mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/var/log/spark-jobserver\r’: Permission denied - linux

I was trying to deploy spark-jobserver on a EMR cluster, as per this documentation ""
Was able to install the job-server on emr, but while starting the server using ./ on "/mnt/lib/spark-jobserver" (you can find it in my cluster), it was showing
"mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/var/log/spark-jobserver\r’: Permission denied".
I have tried to give permission to it using chmod and also tried chown command, but all of these didnt work.
Further I had also tried logging in with ec2-user, but this even didnt help.
Can you please tell what more else is needed to be done in order to get it deployed on emr, or emr is not capable of doing this.
[hadoop#ip-10-0-0-50 spark-jobserver]$ ./
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/var/log/spark-jobserver\r’: Permission denied

Did you try giving permissions recursively?
chmod -R 777 dirname


How to resolve /bin/bash: Permission Denied

RHEL8.3 OS is being used on server, Yesterday i have accidently executed command chmod 644 /* from /usr/share/fonts directory after command execution i am not able to access server with ssh or on putty.
Admin is trying to connect to server with root user but he is getting error /bin/bash: Permission Denied.
Please suggest how to restored permissions or resolve issue.
Refer to here, 644 means you can't even execute the file, with or without root.
Permissions of 644 mean that the owner of the file has read and write access, while the group members and other users on the system only have read access.
Could you try sudo chmod 755 /* or without root chmod 755 /*?
Also, you may try this.
If nothing works, reinstalling your system will be the only choice left.

Permissions granted, still www-data cannot write files in folder

I have set up an Ubuntu server on Digital Ocean. Following are the config details:
Ubuntu version : Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Apache version : Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
I am trying to run a php script through browser which will need to create a file in the directory . I keep getting the following permission denied message in the /var/log/apache2/error.log file fopen(<folder_to_write>): failed to open stream: Permission denied in test_write.php
I discovered that the user www-data (apache2 user) is having a permission issue. I changed the owner of the folder as follows :
chown -R www-data:www-data folder_to_write
and then
chmod 2775 folder_to_write
This did not work.
Finally, I tried the last option. I changed the directory permission to sudo chmod -R 777 folder_to_write hoping to get some lead. However, despite giving this full access permission, I got the permission denied message.
Has anyone experienced any such issue earlier? Not sure what I am doing wrong. I tried the same steps with another user and that seems to be working fine.
I appreciate your help. Thank you so much.
fopen(): failed to open stream:
It seems not able to find directory folder_to_write , Please check your absolute directory path if that's configured right for writing to a file.

Elasticsearch: Change permissions of old folder index to work with yum-installed elasticsearch

I used a specific library that used an embedded version of elasticsearch. Now as we are growing, I want to start elasticsearch as a service.
I followed this guide to install it using yum on a linux machine. I pointed ES to the new directory using
logs: /home/ec2-user/.searchindex/logs
data: /home/ec2-user/.searchindex/data
When I start the service
sudo service elasticsearch start
I get a permission denied error: /home/ec2-user/.searchindex/logs/elasticsearch_index_search_slowlog.log (Permission denied)
at Method)
I guess this has to do with the folder permission, I changed folder permission using:
sudo chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch -R .searchindex
But that didn't help.
Any help?
Your user elasticsearch can't write in the logging folder : /home/ec2-user/.searchindex/logs
Check the permissions with ls -l
Set write permission with the chmod command :e.g. : sudo chmod -R u+wx .searchindex
The issue occurred because .searchindex is located in ec2-user directory which obviously is inaccessible by elasticsearch user created to manage the elasticsearch service.
Moving the folder to /var/lib/elasticsearch did the trick.

Cherokee: accessing uwsgi configuration file

I'm running into a permissions problem with Cherokee+uWSGI on Ubuntu Server 13.10 intended for a Django production environment. When I start uWSGI manually as root user prior to launching cherokee, everything goes smooth:
sudo uwsgi --ini /home/instytut21/instytut21l/instytut21/uwsgi.ini
But when I try to access the site through the server (running as www-data) without that, I keep getting a 503 Service Unavailable response and the following message in the logs:
sudo cat /var/log/cherokee/instytut21.error.log
realpath() of /home/instytut21/ failed:
[core/utils.c line 3574]
I've spent a good while trying to figure out what causes the problem. I've tried giving ownership to $USER:www-data and www-data:www-data with all kinds of file permissions ranging from 600 to 777.
I don't want to run the server as root for security reasons. How can I make the ini file accessible to cherokee?
I finally found a solution to a similar problem at www-data permissions? . I slightly modified it and solved my problem by executing the following commands.
Own the whole directory by me and group www-data:
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data /home/instytut21/
Grant all permissions to the group:
sudo chmod -R g+rwx /home/instytut21/
Ensure all uploaded filed get the same permissions:
sudo chmod -R g+s /home/instytut21/

how do I assign read/write/exec permission to my /backup partition?

when I installed Ubuntu10.04, I create a partition /backup.
After I installed Ubunut, I always failed when I try to put some files into /backup via my account.
I try to assign permission in /etc/fstabm, it also doesn't work.
Any idea to solve this problem via my usual account, not root.
If you created this partition during setup just run sudo chown <your username> /backup:to own this directory is simple solution to your problem.
