How to rearrange the string in C# - streamreader

\In my csv file have two row data :
\How do I make it as below in c#:
\a=1;enter code here
\b=2;enter code here
\c=3;enter code here
\d=4;enter code here
\e=5;enter code here

tldr; you split the text.
got string from csv //e.g. string originalTxt = #"\a;b;c;d;e; \1;2;3;4;5";
split row
rearrange/edit for each word in each row
string resultTxt = "";
string mycodehere ="enter code here ";
string originalTxt = ...; //TODO :: your code for get text from csv
string[2] rows = originalTxt.Split('\'); // split the \ got 2 rows
string[] row1 = rows[0].Split(';'); //split each word
string[] row2 = rows[1].Split(';'); //split each word
for(int i= 0 ; i< row1.Count ; i++){
resultTxt += #"\" + row1[i] + "=" + row2[i] + ";" + mycodehere + " " ;
//TODO :: use resultTxt


How to parse a string for numbers and words (strings)? IN JAVA

I have a list of strings that contain names and a series of numbers, ex: "John James Hollywood 1 2 3".
I want to parse out the names using a loop so that I can scan each part of the text and store it in a new string variable. Then I tried to use a conditional to put any numbers in a different variable. I will calculate the average of the numbers and then print the name and the average of the numbers, so the output looks like this:
John James Hollywood: 2
I don't know whether to use the input string stream or what my first steps are.
public static String parseNameNumbers(String text)
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(text);
Scanner inSS = null;
int numSum = 0;
int countNum = 0;
String newText = new String();
String sep = "";
while(scnr.hasNext()) {
if(scnr.hasNextInt()) {
numSum = numSum + scnr.nextInt();
else {
newText = newText + sep +;
sep = " ";
return newText + ": " + (numSum/countNum);

How to reverse a string with letters and numbers so that only the letters extract

How can I reverse the string which includes numbers and letters, but I want to output the letters in reverse order. (Without using string functions)
string = 'Hellow 432'
length = len(string)
output = ""
while length>0:
output += string[length-1]
length = length-1
print (output)
String details = "Hellow 432";
string numeric = "";
string nonnumeric = "";
char[] mychar = details.ToCharArray();
foreach (char ch in mychar)
if (char.IsDigit(ch))
numeric = numeric + ch.ToString();
nonnumeric =ch.ToString()+ nonnumeric;
return nonnumeric + numeric;

CSV file parsing in C#

Wanted to check if there is any null value in column field in the csv file and also there shouldn't be null value after / in number column, if it is null the entire row should not be written to output file.
iva 1/001 f Antartica
aaju 2/002 m russia
lax 3/ m brazil
ana 4/004 f Thailand
vis 5/005 m
for e.g. 3rd and 5th row should not be written to output file.
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(filepathop)) {
for (int i = 0; i < csv.Length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
file.WriteLine(header + "," + "num" + "," + "serial" + "," + "date");
else {
var newline = new StringBuilder();
string[] words = csv[i].Split(',');
string[] no = words[1].Split('/');
string number = no[0];
string serial = no[1];
newline.Append(number + "," + serial + "," + tokens[0]);
file.WriteLine(csv[i] + "," + newline);
You can test for null columns with string.IsNullOrEmpty(column) or column.Length == 0 like so:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serial) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(country))
file.WriteLine(csv[i] + "," + newline);
You might want to check and remove white space, too. Depends on your input.

Reading style names in table cell of doc file in Apache-POI

I am able to read the table cells, But I wanted also to read the applied style name of each cell of a row in a table. How can I achieve this?
Following is the code snip which I have tried. By this I am able to read cell text also the applied pstyle(para style), but not able to read the rstyles.
private static void processDoc(String path) throws Exception {
POIFSFileSystem fis = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(path));
HWPFDocument wdDoc = new HWPFDocument(fis);
// list all style names and indexes in stylesheet
/*for (int j = 0; j < wdDoc.getStyleSheet().numStyles(); j++) {
if (wdDoc.getStyleSheet().getStyleDescription(j) != null) {
System.out.println(j + ": " + wdDoc.getStyleSheet().getStyleDescription(j).getName());
} else {
// getStyleDescription returned null
System.out.println(j + ": " + null);
// set range for entire document
Range range = wdDoc.getRange();
for (int i = 0; i < range.numParagraphs(); i++) {
Paragraph p = range.getParagraph(i);
// check if style index is greater than total number of styles
if (wdDoc.getStyleSheet().numStyles() > p.getStyleIndex()) {
//System.out.println(wdDoc.getStyleSheet().numStyles() + " -> " + p.getStyleIndex());
StyleDescription style = wdDoc.getStyleSheet().getStyleDescription(p.getStyleIndex());
String styleName = style.getName();
// write style name and associated text
System.out.println(styleName + " -> " + p.text().replaceAll("[\u0000-\u001f]", ""));
} else {
System.out.println("\n" + wdDoc.getStyleSheet().numStyles() + " ----> " + p.getStyleIndex());

How to draw text using loadStrings(); and text();?

basic loadstrings() code:
String[] txt = loadStrings("/Users/rjth/Desktop/data.txt");
println("there are " + txt.length + " lines");
when I add text(); or RG.getText(); I am given an error code:
String[] txt = loadStrings("/Users/rjth/Desktop/data.txt");
println("there are " + txt.length + " lines");
text(txt, 1, 1);
error: The method text(char[], int, int float, float) in the type PApplet is not applicable for the arguments (String[], int, int)
where is the problem?
well that's because txt as you set it is an array (that's what loadstrings gives out).. You have to iterate over it and set the text to each one of its elements like this:
for(int i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) text(txt[i],1,1);
for(String s: txt) text(s,1,1);
