Azure allow access to azure portal only through azure vpn - azure

I have been playing around with azure vpn to have a better understanding of how it works.
I have implemented an azure vpn point to site. Everything works just fine.
But according to my understanding of azure documentation, the azure point to site can be used mainly to access private resource through their private ip or endpoint.
So I was wondering if someone can help me to understand the following point:
rather than accessing azure portal though the open internet, I would like to make the login to azure active directory, exclusively through azure vpn. So if I try to login to the azure portal through my normal wifi, I would like to be blocked, and be guaranteed access only if I am connected to azure vpn.
Is there any solution to this matter?
Thank you very much for your help and any explanation provided.

You can use a conditional access policy in Azure AD for this. You must define an IP Range and assign it to the policy, restricting access only from this IP
The app that you would restrict access to would be Microsoft Azure Management


Azure Conditional Access exclusively through Azure VPN client

I am working on my azure AD on which I create a azure vpn OPENSSL which it allow the connection through azure AD.
Everything works just fine at this point as I can connect to my vpn client.
At this stage, I really wanted to test this connection using azure AD Conditional access to force MFA during the login. I head to the vpn and if I connect, I am asked for the MFA. Which is great.
But there is something that I can't figure out on my own.
I would like to be able to connect to azure Portal exclusively if I am connected to the vpn.
So I went to Azure AD > Named location and I added the VPN IPs ranges and marked them as trusted.
In my azure VPN client when I connect I have those values.
VPN Routes:
So in my Named location IP, I set both those values.
I went to Azure AD > Security > Conditional access and configured as follow
Under Users and Groups I selected the test user that I want to include in this policy
In Cloud app I choose Microsoft Azure Management
And under Conditions > Locations I selected the Named Location I created with the IP ranges that I marked as trusted.
and in Grant I selected Require multi-factor authentication
After saving those configuration, I logged out and tried to login again without being connected to the vpn, but here, after approving the MFA I am allowed to access the azure portal.
What should I do if I want to block all the local access to azure portal if I am not connected to the azure vpn?
Thank you very much for any help that you can provide.
I tried a different approach.
In Name Location I declared my IP range (myIP/32), and in Conditional Access > Location under Include > Any Location and in Exclude > Name Location(my ip)
Than in Grant I selected Block Access
Now I can access the portal from my IP, but if I create a VM and try to login to azure portal, I am getting an error for permission denied. Which is great.
But still I am not able to make it work with my azure vpn client.
Under Name Location I tried to add the azure VPN IP Routes, but I am still unable to connect to azure portal.
Please, any help or clarification about this?
Thank you so much
You can't use private IP addresses for the named location unfortunately.
I'm not sure if what you are trying to do is actually possible. In my opinion, it's not really necessary anyway as you really want to restrict access based on identity rather than location. I think the best you can do here is to continue to use conditional access to restrict access to particular users, enforce MFA and maybe enforce trusted/compliant devices if you want to.

Azure: Only allow access to Web App from On-premises using VPN

I have a scenario regarding web apps on Azure that I can't wrap my head around.
I have a Web App (not ASE) that is connected to a VNET/Subnet and I have setup access restrictions on the Web App so that only traffic from that specific VNET/Subnet is allowed. This works as expected and a 403 is thrown when trying to access the web app from the internet.
My problem is that the Web App is no longer accessible from the on-premises setup anymore either, and I am unsure how to facilitate that. I don't like to use IP whitelisting to enable access, but I don't know the alternatives.
Anybody with experience on how to access a restricted Web App from an on-premises system? All the examples I could find are about accessing on-premise data from a VNET, not the other way around.
Illustration of setup:
On-premises server --> VPN Gateway in Azure --> VNET --> Web App in VNET -x-> Internet
Private Endpoints are your friends :)
I see you wanna set a S2S connection using vpn to allow access to your on-premises networks(subnets)
You should create a local network gateway representing your on-promises and also you should verify your firewall devices is supported by azure to make sure that the configuration works. Supported Vpn Devices by Azure

Azure AD Domain Services can't be access

So try to make it easy for you to understand my problem, I have a software that needs an AD to work. In the software installation I setup all the correct data for the AD and MS SQL Server so that this software can work.
Now I want to try to see if I can do this with Azure AD Domain Service. I don’t want to use a Virtual Machine in the Azure cloud, I want to use my own Virtual Machine in my own Datacenter.
The domain dns I got from Azure, I can't seem to be able to access. I try to ping it, I try to use the other address I can see below /home/all resources/public IP-address.
I also setup a secure LDAP. I created my own certificate via Powershell and I uploaded it so that now the secure LDAP is active. But still I can’t seem to get any access to the domain dns address. In the Azure AD I created several groups that I need for my software to work and also my own admin. If I use the address and use the admin I can access that, and I can see the groups that I created.
But still I don’t know how to get access to the AD, I would be very happy if anyone could try to steer me in the right direction.

Connect to Azure App Service from Azure VM

I am planning on using an outsourcing team for data processing and want to avoid them downloading or storing client data on their local machines. To facilitate this, I want to create an Azure VM in which they can do all their work (msoft office, etc.) and access an ASP MVC app hosted as an app service in Azure. The MVC app is integrated with the corporate AD and for the outsourcing logins I want to see if the request is coming from my VM or the internet (the latter gets denied). So far I have:
Created a ASP MVC5 app and an Azure VM
Connected the two via VPN (point to site)
When I attempt to go to the public URL for the website on the VM, I get the "this page can't be displayed" thing, which leads me to believe I'm on the right track (now I have to update the hostfile of the machine to the private IP of the mvc app service app?). How do I do the following:
Connect to the app service via web browser (this needs to be over the vnet so that I can pick and choose in the app code who can login outside the network)
Get the network ip of the app service so I can update the VM hostfile
Am I on the right track here? Thanks in advance!
Your understanding of Azure App service is not accurate. Azure App service cannot be accessed via a private IP. They already sit inside a private vnet. They can be only accessed via public hostname with a common DNS name (
Your scenario requires the Azure Web app and the VM to reside in the same VNET, which is not possible. There is another offering called ILB ASE, which allows you to do this. But it's a more elaborate setup. See this for more information: Using ILB with AN ASE
In your scenario you can restrict access to the web app via IP Restrictions module. See this article: IP & Domain Restrictions in Azure App Service
I understand this not the solution u wanted. What you want can be achieved via ILB ASE, but that is an expensive and elaborate set-up.
you may want to try using cloud service, though MS recommends App Service, you requirement doesn't fit into App service..
Official documentation from MS:
Block a specific IP address
You can restrict an Azure web role access to a set of specified IP addresses by modifying your IIS web.config file. You also need to use a command file which unlocks the ipSecurity section of the ApplicationHost.config file.

ACL rule for website access

Good evening,
I currently have deployed a VPN in azure, in this network I have added a cloud service and have also granted access to an azure website, so far so good.
Now I want the cloud service to be available only to the nodes of my VPN, especially the azure website. In order to achieve this I have created some ACLs which grant access to every node of my subnet i.e,
<Rule action="permit" description="test2" order="200" remoteSubnet="" />
However, once the ACL Rule is enforced, the website has no access to the cloud service and therefor a timeout exception is thrown. Am I doing something wrong or the only way to achieve this is to deploy both of my projects on cloud services instead of a website and a cloud service? It is vital for this project that the cloud service is only available locally.
Thanks in advance
You can't currently restrict Azure Websites to only be accessible via a private VNet and as you suggested you will need to use either Web Role (Cloud Service) or a VM.
