java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" - android-studio

Good Day,
I am having trouble on this error and I am unable to find way how to fix it. I change my package from to but as you can see in the error it will call the (

The problem was at my AndroidManifest.xml and try also this one.
Go To Build
Clean Project


Add GitHub libraries in Android Studio

I want to add MathView in my project but it gives me an error. It says that it's not an existing version. Okay, Then I tried other library. But this one gives me an error too. It says: "Could not resolve all files for configuration". I think I have to add something to work with GitHub libraries. I did some research but all of the posts are very old and outdated. Can you guys help me add those libraries in my project.
implementation 'io.github.kexanie.library:MathView:0.0.6'
import this as (compile is deprecated).
Note. gradle has two files
2. build(
inside 2. -> find dependencies{} ->
copy the implementation 'io.github.kexanie.library:MathView:0.0.6'
and sync you are good to go.

Gradle finished with non-zero exit value 1 (ic_launcher.png: error: Duplicate file)

I got this strange error with gradle, please help me!
error: Duplicate file
Original is here. The version qualifier may be implied.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException:
Process 'command '/.../sdk/build-tools/22.0.1/aapt'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
Before it was operating normally, but since I put classpath, this causes me errors
According to Xavier Durochet's explanation on G+, it's due to one of the libraries you use having it's own ic_launcher.png -- which they of course should not (more on that at the bottom).
Chances are the two icons mentioned in the log are different: one is yours and another one is most likely the generic android icon that someone forgot to remove from the library.
To see the offending dependency, hit Ctrl + Shift + N twice (for non-project matching) and type in ic_launcher.png (See the last line on the screenshot)
To work around the issue temporarily, add the -v4 qualifier to your drawable resouce folders (or move just ic_launcher.png to *dpi-v4 if you have your reasons) -- credits to Xavier Durochet for the solution. You can also just rename your icon into something else and make corresponding change to AndroidManifest.xml
The real issue is that the offending lib carries the useless icons. Libraries that have their own resources (like ActionBarSherlock or Google's own Support v7 library) use distinctive naming schemes to avoid collisions with your resource names (abs_, abc_).
Launcher icons have no business being in a library so I encourage you to notify the author of the lib you're using that they forgot to remove the redundant ic_launcher.png files.
Also worth mentioning, as Barry Carroll noted very precisely in the same discussion, this doesn't mean your resources should never overlap those in the library: there are a lot of legit reasons to override a lib's resources with your own (e.g. changing the looks of a library-provided activity) and gradle plugin's resource merging logic does allow this, on purpose.
It's just that in this particular case, the conflict occurs when the lib is behind on the android gradle plugin version (pre-1.2.2) in which case resources end up in two different *dpi folders -- with and without the -v4 qualifier; but they're actually in the same resource "bucket" so the system considers them to be duplicate.
This glitch does bring out the useless ic_launcher.png override (actually, a collision -- due to the glitch) but this situation is not universally bad for other kinds of resources.
I.e. sometimes you intentionally override a lib's resource and this glitch will still cause the error message to pop. This time there's no real problem with resource names, so the temporary solution above or holding back the plugin version are the way to go.
I had the same problem while using a third party library.(RomainPiel/Shimmer-android library on Github)
To solve it, I moved my ic_launcher.png files from drawable folder to mipmap folder. And problem solved.
Downgrading to sloved my issue
Here is the general method to find the problem:
./gradlew build --stacktrace --info
and You will find the details of errors.
I found my error : a duplicate class caused a TOP-Level error, and remove the duplicated one will solve the problem.
For me a simple "clean project" and "rebuild project" did the trick.
Upgrade to 1.2.3, but ensure that your gradle and buildToolsVersion are identically in your project and the used aars.
In case you use external libs where you can't control the gradle/build version:
Contact the author or check the sources by your own. Some libraries have unused launcher icons which will cause this conflict. Removing this icons will solve your problem. Identically named sources (e.g menu.xml) could also cause this issue in rare cases. An easy workaround would be to rename your ressource.
Just rename ic_launcher.png to something else (e.g ico_launcher.png)
In my case I have added apostrophe s ('s) to strings.xml file.
Do check guys for any such error and remove it will definitely help.
It's so annoying the IDE can't show the error properly rather makes all resources out of sync..
I know it's not the case which is asked in Question but error is quite same i.e. Gradle execution gets failed.
Simply Rename the Image (Rightclick on the Image, Select Refactor and select Rename). It will solve the issue as the Issue has arise as one of the library is also using the image with the same name.
I had the same problem and what follows worked for me:
rename your icon
add tools:replace="android:icon" to your <application> tag in the Manifest
You can try just the first step, but I still had problems when merging the manifest files. This way it should override whatever resource was used in the library.
Follow this link Here
Make change like this.
repositories {
maven {url ""}
dependencies {
compile 'frankiesardo:icepick:{{latest-version}}'
**provided** 'frankiesardo:icepick-processor:{{latest-version}}'
Update to newest gradle plugin 1.5.0 sloved this issue. Update following script in your root build.gradle file
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
I managed to trigger this problem by inconsistent capitalisation of filename extensions. I had a .jpg image in one drawable directory, but an image of the same filename but .JPG in a different drawable directory. The filenames and directories were right, but the extensions weren't.

Groovy and IntelliJ - getting code compiled

I have IntelliJ 12 and some groovy code (along with a pile of java code) in a project.
In intelliJ, i can see class A's import of some groovy code, and i have also included the library that has that code.
However, while the package itself is in one colour (for the import), the actual class being imported is in red, which implies an issue of some sort. Hovering the mouse over it reveals no issue though.
When i run a "make" or a "rebuild project" is where the problems start - i get
Groovyc: unable to resolve class com.blah.blah.blah.A
How can i resolve this?
Currently, my project setup is like so:
Under "Libraries" in (Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Libraries) I have:
the jar file with all the groovy code
the src jar file with all the groovy code
In the "Modules" section i have the - well, i don't know what to call it, the column isn't labelled - the library name from the libraries section associated with the src and class files, and the little "export" button beside it is ticked.
Incidentally, opening the class in intelliJ never shows the source code, which given the source is included struck me as weird.
Is there anything else I should need to do?
I've worked this one out, but if anybody knows why groovy cannot be in the "Resource Patterns" list and wants an upvote, do chime in
Oh, right.
I removed the !?*.groovy entry from the list of, um, entries in the File : Settings -> Compiler -> Resource Patterns thingy.
It doesn't seem to matter if "use external build" is on or off for this, but the !?*.groovy; entry cannot be there.
I wonder if anybody knows why?
I had the same problem and had to Add Framework Support and add Groovy to the project to get round this problem.
I created the project using gradle.
I just got your question in my Google results as I had a similar issue. My problem was that I was able to get the groovy code in my IntelliJ 12 project to compile ok, but it wasn't getting wired in properly when I tried to run unit tests within the IDE.
After some investigation, I uncovered that groovy and logback libraries were all set up in the project to be available in the runtime stage of the Maven build of the project, but that resulted in them not being available in the test stage. To fix this, I ended up manually updating the groovy-all and the logback libraries scope from runtime to provided under File->Project Structure->Modules->Dependencies. This allowed me to both compile and test within the IDE while including the Groovy modules as well as the Java modules.
Perhaps you had something similar going on in your project?
Six years later, I also just got this question near the top of my search results.
In my project my Unable to load class 'groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine' problem was actually due to a codenarc issue. I was able to resolve the issue by adding the following to build.gradle:
// codenarc version issue work-around
configurations.codenarc {
resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails d ->
if ( == 'org.codehaus.groovy') {
d.useVersion '2.4.7'

Obfuscation failed in j2me

I tried to obfuscate my project in j2me..But it is showing the following error.I came to know that this obfuscation error happened only when i importing Json.jar in my project..If i remove this jar means obfuscation is happening..Please help me solve this..Thanks in advance.
Warning: can't find referenced method 'java.lang.Object remove(int)' in class java.util.Vector
Warning: there were 1 unresolved references to program class members.
Your input classes appear to be inconsistent.
You may need to recompile them and try again.
Alternatively, you may have to specify the options
'-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses' and/or
Error: Please correct the above warnings first.
C:\Users\Ponmani\Documents\TThehinduNov22ponmani\nbproject\build-impl.xml:427: Obfuscation failed with error code 1.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 4 seconds)
This error happens because the JSONArray class uses remove(int) method from Vector class, but this method is not available for Java ME:
You picked a Java Se version of the library. Please, try this other library:
There is a ZIP button where you can download the repository as a zip file.
Inside the zip file enter /src/main/java.
Copy org folder and paste it in your src folder.

Fail to load manifest error

What does this message means? How to solve this error?
Error 1 general error c1010070: Failed to load and parse the manifest. The system cannot find the file specified. ..\DebugObj\Example1\Example1.exe.intermediate.manifest Example1
I had the same problem on a project I inherited from a pre-2008 Visual studio.
It was not practical for me to add a Main function as sugested by the previous answer. I googled for a while but could not find the root of the problem.
A friend of mine gave me the following solution.
It turns out that the old project included a "example.manifest" file entry in the Resource File Folder in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer for the project. When trying to build the project, VS 2008 was trying to load "example.manifest", which did not exist on the new 2008 folder structor (it was not needed).
So the solution was as simple as removing the entry "example.manifest" from the Resouce Files folder. Rebuilt, and no more errors!. Hope that helps
to fix that error you need to have an entry point in your solution.
just create a main.cpp with a main method... just like this.
in "main.cpp"
void main(){}
then compile and it will get rid of the error.
Had similar issue myself. Converted a VS2005 project to VS2010.
I was using the option, Linker -> Manifest File -> Additional Manifest Dependencies: type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language=''
The conversion garbled it into type=%27win32%27...etc
Fixing this option to the correct format, type='win32'..etc resolved the issue. But not before I accidentally used the format, type=win32...etc and received the same error.
