I can not save from PhpStorm to WSL2 - linux

I am new in Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 WSL) and I got a problem hopefully you can help me.
I can create a file from PhpStorm like index.php or anything, but I can not oversave an existing file. The message is
Unable to save settings. Failed to save settings.Please restart PhpStorm.
I tried switch off Windows Firewall, but did not work.
I did reset a few times WSL and reinstall PhpStorm but did not work.
The Notepad++ can save files to the shared folder (user/Jon/.azure).

try to set to login in wsl as root from CMD terminal -> ubuntu20 config --default-user root


Cygwin not displaying Vi editor content over ssh

I am pretty new to Cygwin configuration and would need some help.
I have installed Cygwin successfully on a windows 2019 server and is able to ssh to a centos server.
However, while on the centos server there is nothing displayed when I issue the command “vi test.txt”. It shows a blank screen as I type and save the file with the usual vi commands. When I do a “more test.txt” , it is displaying what I have typed though.
The same happens for existing file when I do a vi, but since I can’t see the content , what I typed has corrupted the file. Would need advice on how to display the vi editor correctly.
I was able to launch vi editor locally on the Cygwin window though (without ssh into remote server, on local machine).
Make sure OpenSSH package is installed with Cygwin.
Source: I am the coworker who helped the original poster figure out the issue irl.
We used the cygwin installer to look through the list of existing packages and noticed that OpenSSH showed as "skip". After installing that package, the issue was resolved.

How to open VSCode from a Windows Linux Subsystem?

I have VSCode installed on my host OS which is Windows 10 on which I have an Ubuntu Subsystem terminal (WSL) and I'm trying to open VSCode from whitin it with this command code . The problem is that the output is Command 'code' not found. How can I make this work?
Assuming you have installed VSCode in its default place, then in WSL you can do :
PATH="$PATH:/mnt/c/Users/your-user-name/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code"
and run code.exe .
First, try installing the Remote - WSL extension in VSCode (or the meta Remote Development extension pack, which includes the WSL work).
I doubt that's your main problem, but it could help.
Next, try running code . under PowerShell - Does that work? If not, then VSCode isn't in the Windows path. Try reinstalling it -- If it's not in the path, some other associations may not be correctly installed either. I don't recall if there's an option during installation to add or not add it to the Windows path, but if so, it could be that it was deselected during installation.
If it does launch in Windows, then obviously it's in the Windows path. By default, WSL appends the Windows path to the default path in Ubuntu during init. So (again, by default) code . should work in WSL if it is working under PowerShell.
Check your $PATH under Ubuntu (echo $PATH). Is the .../Microsoft VS Code/bin directory (wherever it is installed) in the path? If not, then WSL may not be doing its default append. Edit /etc/wsl.conf under Ubuntu and look to see if there's an [interop] section, as in:
If so, then change it to true (or, delete it entirely) to allow WSL to add the Windows path. While it's the default setting if missing, you might try adding it and setting it to true (although that shouldn't have any effect).
If that still doesn't work, then check your startup scripts (e.g. .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc) to see if there are any modifications to the PATH which could be causing this problem.

How do i create/save something on Desktop in openSUSE

So im kinda new to this. I have a new Virtual Machine openSUSE Leap, downloaded some python stuff and pgAdmin4 but i dont think it's relevant.
I've downloaded a folder that i need to be displayed on desktop. Saved it in /home/geeko/Desktop but it didn't display it. Tried to move it simply using my mouse - didn't work. Moved it by "mv" comand to root desktop - still isn't working. Tried both /usr/shared and /usr/shared/applications but it didn't change anything
No Problem. Try this: Open a Terminal and...
cd Desktop
ln -sfv /Path/to/your/folder NameOnDesktop
And then look at the Desktop what you have done.
PS: I am using KNOPPIX 8.6 with LXDE on a Keydrive

Shared folder between Windows host and Ubuntu guest, long filenames

I'm setting up an Ubuntu guest under Windows using VirtualBox for a colleague to provide him with a Linux-based development environment for a node.js application.
This colleague of mine can't or doesn't want to SSH into the VM and work in emacs or vim; he's a Sublime Text guy. So I have set up the project tree in a VirtualBox shared folder so he can access it from Windows (to edit) and the Linux VM (to build/test).
Unfortunately, npm install fails with file system errors. The problem seems to be extremely long path names resulting from deeply nested node_modules dependencies. I'm guessing we're hitting a Windows limit on filename length. The npm install works just fine in a regular (non-shared) directory in the VM.
Does anyone have ideas about how to deal with this problem? One idea I had was to somehow alias or link $MY_PROJECT/node_modules to another, non-shared location, but I can't figure out how to do that.
Update: I'm going to try this hack: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/11976.
Update 2: Ended up using samba, which is probably what I should have done in the first place.
One option is to use one of the multiple ways for sublime to edit remote files over ssh, covered in some detail here
How to use Sublime over SSH
Another is try using the native windows version of node and have your colleague develop locally directly under windows.

vmware player unable to start services in kubuntu

my environment:
kubuntu : 3.2.0-generic-pae
vmware player: VMware-Player-4.0.4-744019.i386.bundle
And i have been installed it.
$sh VMware-Player-4.0.4-744019.i386.bundle
I have a problem, when i launch "menu->system->VMware Player"
it launch a window and start compiling:
[ok] Virtual Machine Monitor
[failed] Virtual Network Device
[ok] VMware Blocking Filesystem
[ok] Virtual Machine Communication Interface
[ok] VMCI Sockets
[result fail]Starting Vmare Services
See log file /tmp/vmware-root/modconfig-2722.log for detail
from log file:
[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings":
No such file or directory.
[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/config":
No such file or directory.
[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/preferences"
No such file or directory.
Failed to find /lib/modules/preferred/build/include/linux/version.h
Failed to compile module vmnet!
Could some people tell me what's wrong ?
I suppose that there are no linux headers installed on your machine, that is why it is impossible to build the vmnet module. You must install headers and then try once again.
Ok, I've had the same problem this evening when upgrading from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4. What I've found to work is to first download the patch from this VMWare community thread - http://communities.vmware.com/thread/344213
Unzip it and then open the patch-modules_3.2.0.sh in gedit. There will be three lines at the top that read:
You have to change the plreqver=4.0.2 to plreqver=4.0.4
Then, open your terminal and run
sudo ./patch-modules_3.2.0.sh
As a side note, keep that file handy, because I found that I had to do the same thing when upgrading from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 in Ubuntu 12.04. However, when you try the same again in the next upgrade (e.g. change the plreqver to 4.0.5 and run the script), it will say that the file is already patched and it won't work.
To get around this, you need to go to the "/usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/" folder, find the hidden file called ".patched", and delete it (easiest option is to "sudo nautilus" in terminal and hunt through the folder structure). Then it thinks that it hasn't been patched and does the process again.
Hope this gets your VMWare back up and running.
