nodejs conflicting with vue native router - node.js

nodejs version 14.17.5
vue native version 0.3.0
I am developing an application that requires navigation in APP.
When i give command "npm run start" the application successfully runs.
Package.json dependencies installed:
enter image description here
For navigation when i run command "npm install view-native-router" it shows the error message as below:
enter image description here
Does anybody have the idea what could possibly have gone wrong? Is it a compatibility issue ?

It seems this is not the first time we have a peer dependency problem here and the last issue was marked as solved.
Since you have a higher version of vue-native-core in local, try add --legacy-peer-deps to npm install to see if works.

Though --force or --legacy-peer-deps may work for some but not everyone.
My solution is to start using yarn! Install it by the following:
$ npm i -g yarn
After its installed, its advised that you delete the project and redo the vue-native-cli init command so it can use yarn from there, but you can also just directly use the following command without deleting the project:
$ yarn install vue-native-scripts


NestJs can't find module platform-express even though it's installed in node_modules

I was following a tutorial on Udemy in order to setup a NestJS app from scratch. Upon execution using npx ts-node-dev src/main.ts I get the error [PackageLoader] No driver (HTTP) has been selected. In order to take advantage of the default driver, please, ensure to install the "#nestjs/platform-express" package ($ npm install #nestjs/platform-express).
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling #nestjs/platform-express but I still get same error.
Finally solved this issue, I had to delete the entire node_modules folder and then run npm install with the same pckage.json file.

`npx create-react-app` says it requires "Node 14 or higher" but I'm running 17.4.0. How can I fix this?

I'm trying to start a new React project on my Mac (running Mojave 10.14.5).
In VS Code's Terminal I ran npx create-react-app my-app and got a message saying that my version of Node was out of date. I updated node to version 17.4.0 and ran it again - still got the same message.
I then ran clear cache: npm cache clean --force and tried again - still no luck.
node -v says I'm running 17.4.0.
Would anyone know what I could do?
The first thing you need to do is to uninstall the create-react-app and then npm install it again.
You can use these commands for uninstalling the create-react-app:
if you are using NPM:
npm uninstall -g create-react-app
if you are using Yarn:
yarn global remove create-react-app
for creating new app you can use the following command:
npx create-react-app#latest your-project-name
You must notice that the create-react-app should not be installed globally as it is documented in Create-React-app Docs.
Also please note that it is safe to say, always use the LTS version of node (that is 16.13.2 at this time).
It should solve your problem with initiating a new react app.

Can i use yarn instead of npm?

I'm super new to node and coding in general so please forgive me. I am trying to use weld scraping service, but I am using npm. To run, it says to use a yarn command: yarn dev # development . Is there a way I can run the same command with npm? I tried npm install dev # development, but it threw an error for the #. I tried downloading the contents of the repository first and then running, and got the same result. I tried researching what # means in yarn, or in terminal, and the only thing I found is in a shell script it shows that you are the superuser?
...Yarn can consume the same package.json format as npm, and can install any package from the npm registry.
First of all Yarn is a package manager created by Facebook as an alternative to npm. It looks like the package you are trying to install can not be installed with npm. "npm install dev # development" will not work because it is not the format used by npm when you are trying to install some package. If the objective is to scrape a web site I recommend you to use some other popular npm packages as axios cheerio. You can use "npm install axios cheerio" to use them.

FAIL Inject RemoteDev monitor into React Native debugger

I am working on a React Native app and suddenly see this :
FAIL Inject RemoteDev monitor into React Native debugger, the file 'react-native\local-cli\server\util\debugger.html' not found.
when i run npm install.
It used to be ok before. I checked the folder AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\react-native\local-cli\server\util and the debugger.html file is there.
Here is my package.json script:
"postinstall": "remotedev-debugger"
How can I fix this?
I got this error today after updating to the latest React Native version.
I think you need to update RemoteDev package.
For me, this involved replacing remote-redux-devtools-on-debugger with the latest remotedev-rn-debugger ( as the package name had changed.
Upgrade the remotedev-rn-debugger package.
If you use NPM:
npm i remotedev-rn-debugger#latest --save-dev
If you use Yarn:
yarn add remotedev-rn-debugger#latest --dev

React-native removed when use npm install

I don't understand why my npm make that and i'm new with react-native.
Here is the description of my "bug" on Windows 10 :
I can use react-native command for run android or create react-native app like that react-native init TestApp
When i go into my app folder with cd TestApp and i run react-native link or other react-native command everythings work fine.
But if i install a new package like fbsdk with npm like that npm install react-native-fbsdk --save i saw after installation this message :
added 1 package and removed 639 packages in 22.207s
And after that, if i would like use react-native command i have this message :
Command link unrecognized. Make sure that you have run npm install and that you are inside a react-native project.
For this message, i have entered react-native link command.
You know why npm remove all my packages ?
I got the same problem.
However I solved the problem by deleting the package-lock.json and then running npm install.
Check the answer here.
I also noticed recently that npm install doesn't do what I expect, but that may be because I'm newbie.
However yarn install is a good replacement and is working fine for me. I used it to upgrade/downgrade things by directly editing packages.json, and it also solved the npm link problem that I faced.
Edit: downgrading to npm 7 solved all my issues
