Using fread on Linux is returning 0 - linux

I have written the code below, but I am getting 0 returned from fread. perror returns success so I guess its working OK. But I dont understand why I am not reading the data written to the file.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *fp;
char wr_buf[4096];
char rd_buf[4096];
int i;
size_t num;
fp = fopen("/run/media/nvme/test", "w+");
if (fp == NULL)
return -1;
for (i=0; i<4096; i++)
wr_buf[i] = i;
rd_buf[i] = 0;
num = fwrite(wr_buf , 1 , sizeof(wr_buf) , fp);
printf("WR num %d\n", num);
num = fread(rd_buf , 1 , sizeof(rd_buf) , fp);
printf("RD num %d\n", num);
for (i=0; i<4096; i++)
if (wr_buf[i] != rd_buf[i])
printf("ERR %x != %x\n", wr_buf[i], rd_buf[i]);
return 0;

Call rewind(fp); between the fwrite and the fread, to seek back to the beginning of the file. To seek to an arbitrary byte offset, use fseek instead of rewind.


Using select for packet sockets

Is it possible to use select for packet sockets? I mean whether its necessary for the socket to be connection-based in order to use select function on it properly?
I'm seeing that the behavior of a socket which I got it by the following socket function call:
int socket_fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
is not as I expect. For example, I see that a ping packet which is 60 bytes long when received and read into a 20 bytes length buffer, it waits about a second between each recv function call. I used recvfrom and it didn't help. For this, I ask whether it's correct to use select for a packet socket?
I'm going to include the code to discuss about it:
int MakeBridge(const char *if1, const char *if2)
int sock[2];
sock[0] = OpenSocket(if1);
sock[1] = OpenSocket(if2);
int activity;
char buf[20];
const int numSocks = 2;
int nfds = sock[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numSocks; i++)
if (sock[i] > nfds)
nfds = sock[i];
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i < numSocks; i++)
FD_SET(sock[i], &readfds);
activity = select(nfds, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (activity == -1) // sockets closed
for (int i = 0; i < numSocks; i++)
if (FD_ISSET(_sock[i], &readfds))
int len;
CHECK(ioctl(_sock[i], FIONREAD, &len) != -1, "%s", strerror(errno));
printf("socket %d is set\n", i);
printf("total bytes available to read: %d\n", len);
CHECK(len > 0, "");
int n = min(len, sizeof(buf));
int nbr = recvfrom(_sock[i], buf, n, 0, NULL, NULL);
printf("n %d nbr %d\n", n, nbr);
CHECK(n == nbr, "");
len -= n;
} while (len);
return 0;
Update 2
Not going to segment messages and using large enough buffer makes the code as follows:
// This is a program which is going to make the bridge between two interfaces. brctl is going to be replaced by this program.
#define Uses_CHECK
#define Uses_close
#define Uses_errno
#define Uses_ETH_P_ALL
#define Uses_FD_SET
#define Uses_htons
#define Uses_ifreq
#define Uses_ioctl
#define Uses_printf
#define Uses_signal
#define Uses_sockaddr_ll
#define Uses_socket
#define Uses_strerror
#include <general.dep>
int _sock[2];
int _CtrlCHandler()
printf(" terminating...\n");
CHECK(close(_sock[0]) != -1, "");
CHECK(close(_sock[1]) != -1, "");
printf("all sockets closed successfully.\n");
void CtrlCHandler(int dummy)
int OpenSocket(const char *ifname)
// getting socket
int socket_fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW/*|SOCK_NONBLOCK*/, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
CHECK(socket_fd != -1, "%s", strerror(errno));
// init interface options struct with the interface name
struct ifreq if_options;
memset(&if_options, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq));
strncpy(if_options.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(if_options.ifr_name) - 1);
if_options.ifr_name[sizeof(if_options.ifr_name) - 1] = 0;
// enable promiscuous mode
CHECK(ioctl(socket_fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &if_options) != -1, "%s", strerror(errno));
if_options.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
CHECK(ioctl(socket_fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &if_options) != -1, "%s", strerror(errno));
// get interface index
CHECK(ioctl(socket_fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &if_options) != -1, "%s", strerror(errno));
// bind socket to the interface
struct sockaddr_ll my_addr;
memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(my_addr));
my_addr.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
my_addr.sll_ifindex = if_options.ifr_ifindex;
CHECK(bind(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) != -1, "%s", strerror(errno));
// socket is ready
return socket_fd;
int MakeBridge(const char *if1, const char *if2)
_sock[0] = OpenSocket(if1);
_sock[1] = OpenSocket(if2);
printf("sockets %d and %d opened successfully\n", _sock[0], _sock[1]);
fd_set readfds, orig;
int activity;
char buf[1<<16];
signal(SIGINT, CtrlCHandler);
int packetNumber = 0;
const int numSocks = _countof(_sock);
int nfds = _sock[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numSocks; i++)
if (_sock[i] > nfds)
nfds = _sock[i];
for (int i = 0; i < numSocks; i++)
FD_SET(_sock[i], &orig);
while (true)
readfds = orig;
activity = select(nfds, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (activity == -1) // sockets closed
CHECK(activity > 0, "");
for (int i = 0; i < numSocks; i++)
if (FD_ISSET(_sock[i], &readfds))
int len = recvfrom(_sock[i], buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_TRUNC, NULL, NULL);
CHECK(len > 0, "");
CHECK(len <= sizeof(buf), "small size buffer");
printf("%10d %d %d\n", ++packetNumber, i, len);
CHECK(sendto(_sock[!i], buf, len, 0, NULL, 0) == len, "");
return 0;
int Usage(int argc, const char *argv[])
printf("Usage: %s <if1> <if2>\n", argv[0]);
printf("Bridges two interfaces with the names specified.\n");
return 0;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
if (argc != 3)
return Usage(argc, argv);
CHECK_NO_MSG(MakeBridge(argv[1], argv[2]));
return 0;

can we perform the operation using functions like fgets(), fputs(), feof(),etc. for the fifo file like we use for the normal file?

I have an assignment where I have to transfer the file from a client process to server process using fifo.I have tried to deal with fifo file as the other files we create in the system. It compiled without any error but it didn't execute properly.Can someone please give me an idea about the fifo file structure inside the computer system? What processes and functions are present for it ?Till now, I know how to use create(),read(),write(), open() function for fifo file.Also, I would be grateful if someone could help me to correct my program?
My client and server program are as follows:-
Client Program:-
int main()
int fd;
char *myfifo ="/tmp/myfifo";
char str[80];
FILE *fp;
char filename[20];
printf("\nEnter filename: ");
fp = fopen(filename,"r");
if(fp == NULL)
printf("\nError opening the file");
fd = open(myfifo, O_WRONLY);
return 0;
Client Program:-
int main()
int fd1;
char *myfifo ="/tmp/myfifo";
char str1[80], filename[20];
FILE *fp1, *fp2;
fd1= open(myfifo, O_RDONLY);
fp1 = fopen(filename,"r");
fp2 = fopen(filename,"w");
return 0;
Yes, but you have a few small problems in your programs. in the first:
write(fd, str, strlen(str)+1);
is a bit unconventional. This sends the string plus its end-of-string delimiter (\0) into the fd. One doesn't normally do this with strings, strlen(str) is probably what you want.
in the second:
fp1 = fopen(filename,"r");
fp2 = fopen(filename,"w");
filename has not been assigned a value, so both of these opens will almost certainly fail. When they do, they return a NULL pointer, so the first attempt to use them:
will likely cause a segment violation. Also, you don't use fp1 anyways, so if feof(fp1) returned 1, it would always return 1. You want to base this loop on when the fifo is exhausted, which means there is no data in it, and nobody has it open for write. So changing this program around a bit yields:
int main()
int fd1;
char *myfifo ="/tmp/myfifo";
char str1[80];
ssize_t n;
fd1= open(myfifo, O_RDONLY);
while ((n=read(fd1,str1,sizeof str1)) > 0)
fwrite(str1, 1, n, stdout);
return 0;
While this set of changes works, it doesn't address your other question, about using stdio functions with pipes. The answer is yes, and here is another functional rewrite of your second program:
int main()
char *myfifo ="/tmp/myfifo";
FILE *fp;
int c;
if ((fp = fopen(myfifo, "r")) != NULL) {
while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
return 0;
Also, in the first, the critical bit with stdio:
FILE *fi = fopen(myfifo, "a");
fputs(str, fi);
as in the second, the loop could have been implemented with getc, putc.
A general refinement might be functions like these:
ssize_t FCopy(FILE *in, FILE *out) {
int c;
ssize_t len = 0;
while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF) {
if (putc(c, out) != c) {
return -len;
return len;
ssize_t FileAppend(char *from, char *to) {
FILE *in, *out;
ssize_t n = 0;
if ((in = fopen(from, "rb")) != NULL) {
if ((out = fopen(to, "ab")) != NULL) {
n = FCopy(in, out);
} else {
n = -1;
} else {
n = -1;
return n;
so your main would look more like:
char filename[80];
printf("Enter a file to store the data in: ");
if (fgets(filename, sizeof filename, stdin)) {
filename[strlen(filename)-1] = '\0';
if (FileAppend(myfifo, filename) < 0) {
printf("Error: could not save data to %s\n", filename);

Find all string permutations of given string in given source string

We are given a pattern string: 'foo' and a source string: 'foobaroofzaqofom' and we need to find all occurrences of word pattern string in any order of letters. So for a given example solution will looks like: ['foo', 'oof', 'ofo'].
I have a solution, but i'm not sure that it is the most efficient one:
Create hash_map of chars of pattern string where each char is a key and each value is a counter of chars in pattern. For a given example it would be {{f: 1}, {o: 2}}
Look through the source string and if found one of the elements from hash_map, than try to find all the rest elements of pattern
If all elements are found than it is our solution, if not going forward
Here is an implementation in c++:
set<string> FindSubstringPermutations(string& s, string& p)
set<string> result;
unordered_map<char, int> um;
for (auto ch : p)
auto it = um.find(ch);
if (it == um.end())
um.insert({ ch, 1 });
um[ch] += 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (s.size() - p.size() + 1); ++i)
auto it = um.find(s[i]);
if (it != um.end())
decltype (um) um_c = um;
um_c[s[i]] -= 1;
for (int t = (i + 1); t < i + p.size(); ++t)
auto it = um_c.find(s[t]);
if (it == um_c.end())
else if (it->second == 0)
it->second -= 1;
int sum = 0;
for (auto c : um_c)
sum += c.second;
if (sum == 0)
result.insert(s.substr(i, p.size()));
return result;
Complexity is near O(n), i don't know how to calculate more precisely.
So the question: is there any efficient solution, because using hash_map is a bit of hacks and i think there may be more efficient solution using simple arrays and flags of found elements.
You could use a order-invariant hash-algorithm that works with a sliding window to optimize things a bit.
An example for such a hash-algorithm could be
int hash(string s){
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
result += s[i];
return result;
This algorithm is a bit over-simplistic and is rather horrible in all points except performance (i.e. distribution and number of possible hash-values), but that isn't too hard to change.
The advantage with such a hash-algorithm would be:
hash("abc") == hash("acb") == hash("bac") == ...
and using a sliding-window with this algorithm is pretty simple:
string s = "abcd";
hash(s.substring(0, 3)) + 'd' - 'a' == hash(s.substring(1, 3));
These two properties of such hashing approaches allow us to do something like this:
int hash(string s){
return sum(s.chars);
int slideHash(int oldHash, char slideOut, char slideIn){
return oldHash - slideOut + slideIn;
int findPermuted(string s, string pattern){
int patternHash = hash(pattern);
int slidingHash = hash(s.substring(0, pattern.length()));
if(patternHash == slidingHash && isPermutation(pattern, s.substring(0, pattern.length())
return 0;
for(int i = 0; i < s.length() - pattern.length(); i++){
slidingHash = slideHash(slidingHash, s[i], s[i + pattern.length()]);
if(patternHash == slidingHash)
if(isPermutation(pattern, s.substring(i + 1, pattern.length())
return i + 1;
return -1;
This is basically an altered version of the Rabin-Karp-algorithm that works for permuted strings. The main-advantage of this approach is that less strings actually have to be compared, which brings quite a bit of an advantage. This especially applies here, since the comparison (checking if a string is a permutation of another string) is quite expensive itself already.
The above code is only supposed as a demonstration of an idea. It's aimed at being easy to understand rather than performance and shouldn't be directly used.
The above "implementation" of an order-invariant rolling hash algorithm shouldn't be used, since it performs extremely poor in terms of data-distribution. Of course there are obviously a few problems with this kind of hash: the only thing from which the hash can be generated is the actual value of the characters (no indices!), which need to be accumulated using a reversible operation.
A better approach would be to map each character to a prime (don't use 2!!!). Since all operations are modulo 2^(8 * sizeof(hashtype)) (integer overflow), we need to generate a table of the multiplicative inverses modulo 2^(8 * sizeof(hashtype)) for all used primes. I won't cover generating these tables, as there's plenty of resources available on that topic here already.
The final hash would then look like this:
map<char, int> primes = generatePrimTable();
map<int, int> inverse = generateMultiplicativeInverses(primes);
unsigned int hash(string s){
unsigned int hash = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
hash *= primes[s[i]];
return hash;
unsigned int slideHash(unsigned int oldHash, char slideOut, char slideIn){
return oldHash * inverse[primes[slideOut]] * primes[slideIn];
Keep in mind that this solution works with unsigned integers.
Typical rolling hashfunction for anagrams
using product of primes
This will only work for relatively short patterns
The hashvalues for allmost all normal words will fit into a 64 bit value without overflow.
Based on this anagram matcher
/* braek; */
/* 'foobaroofzaqofom' */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned long long HashVal;
static HashVal hashchar (unsigned char ch);
static HashVal hashmem (void *ptr, size_t len);
unsigned char primes26[] =
{ 5,71,79,19,2,83,31,43,11,53,37,23,41,3,13,73,101,17,29,7,59,47,61,97,89,67, };
static HashVal hashchar (unsigned char ch)
HashVal val=1;
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' ) val = primes26[ ch - 'A'];
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ) val = primes26[ ch - 'a'];
return val;
static HashVal hashmem (void *ptr, size_t len)
size_t idx;
unsigned char *str = ptr;
HashVal val=1;
if (!len) return 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
val *= hashchar ( str[idx] );
return val;
unsigned char buff [4096];
int main (int argc, char **argv)
size_t patlen,len,pos,rotor;
int ch;
HashVal patval;
HashVal rothash=1;
patlen = strlen(argv[1]);
patval = hashmem( argv[1], patlen);
// fprintf(stderr, "Pat=%s, len=%zu, Hash=%llx\n", argv[1], patlen, patval);
for (rotor=pos=len =0; ; len++) {
if (ch == EOF) break;
if (ch < 'A' || ch > 'z') { pos = 0; rothash = 1; continue; }
if (ch > 'Z' && ch < 'a') { pos = 0; rothash = 1; continue; }
/* remove old char from rolling hash */
if (pos >= patlen) { rothash /= hashchar(buff[rotor]); }
/* add new char to rolling hash */
buff[rotor] = ch;
rothash *= hashchar(buff[rotor]);
// fprintf(stderr, "%zu: [rot=%zu]pos=%zu, Hash=%llx\n", len, rotor, pos, rothash);
rotor = (rotor+1) % patlen;
/* matched enough characters ? */
if (++pos < patlen) continue;
/* correct hash value ? */
if (rothash != patval) continue;
fprintf(stdout, "Pos=%zu\n", len);
return 0;
$ ./a.out foo < anascan.c
Update. For people who don't like product of primes, here is a taxinumber sum of cubes (+ additional histogram check) implementation. This is also supposed to be 8-bit clean. Note the cubes are not necessary; it wotks equally well with squares. Or just the sum. (the final histogram check will have some more work todo)
/* braek; */
/* 'foobaroofzaqofom' */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned long long HashVal;
static HashVal hashchar (unsigned char ch);
static HashVal hashmem (void *ptr, size_t len);
static HashVal hashchar (unsigned char ch)
HashVal val=1+ch;
return val*val*val;
static HashVal hashmem (void *ptr, size_t len)
size_t idx;
unsigned char *str = ptr;
HashVal val=1;
if (!len) return 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
val += hashchar ( str[idx] );
return val;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
size_t patlen,len,rotor;
int ch;
HashVal patval;
HashVal rothash=1;
unsigned char *patstr;
unsigned pathist[256] = {0};
unsigned rothist[256] = {0};
unsigned char cycbuff[1024];
patstr = (unsigned char*) argv[1];
patlen = strlen((const char*) patstr);
patval = hashmem( patstr, patlen);
for(rotor=0; rotor < patlen; rotor++) {
pathist [ patstr[rotor] ] += 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Pat=%s, len=%zu, Hash=%llx\n", argv[1], patlen, patval);
for (rotor=len =0; ; len++) {
if (ch == EOF) break;
/* remove old char from rolling hash */
if (len >= patlen) {
rothash -= hashchar(cycbuff[rotor]);
rothist [ cycbuff[rotor] ] -= 1;
/* add new char to rolling hash */
cycbuff[rotor] = ch;
rothash += hashchar(cycbuff[rotor]);
rothist [ cycbuff[rotor] ] += 1;
// fprintf(stderr, "%zu: [rot=%zu], Hash=%llx\n", len, rotor, rothash);
rotor = (rotor+1) % patlen;
/* matched enough characters ? */
if (len < patlen) continue;
/* correct hash value ? */
if (rothash != patval) continue;
/* correct histogram? */
if (memcmp(rothist,pathist, sizeof pathist)) continue;
fprintf(stdout, "Pos=%zu\n", len-patlen);
return 0;

Function won't reverse strings properly

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
void reverseString(char s[])
int length = strlen(s);
for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
char temp = s[i];
s[i] = s[length - i - 1];
s[length - i - 1] = temp;
cout << s[i]; //this ends up printing "eooe" instead of reversing the whole string
int main()
char a[] = "Shoe";
return 1;
I'm wondering where the algorithm messes up and what I can do to fix it, maybe I overlooked something because when I try to solve it on a piece of paper it appears to work correctly.
Your algo is right but need a little modification, you have to run algorithm for length/2 times. It prevents your string to again swap the contents i.e At i = 2 your s = eohs but it again swaps h with o. Try to insert the break point to understand it further. I modify your function little bit.
char* reverseString(char s[])
int length = strlen(s);
for (int i = 0; i<length/2; i++)
char temp = s[i];
s[i] = s[length - i - 1];
s[length - i - 1] = temp;
//cout << s[i]; //this ends up printing "eooe" instead of reversing the whole string
return s;
int main()
char a[] = "Shoe";
return 1;
Use the code below:
#include <stdio.h>
void strrev(char *p)
char *q = p;
while(q && *q) ++q;
for(--q; p < q; ++p, --q)
*p = *p ^ *q,
*q = *p ^ *q,
*p = *p ^ *q;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
do {
printf("%s ", argv[argc-1]);
printf("%s\n", argv[argc-1]);
} while(--argc);
return 0;

problem with returning struct from file to array of structs

the function work ok while i checked it with debuging but after the function finish the array is empty
this is the structs:
typedef struct coordinates
int x_l;
int y_l;
int x_r;
int y_r;
} Coordinates;
typedef struct field
int Id;
Coordinates location;
int area;
int price;
} Field;
this is the function:
int ReadFromFile(Field *pArr)
int size;
int i;
FILE *f = fopen("c:\\migrashim\\migrashim.txt", "r");
if (f == NULL)
printf("error open file");
exit (1);
fscanf(f, "%d\n", &size);
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
fscanf(f, "%d\n", &pArr[i].Id);
fscanf(f, "%d %d\n", &pArr[i].location.x_l,&pArr[i].location.y_l);
fscanf(f, "%d %d\n", &pArr[i].location.x_r,&pArr[i].location.y_r);
return size;
and this is the calling from the main:
printf("\nFile loaded successfully!");
tnx guys...
You're passing a pointer into ReadFromFile and resizing.
That realloc will try to resize in-place, but if it can't, it'll allocate a new block, copy the existing data, and then free the old block.
Your function doesn't take into account that the block may have moved (you're not returning the pointer which returned by realloc).
The code should look something like this:
int ReadFromFile(Field **pArr)
int size;
int i;
FILE *f = fopen("c:\\migrashim\\migrashim.txt", "r");
if (f == NULL)
printf("error open file");
exit (1);
fscanf(f, "%d\n", &size);
*pArr = (Field*)realloc(*pArr, sizeof(Field)* size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
fscanf(f, "%d\n", &(*pArr)[i].Id);
fscanf(f, "%d %d\n", &(*pArr)[i].location.x_l, &(*pArr)[i].location.y_l);
fscanf(f, "%d %d\n", &(*pArr)[i].location.x_r, &(*pArr)[i].location.y_r);
return size;
and then:
counter_2 = ReadFromFile(&pFieldArr);
printf("\nFile loaded successfully!");
New_Field_flag = 0;
Exit = 0;
