(some_foo) line results in the compiler error
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `<C as FooTraitContainerTrait>::Contained` cannot be known at compilation time
--> src/
27 | foo_dyn(contained)
| ^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `<C as FooTraitContainerTrait>::Contained`
= note: to learn more, visit <>
= help: consider adding a `where <C as FooTraitContainerTrait>::Contained: std::marker::Sized` bound
= note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn FooTrait`
This problem can be reduced to the following simple example (thanks to turbulencetoo):
trait Foo {}
fn make_dyn<T: Foo + ?Sized>(arg: &T) -> &dyn Foo {
At first glance, it really looks like this should compile, as you observed:
If T is Sized, the compiler knows statically what vtable it should use to create the trait object;
If T is dyn Foo, the vtable pointer is part of the reference and can just be copied to the output.
But there's a third possibility that throws a wrench in the works:
If T is some unsized type that is not dyn Foo, even though the trait is object safe, there is no vtable for impl Foo for T.
The reason there is no vtable is because the vtable for a concrete type assumes that self pointers are thin pointers. When you call a method on a dyn Trait object, the vtable pointer is used to look up a function pointer, and only the data pointer is passed to the function.
However, suppose you implement a(n object-safe) trait for an unsized type:
trait Bar {}
trait Foo {
fn foo(&self);
impl Foo for dyn Bar {
fn foo(&self) {/* self is a fat pointer here */}
If there were a vtable for this impl, it would have to accept fat pointers, because the impl may use methods of Bar which are dynamically dispatched on self.
This causes two problems:
There's nowhere to store the Bar vtable pointer in a &dyn Foo object, which is only two pointers in size (the data pointer and the Foo vtable pointer).
Even if you had both pointers, you can't mix and match "fat pointer" vtables with "thin pointer" vtables, because they must be called in different ways.
Therefore, even though dyn Bar implements Foo, it is not possible to turn a &dyn Bar into a &dyn Foo.
Although slices (the other kind of unsized type) are not implemented using vtables, pointers to them are still fat, so the same limitation applies to impl Foo for [i32].
In some cases, you can use CoerceUnsized (only on nightly as of Rust 1.36) to express bounds like "must be coercible to &dyn FooTrait". Unfortunately, I don't see how to apply this in your case.
See also
What is a "fat pointer" in Rust?
Use trait object to pass str in rust has a concrete example of a reference to an unsized type (str) that cannot be coerced to a reference to a trait object.
Not sure if that solves your concrete problem, but I did solve mine with the following trick:
I added the following method to FooTrait:
fn as_dyn(&self) -> &dyn FooTrait;
A default impl can not be provided (because it requires that Self be Sized, but constraining FooTrait to be Sized forbids creating trait objects for it...).
However, for all Sized implementations, it is trivially implemented as
fn as_dyn(&self) -> &dyn FooTrait { self }
So basically it constrains all implementations of FooTrait to be sized, except for dyn FooTrait.
Try it on the playground
Referenced from this blog, which explains the fat pointer really well.
Thanks trentcl for simplifying the question to:
trait Foo {}
fn make_dyn<T: Foo + ?Sized>(arg: &T) -> &dyn Foo {
This brings to how to cast between different ?Sized?
To answer this, let's first peek the implementation for Unsized type Trait.
trait Bar {
fn bar_method(&self) {
println!("this is bar");
trait Foo: Bar {
fn foo_method(&self) {
println!("this is foo");
impl Bar for u8 {}
impl Foo for u8 {}
fn main() {
let x: u8 = 35;
let foo: &dyn Foo = &x;
// can I do
// let bar: &dyn Bar = foo;
So, can you do let bar: &dyn Bar = foo;?
// below is all pseudo code
pub struct TraitObjectFoo {
data: *mut (),
vtable_ptr: &VTableFoo,
pub struct VTableFoo {
layout: Layout,
// destructor
drop_in_place: unsafe fn(*mut ()),
// methods shown in deterministic order
foo_method: fn(*mut ()),
bar_method: fn(*mut ()),
// fields contains Foo and Bar method addresses for u8 implementation
static VTABLE_FOO_FOR_U8: VTableFoo = VTableFoo { ... };
From the pseudo code, we can know
// let foo: &dyn Foo = &x;
let foo = TraitObjectFoo {&x, &VTABLE_FOO_FOR_U8};
// let bar: &dyn Bar = foo;
// C++ syntax for contructor
let bar = TraitObjectBar(TraitObjectFoo {&x, &VTABLE_FOO_FOR_U8});
The bar type is TraitObjectBar, which is not the type TraitObjectFoo. That is to say, you cannot assign a struct of one type to another different type (in rust, in C++ you can use reinterpret_cast).
What you can do it to have another level of indirection:
impl Bar for dyn Foo {
let bar: &dyn Bar = &foo;
// TraitObjectFoo {&foo, &VTABLE_FOO_FOR_DYN_FOO}
The same thing applies to Slice.
The workaround for casting different Unsized can be done by this trick:
// blanket impl for all sized types, this allows for a very large majority of use-cases
impl<T: Bar> AsBar for T {
fn as_bar(&self) -> &dyn Bar { self }
// a helper-trait to do the conversion
trait AsBar {
fn as_bar(&self) -> &dyn Bar;
// note that Bar requires `AsBar`, this is what allows you to call `as_bar`
// from a trait object of something that requires `Bar` as a super-trait
trait Bar: AsBar {
fn bar_method(&self) {
println!("this is bar");
// no change here
trait Foo: Bar {
fn foo_method(&self) {
println!("this is foo");

Implement a trait for structs that implement another trait that is generic over structs that implement yet another trait [duplicate]

Consider these two traits:
pub trait Foo {
fn new(arg: u32) -> Self;
pub trait Bar<P>: Foo {
fn with_parameter(arg: u32, parameter: P) -> Self;
I'd like to add the blanket impl:
impl<T: Bar<P>, P: Default> Foo for T {
fn new(arg: u32) -> Self {
Self::with_parameter(arg, P::default())
But I get the compiler error:
error[E0207]: the type parameter `P` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
--> src/
9 | impl<T: Bar<P>, P: Default> Foo for T {
| ^ unconstrained type parameter
I think I get this error because I'm violating trait coherence rules, but I don't understand exactly what rule this would break. Why is this pattern not allowed? And, more importantly, can I achieve what I want without getting an error?
The problem is that a single type could implement Bar<P> for multiple values of P. If you had a struct Baz that implemented Bar<i32> and Bar<String>, which type should Foo::new use for P?
The only solution is to ensure that a single type cannot implement Bar more than once (if that's not what you want, then you have a flaw in your design!). To do so, we must replace the P type parameter with an associated type.
pub trait Bar: Foo {
type Parameter;
fn with_parameter(arg: u32, parameter: Self::Parameter) -> Self;
impl<T> Foo for T
T: Bar,
T::Parameter: Default,
fn new(arg: u32) -> Self {
Self::with_parameter(arg, T::Parameter::default())
An implementation of Bar would look like this:
struct Baz;
impl Bar for Baz {
type Parameter = i32;
fn with_parameter(arg: u32, parameter: Self::Parameter) -> Self {
See also:
Why do I get "the type parameter is not constrained" when creating a blanket implementation for a closure trait (Fn)?
I've broken down and extended Francis's explanation of why the code does not compile. I may not be the smartest kid on the block, but it took me way too long to understand his concise reasoning.
Let's create Baz, which implements Bar in 2 variants: i32 and String:
struct Baz;
impl Bar<i32> for Baz { /* ... */ }
impl Bar<String> for Baz { /* ... */ }
Type dependency graph after blanket impl takes effect:
-> trait Bar<i32> -> trait Foo (with i32 baked-in)
struct Baz
-> trait Bar<String> -> trait Foo (with String baked-in)
We end up with 2 different implementations of Foo: with baked-in i32 and with baked-in String.
When we write <Baz as Foo>::new(), compiler can't tell which version of Foo we mean; they are indistinguishable.
The rule of a thumb is that trait A can have blanket implementation for trait B only if trait A is generic over all generic parameters of trait B.

Why must the associated type be specified in a collection of trait object references?

Here is an offending example (Playground):
// Some traits
trait Behaviour {
type Sub: SubBehaviour;
trait SubBehaviour {}
// Some implementations of these traits
struct A;
impl Behaviour for A {
type Sub = B;
struct B;
impl SubBehaviour for B {}
// Struct that holds a collection of these traits.
struct Example<'a> {
behaviours: Vec<&'a dyn Behaviour>,
impl<'a> Example<'a> {
fn add_behaviour<T: Behaviour>(&mut self, b: &'a T) {
fn main() {
let b = A;
let mut e = Example {
behaviours: Vec::new(),
I get:
error[E0191]: the value of the associated type `Sub` (from trait `Behaviour`) must be specified
--> src/
3 | type Sub: SubBehaviour;
| ----------------------- `Sub` defined here
17 | behaviours: Vec<&'a dyn Behaviour>,
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: specify the associated type: `Behaviour<Sub = Type>`
Why must this type must be specified, particularly in this case where we are only storing a reference to the object? How can I get this code to work?
All types must be statically known at compile time. If Rust would allow different associated types for elements of a Vec, type information could depend on indices which are only known at runtime.
I find it helpful to consider a smaller example:
trait Behaviour {
type T;
fn make_t(&self) -> T;
fn foo(my_vec: Vec<&dyn Behaviour>, index: usize) {
let t = my_vec[index].make_t(); //Type of t depends on index
You were on the right track to fixing this though. I assume you introduced the SubBehaviour trait because you realized you need to put restrictions of what T can be. The thing is, in that case you don't need an associated type anymore.
trait SubBehaviour {}
trait Behaviour {
fn make_t(&self) -> Box<dyn SubBehaviour>;
fn ref_t(&self) -> &dyn SubBehaviour; // also fine
fn some_function(my_vec: Vec<&dyn Behaviour>, index: usize) {
let t1 = my_vec[index].make_t();
The only limitation is that in your definition of Behaviour you can not do anything which would depend on the size of T, (like allocating it on the stack or moving it) since the size of T can not be specified by the SubBehaviour trait.
You need to specify the associated type of the trait (i.e. Behavior<Sub = ???>).
When adding the associated type at all places, it compiles:
struct Example<'a, S: SubBehaviour + 'a> {
behaviours: Vec<&'a Behaviour<Sub = S>>,
impl<'a, S: SubBehaviour> Example<'a, S> {
fn add_behaviour<T: Behaviour<Sub = S>>(&mut self, b: &'a T) {
See this in action on the Playground
So the answer to your first question is covered by Tim's answer and is correct, you might not want your Example to be generic. In that case, you need to use some sort of type erasure:
// Some traits
trait Behaviour {
type Sub: SubBehaviour;
trait SubBehaviour {}
// Some implementations of these traits
struct A;
impl Behaviour for A {
type Sub = B;
struct B;
impl SubBehaviour for B {}
struct AnyBehaviour {
closure: Box<Fn()>,
impl AnyBehaviour {
fn new<U: SubBehaviour, T: Behaviour<Sub = U>>(b: &T) -> Self {
let closure = || {
//let sub = T::Sub::new();
println!("Can use T here");
AnyBehaviour {
closure: Box::new(closure),
// Struct that holds a collection of these traits.
struct Example {
behaviours: Vec<AnyBehaviour>,
impl Example {
fn add_behaviour<U: SubBehaviour, T: Behaviour<Sub = U>>(&mut self, b: &T) {
fn main() {
let b = A;
let mut e = Example {
behaviours: Vec::new(),
Within the closure, you have access to all the types needed call the traits functions with whatever subtype needed.
Why this happens, is mostly because you actually need a definition of the associated type in order for the trait to be "complete" so the compiler can work with it. Tim's answer answers that by the definition to be higher up in the chain (outside of Example) instead of inside.

How do you actually use dynamically sized types in Rust?

In theory, Dynamically-Sized Types (DST) have landed and we should now be able to use dynamically sized type instances. Practically speaking, I can neither make it work, nor understand the tests around it.
Everything seems to revolve around the Sized? keyword... but how exactly do you use it?
I can put some types together:
// Note that this code example predates Rust 1.0
// and is no longer syntactically valid
trait Foo for Sized? {
fn foo(&self) -> u32;
struct Bar;
struct Bar2;
impl Foo for Bar { fn foo(&self) -> u32 { return 9u32; }}
impl Foo for Bar2 { fn foo(&self) -> u32 { return 10u32; }}
struct HasFoo<Sized? X> {
pub f:X
...but how do I create an instance of HasFoo, which is DST, to have either a Bar or Bar2?
Attempting to do so always seems to result in:
<anon>:28:17: 30:4 error: trying to initialise a dynamically sized struct
<anon>:28 let has_foo = &HasFoo {
I understand broadly speaking that you can't have a bare dynamically sized type; you can only interface with one through a pointer, but I can't figure out how to do that.
Disclaimer: these are just the results of a few experiments I did, combined with reading Niko Matsakis's blog.
DSTs are types where the size is not necessarily known at compile time.
Before DSTs
A slice like [i32] or a bare trait like IntoIterator were not valid object types because they do not have a known size.
A struct could look like this:
// [i32; 2] is a fixed-sized vector with 2 i32 elements
struct Foo {
f: [i32; 2],
or like this:
// & is basically a pointer.
// The compiler always knows the size of a
// pointer on a specific architecture, so whatever
// size the [i32] has, its address (the pointer) is
// a statically-sized type too
struct Foo2<'a> {
f: &'a [i32],
but not like this:
// f is (statically) unsized, so Foo is unsized too
struct Foo {
f: [i32],
This was true for enums and tuples too.
With DSTs
You can declare a struct (or enum or tuple) like Foo above, containing an unsized type. A type containing an unsized type will be unsized too.
While defining Foo was easy, creating an instance of Foo is still hard and subject to change. Since you can't technically create an unsized type by definition, you have to create a sized counterpart of Foo. For example, Foo { f: [1, 2, 3] }, a Foo<[i32; 3]>, which has a statically known size and code some plumbing to let the compiler know how it can coerce this into its statically unsized counterpart Foo<[i32]>. The way to do this in safe and stable Rust is still being worked on as of Rust 1.5 (here is the RFC for DST coercions for more info).
Luckily, defining a new DST is not something you will be likely to do, unless you are creating a new type of smart pointer (like Rc), which should be a rare enough occurrence.
Imagine Rc is defined like our Foo above. Since it has all the plumbing to do the coercion from sized to unsized, it can be used to do this:
use std::rc::Rc;
trait Foo {
fn foo(&self) {
struct Bar;
impl Foo for Bar {}
fn main() {
let data: Rc<Foo> = Rc::new(Bar);
// we're creating a statically typed version of Bar
// and coercing it (the :Rc<Foo> on the left-end side)
// to as unsized bare trait counterpart.
// Rc<Foo> is a trait object, so it has no statically
// known size;
playground example
?Sized bound
Since you're unlikely to create a new DST, what are DSTs useful for in your everyday Rust coding? Most frequently, they let you write generic code that works both on sized types and on their existing unsized counterparts. Most often these will be Vec/[] slices or String/str.
The way you express this is through the ?Sized "bound". ?Sized is in some ways the opposite of a bound; it actually says that T can be either sized or unsized, so it widens the possible types we can use, instead of restricting them the way bounds typically do.
Contrived example time! Let's say that we have a FooSized struct that just wraps a reference and a simple Print trait that we want to implement for it.
struct FooSized<'a, T>(&'a T)
T: 'a;
trait Print {
fn print(&self);
We want to define a blanket impl for all the wrapped T's that implement Display.
impl<'a, T> Print for FooSized<'a, T>
T: 'a + fmt::Display,
fn print(&self) {
println!("{}", self.0)
Let's try to make it work:
// Does not compile. "hello" is a &'static str, so self print is str
// (which is not sized)
let h_s = FooSized("hello");
// to make it work we need a &&str or a &String
let s = "hello"; // &'static str
let h_s = &s; // & &str
h_s.print(); // now self is a &str
Eh... this is awkward... Luckily we have a way to generalize the struct to work directly with str (and unsized types in general): ?Sized
//same as before, only added the ?Sized bound
struct Foo<'a, T: ?Sized>(&'a T)
T: 'a;
impl<'a, T: ?Sized> Print for Foo<'a, T>
T: 'a + fmt::Display,
fn print(&self) {
println!("{}", self.0)
now this works:
let h = Foo("hello");
For a less contrived (but simple) actual example, you can look at the Borrow trait in the standard library.
Back to your question
trait Foo for ?Sized {
fn foo(&self) -> i32;
the for ?Sized syntax is now obsolete. It used to refer to the type of Self, declaring that `Foo can be implemented by an unsized type, but this is now the default. Any trait can now be implemented for an unsized type, i.e. you can now have:
trait Foo {
fn foo(&self) -> i32;
//[i32] is unsized, but the compiler does not complain for this impl
impl Foo for [i32] {
fn foo(&self) -> i32 {
If you don't want your trait to be implementable for unsized types, you can use the Sized bound:
// now the impl Foo for [i32] is illegal
trait Foo: Sized {
fn foo(&self) -> i32;
To amend the example that Paolo Falabella has given, here is a different way of looking at it with the use of a property.
struct Foo<'a, T>
T: 'a + ?Sized,
printable_object: &'a T,
impl<'a, T> Print for Foo<'a, T>
T: 'a + ?Sized + fmt::Display,
fn print(&self) {
println!("{}", self.printable_object);
fn main() {
let h = Foo {
printable_object: "hello",
At the moment, to create a HasFoo storing a type-erased Foo you need to first create one with a fixed concrete type and then coerce a pointer to it to the DST form, that is
let has_too: &HasFoo<Foo> = &HasFoo { f: Bar };
Calling then does what you expect.
In future these DST casts will almost certainly be possible with as, but for the moment coercion via an explicit type hint is required.
Here is a complete example based on huon's answer. The important trick is to make the type that you want to contain the DST a generic type where the generic need not be sized (via ?Sized). You can then construct a concrete value using Bar1 or Bar2 and then immediately convert it.
struct HasFoo<F: ?Sized = dyn Foo>(F);
impl HasFoo<dyn Foo> {
fn use_it(&self) {
fn main() {
// Could likewise use `&HasFoo` or `Rc<HasFoo>`, etc.
let ex1: Box<HasFoo> = Box::new(HasFoo(Bar1));
let ex2: Box<HasFoo> = Box::new(HasFoo(Bar2));
trait Foo {
fn foo(&self) -> u32;
struct Bar1;
impl Foo for Bar1 {
fn foo(&self) -> u32 {
struct Bar2;
impl Foo for Bar2 {
fn foo(&self) -> u32 {
