Logstash Grok regex parsing - logstash

I am trying to do a parsing on a plaintext message using Grok; my goal is to explode the plaintext to a JSON log.
The message has a quite rigid format, as follows:
<timestamp> <loglevel> <greedydata> field1=value1, field2=value2, .... fieldN=valueN
Where the number of fields is not fixed.
It's possible to capture every field=value pair using a named capturing group, being able to use the same "field" name as the key in the output message?

TL;DR - use dissect instead of grok
You want something like:
"timestamp": <timestamp>,
"loglevel": <loglevel>,
"field1": value1,
"field2": value2,
"fieldN": valueN
Where the keys (field1, fieldN etc) are dynamic.
You cannot use grok to do this. Even using a pattern like this (then using array position indices) won't work:
( field[0-9]+=%{DATA:value})+$
You need to handle this a different way. Your options are:
handle this before it hits logstash
use a ruby filter
use the dissect filter


How to extract value from log with grok and logstash

I must extract value from a log composed by row like this:
<38>1 [2017-03-15T08:45:23.168Z] apache.01.mysite.com event=login;src_ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx;site=FE-B1-Site;cstnr=1454528;user=498119;result=SUCCESS
For example with %{IP:source}
I obtain only the first IP but, sometimes, I have 3 IP address.
How I can extract all IP,'cstnr', 'result' and 'user' ?
Looks like you have a nested, delimited key-value format. First delimiter is ;, with each of those a key=value. Additionally, the values are delimited on ,'. You have enough grok to get the first IP address, but I suggest doing something a bit different:
Use grok to grab the entire string after your site-name.
Use the kv filter with field_split => ';', which will create fields named the same as your keys.
Use the csv filter on the src_ip address captured in the kv filter stage.
Use columns => [ cstnr', 'result', 'user' ] to get those fields named right.

How can you parse 2 properties out of 1 value with grok in logstash?

Some context:
I want to parse the following log statement using grok in logstash
07:51:45,729 TRACE [com.company.Class] (ajp-/ USERID called path: /url and took: 1000 ms
I am now using the following syntax to parse the complete message:
Which gives me all the properties that i have defined.
My question:
I want to parse this part (ajp-/ into a 'thread' property and an ip property.
The result needs to be:
thread: (ajp-/
How can i do this?
Just add a second grok filter after your working one. Do not put this in your existing grok filter because it will finish after the first match.
grok {
match => [ 'thread', '%{IP:ip}' ]
This obtains your previous field thread => "(ajp-/" and adds a new field ip => ""
Apart from that, I would recommend you to be more specific with your pattern. You used DATA everytime which is kind of imprecise. Start with something like this:
%{TIME:timestamp} %{WORD:method} \[%{JAVACLASS:class}\] \(%{DATA:thread}\) %{NUMBER:userid} %{DATA}%{URIPATH:uri}%{DATA}

logstash grok filter for logs with arbitrary attribute-value pairs

(This is related to my other question logstash grok filter for custom logs )
I have a logfile whose lines look something like:
14:46:16.603 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] INFO METERING - msg=93e6dd5e-c009-46b3-b9eb-f753ee3b889a CREATE_JOB job=a820018e-7ad7-481a-97b0-bd705c3280ad data=71b1652e-16c8-4b33-9a57-f5fcb3d5de92
14:46:17.378 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] INFO METERING - msg=c1ddb068-e6a2-450a-9f8b-7cbc1dbc222a SET_STATUS job=a820018e-7ad7-481a-97b0-bd705c3280ad status=ACTIVE final=false
I built a pattern that matched the first line:
%{TIME:timestamp} %{NOTSPACE:http} %{WORD:loglevel}%{SPACE}%{WORD:logtype} - msg=%{NOTSPACE:msg}%{SPACE}%{WORD:action}%{SPACE}job=%{NOTSPACE:job}%{SPACE}data=%{NOTSPACE:data}
but obviously that only works for lines that have the data= at the end, versus the status= and final= at the end of the second line, or other attribute-value pairs on other lines? How can I set up a pattern that says that after a certain point there will be an arbitrary of foo=bar pairs that I want to recognize and output as attribute/value pairs in the output?
You can change your grok pattern like this to have all the key value pairs in one field (kvpairs):
%{TIME:timestamp} %{NOTSPACE:http} %{WORD:loglevel}%{SPACE}%{WORD:logtype} - %{GREEDYDATA:kvpairs}
Afterwards you can use the kv filter to parse the key value pairs.
kv {
source => "kvpairs"
remove_field => [ "kvpairs" ] # Delete the field afterwards
Unfortunately, you have some simple values inside your kv pairs (e.g. CREATE_JOB). You could parse them with grok and use one kv filter for the values before and another kv filter for the values after those simple values.

Elasticsearch Completion Suggester field contains comma separated values

I have a field that contains comma separated values which I want to perform suggestion on.
"description" : "Breakfast,Sandwich,Maker"
Is it possible to get only applicable token while performing suggest as you type??
For ex:
When I say break, how can I get only Breakfast and not get Breakfast,Sandwich,Maker?
I have tried using commatokenizer but it seems it does not help
As said in the documentation, you can provide multiple possible inputs by indexing like this:
curl -X PUT 'localhost:9200/music/song/1?refresh=true' -d '{
"description" : "Breakfast,Sandwich,Maker",
"suggest" : {
"input": [ "Breakfast", "Sandwitch", "Maker" ],
"output": "Breakfast,Sandwich,Maker"
This way, you suggest with any word of the list as input.
Obtaining the corresponding word as suggestion from Elasticsearch is not possible but as a workaround you could use a tokenizer outside Elasticsearch to split the suggested string and choose only the one that has the input as prefix.
EDIT: a better solution would be to use an array instead of comma-separated values, but it doesn't meet your specs... ( look at this: Elasticsearch autocomplete search on array field )

Different structure in a few lines in my log file

My log file contains different structures in a few lines, and I can not grok it, I don't know if we can test by lines or attribute, I'm still a beginner.
if you don't understand me I can give you some examples :
input :
id=firewall action=bloc type=web
id=firewall fw="ER" type=filter
id=firewall fw="Az" tz="loo" action=bloc
id=%{WORD:id} ...
I thought to add some patterns between ()?,
but i don't know exactly how to do it.
you can use this site to test it http://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/
Any help please? What should i do :(
Logstash supports key-value Values, take a look at http://logstash.net/docs/1.4.2/filters/kv.
Or you could use multiple match values:
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [
"message", "%{BASE_PATTERN} %{EXTRA_PATTERN}",
"message", "%{BASE_PATTERN}",
"message", "%{SOME_OTHER_PATTERN}"
Not sure if I understood well your question but I will try to answer. I think the first thing you have to do is to parse the different fields from your input. Example of pattern to parse your first line input :
Then in your logstash configuration file :
filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => "$LOGSTASH_HOME/pattern"
match => [ "message" => "%{PATTERN}" ]
This will match your first line as 3 fields ("id=firewall" "action=bloc" "type=web") (you have to adapt it if you have more than 3 fields).
And the last thing you seem be looking for is splitting field (in key-value scheme) like id=firewall would become id => "firewall". This can be done with the kv plugin. I never used it but I recommend you the logstash docs here
If I did not understand you question, please be more clear.
