I want to detect if a kinematicbody is touching an area. I know how the body entered signal works and I know how to detect when the kinematicbody enters the area, but how can I continue to detect the collision, as long as the bodies are still touching?
I don’t want to run code just when the bodies first collide, I want to run it as long as they are touching.
One solution is to make a "pool" of objects in collision, such as:
func _on_body_entered(_body):
func _on_body_exited(_body):
# this is optional and depends on your case
if colliding_pool.has(_body) and is_instance_valid(_body):
Then you can have in your loop to handle if there's collisions based on this pool not being empty. You can also keep it on a single variable rather than an array of objects, this part is better to adapt based on your needs.
I know that one use a box with "loop" in the corner, when we have a loop which uses several objects. Is it the same with just one object?
Yes. You can place a loop fragment over a self-call and that simply means a repetitive call. A guard placed in square brackets (top left of the fragment) tells when the loop will end.
However, graphical programming isn't the best idea at all. For such trivial cases some note or pseudo code are better suited. In most cases that info is obvious from the context anyway and should not be presented graphically. Don't underestimate the programmers doing the coding in the end.
First I have Hands = Set[Tuple[str,str]] to represents the suits and ranks of the card respectively( Hands = {("Diamonds", "4"),("Clubs","J"),...}). then I have to check if Hands contain straight flush combination(All 5 cards have the same suit in sequence.) I tried using for loop to check if all the cards have same suits but the problem is that I can't slice the element inside set. After that I am stumped. Is there a way to return a boolean that indicate whether variable Hands is straight flush?
Here is my code I have been working on
Hands = Set[Tuple[str,str]]
h = {("Diamonds", "Q"),("Diamonds","J"),("Diamonds","K"),("Diamonds","A"),("Diamonds","2")}
def is_sflush(h:Hands) -> bool:
for i in h:
if h[i][0] == h[i+1][0]: #This is where I am wrong and need help here
This sounds like a H/W problem, so not to give away the farm...
you have 2 checks to figure out: same suit and sequential. Do them separately.
For the "same suit", I recommend making a set of the suits from the cards (not the ranks), which you can do from a set comprehension. What will the size of that set tell you?
The sequential part is a bit more work. :) You might need an extra data structure that has the correct sequencing or position of the cards as something to compare against. Several strategies could work.
This question already has an answer here:
cellDoubleClicked text python
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
According to the API the PyQt5 or PySide cell oriented signals of a QTableWidget are supposed to receive two interger parameters for row, and column respectively. For example:
def cellClicked (row, column)
Now when I try to call them like that:
def slotCellClick1():
, I get, TypeError: native Qt signal is not callable.
The compiling solution and so far described in examples is in this manner:
which works for cell click, in general.
Am I getting wrong the concept or there is still a way to address a specific cell signals with this api functions? Otherwise what would be the workaround to trigger specific cell click signals?
That's not how signals and slots work.
Toolkits, and APIs in general, use callbacks to notify the programmer when something happens, by calling a function to react to it; this approach usually provides an interface that can pass some arguments along with the notification.
Suppose you have a module that a certain point can change "something" in it, you want to be notified whenever that change happens and eventually do something with it:
# pseudo code
from some_api import some_object
def some_function(argument):
print("Something changed to {}!".format(argument))
>>> some_object.change_something(True)
Something changed to True!
As you can see, the something_changed_callback is not about the possible value of "something", as the callback will be called anyway; if you want to react to a specific value of "something", you'll have to check that within the callback function.
While for simpler apis it's usually fine to have a set_*_changed_callback() for each possible case, in complex toolkits like Qt that would be unnecessary (adding thousands of functions, one for each signal) and confusing.
Qt (like other toolkits like Gtk) uses a similar callback technique but with an unified interface to connect all signals to their "callbacks"; the concept doesn't change that much, at least from the coding perspective, but it makes things easier.
Originally, the syntax was like this:
QObject.connect(some_object, SIGNAL("something_changed(bool)", some_function)
but since some years it's been simplified to the "new style" connection:
which is almost the same as the above:
So, long story short, you can't connect to a specific signal "result", you'll have to check it by yourself.
I can understand your point of view: «I'm interested in calling my slot only when the value is x/y/z». It would make sense, but that kind of interface could be problematic from the api implementation point of view.
Most importantly, a lot of signals emit objects that are class instancies (QModelIndex, QStandardItem, etc) that are created at runtime or even have parents that don't exist yet when you have to connect them, or are mutable objects (one might want to check if a list or dictionary is equal to the one emitted, or if is the same).
Also, some signals have multiple arguments, and one could be interested in checking only some or one of them, but that kind of checking would be almost impossible to create with a simple function argument without any possibility of error or exception. Let's say you want to connect to cellClicked whenever the column is 1, no matter what row; you'd probably think that a good way would be to use cellClicked(None, 1), cellClicked(False, 1) or cellClicked(-1, 1), but some signals actually return None, False or -1, so there wouldn't be a simple standardized way to tell "ignore that argument" (if not by using a custom type).
After searching I found an answer that answers my question for a specific case of cellDoubleClicked https://stackoverflow.com/a/46738897/3597222
I am writing a character animation rendering engine that uses Bullet Physics as a physics simulation engine.
A sequence will start out with no model on the screen, then an animation will be assigned to that model, the model will be moved to frame 0 of the animation, and the engine will begin rendering the model with the animation.
What is the correct way to re-position the rigid bodies on the character model when it is initialized at frame 0?
Currently I am using this code, which is called immediately after the animation is assigned to the model and the bones are moved to the frame 0 position:
bool k = (_type == Kinematics);
_body->setCollisionFlags(_body->getCollisionFlags() & ~btCollisionObject::CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);
btTransform tr = BulletPhysics::ConvertD3DXMatrix(&(_bone->getCombinedTrans()));
tr *= _trans;
_world->addRigidBody(_body, _groupID, _groupMask);
The issue is that sometimes this works, and other times not. For an example, take a skirt of a model. Sometimes it will show up in the natural position, other times slightly misaligned and it will fall into place, and other times it shows up completely clipped through the body, as if collision was turned off and some force pushed it in that direction. This does make sense most of the time, because in the test animation I am using the model's initial position is in the center of the screen, but the animation starts off the left side of the screen. Does anyone know how to solve this?
I know the bones on the skirt are not the problem, because I turned off physics and forced it to manually update the bone positions each frame, and everything was in the correct positions throughout the entire animation.
EDIT: I also have constraints, might that be what's causing this?
Here is my reposition method that does exactly this.
void LimbBt::reposition(btVector3 position,btVector3 orientation) {
btTransform initialTransform;
The motion state mMotionState is the motion state you created for the btRigidBody in the beginning. Just add your clearForces() and velocities to it to stop the body from moving on from the new position as if it went through a portal. That should do it. It works nicely with me here.
Edit: The constraints will adapt if you reposition all rigidbodies correctly. For that purpose, it is easy to calculate the relative position and reposition the whole constrained rigidbody construct according to that. If you do it incorrectly, you will get severe twitching, as the constraints will try to adjust you construct numerically, causing high forces if the constraint gaps are large.
Edit2: Another issue is that if you need deterministic behavior (every time you reset your bodies, they should fall exactly the same), then you will have to kill your old dynamicsWorld, recreate it and add all the bodies again. The world stores some information about the bodies that just can not be cleared for now. This might change in the future as bullet4 is going to support deterministic resets. But for now, if you do experiments with deterministic resets, you need to drop the world and recreate it.
source: discussion with Erwin Coumans, the developer of Bullet Physics.
I can't tell you what causes the unusual outcome when moving rigid bodies but I can definitely sympathize!
There are three things you'll need to do in order to solve this:
Convert your rigid bodies to kinematic ones
Adjust the World Transform of the bodies motion state and NOT the rigid body
Convert the kinematic body back to a rigid body
A short tested code snippet effectively teleporting a rigid body by updating its motion state to its new position and orientation, plus nullifying all velocities and forces acting upon it.
void teleport(btVector3 position, btQuaternion& orientation) const {
btTransform transform;
m_rigidBodyVehicle->setLinearVelocity(btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
m_rigidBodyVehicle->setAngularVelocity(btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
I'm creating a sequence diagram, and one of the classes is being observed by another class. The observed class is calling update in the observer every 5 seconds in a loop. I need to show this in the sequence diagram. Is there a way to show it looping indefinitely out of sequence as it were?
Or does it not make sense in the context of a sequence diagram; should I not include it? Or should I include it in a different type of diagram?
You can use a box enclosing the message send arrow (and whatever else is inside the same repetitive construct).
See this tutorial for an example.
link to larger image (archived)
Just adding a clearer picture because this one at #joel.tony's answer is damn blur.
As you can see the loop happens inside the frame called loop n. There is a guard, array_size, which controls the loop's iterations.
In conclusion the sequence of the messages inside the loop n frame (those between DataControl and DataSource objects) will happen array_size times.