Create new line then copy and paste row - excel

Im trying to create an excel macro to select a range of cells then insert new row every other row then copy and paste each row.
For example.
My desired goal is
I have thousands of rows and a macro would be nice.
This Inserts a new row,every other row.
Sub InsertNewRows()
Dim rng As Range
Dim CountRow As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Set rng = Selection
CountRow = rng.EntireRow.Count
For i = 1 To CountRow
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Select
Next i
End Sub
How can I duplicate the lines in the range too?

Not inserting rows, this code copies and pastes each value twice. Inserting rows is really time consuming.
Here's a screenshot of before/after running code:
Sub test()
Dim MyData As Variant
Dim LR As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim Initial_Row As Long
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'last non blank cell in column A
MyData = Range("A1:A" & LR).Value 'all data into array
Initial_Row = 1 'initial row where data starts pasting
For i = 1 To UBound(MyData) Step 1
Range("A" & Initial_Row & ":A" & Initial_Row + 1).Value = MyData(i, 1)
Initial_Row = Initial_Row + 2
Next i
Erase MyData 'delete data
End Sub

I recommend to read the values into an array and duplicate them into another array and finally write that array to the cells. This is much faster than duplicating cells.
Option Explicit
Public Sub DuplicateSelectedRows()
Dim SelRng As Range
Set SelRng = Selection
' read values into array
Dim SelectedValues As Variant
SelectedValues = SelRng.Value
' create output array of double the size
Dim DuplicatedValues As Variant
ReDim DuplicatedValues(1 To UBound(SelectedValues, 1) * 2, 1 To UBound(SelectedValues, 2))
' duplicate values
Dim iRow As Long
For iRow = 1 To UBound(SelectedValues, 1)
DuplicatedValues(iRow * 2 - 1, 1) = SelectedValues(iRow, 1)
DuplicatedValues(iRow * 2, 1) = SelectedValues(iRow, 1)
Next iRow
' output values
SelRng.Cells(1, 1).Resize(RowSize:=UBound(DuplicatedValues)).Value = DuplicatedValues
End Sub


combine 2 if statements

In my vba code below I am trying to delete to specific colors from a row. Right now I would like to combine 2 if statements into 1 if statement. Right now my code below is working but is inefficient if more colors are added. Look for the if statements regarding blue and red for this problem.
Sub collapse_columns()
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To 4
collapse_column x
End Sub
Sub collapse_column(column_number As Integer)
Dim row As Long
Dim s As Worksheet
Dim last_row As Long
Set s = ActiveSheet ' work on the active sheet
'Set s = Worksheets("Sheet1") 'work on a specific sheet
last_row = ActiveSheet.Cells(s.Rows.Count, column_number).End(xlUp).row
For row = last_row To 1 Step -1
If Cells(row, column_number).Value = "red" Then Cells(row, column_number).Delete xlUp
For row = last_row To 1 Step -1
If Cells(row, column_number).Value = "blue" Then Cells(row, column_number).Delete xlUp
End Sub
When I have many possible values that can trigger the same code, I like to use a string to hold the values, then search the string to find a match as follows:
Sub collapse_column(column_number As Integer)
Dim row As Long
Dim s As Worksheet
Dim last_row As Long
Set s = ActiveSheet ' work on the active sheet
'Set s = Worksheets("Sheet1") 'work on a specific sheet
last_row = ActiveSheet.Cells(s.Rows.Count, column_number).End(xlUp).row
Dim colors_to_delete As String
colors_to_delete = ",red,blue," ' be sure to keep the leading and trailing commas
For row = last_row To 1 Step -1
If InStr(1, colors_to_delete, "," & Cells(row, column_number).Value & ",") > 0 Then Cells(row, column_number).Delete xlUp
End Sub

Find a data with a specific title and copy the whole column to another sheet

I would like to create a VBA, to copy my data in "RAW", to paste into sheet "summary" by the specific column arrangement in my "summary" sheet.
for example, if sheet "summary" column A is COUNTER CODE, then copy the data from sheet "RAW" which the data is in B2-B5 and paste into my sheet "summary" A2-A5
I tried to use the below VBA, which it works. but in the event if the column data in "RAW" is different, i will not be getting the correct data.
Dim LASTROW As Long, EROW As Long
LASTROW = Worksheets("RAW").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LASTROW
Worksheets("RAW").Cells(i, 1).Copy
EROW = Worksheets("summary").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Worksheets("RAW").Paste Destination:=Worksheets("summary").Cells(EROW + 1, 2)
Worksheets("RAW").Cells(i, 2).Copy
Worksheets("RAW").Paste Destination:=Worksheets("summary").Cells(EROW + 1, 1)
Worksheets("RAW").Cells(i, 3).Copy
Worksheets("RAW").Paste Destination:=Worksheets("summary").Cells(EROW + 1, 4)
Worksheets("RAW").Cells(i, 4).Copy
Worksheets("RAW").Paste Destination:=Worksheets("summary").Cells(EROW + 1, 3)
Next i
End Sub
Test the next code, please. Yo do not have to copy cell by cell. In the way the code is designed, it will also work for a header which is not identic with the one in 'RAW' worksheet, but 'RAW' header string is contained:
Sub TestFindCopyInPlace()
Dim shR As Worksheet, shSum As Worksheet, colHeadR As String
Dim colHS As Range, lastCol As Long, lastRow As Long, i As Long
Set shR = Worksheets("RAW")
Set shSum = Worksheets("summary")
lastCol = shR.Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lastRow = shR.Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lastCol
colHeadR = shR.Columns(i).Cells(1, 1).value
Set colHS = shSum.Rows(1).Find(colHeadR)' find the cell with the header of the one being copied
If Not colHS Is Nothing Then 'Find method will find a column containing colHeadR in its header string...
shR.Range(shR.Cells(2, i), shR.Cells(lastRow, i)).Copy Destination:=colHS.Offset(1, 0)
MsgBox "The column header """ & colHeadR & """ could not be found." & vbCrLf & _
"Please check the spelling or whatever you think it is necessary..."
End If
Next i
End Sub
The code should work for as many columns your 'RAW` worksheet contains...
To make the process fully automatic, please use the following code:
Const rawSheet As String = "RAW"
Const summarySheet As String = "summary"
' Find the last column in both sheets
Dim rawLastCol As Integer
Dim summaryLastCol As Integer
rawLastCol = Worksheets(rawSheet).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
summaryLastCol = Worksheets(summarySheet).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
' Iterate over all columns in the RAW sheet and transfer data to the summary sheet
Dim col As Integer
For col = 1 To rawLastCol
'Read column header
Dim header As String
header = Worksheets(rawSheet).Cells(1, col).Value
'Find this header in the summary sheet
Dim col2 As Integer
For col2 = 1 To summaryLastCol
If Worksheets(summarySheet).Cells(1, col2).Value = header Then
'Transfer all values from RAW to the summary sheet
Dim lastRow As Integer
lastRow = Worksheets(rawSheet).Cells(Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).row
If lastRow > 1 Then 'to handle the case where a column contains no data
'First clear previous data
Range(Worksheets(summarySheet).Cells(2, col2), Worksheets(summarySheet).Cells(lastRow, col2)).ClearContents
'Now, transform data
Dim row As Integer
For row = 2 To lastRow
Worksheets(summarySheet).Cells(row, col2).Value = Worksheets(rawSheet).Cells(row, col).Value
Next row
End If
Exit For
End If
Next col2
Next col
End Sub
This will work event if the number of columns or rows change in your sheets

VBA VLOOKUP with dynamic range

I am brand-new to VBA.
I have two worksheets in the same workbook. The first worksheet, shStudentInfo, contains all of the information for each of my students, one row per StudentID (B4 in the code). The second worksheet, shSchedData, contains their schedules where there may be 0-14 rows per StudentID, depending on how many courses each student is taking.
I am attempting to use a loop and VLOOKUP with a dynamic range to extract the course name from each row of shSchedData and copy it to the appropriate cell in shStudentInfo, then move down one row. Currently I've hardcoded cell "CO4" as the appropriate cell although I will also need to make that reference move one cell to the right for each pass through the loop.
Here is my inelegant code:
Option Explicit
Dim MyRow As Long
Sub StudentSchedules()
Dim EndRow As Long
Dim MyRng As Range
'hard code first row of data set
MyRow = 3
'dynamic code last row of data set
EndRow = shSchedData.Range("A1048575").End(xlUp).Row
'create a dynamic range, a single row from shSchedData
Set MyRng = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(MyRow, 1), Cells(MyRow, 9))
'Loop through entire data set one line at a time
Do While MyRow <= EndRow
MyRng = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(MyRow,1),Cells(MyRow,9))
'Import course name from shSchedData worksheet
ActiveCell.Formula = "=VLOOKUP(B4,'Schedule Data'!& MyRng,6,0)"
'The above line results in a #NAME? error in CO4 of shStudentInfo
'Also tried:
'ActiveCell.Formula = "=VLOOKUP(B4,'Schedule Data'!& MyRng.Address,6,0)"
'increment counter
MyRow = MyRow + 1
End Sub
The following rewrite will get your code working to the extent that its purpose can be determined.
The VLOOKUP formula does not appear correct and in any event, there might be a better method of retrieving the data. However, I cannot determine your end purpose from your narrative or code. Sample data together with expected results would help.
Option Explicit
'I see no reason to put this here
'dim myRow As Long
Sub StudentSchedules()
Dim myRow, endRow As Long, myRng As Range
'no need to activate, just With ... End With block it
With shSchedData
'assigned a strarting value
myRow = 3
'dynamic code last row of data set
endRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'Loop through entire data set one line at a time
Do While myRow <= endRow
'create a dynamic range, a single row from shSchedData
Set myRng = .Range(.Cells(myRow, 1), .Cells(myRow, 9))
'Import course name from shSchedData worksheet
shStudentInfo.Range("CO4").Offset(0, myRow - 3).Formula = _
"=VLOOKUP(B4, " & myRng.Address(external:=True) & ", 6, false)"
'increment counter
myRow = myRow + 1
End With
End Sub
I came up with this, see if it fits you
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim ml As Worksheet
Dim arrayrng As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As String
Dim y As String
Set ml = Worksheets("Master Data")
a = ml.Cells(Rows.Count, 11).End(xlUp).Row
b = ml.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = a To b - 1
a = ml.Cells(Rows.Count, 11).End(xlUp).Row
b = ml.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
arrayrng = "E" & a + 1
x = "=VLOOKUP(" & arrayrng
y = ",'Data Base'!I:J,2,0)"enter code here
Range("K" & a + 1) = x + y

Cutting/Pasting Data from column B to first empty cell in Column A

I have just one worksheet that has 6 columns and 10 rows. So the Range of my table is A1:F10 which has 60 cells.
I simply need to cut the data from column B and paste it into the first empty cell in column A. Then, I need it to do the same with columns C - F. Eventually I want to have only one column (Column A) that is 60 rows deep.
Sub Move_Columns()
Range("B1:B10").Copy Destination:=Range("A11")
Range("C1:C10").Copy Desitnation:=Range("21")
' this would continue until columns B-F were copied in column A
End Sub
The problem is that this code only copies the data over. I need it removed once it has been copied. I'm also sure there is a much more efficient way to write the code so that I don't have to keep repeating the ranges.
I wish I knew how to write the code so that Excel will automatically cut and paste the data from each column into the first empty row in column A.
Would the For Each Statement be a good idea to add in there?
I make this code, and put some comments to help you to understand.
Sub MoveAllInFirstColumn()
Dim i As Integer
Dim lastCol As Integer
lastCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'finds the last column
For i = 2 To lastCol ' foreach columns except first
Dim lastRow As Integer
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'get the lastrow of current column
Range(Cells(1, i), Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, i).End(xlUp).Row, i)).Cut Cells(lastRow + 1, 1) 'cut and paste the current column to the first column
Next i
End Sub
To continue with what you have:
Sub Move_Columns()
Range("B1:B10").Copy Destination:=Range("A11")
Range("C1:C10").Copy Desitnation:=Range("A21")
' this would continue until columns B-F were copied in column A
End Sub
An alternative with some looping
Sub Move_Columns()
Dim StartCol as Integer
Dim EndCol as Integer
Dim StartRow as Integer
Dim EndRow as Integer
Dim CurRow as Integer
Dim i as Integer
Dim DestCol as integer
DestCol = 1
StartCol = 2
EndCol = 6
StartRow = 1
EndRow = 10
CurRow = StartRow
for I = StartCol to EndCol
'Range(cells(i, StartRow),cells(i, EndRow).Copy Destination:=Range(DestCol,CurRow)
'Range(cells(i, StartRow),cells(i, EndRow).ClearContents
Range(cells(StartRow, i), cells(EndRow, 1)).Copy Destination:=Range(DestCol, CurRow)
Range(cells(StartRow, i),cells(EndRow,i)).ClearContents
CurRow = CurRow + EndRow
end Sub

Delete specific rows using range function

I want to delete all rows in excel sheet if specific column value starts with 1.
For example, if range of A1:A having values starts with 1 then I want to delete all those rows using excel vba.
How to get it?
Dim c As Range
Dim SrchRng
Set SrchRng = Sheets("Output").UsedRange
Set c = SrchRng.Find("For Men", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then c.EntireRow.Delete
Loop While Not c Is Nothing
Here's the required code with comments on how it works. Feed the worksheet and column number to the sub and call it e.g. Delete Rows 2, Sheets("myWorksheet"):
Sub DeleteRows(columnNumber as Integer, ws as WorkSheet)
Dim x as long, lastRow as Long
' get the last used row
lastRow = ws.cells(1000000, columnNumber).end(xlUp).Row
'loop backwards from the last row and delete applicable rows
For x = lastRow to 1 Step -1
' if the cell starts with a number...
If IsNumeric(Left(ws.Cells(x, columnNumber), 1) Then
'Delete it the row if it's equaal to 1
If Left(ws.Cells(x, columnNumber), 1) = 1 Then ws.Rows(x &":"& x).Delete
End If
Next x
End Sub
Dim Value As String
Dim CellName As String
Dim RowNumber As Long
Do While Value <> ""
CellName = "A" + RowNumber
Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(GetRowNumber(CellName), GetColumnNumber(CellName)).Value
If Mid(Value, 1, 1) = "2" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("A" & RowNumber).EntireRow.Delete
End If
RowNumber = RowNumber + 1
Private Function GetColumnNumber(ByVal CellName As String) As Long
For L = 1 To 26
If Left(CellName, 1) = Chr(L + 64) Then
GetColumnNumber = L
Exit For
End If
End Function
Private Function GetRowNumber(ByVal CellName As String) As Long
GetRowNumber = CLng(Mid(CellName, 2))
End Function
You may be pushing the bounds of what is reasonable to do in Excel vba.
Consider importing the Excel file into Microsoft Access.
Then, you can write 2 Delete Queries and they will run uber fast:
DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE col1 like '2*'
DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE col2 LIKE '*for men*' OR col3 LIKE '*for men*'
After deleting those records, you can export the data to a new Excel file.
Also, you can write an Access Macro to import the Excel File, run the Delete Queries, and Export the data back to Excel.
And you can do all of this without writing a line of VBA Code.
You can try:
Sub delete()
tamano = Range("J2") ' Value into J2
ifrom = 7 ' where you want to delete
'Borramos las celdas
'Delete column A , B and C
For i = ifrom To tamano
Range("A" & i).Value = ""
Range("B" & i).Value = ""
Range("C" & i).Value = ""
Next i
End Sub
