How to install SSL certificate on Redis server over port 6379 OR how to call same on http node server - node.js

We have developed application in CodeIgniter (port 443) and Node JS (port 8080) and using Redis (port 6379) in node js.
and SSL certificate are installed in port 443 and 8080 but we are trying to connect redis server over https then it is not working but it is working fine over http.
Please guide.


How to connect to a rethink db hosted on centos?

I have my rethink db hosted in centos and proxied port 8080 to a domain name using nginx.
From my local pc, how do I connect my app to the server?
you need to open 28015 port on your centos server, than you can connect to rethinkdb listening on 28015 port of your centos server via this connection string
r = require('rethinkdb')
r.connect({ host: '', port: 28015 }, function(err, conn) {...});
where is hostname/ip of your server.
its worth notice that you should either whitelist your IP in firewall (so, only connections from your home IP is allowed), or install authorization and tls certs on rethinkdb server.
this documents can help -

Don't see nodeJs serveur port working / same port client/server don't cause error

I have an application which work with React/socket/nodeJS on a VPS.
This VPS use apache as php engine and when I check the config, it listens the port 7080.
My nodeJS work on any port 80 / 3000 / 7080 etc... and when I use netstat on my console VPS I don't see this <IP:SERVERPORT>.
Here is the problem I face:
1. Why I can't see my server PORT running on my VPS with netstats? ( I see console log from my server so he work)
2. Why it work with the same apache port? Normally I have to use a server port different from the client...
For information, my vps is dedibox ( with plesk).

Application working on http but not on https

Background: I have two backend instances running haproxy, apache, nodejs on ports 4000 and 8007 for haproxy, 80 for httpd, 3000 3007 3012 running node. I have a staging site which is running on this instance. I have signed certificate installed at ELB level and ELB listening on https 443 port to backend http 80 port.
Issue: When I tried to login to the stating url with http then the backend is working fine on port 80 and 3000, network flow logs also returning status code as Ok for request to http://stating _url:3000. But when I tried to access site on https then I am getting status as "blocked:mixed-content" for https://stating _url:3000 request. Please refer to below screenshots
Below is output for http which is working as expected
Below is the output for https which is not working as expected
I tried different protocols for listeners at ELB level. I dont understand why ELB on port 80 sends request to port 80 on backend server and all works fine but same ELB on port 443 sends request to same port 80 on backend server but fails to establish connection with 3000.

should I run nodejs in http2 when nginx is host http2

I was running Web App on NodeJS v8.4 to try http2.
I run some test and found out some interesting result.
Here is three test scenario:
nginx listen 443 ssl http2 <--> redirect to nodejs run http2
nginx listen 443 ssl http2 <--> redirect to nodejs run http
nginx listen 443 ssl <--> redirect to nodejs run http
I open chrome dev tool to check which protocol is used when loading resources.
The result is first two methods all run in http2 and Waterfall is almost the same.
The last one is run in http1.1 and the waterfall is as expected
I wana make sure if I need to run NodeJS in http2 when nginx is host in http2

How do I use HTTPS port on clould9 ide?

I am just running some tests on - but I am stuck on how to get the HTTPS server to run.
I am using the port given in process.env.PORT which links up to the browser in c9, but there doesn't seem to an HTTPS port. In a local environment I use port 3001 for HTTPS.
The Cloud9 workspaces don't support custom SSL certificates yet so you won't be able to start an HTTPS server from there, but your http server running on will be accessible via both HTTP and HTTPS.
