OpenAPI Generator issue with Destination service API specification - sap-cloud-sdk

I want to get all destinations on subaccount and instance level. In SAP API business Hub, I found the API information and "SAP Cloud SDK" tab to generate code by OpenAPI generator.
I downloaded the API specification and added dependencies into Cloud SDK for Java project. The code is generated successfully with some errors (unknown models)in generated api classes.
For example in DestinationsOnSubaccountLevelApi.class, model OneOfDestinationNameOnly is imported and used in method but it is not generated in model package.
I looked into API specification and found that there were two types of response entity. That is the reason why the code could not be generated properly. I can modify the API specification to make it work but it should not be the long term solution. Is there any other way to fix this issue?

Unfortunately the SAP Cloud SDK Generator for Open API services is not yet able to understand oneOf relationship that is modeled in the specification.
As an alternative, would you consider using the DestinationAccessor API for resolving single destinations?
You can also directly instantiate an ScpCfDestinationLoader, which allows for querying all destinations:
ScpCfDestinationLoader loader = new ScpCfDestinationLoader();
DestinationOptions options = DestinationOptions
Try<Iterable<ScpCfDestination>> destinations = loader.tryGetAllDestinations(options);
Similar to the default behavior of DestinationAccessor API, in the code above only the subscriber account will be considered. Other options are:


V4 Generator - OData V2 Non-Simple Function Import Parameters

I am using version odata-v4-generator-cli 3.40.0 to generate a client from the SAP B1 Service Layer definition.
However, there are many errors like the following:
Function import DraftsService_SaveDraftToDocument has non-simple type for parameter Document, but OData V2 does not support non-simple types as function import parameters.
And the function is not present in the generated client code. The error seems to indicate it is a limitation with V2, but this is a V4 definition with the V4 version of the generator.
The log message you are seeing is indeed very misleading - in fact it is plain wrong.
We have a fix for the incorrect message in our pipeline.
In general, however, generating function imports (V2) and (un-)bound actions (V4) with non-primitive parameters is not yet supported in our OData generators.
This is why these methods are not included in the generated code.
We are receiving many requests asking for this feature and have it rather high up in our backlog.
Unfortunately, I cannot give any details for a release schedule - I will update this answer when we have more concrete information.
EDIT (06/14/2021)
With release 3.46.0 of the SAP Cloud SDK for Java, we have shipped a first version of bound functions and actions.

Generate openApi DTO's with NestJS without a Controller

I am writing a NestJS service that provides a REST API and it publishes some messages to NATS. We are using the NestJS support to generate OpenAPI docs, and from the OpenAPI docs we generate an SDK that we import into our clients. This all works great, but only the REST API of our code is in the SDK.
What we'd like to also do is to have NestJS include the DTO's for the content for the messages we publish to NATS. Then our SDK will also include interfaces for these DTO's, and then our clients can cast the message content to the correct interface (based on the message subject). This way, the publisher of an event defines the content of the event, and users of it don't have to replicate the interface, yet they get strongly-typed code.
I've tried adding the #Api decorators to the DTO, but it appears that unless the DTO is used in the definition of an #Controller, it is not included in the resultant openApi docs.
I was hoping for a way to decorate a "random" DTO in my code so it will then be included in the swagger docs, and in-turn included in a generated SDK. Is something like that possible?
you can also pass extraModels array as a part of SwaggerDocumentOptions
SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, config, {
extraModels: [.......]

Precompiled Azure Function and SOAP endpoints

I'm writing a precompiled Azure function that will perform a SOAP call to ServiceNow. The code works as a standalone exe but I can't seem to get it converted to a precompiled function. In know it's because my DLL can't find the app.config file but what's the best way to get around it. Error message below. ServiceNow requires I set certain bindings and endpoint configuration. The other contractors for their ServiceNowSoapClient class allow me to specify a url directly but don't seem to allow me to get to the binding settings.
Exception while executing function: Functions.TimerTriggerCSharp.
System.ServiceModel: Could not find endpoint element with name
'ServiceNowSoapDev' and contract 'ServiceNowReference.ServiceNowSoap'
in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be
because no configuration file was found for your application, or
because no endpoint element matching this name could be found in the
client element.
In WCF you can define your client binding and endpoint programmatically instead of using app.config. Use the constructor of the generated client with two parameters:
new ServiceNowSoapClient(binding, remoteAddress);
See more code here.

How to create Index with custom analyzers from json file in Azure Search .NET SDK?

I had read that the Azure Search .NET SDK uses NewtonSoft.Json to convert it's models to/from json in it's underlying REST API calls so I've been doing the same in my own app.
I have a simple app which creates a new Index using the .NET SDK. To do this, I was defining my Index in a json file, using the format outlined here and then I was converting this to a Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Index object using Newtonsoft.
var index = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Index>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("config.json");
This was working fine before I configured custom Analyzers, but now that I have custom Analyzers in my config, the Analyzers, Tokenizers, and TokenFilters are not being resolved into the correct types. ie. my custom Analyzer is being deserialized as a Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Analyzer, instead of Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.CustomAnalyzer, same goes for the Tokenizers and TokenFilters, they are being deserialized into the base types.
Is there an easy way I can create an Index like this in the .NET SDK from a json file?
Unfortunately this is not an officially supported scenario. While it works for simple index definitions, we're working to understand what we need to do to be able to support all cases.
Please post your feature request on our User Voice page to help us prioritize:
In the meantime, you might be able to get it working yourself by adapting the JsonSerializerSettings initialization code at the bottom of this file.

what is the proper way to create a swagger web service in TypeScript

I am part of a project written in TypeScipt and I am trying to add TypeScript Web Server which will be compatible with Swagger.
What is the most basic strategy to implement it, considering easy maintainability.
For Typescript I have notice that exists 'Typson' library for generating a JSON Model from TypeScript Interface.
For Swagger, I have tried using 'swagger-node-restify' library, since it supports adding JSON models to swagger.
However, I encounter some problems:
Typson doesn't support typeScript syntax of Import -
(import {Server} from "restify")
I tried to implement the 'swagger-node-restify' example (Pet Example), however the RESPONSE of the localhost:8080/api-docs.json GET Request is missing all the SPEC data of the API.
I suggest to describe a Swagger compliant API using yaml or json and to generate the server from that.
swagger-server can build APIs on top of express in real time (no source code generation).
There are JavaScript code generators :
Call the swagger-codegen client with -l nodejs-server
swagger-node is a great alternative but seems hard to integrate with TypeScript
Yes, you can easily generate Swagger and OpenAPI documents from your TypeScript types by using tsoa. The readme contains all of the setup information that you would need to start using it. It's compatible with express, hapi, koa, and more (via the ability to add your own template for your preferred server type):
The advantages that tsoa has over other libraries is:
it both generates the swagger/OpenAPI document and it also validates the types at runtime
(Full Transparency: I am one of the maintainers of tsoa. But I was first a consumer of tsoa and I find it to be a great product... that's why I asked to help maintain it! :) )
