Python Dash table live updates: Any alternate to Interval? - python-3.x

I am making a dash board with a table using python dash. I want it to be updated every time i gather data in the backgroud. The problem is I cant use the dcc.Interval as my data gathering can take bit longer sometimes, so I cant set periodic updates.
Is there any other alternatives?
Can I use the change in table data itself as a trigger to fire callback again? I tried that, but below code is not working.
Output('table', 'style_data_conditional'),
def updateTable(ignore):
return get_data()

The table can't change itself, or it would just create an infinite loop.
Some options:
You could set the interval to much much larger, like every minute or 2 minutes
You could use a button to manually trigger an update each time the user clicks it
You could also look into using web sockets. See some examples here and here. That would require something external to be able to send a message to your Dash app, though


Execute a particular function every time the date changes in the user's local time

I am saving a counter number in user storage.
I want to provide some content to the user which changes daily using this counter.
So every time the counter increases by 1 the content will change.
The problem is the timezone difference.
Is there anyway to run a function, daily which will increase this counter by 1. I could use setInterval() which is a part of the NodeJs library but that won't be an accurate "daily" update for all users.
User storage is only available to you as a developer when the Action is active. This data is not available once the Action is closed, so you wouldn't be able to asynchronously update the field. If you do want asynchronous access, I'd suggest using an external database and only storing the database row key in the user's userStorage. That way you can access the data and modify it whenever you want.
The setInterval method will run a function periodically, but may not work in the way you want. It only runs the function while the runtime is active. A lot of services will shut down a runtime after a period. Cloud Functions, for example, run sometimes but then will shut down when not used. Additonally, Cloud Functions can be run several times in parallel instances, executing a setInterval function several times in parallel. That would increment the counter more times than you want.
Using a dedicated Cron service would help reduce the number of simultaneous executions while also ensuring it runs when you want.
You are unable to directly access the user's timezone within the Action, meaning you won't be able to determine the end of a day. You can get the content to change every day, but it'll have some sort of offset. To get around this, you could have several cron jobs which run for different segments of users.
Using the conv.user.locale field, you can derive their language. en-US is generally going to be for American users, which generally are going to live in the US. While this could result in an odd behavior for traveling, you can then bucket users into a particular period of execution. Running the task overnight, either 1AM or 4AM they'll probably be unaware but know that it updates overnight.
You could use the location helper to get the user's location more precisely. This may be a bit unnecessary, but you could use that value to determine their timezone and then derive that user's "midnight" to put in the correct Cron bucket.

Can I track unexpected lack of changes using change feeds, cosmos db and azure functions?

I am trying to understand change feeds in Azure. I see I can trigger an event when something changes in cosmos db. This is useful. However, in some situations, I expect a document to be changed after a while. A question should have a status change that it has been answered. After a while an order should have a status change "confirmed" and a problem should have status change "resolved" or should a have priority change (to "low"). It is useful to trigger an event when such a change is happening for a certain document. However, it is even more useful to trigger an event when such a change after a (specified) while (like 1 hour) does not happen. A problem needs to be resolved after a while, an order needs to be confirmed after while etc. Can I use change feeds and azure functions for that too? Or do I need something different? It is great that I can visualize changes (for example in power BI) once they happen after a while but I am also interested in visualizing changes that do not occur after a while when they are expected to occur.
Achieving that with Change Feed doesn't sound possible, because as you describe it, Change Feed is reacting based on operations/events that happen.
In your case it sounds as if you needed an agent that needs to be running every X amount of time (maybe an Azure Functions with a TimerTrigger?) and executes a query to find items with X state that have not been modified in the past Y pre-defined interval (possibly the time interval associated with the TimerTrigger). This could be done by checking the _ts field of the state documents or your own timestamp field, see
If your goal is to just deploy it on a dashboard, you could query using Power BI too.
As long as you don't need too much time precision (the Change Feed notifications are usually delayed by a few seconds) for this task, the Azure CosmosDB Change Feed could be easily used as a solution, but it would require some extra work from the Microsoft team to also support capturing deletion TTL expiration events.
A potential solution, if the Change Feed were to capture such TTL expiration events, would be: whenever you insert (or in your use case: change priority of) a document for which you want to monitor lack of changes, you also insert another document (possibly in another collection) that acts as a timer, specifying a TTL of 1h.
You would delete the timer document manually or by consuming the Change Feed for changes, in case a change actually happened.
You could also easily consume from the Change Feed the TTL expiration event and assert that if the TTL expired then there were no changes in the specified time window.
If you'd like this feature, you should consider voting issues such as this one: and feature requests such as this one:, which would make the Change Feed a perfect fit for scenarios such as yours. Sadly it is not available yet :(
TL;DR No, the Change Feed as it stands would not be a right fit for your use case. It would need some extra functionalities that are planned but not implemented yet.
PS. In case you'd like to know more about the Change Feed and its main use cases anyways, you can check out this article of mine :)

Partial playback using playbackDuration/startTime in Google Cast Chrome API (v3)

I am trying to cast just a snippet of a file (say, only from 00:00:30 to 00:00:40) from a Chrome sender to the default receiver. Reading the API reference documentation documentation for LoadRequest, MediaInfo, and QueueItem, it seemed like I should be able to do this with some combination of these. In particular, the first queued item (loaded with CastSession#loadMedia) would need LoadRequest#currentTime set to the offset (30 seconds in my example above) and MediaInfo#duration set to the duration (10 seconds in my example), while subsequently queued items would set QueueItem#startTime and QueueItem#playbackDuration to the offset and duration (respectively).
However, this isn't happening in practice. I can confirm that the queue on the receiver has these fields set, but the no matter how I go about this, I can't get the right snippet to play. When I add the first media item as described above, the receiver just plays the track from beginning to end, neither respecting the offset nor the duration. Since the combination of LoadRequest#currentTime and MediaInfo#duration is a bit odd, I tried using only the QueueItem method (add the first media item with autoplay = false, add another queue item, remove the first, and then start playing the queue). In this case, the offset was still not respected, and the duration ended up being (very strangely) the sum of startTime and playbackDuration (in addition, any subsequently queued items would load, and then "finish" playing without starting, which I also can't figure out).
Does anyone else have experience with this part of the API? Am I reading the documentation incorrectly and what I'm doing just isn't supported, or am I just piecing things together incorrectly?
I am not sure I understand why you are attempting to use a queue with multiple items. First, the duration field is not what you think it is; it is not the duration of play back that you want, it is the total duration of the media that is being loaded, regardless of where you start or stop the playback. In fact, in most cases, you don't even need to set that; the receiver gets the total duration of the media when it loads he item, at least in the majority of the cases. The currentTime should work (if it is not, please file a bug on our SDK issue tracker) and alternatively, you can load a media (with autoplay off) and "seek" to the time you want and then play. To stop at a certain point, you need to monitor the the playback location and when it reaches that point, pause the playback.

Display a Chrome desktop notification every day at specific time

I'd like to write an extension that displays a desktop notification every day at a specified time. Having a quick look through the Chrome APIs, it seems like the only way to do this would be to:
create a background page for my extension,
use setInterval() with a sufficiently low resolution to not tax the CPU (even 5 min is fine),
when interval fires, check if the current time is after the desired time,
ensure that the user has not already been displayed the notification today.
(The details of the last step are irrelevant to my question, just put in to show I realize I need to prevent "flapping" of the notice).
This seems rather indirect and potentially expensive though; is there any way around this? Is the background page needed?
I suppose I could just call setTimeout() and only fire the event once (by calculating how long between now & desired time), then call it again after the notification is shown. For some reason that sounds more "brittle", though I'm not sure why...
I think you will want the background page to do this smoothly. You can't use a content script because you need to keep the "state"/timer.
So when background page first loads (browser start) you work out the current time and the offset to the next notification time and setInterval to that exact interval. That way you won't need to poll every five minutes and/or work out if you've shown the message. You simply show it at the exact time required. This has to be far more efficient, effective and cleaner than polling. At notification you just reset the interval again.
Some sample functions here:
setTimeout but for a given time
From reading the above post and from a quick search on the net it appears that you should have no problem calling setInterval for an interval such as once a day. Calvin suggests 25 days!
That is how I would approach it.
EDIT: Since posting one thing that has sprung to mind is what happens if a PC gets hibernated for n hours? I need to test this myself for a similar project so I will update once I've had a chance to test this out.

As a user, I want a status bar (or similar) to notify me that a job is working when using a Wx.Python gui app

Can someone recommend a straight forward way of adding some type of graphical notification (status bar, spinning clocks, etc...) to my wx.Python gui application? Currently, it searches logs on a server for unique strings, and often times takes upwards to 3-4 minutes to complete. However, it would be convenient to have some type of display letting a user know that the status of the job towards finishing/completion. If I added a feature like this, I'm not sure, but I'm afraid I may have to look at using threads ... and I'm a complete newbie to Python? Any help and direction will be appreciated.
Yes, you'd need to use threads or queues or something similar. Fortunately, there are some excellent examples here: and this tutorial I wrote is pretty straight-forward too:
Using threads isn't that hard. Basically you put the long running part in the thread and every so often, you send a status update to your GUI using a thread-safe method, like wx.PostEvent or wx.CallAfter. Then you can update your statusbar or a progress bar or whatever you're using.
