Azure VPN client azure active directory authentication - azure

I am trying to implement a azure vpn to have a better understanding of the functionality of this resource.
Following azure documentation here:
I am able to create all the resources and configure the azure vpn client.
I Downloaded the client and azure vpn, and imported the xml file and tried to connect.
Everything worked fine as I was able to login with my azure credential and connect to the vpn.
But here is the bit that I am a bit confused about.
Once the vpn established the connection, I got a IP address. so I thought that if I go on google to check my IP address, I would get the vpn address, but what I am seeing is my personal ip.
So maybe somebody can help me to understand how can I make sure that the vpn I am connecting to is actually working and generating a tunnel connection from my pc to azure AAD?
Please if my question Is not 100% clear, just ask for more information.
Thank you very much for your help

Azure P2S VPN connections do not support forced tunnelling so you will still be routing to the Internet from your local public IP address and not via Azure.
For testing, if you deploy a private resource in Azure such as a virtual machine then you should be able to access it via it's private IP address to confirm your VPN is working correctly.


Azure VPN as a VPN Server and a Proxy Server

I would like to ask if the Azure VPN can be used to both act as a VPN tunnel and a Proxy Server.
We have subscribed for Azure VPN and is located in Singapore to resolve latency issues in connecting to one of our client in the US, which is hosting their VDI in the US. This has been resolved using the said solution. The tunnel configuration has been setup by our MSP.
Now, we are also using OpenVPN that acts as Proxy Server to access another client's resources in the US. We are located in the Philippines and the client's network requires US IP address for their security. We are planning to refrain from using OpenVPN and utilize our new Azure VPN. The question is, will it be possible to create another tunnel in Azure VPN and use it as a proxy?
I am just starting my studies in Azure cloud technologies and I am not in-depth with their solutions. Thank you so much!
Creating another tunnel in Azure VPN to be used as a Proxy Server.
Deploy a bastion host in one of the US regions and use that to hop over to the cients network

WebApp private endpoint azure vpn

I Have implemented a azure vpn infra in azure, using azure vpn client.
The configuration and connection work just fine.
To test this, I create a private resource (azure virtual machine) allocated it inside azure vpn subnet, and tried to connect using the private ip of the vm while connected to the vpn client, and it did work just fine.
Now I wanted to do the same experiment using azure web app private endpoint following this guide:
I have a point to site connection not a site to site.
I did created the web app and placed it inside the vpn subnet. But the problem is, even if I am connected to the vpn client, I get the error 403 forbidden no matter if I am connected to the vpn or not.
Did this error occurred to somebody who can kindly help me to understand the nature of this issue and how to overcome it?
Thank you very much for your help
Nayden Van This might be occurring for a number of reasons such as forgetting to include the A record for the privatelink URL in the custom DNS server or there might be an internal proxy blocking *
The most common issue is DNS. Please review the DNS integration content found here to ensure you have correctly configured your DNS for use with privatelink.

Is it possible make requests to the server from another network

To elaborate more on the title, (that I know is confussing, I would appretiate if someone make it better)
I need to connect a PC that is off the office to the server that is being hosted on azure,
but only the calls being made from the office IP are trusted by the server.
I need to be able to connect to it from of the premisses, on my laptop.
Is there any way to do this, with a vpn or something like that?
I think the easies way to achieve your goal without exposing VM to public Internet is Point-to-site VPN:
You add and configure a VPN gateway on Azure Virtual Network where VM is placed
You allocate a private address space to Point-to-site connections and authorize its IP range at VM level (Security Group, Firewall or any other method that you use to protect the traffic in Azure)
You install a VPN client on your laptop and connect to VM with it's private IP address

Connect to Azure Database for Postgresql through VPN

While configuring an Azure managed Postgres service, I am trying to configure connecting from local machines through VPN.
I can connect to the DB when white-listing IPs in Connection Security.
I have added the subnet the VPN-gateway is connected to to the VNET Rules – this doesn't seem to make a difference.
I can connect to VMs through the VPN from my local machine.
However to make that work, I added the VMs' (private IP, Azure URL)-pairs to my local machines hosts-file.
I can't find any IP for the DB-service (which seems to make sense for a managed service), so I can't make the same trick.
The error I'm getting, when trying to connect to the DB, is similar to the ones I got before adding hosts mappings.
This all leads me to believe I need some way of having Azure resolve the URL (which might also preempt the need for hosts-mappings in general).
From this article, I tried setting my DNS for, but that doesn't work at all (nothing at all is resolved).
Is there a way (and if so, how) to connect from a local machine to an Azure Database for Postgresql service through a VPN gateway?
I don't think there is a way to do this as your desired. You want to map an Azure database logical server private IP to your local hosts file, then access it via VPN gateway.
You only know the public IP for the Azure database server. The public IP addresses of Azure services change periodically. You could find an IP address list by filtering your region. It does not recommend to use such a dynamic IP address. Refer to this blog.
Since Azure database is a fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) Database Engine not IaaS like Azure virtual machines, It's public and does not expose the database server private IP address. We only could access the database via Azure database server name over the Internet.
Furthermore, if you want to restrict its access only from a private network with virtual Network service endpoints. However, this works to allow resources like Azure VM in the authorized subnet to access directly your Azure database in a private network, could not guarantee that if you could access the Azure database from your local machine via VPN. This seems no on-premise route to your Azure database.

Enable local Internet when connected to Azure VPN via VPN Client

I have an Azure (Classic) VNet with Point-to-Site enabled. I went through uploading a certificate and downloading the VPN Client. When I connect to the VPN, I am able to access all my resources fine, but this disables my local Internet access.
I found and went through this article which seemed applicable (if very cumbersome):
I am unable to connect using the custom connection I created with it as it tells me the certificate is incorrect (though the .pbk it is based off works fine).
I suppose I could jump through some hoops to get internet to pipe through the VPN, but I really don't want that. I need to be able to hit the VMs in my VNet from an application that I am running locally, and I want to be able to pull the CDNs in over my local internet connection.
This shouldn't be this hard, should it?
Have you ensured that the VPN address range you have defined in Vnet doesn't overlap with your LAN IP ranges? Say if your local workstation has private IP range in 192.168.x.x range, you can try setting VPN address range in 172.16.x.x range.
