I am desperate now. :(
I have a list of activities in a column in a sheet. In another sheet I have another list of activities, some of which match entries in the list in the first sheet. The code goes through the first list and finds a match in the second list. Then it checks how many outputs this match has, and if there are more than one outputs, it adds another row in the first list of data, right below the last checked cell of that list. On that new row an entry based on the second output should get written. If there is a further output, another new row gets added etc. until there are no more outputs of the same activity. Then it shall continue with the next activity from the first list. That next activity cell shall be therefore moved with the number of rows added additionally during the check.
The problem is, sometimes that moving with the number of additional rows seems to not be enough, so it happens that the next cell is actually a previous one from the list, i.e. an already checked one, and not a new one. And thus an indefinite cycle occurs. To bypass this, I even try to save the last populated row to a value, so that an additional check gets performed if an earlier row gets calculated, but this does not seem to work either :(
What I have is:
For Each a In activity_list
previousAddress = 0
If flagOffset > 0 Then
If rows_to_offset <> 0 Or flagsame > 0 Then
Set canda = a.Offset(rows_to_offset, 0) 'check if the offset is enough
If canda.Row <= lastR Then
Set a = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(lastR + 1, 3) 'if not enough, go to the last result populated row
Set a = canda
End If
rows_to_offset = 0
End If
End If
activityRow = a.Row
activityValue = a.Value
If activityValue <> 0 And Not activity_to_match_list.Find(activityValue, lookin:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
Set found_act_match = activity_to_match_list.Find(activityValue, lookin:=xlValues)
Set range_to_search_for_outputs = Sheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(found_act_match.Row, 2), Cells(found_act_match.Row, 500))
If Not range_to_search_for_outputs.Find("o", lookat:=xlPart, lookin:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlNext) Is Nothing Then
Set found_output = range_to_search_for_outputs.Find("o", lookin:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
If found_output.Column <> 1
firstAddress = found_output.Address
… do something with the output value…
' Then take the found output from the match and take its status from the Sheet1:
previousAddress = found_output.Address
If op <> "" Then
If Not op_list.Find(op, lookin:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
Set found_output_match = op_list.Find(op, lookin:=xlValues)
op_result = Cells(found_output_match.Row, "Y").Value
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Value = "" Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Value = "? " & Format(op_result, "Percent")
lastR = Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Row
End If
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Value = "" Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Value = "Nothing in Sheet1"
lastR = Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Row
End If
End If
Set another = range_to_search_for_outputs.Find("o", after:=found_output, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
If Not another Is Nothing And another.Address <> found_output.Address Then 'if there is another output for the same activity, go to its output and continue as above
If another.Address <> firstAddress Then
Set found_output = another
If Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset + 1, "C").Value <> activityValue Then 'if there isn't another row for the same activity yet
Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(activityRow + 1).Insert
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + 1, "C").Value = activityValue
rows_to_offset = rows_to_offset + 1
flagOffset = flagOffset + 1
flagsame = flagsame + 1 'if there is already another row for the same activity
rows_to_offset = rows_to_offset + 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
Loop While (found_output.Address <> previousAddress) And (found_output.Address <> firstAddress)
End If
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow, "Y").Value = "no Output"
lastR = Cells(activityRow, "Y").Row
End If
ElseIf activity_to_match_list.Find(activityValue, lookin:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow, "Y").Value = "Nothing in Sheet1"
lastR = Cells(activityRow, "Y").Row
ElseIf a.Offset(1, 0).Value <> 0 Then
Set a = a.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Set … to Nothing
Next a
In principle use a dictionary with the key as the sheet2 activity and the value as a collection of row numbers for that activity. Scan down sheet1 and use the dictionary to find matching rows. Search along the matched row for cells with "o" and copy values back to sheet1 Column Y (inserting rows as required).
Sub FindOutputs()
Const COL_OUT = "Y"
Dim wb As Workbook, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range, fnd As Range, sFirst As String
Dim dict As Object, key, count As Integer
Dim iLastRow As Long, i As Long, n As Long
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
' sheet 2 - Activities to Search in Column A
Set ws2 = wb.Sheets("Sheet2")
iLastRow = ws2.Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To iLastRow
key = Trim(ws2.Cells(i, "A"))
If Len(key) > 0 Then
If Not dict.exists(key) Then
' collection holds row numbers for each activity
dict.Add key, New Collection
End If
dict(key).Add CStr(i) ' add row
End If
' sheet 1 - Activities in column A
Set ws1 = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set cell = ws1.Range("A1")
Do While Len(cell.value) > 0
key = Trim(cell.Value)
count = 0
' does activity exist on sheet2?
If dict.exists(key) Then
n = dict(key).count
' loop through matching rows
For i = 1 To n
r = dict(key).Item(i)
' search along the row for "o"
Set rng = ws2.Cells(r, "B").Resize(1, 500)
Set fnd = rng.Find("o", lookat:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
If Not fnd Is Nothing Then
sFirst = fnd.Address
' do something with output value
count = count + 1
If count > 1 Then
' insert row
cell.Offset(1).EntireRow.Insert _
Set cell = cell.Offset(1)
cell.Value = key
End If
ws1.Range(COL_OUT & cell.Row).Value = fnd.Value
Set fnd = rng.FindNext(fnd)
Loop While fnd.Address <> sFirst
End If
If count = 0 Then
ws1.Range(COL_OUT & cell.Row).Value = "No Output"
End If
ws1.Range(COL_OUT & cell.Row).Value = "Nothing in Sheet1"
End If
Set cell = cell.Offset(1)
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
I am an absolute novice trying to make a macro that takes an item from cell A2 in sheet "WHO", assigns the value from cell B2 from the same sheet. Inserts a new column in sheet "BO" with name from cell B1 of sheet "WHO". Finds a match of the item from cell A2/ sheet "WHO" in sheet "BO", checks the quantity corresponding to the item, if it is equal to the value of cell B2 from sheet "WHO" and puts it in the new column if not, puts the found quantity of value from sheet "WHO" and continues to search for the next match of an item until you have distributed all the pieces. Now even I was confused, so I attach the code that I managed to assemble from different places :)
Sub BO_WHO_Format()
Dim I As Integer
Dim rngFound As Range, strFirst, Name As String
Dim pNum, vNum, lr As Long
Name = Worksheets("WHO").Range("B1")
lr = Worksheets("WHO").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ' Find the last row with data in column A..
With Worksheets("BO").Columns(16)
Application.CutCopyMode = FALSE
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "На път"
Range("AC2").Value = Name
For I = 2 To lr
strFirst = "" 'Clear the value assigned to strFirst.
Dim Check As Boolean, Counter As Long, Total As Long
Check = False: Counter = 0: Total = 0 ' Initialize variables.
Do ' Outer loop.
pNum = Sheets("WHO").Range("A" & I).Value
vNum = Sheets("WHO").Range("B" & I).Value
If IsNumeric(pNum) Then pNum = Val(pNum)
If IsNumeric(vNum) Then vNum = Val(vNum)
Set rngFound = .Find(what:=pNum, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext, After:=.Cells(1), MatchCase:=False)
If rngFound Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Номер " & pNum & " не е намерен! Проверете и започнете отново!"
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Exit Sub
ElseIf rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value = 0 Then GoTo NextIteration 'If value is 0
MsgBox "Виж си кода за грешки"
ElseIf rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value >= vNum Then 'If value is the same
rngFound.Offset(, 13) = vNum
rngFound.Offset(, 13) = rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value
Counter = Counter + rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value ' Increment Counter.
strFirst = rngFound.Address ' Assign the address of the first item found, so code will know if it has finished looking.
Do While Counter < vNum ' Inner Loop
Total = vNum - Counter
Set rngFound = .FindNext(rngFound)
If Not rngFound Is Nothing And strFirst <> rngFound.Address Then 'strFirst = rngFound.Address ' Assign the address of the first item found, so code will know if it has finished looking.
If rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value = 0 Then GoTo NextError
If rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value <= Total Then
rngFound.Offset(, 13) = rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value
Counter = Counter + rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value ' Increment Counter.
rngFound.Offset(, 13) = Total
Counter = Counter + rngFound.Offset(, 11).Value ' Increment Counter.
End If
MsgBox "Номер " & pNum & " не е намерен! Проверете и започнете отново!"
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Exit Sub
End If
Loop ' Inner Loop
End If
Loop Until Check = FALSE ' Exit outer loop immediately.
Next I
End With
End Sub
If the number is not found, the quantity in the sheet "WHO" is greater than the sheet "BO" to delete the newly created column in the sheet "BO" and the macro to terminate with a message. There are no duplicate item in a sheet "WHO", unlike the "BO" sheet.
But I'm totally stuck, please help.
sheet "WHO"
sheet "BO"
I hope I understood all what you need. Have a try of the code:
Option Explicit
Sub BO_WHO_Format()
Dim boSht As Worksheet, whoSht As Worksheet
Set boSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BO")
Set whoSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("WHO")
'search ranges
Dim boRange As Range, boCell As Range, whoRange As Range, whoCell As Range
With boSht
'column A, starting from 2-d row
Set boRange = Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
End With
With whoSht
'column P,starting from 2-d row
Set whoRange = Range(.Cells(2, 16), .Cells(Rows.Count, 16).End(xlUp))
End With
'other variables
Dim hasMatch As Boolean
Dim row As Long
'taking each value in column A of the WHO sheet
For Each whoCell In whoRange
'and comparing to each values in column P of the BO sheet
For Each boCell In boRange
If whoCell = boCell Then
row = boCell.row
If Not hasMatch Then
'set the AB column name of the sheet BO as like the name of column B of the WHO sheet
boSht.Cells(1, 28) = whoSht.Cells(1, 2)
hasResult = True
End If
'if value from column B of the sheet WHO equals to value from column AA of the sheet BO
If whoCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = boSht.Cells(row, 27).Value Then
'put this value to column AB
boSht.Cells(row, 28).Value = whoCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
'otherwise if value is not 0
If Not boSht.Cells(row, 27).Value = 0 Then
'put the value from column AA to column AB
boSht.Cells(row, 28).Value = boSht.Cells(row, 27).Value
End If
End If
End If
'check whether there is a match
If Not hasMatch Then
boSht.Cells(1, 28) = ""
MsgBox "No matches!", vbInformation, "Result"
End If
End Sub
See comments in code, in case something is not exactly what you wanted - I pointed an idea, so you can modify it for your needs.
I have a excel sheet like at below. I want to find some strings in my excel's third cell. The string is 180 days. When the cell value includes 180 days, I want write previous cells value in next to empty cells like in below picture. I want to write process plan in first cell, operation title in second cell. I wrote this codes but it's not working like what I want.
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim excelRange As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long
'Dim txt As String
excelRange = ActiveSheet.Cells(1048576, 3).End(xlUp).Row
k = 2
For a = 2 To excelRange
txt = Cells(a, 3)
k = a
If InStr(1, txt, "180 days") > 0 Then
For i = a To 2 Step -1
txt1 = Cells(i, 3)
If InStr(1, txt1, "Oper Title") > 0 Then
Cells(a, 2) = Cells((k + 1), 3)
ElseIf InStr(1, txt1, "Process") > 0 Then
Cells(a, 1) = Cells(k, 3)
k = k - 1
End If
Next i
End If
Next a
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim excelRange As Range
Dim criteriRange As Range
Dim evaluateRange As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long
Set excelRange = Range("C1:C" & Cells(1048576, 3).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each cell In excelRange
If UCase(cell.Text) Like "*180 DAY*" Then
If criteriRange Is Nothing Then
Set criteriRange = cell
Set criteriRange = Union(criteriRange, cell)
End If
End If
If Not criteriRange Is Nothing Then
For Each c In criteriRange
For i = c.Row To 1 Step -1
If UCase(Cells(i, 3)) Like "*PROCESS PLAN*" Then
c.Offset(0, -2) = Cells(i, 3)
Exit For
End If
For i = c.Row To 1 Step -1
If UCase(Cells(i, 3)) Like "*OPER TITLE*" Then
c.Offset(0, -1) = Cells(i + 1, 3)
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
Instead of looping through a range, your macro will run much faster if you use the Range.Find method.
In your code, you did not check to ensure that all of your sets of Process | Title | 180 Days are complete. I added that to the code below, by making sure that the Process and Title rows were found after the previous 180 day row (or before the 180 day row for the first instance).
In your code, you did not check to see if the cells where you want to output this information are, in fact, empty. If you really want to do that, you can easily modify this code to check these cells before writing to them.
Hopefully, through the comments and the use of meaningful variable names, you will be able to understand what is going on. But you might want to also read through VBA Help for the Range.Find method.
In general, we search down to find the 180 day row, then search up from there to find the associated Process and Title rows.
If a preceding Process or Title row should be before the preceding 180 day row, then we have an incomplete set, output the error message, and terminate the procedure.
If necessary, you could develop procedures to deal with incomplete data sets.
Option Explicit
Sub Info()
Dim searchRng As Range, C As Range, cProcessPlan As Range, cOperTitle As Range
Dim firstAddress As String 'to check when we are done
Dim lastAddress As String 'to check for incomplete data sets
'Where are we looking?
Set searchRng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns(3)
With searchRng
Set C = .Find(what:="180 Days", after:=.Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlByRows, _
searchdirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
If Not C Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = C.Address
lastAddress = C.Address
Set cOperTitle = .Find(what:="Oper Title", after:=C, searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
Set cProcessPlan = .Find(what:="Process Plan", after:=C, searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
If Not cOperTitle Is Nothing Or Not cProcessPlan Is Nothing Then
'check for full set
If cOperTitle.Row > Range(lastAddress).Row Or cProcessPlan.Row > Range(lastAddress).Row Then
MsgBox "Incomplete Data Set" & vbLf & "Before: " & C.Address
Exit Sub
End If
C.Offset(0, -1) = cOperTitle.Offset(1, 0)
C.Offset(0, -2) = cProcessPlan
MsgBox "Title or Process Plan not found"
Exit Sub
End If
Set C = .Find(what:="180 Days", after:=C, LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlByRows, _
searchdirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
If C.Address = firstAddress Then Exit Do
Set cOperTitle = .Find(what:="Oper Title", after:=C, searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
Set cProcessPlan = .Find(what:="Process Plan", after:=C, searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
'check for a full set
If cOperTitle.Row < Range(lastAddress).Row Or cProcessPlan.Row < Range(lastAddress).Row Then
MsgBox "Incomplete Data Set" & vbLf & "Between: " & lastAddress & " and " & C.Address
Exit Sub
End If
C.Offset(0, -1) = cOperTitle.Offset(1, 0)
C.Offset(0, -2) = cProcessPlan
lastAddress = C.Address
End If
End With
'next stuff
End Sub
Using a variant array is fast.
Sub test()
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim rngDB As Range
Dim vDB As Variant
Dim vRow(), vTitle(), vProcess()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, m As Long
Set Ws = ActiveSheet
With Ws
Set rngDB = .Range("a1", .Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
End With
vDB = rngDB
For i = 1 To UBound(vDB, 1)
If InStr(vDB(i, 3), "180 days") Then
j = j + 1
ReDim Preserve vRow(1 To j)
vRow(j) = i
ElseIf InStr(vDB(i, 3), "Oper Title") Then
k = k + 1
ReDim Preserve vTitle(1 To k)
vTitle(k) = vDB(i + 1, 3)
ElseIf InStr(vDB(i, 3), "Process") Then
m = m + 1
ReDim Preserve vProcess(1 To m)
vProcess(m) = vDB(i, 3)
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To j
vDB(vRow(i), 1) = vProcess(i)
vDB(vRow(i), 2) = vTitle(i)
Next i
rngDB = vDB
End Sub
Get the row # of cell that matches with search "string" in particular column without loop - Column has multiple matches"
I want to get the row # of matched string in particular column without looping because i have more than 50000 records and I don't want to loop each row to find out
Sub Mismatch()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set Sht5 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Result")
Dim FindString As String
FindString = "FAIL"
Columncount = Sht5.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 1000)).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count 'CODE NEED TO BE UPDATED WITH COLUMN LENGTH
'To find the column count
lastReportRow = Sht5.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
'to find the last used row
For i = 2 To Columncount + 1
Set Valuefound = Sht5.Range(Cells(2, i), Cells(lastReportRow, i)).Find(FindString, After:=Range("B2"), LookIn:=xlValues)
If Valuefound Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Value not found"
For r = 2 To lastReportRow
ActualString = Sht5.Cells(r, i).Value
If FindString = ActualString Then
MsgBox r
End If
'For x = 2 To lastReportRow
End If
End Sub
You can use Match:
lastReportRow = Sht5.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
For i = 2 To Columncount + 1
Set rng = Sht5.Range(Sht5.Cells(2, i), Sht5.Cells(lastReportRow, i))
m = Application.Match(FindString, rng, 0)
If IsError(m) Then Exit Do '<< not found: exit search for this column
Debug.Print "Found '" & FindString & "' at " & rng.Cells(m).Address
'reset search range
Set rng = Sht5.Range(rng.Cells(m+1), Sht5.Cells(lastReportRow, i))
Next i
End Sub
See in your code you can replace:
For i = 2 To Columncount + 1
Set Valuefound = Sht5.Range(Cells(2, i), Cells(lastReportRow,
i)).Find(FindString, After:=Range("B2"), LookIn:=xlValues)
If Valuefound Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Value not found"
For r = 2 To lastReportRow
ActualString = Sht5.Cells(r, i).Value
If FindString = ActualString Then
MsgBox r
End If
'For x = 2 To lastReportRow
End If
With This:
Set Valuefound = sht5.UsedRange.Find(FindString, After:=Range("B2"), LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Valuefound Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Value not found"
MsgBox Valuefound.Row
End If
Valuefound.row will give you the exact row. Also you can add Valuefound.column to get the column number of the Valuefound
Also, you can add Range.FindNext as per this link to access the values that occur more than once in the data.
My code mostly works but it's taking a while to debug so I am beginning to think my architecture may be flawed XD So how can I architect this better?
I have groups of data separated by a blank row. You can tell each group apart by the ID in column C in addition to the blank row. For each ID, I have various numbers in column B that I need to capture. Sometimes those numbers only start with 5, sometimes it starts with 7. I need to capture the 5 and the 7 separately.
With projWS
With .Range("C1:C6000")
Set f = .Find(cc, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
End With
If Not f Is Nothing Then 'first occurence found
counter = 0
i = f.Row
acct = .Cells(i, 2)
If (Len(projWS.Cells(i, 3)) < 1 Or Left(acct, 1) = "7") And done = False Then
acctStart = f.Row
acctRows = i - acctStart
Set acctRng = .Range(.Cells(acctStart, 2), .Cells(i - 1, 5))
Set amountRng = .Range(.Cells(acctStart, 7), .Cells(i - 1, 8))
done = True 'set flag to show range has been filled
End If
counter = counter + 1 'increment counter
i = i + 1 'move to next row
Loop Until Len(.Cells(i, 3)) < 1 'keep looping until blank row
End If
If counter - 1 > acctRows Then 'how we determine if there's a "7"
flag = True 'so we set flag to true
Set depreRng = Range(.Cells(acctStart + acctRows, 2), .Cells(i - 1, 8))
dep = depreRng.Value2 'store range into array
End If
End With
After capture, I need to drop it into another worksheet. This worksheet already has a block of 7 built in. Hence this is the loop I am using to drop the range of 7. There is no built in block for the 5.
For r = 112 To 120
For k = 1 To UBound(dep())
If .Cells(r, 1).Value2 = Trim(dep(k, 1)) Then
Debug.Print .Cells(r, 1).Value2
.Cells(r, 6) = dep(k, 6)
.Cells(r, 7) = dep(k, 7)
Exit For
.Cells(r, 6) = 0
.Cells(r, 7) = 0
End If
Next k
Next r
I have debugged several errors already. The current one is that depreRng is breaking because my math is bad. Instead of debugging each error as I stumble onto it, how can I architect this better?
Ok, my approach it's different. First i use a filter for find the range of rows with the index you are looking for and then loop inside this filtered rows for find the 5xx and the 7xx range. The code:
Sub Macro1()
Dim rng_5xx_start, rng_5xx_stop, rng_7xx_start, rng_7xx_stop As Integer
rng_5xx_start = 0
rng_5xx_stop = 0
rng_7xx_start = 0
rng_7xx_stop = 0
Dim range_5xx, range_7xx As String
'filter for the index you are looking for
'specify the maximum range, the field is the "offset" from the column B (the firts of the range), so for filter for column C you need to put 2, criteria...is the critera :)
ActiveSheet.Range("$B$1:$H$6000").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="b"
'the filter returns only the rows with the specifyed index, now a for inside this rows for find the 5xx and the 7xx sub-ranges
For Each Row In ActiveSheet.Range("b1:b6000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If Cells(Row.Row, 2).Value > 4999 And Cells(Row.Row, 2).Value < 6000 Then
'or any test for understnd if i'm in the 5xx range, if you prefer use the strings use something like left(cells(row.row,2).value,1) = "5"
If rng_5xx_start = 0 Then 'found the first row with a 5xx value
rng_5xx_start = Row.Row 'set the start of the range to this row
End If
If rng_5xx_stop < Row.Row Then 'the row where i am is in the 5xx range and is grater than the current end i noticed
rng_5xx_stop = Row.Row 'refresh the end of the range...at the end this will have the last number of row of the 5xx range
End If
End If
If Cells(Row.Row, 2).Value > 6999 And Cells(Row.Row, 2).Value < 8000 Then
'same as above but for 7xx range
If rng_7xx_start = 0 Then
rng_7xx_start = Row.Row
End If
If rng_7xx_stop < Row.Row Then
rng_7xx_stop = Row.Row
End If
End If
If rng_5xx_start = 0 Then
'not found 5xx rows
range_5xx = "" 'or False, or what you prefer...
range_5xx = "B" & rng_5xx_start & ":H" & rng_5xx_stop
End If
If rng_7xx_start = 0 Then
'not found 7xx rows
range_7xx = "" 'or False, or what you prefer...
range_7xx = "B" & rng_7xx_start & ":H" & rng_7xx_stop
End If
End Sub
That's how i would imagine a macro for your job ;)
Edit 1:
I forgot that this will leave the sheet with the filter on...use activesheet.showalldata for show all the rows and not only the filtered ones
Edit 2:
The tests
If rng_5xx_stop < Row.Row Then
rng_5xx_stop = Row.Row
End If
If rng_7xx_stop < Row.Row Then
rng_7xx_stop = Row.Row
End If
are not necessary, it's enough do rng_5xx_stop = Row.Row and rng_7xx_stop = Row.Row and save the two IF statements
You are grouping cells based on the first number of the cell values in column B (I am assuming that they can never be letters). If that is the case, then you can create an array of 0 to 9 and store your ranges in there. Then go through the range.areas in order to get the groupings you're looking for (as highlighted in your screenshot).
To do this, something like this is all you need. I commented code to try to explain it more:
Sub tgr()
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim rColB As Range
Dim BCell As Range
Dim aRanges(0 To 9) As Range
Dim SubGroup As Range
Dim lRangeNum As Long
Dim i As Long
'Change to your actual worksheet
Set wsData = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'Change to your actual column range, this is based off the sample data
Set rColB = wsData.Range("B1", wsData.Cells(wsData.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp))
'Loop through the column range
For Each BCell In rColB.Cells
'Make sure the cell is populated and the starting character is numeric
If Len(BCell.Value) > 0 And IsNumeric(Left(BCell.Value, 1)) Then
'Get the starting digit
lRangeNum = Val(Left(BCell.Value, 1))
'Check if any ranges have been assigned to that array index location
'If not, start a range at that array index
'If so, combine the ranges with Union
Select Case (aRanges(lRangeNum) Is Nothing)
Case True: Set aRanges(lRangeNum) = BCell
Case Else: Set aRanges(lRangeNum) = Union(aRanges(lRangeNum), BCell)
End Select
End If
Next BCell
'You can use any method you want to access the ranges, this just loops
'through the array indices and displays the range areas of each
For i = 0 To 9
If Not aRanges(i) Is Nothing Then
For Each SubGroup In aRanges(i).Areas
'Do what you want with it here
'This just selects the subgroup so you can see it found the groups properly
MsgBox SubGroup.Address
Next SubGroup
End If
Next i
End Sub
I see you've allready rewritten your code, but I'd like to offer how I would do it and would like to know your thoughts about it. Would this be inefficient? I guess it could be because you have to read the first character in cells 4 times for every increment, but not shure if that is a big problem.
Dim start_row As Long
Dim end_row As Long
start_row = 1
end_row = 0
For i = 2 To Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If Cells(i - 1, 2) = "" Then
start_row = i
ElseIf Left(Cells(i - 1, 2), 1) <> Left(Cells(i, 2), 1) Then
start_row = i
End If
If Cells(i + 1, 2) = "" Then
end_row = i
ElseIf Left(Cells(i + 1, 2), 1) <> Left(Cells(i, 2), 1) Then
end_row = i
End If
If end_row <> 0 Then
Call copy_range(start_row, end_row)
end_row = 0
End If
Next i
Another approach that lets you only read the character once could be
Dim start_row As Long
Dim end_row As Long
Dim char_above As String
Dim this_char As String
start_row = 1
end_row = 1
For i = 1 To Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If Cells(i, 2) = "" Then
end_row = i - 1
if i <>1 then Call copy_range(start_row, end_row,char_above)
start_row = i + 1
this_char = Left(Cells(i, 2), 1)
If this_char <> char_above Then
end_row = i - 1
if i<> 1 then Call copy_range(start_row, end_row,char_above)
start_row = i
End If
char_above = this_char
End If
Next i
Let me know your thoughts.
the code below works 100%. It scans for a match in Column B and copies and renames a group of cells when a match is found. However the is a line For lRow = Sheets("HR-Calc").Cells(Cells.Rows.count, "b").End(xlUp).Row To 7 Step -1
Where the step -1 will scan row by row from the bottom of the sheet until a match is found. It would be much easier if the step was set to End.(xlUp) instead of -1. searching every row is overkill because of how the data is set up End.(xlUp) would massive cut down the run time.
Is something like this possible?
Sub Fill_CB_Calc()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
d_input = Application.InputBox("select first cell in data column", "Column Data Check", Default:="", Type:=8).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlA1, RowAbsolute:=True, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
data_col = Left(d_input, InStr(2, d_input, "$") - 1)
data_row = Right(d_input, Len(d_input) - InStr(2, d_input, "$"))
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
data_last = ActiveCell.Row
If IsEmpty(Range(data_col & data_row + 1)) = True Then
data_last = data_row
End If
For j = data_row To data_last
CBtype = Sheets("summary").Range(data_col & j)
For lRow = Sheets("HR-Calc").Cells(Cells.Rows.count, "b").End(xlUp).Row To 7 Step -1
If Sheets("HR-Calc").Cells(lRow, "b") = CBtype Then
CBend = Sheets("HR-Calc").Range("C" & lRow).End(xlDown).Row + 1
Sheets("HR-Calc").Rows(lRow & ":" & CBend).Copy
CBstart = Sheets("HR-Calc").Range("c50000").End(xlUp).Row + 2
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = CBstart - 8
Sheets("HR-Calc").Range("A" & CBstart).Insert Shift:=xlDown
CBold = Right(Range("c" & CBstart), Len(Range("C" & CBstart)) - 2)
box_name = Sheets("summary").Range(data_col & j).Offset(0, -10)
CBnew = Right(box_name, Len(box_name) - 2) & "-" ' <--this is custom and can be changed based on CB naming structure
If CBnew = "" Or vbCancel Then
End If
CBend2 = Range("c50000").End(xlUp).Row - 2
Range("C" & CBstart + 1 & ":" & "C" & CBend2).Select
Selection.Replace What:=CBold & "-", Replacement:=CBnew, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Range("C" & CBstart).FormulaR1C1 = "CB" & Left(CBnew, Len(CBnew) - 1)
GoTo M_Start2
End If
Next lRow
Next j
YN_result = MsgBox("Fill info for another block/inverter?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation)
If YN_result = vbYes Then GoTo M_Start
If YN_result = vbNo Then GoTo jumpout
' Sheets("summary").Range(d_input).Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I'm not sure if this will help but I've had a great performance increase with pulling the entire range you need to loop through into a variant array and then looping through the array. If I need to loop through large data sets, this method has worked out well.
Dim varArray as Variant
varArray = Range(....) 'set varArray to the range you're looping through
For y = 1 to uBound(varArray,1) 'loops through rows of the array
'code for each row here
'to loop through individual columns in that row, throw in another loop
For x = 1 to uBound(varArray, 2) 'loop through columns of array
'code here
Next x
Next y
You can also define the column indexes prior to executing the loop. Then you only need to execute the you need to pull those directly in the loop.
'prior to executing the loop, define the column index of what you need to look at
Dim colRevenue as Integer
colRevenue = 5 'or a find function that searches for a header named "Revenue"
Dim varArray as Variant
varArray = Range(....) 'set varArray to the range you're looping through
For y = 1 to uBound(varArray,1) 'loops through rows of the array
tmpRevenue = CDbl(varArray(y, colRevenue))
Next y
Hope this helps.
Look at doing a .find from the bottom up.
Perform a FIND, within vba, from the bottom of a range up
That will eliminate the need to do the for loop from the last row to the first occurrence of the value you want to locate.