Cannot import ViewFrame in Vaadin 14.6.8 - vaadin14

I'm quite new to Vaadin and currently developing with Vaadin 14.6.8. I tried to use ViewFrame in my project, but my Eclipse seems does not recognized it. I tried to find where this class located and its package online but not found any useful information. Is it a paid version of Vaadin feature?
My Eclipse shows: ViewFrame cannot be resolved to a type

ViewFrame is a helper class that isn't part of the core Vaadin platform but instead belongs to the commercial Business App starter that provides a highly opinionated starting point for Vaadin applications.


What is a plugin project in liferay

I'm new to liferay. And I've some basic question that what is liferay all about. What is a liferay plugin project or service builder project? Is liferay any framework,GUI tool, a content manager or WHAT?
I know that you guys are not engaged with this tool in this BLOG but still somehow it is related to java. So please guys help me.
Have you tried reading the liferay tag-wiki on stackoverflow? Just hover your mouse over it and you will have answers to all your questions. And if you want more just click on the pop-up and you would also find details about how to learn more about Liferay.
Still as per the norms of answering, here are some brief answers to your question:
Is liferay any framework,GUI tool, a content manager or WHAT?
Liferay is an open source JSR 286 compliant web-portal and social platform, written in Java. It includes content-management and more. It has different plugins known as portlets like Blogs, Forums, Document management, Content management etc.
What is a liferay plugin project or service builder project?
Plugin projects are nothing but small components/applications/widgets that run in the portal. Some might have UI and others might run in the backend.
Service Builder is a framework in liferay to ease development of services which might include service to access database, web-services, json web-services.
Everything else is given in the tag-wiki and the wiki also includes links to official resources if you wish to use/develop in liferay.
plugins are features which developers add them to portals like liferay.
for example:
liferay hooks are defined to do some tasks, like user's authentication, adding users, etc .. and we want change (override) that hooks, so we need develop ext plugins to do this for us.

Creating a new web forms project in Alfresco 4.0 Community Edition using Web Quick Start

I want to create a Web project using Alfresco 4.0.
Alfresco Developer Guide -Jeff Potts Book guides me to create a web project using Alfresco 3.x. It uses the Alfresco WCM component. But I can't find the WCM component for Alfresco 4.x (Check this link Alfresco Download )
Instead of WCM component I can find the Web Quick Start component. Is it possible to create a web project using Web Quick Start alone?
Webforms and the whole AVM are outdated technology. WCM Quickstart is a just a sample implementation for web content management and has nothing in common with the AVM based approach in 3.x. It may cover very basic use cases, but I would generally discourage people from using it unless they are very clear about their requirements and what's covered by Quickstart.
That said, the best resources besides source is at and Follow them and you get FormService based forms for the various content types.

Minimal portlet environment for developing?

At our company we are using Liferay for portals. My biggest issue with developing for such a huge framework is that the restart takes a lot of time even on a decent PC. We're trying to use hot deploying were it's possible but this sometimes just doesn't work (dependencies require restart, PermGen space errors occurs sometimes and Liferay have to be killed, etc.)
What i'm thinking about is that with most of our portlet's we are not really using any Liferay specific services just the JSR 168 provided things which is a standard. So i'm wondering if there's any minimal portlet environments available for Jetty or Tomcat which we can use for quicker portlet development? Of course i know that once i encounter a Liferay specific service call this is not an option.
I was testing Apache Pluto earlier which is a full blown but still lightweight portlet container however it works differently the way the portlet wars are assembled (web.xml should be modified) and it breaks compatibility in our build environment with Liferay. So it's not an option but i'm looking for something similar.
I've never used life ray portal, but too much played with GateIn portal because IBM Portal is heay, mostly for quick development on JSR-286 i used gatein
Currently used for, very flexible for every kind of use, large community.
Here is short summary
Liferay Currently used for, very flexible for every kind of use, large community.
eXo Platform Awesome look and set of web applications embedded. Last generation portal, very impressive! Based on Gatein
JBoss EPP Based on gatein, and designed to work with JBoss middleware architecture
Gatein A great portlet container. Light weight, easy to use. But unlike Liferay and eXo, it does not ship with collaborative portlets (Forum, Wiki etc.)
uPortal Beautiful portal, though its CSS are very intrusive: some BIRT styles are broken by uPortal's css.
Pluto Not really a portal, Apache Pluto can be used as a development / test platform. Often considered as a reference for portlet specifications.
Jahia Great look however not based on standards: portlets are supported but not really highlighted, a specific module technology is used instead
You might want to try the JRebel integration for Liferay. There's an introduction Webinar available, I don't know if it fully applies to the current implementation (the webinar is a bit aged) but it will give you an idea of the product/project.

javax.microedition package documentation

I have to design a mobile application as my mini project. I cannot find the documentation of javax.microedition in my java folder. I tried searching it online, but all the websites have vague information. I need proper details of this package. Where can I find it?
tried searching it online, but all the websites have vague information
Did you try different search engines? I always switch to alternative engine when I feel that one I usually prefer doesn't do the trick.
Don't know if your case but to me results of search for "javax.microedition package" were totally different depending on engine. While one engine ("good") gave me a needed link at the top of the very first page, another had it buried at 7th page ("bad", really bad).
Anyway, there's pretty detailed and accurate answer at SDN Mobility Reference FAQ - J2ME Package Listing:
What package names are defined in the J2ME environment?
The J2ME environment introduces a number of Java packages. These are almost exclusively placed into the package javax.microedition. The few exceptions are technologies that could be used in one or more other editions of the Java platform as well. For example, because you might use Bluetooth technology in either J2ME or J2SE, the Java APIs for Bluetooth specification (JSR 82) uses the package names javax.bluetooth and javax.obex.
The table shows the package names specified by the J2ME JSRs, as defined by the Java Community Process (JCP). It includes...
...continue reading at above link if you're interested in more details

Is JSF2 usable in concert with the "Snaps" web UI framework based on Eclipse Virgo?

Snaps is a (rather new) web framework growing out of the Eclipse Virgo community that (will) allow dynamic, componentized web UIs by exploiting the OSGi infrastructure. Apparently it is the heir of "Slices", the previous attempt at this.
What I am wondering is whether there is any work ongoing in looking at how JSF (2) can be combined with such an approach? Is this at all possible? If so, is there any concrete work ongoing?
There is no work going on looking at JSF specifically or any other Web framework for that matter. Snaps aims to give you the dynamic runtime ability to compose your web app without restricting your choice of web framework in any way. It definitely doesn't aim to be another web framework.
I know some people have had JSF running on Virgo so I don't see any reason that you can't use it with snaps although I haven't tried it so I can't say for certain. If you do find a problem raise a bug on the Virgo project :)
In case you're still interested:
At the Virgo formus I know there is some guy who does have it running with FancyFaces.
If you might have found another solution, would be glad to hear.
