How to calculate moving average in spark structured streaming? - apache-spark

I am trying to calculate a moving average in a spark structured streaming in terms of rows preceding and not time-event based.
Kafka has string messages like this:
and there is this code
Dataset<Row> lines = sparkSession.readStream()
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("subscribe", "users")
.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
.map((MapFunction<Row, Row>) row -> {
String message = row.getAs("value");
String[] newRow = message.split("#");
return RowFactory.create(newRow);
}, RowEncoder.apply(structType))
.selectExpr("CAST(item AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS DOUBLE)", "CAST(timestamp AS TIMESTAMP)");
The above code reads stream from kafka and transforms string messages to rows.
When i try to do sth like this:
WindowSpec threeRowWindow = Window.partitionBy("item").orderBy("timestamp").rowsBetween(Window.currentRow(), -3);
Dataset<Row> testWindow =
lines.withColumn("avg", functions.avg("value").over(threeRowWindow));
I get this error:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Non-time-based windows are not supported on streaming DataFrames/Datasets;
Is there any other way to calculate the moving average as every message is coming and updating it as new data comes from stream? Or any non time-based operation is by default not supported to spark structured streaming?


What is the best way to perform multiple filter operations on spark streaming dataframe read from Kafka?

I need to apply multiple filters on a DataFrame read from a Kafka topic and publish output of each of these filter to an external system (like another Kafka topic).
I have read the kafkaDF like this
val kafkaDF: DataFrame = spark.readStream
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("subscribe", "")
.select(col("topic"), expr("cast(value as string) as message"))
.filter(col("message").isNotNull && col("message") =!= "")
.select(from_json(col("message"), eventsSchema).as("eventData"))
I am able to run a foreachBatch on this Dataframe and then iterate over the list of filters to get the filtered data which then can be published to a kafka topic, as shown below
.foreachBatch { (batch: DataFrame, _: Long) =>
// List of filters that needs to be applied
filterList.par.foreach(filterString => {
val filteredDF = batch.filter(filterString)
// Add some columns.
// Do some operations based on different filter
filteredDF.toJSON.foreach(value => {
// Publish a message to Kafka
.trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("60 seconds"))
But, I am not sure if this is the best way given so many iterations. Is there a better way than doing it like this?
If you plan to write data from one Kafka topic into multiple Kafka topics you can create a column called "topic" in a single Dataframe when writing to Kafka. The value in this column then defines the topic in which a record will be produced. This allows you to write to as many different Kafka topics as required.
Therefore, I would just apply your filter logic as a when/otherwise condition or, if more complex, as a UDF.
Below is an example code that should get you started. Based on the value of the consumed Kafka message, a column called "topic" gets created in the filteredDf. If value = 1 then the Dataframe record gets produced into the topic called "out1", and otherwise the recod gets produced into topic called "out2".
val inputDf = spark.readStream
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("subscribe", "")
.option("failOnDataLoss", "false")
.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING) as key", "CAST(value AS STRING) as value", "partition", "offset", "timestamp")
val filteredDf = inputDf.withColumn("topic", when(filter, lit("out1")).otherwise(lit("out2")))
val query = filteredDf
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("checkpointLocation", "/home/michael/sparkCheckpoint/1/")
EDIT: (I might have misunderstood your question initially)
If you just want to find a good way to apply multiple filters out of your filterList you can combine them using foldLeft:
val filter1 = col("value") === 1
val filter2 = col("key") === 1
val filterList = List(filter1, filter2)
val filterAll = filterList.tail.foldLeft(filterList.head)((f1, f2) => f1.and(f2))
((value = 1) AND (key = 1))
Then apply .filter(filterAll) to your Dataframe.

Read whole Kafka topic as spark dataframe in offsets batches

I am trying to read all data in a kafka topic in batches (reading between two offset values) and load them to spark dataframes, without using readStream in spark streaming.
My idea is:
I first get the total number of data lines in the topic finding the maximum offset value.
I define step, namely the total number of data per batch.
With a for loop I read the data batch from the kafka topic setting startingOffsets and endingOffsets parameters.
This is my code (for a topic with a single partition) to print the count in each batch:
val maxOffsetValue = {
Process(s" --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic topicname")
val step = 1000
for (i <- 0 until maxOffsetValue by step) {
val df: DataFrame = {
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("subscribe", "topicname")
.option("startingOffsets", s"""{"topicname":{"0":${i}}}""")
.option("endingOffsets", s"""{"topicname":{"0":${i+step}}}""")
.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
.as[(String, String)]
.select(from_json(col("value"), dataSchema) as "data")
println(s"i: ${i}, i+step: ${i+step}, count: ${df.count()}")
However, it seems that the json format for startingOffsets and endingOffsets is not flexible, as apparently all offsets indices need to be specified for each partition, e.g something like {"0":${i}, "1": ${i}}} if there are two partitions.
My questions are:
Is there a better way to achieve the same results, possibly that can be extended directly to a multi partition topic?
Is there a way to read the maximum offset without using a shell command?

Mixing Spark Structured Streaming API and DStream to write to Kafka

I've recently noticed I have a confusion regarding Spark Streaming (I'm currently learning Spark).
I am reading data from a Kafka topic like this:
val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
Subscribe[String, String](topics, kafkaParams)
Which creates a DStream.
In order to work with event-time (and not processing-time) I did this:
.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.toDF().withWatermark("timestamp", "60 seconds")
window($"timestamp", "60 seconds", "10 seconds")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("topic", "taxi-dollar-accurate")
And I get the error
'writeStream' can be called only on streaming Dataset/DataFrame
Which surprised me, because the source of the DF is a DStream. Anyway, I managed to solve this by changing .writeStream to .write and .start() to .save().
But I got the feeling that I lost the streaming power on that foreach somehow. Clearly that's why I am writing this question. Is this a correct approach? I've seen other scripts that use
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("subscribe", "topic1")
df.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
.as[(String, String)]
But I don't know how different is this from just calling foreach on the DStream and then transforming each RDD to DF.
But I don't know how different is this from just calling foreach on the DStream and then transforming each RDD to DF.
When you are calling:
.foreachRDD(rdd => {
your variable rdd (or the Dataframe) became a single RDD which is not a stream anymore. Hence, the rdd.toDF.[...].writeStream will not work anymore.
Continue with RDD
If you choose to use the DSream approach, you can send those single RDDs calling the KafkaProducer API.
An example:
dstream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
rdd.foreachPartition { partitionOfRecords =>
val producer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](kafkaParameters)
partitionOfRecords.foreach { message =>
However, this is not the recommended approach as you are creating and closing a KafkaProducer in each batch interval on each executor. But this should give you a basic understanding on how to write data to Kafka using the DirectStream API.
To further optimize sending your data to Kafka you can follow the guidance given here.
Continue with Dataframe
However, you could also transform your RDD into a Dataframe, but then making sure to call the batch-oriented API to write data into Kafka:
df.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("topic", "topic1")
For all the details on how to write a batch Dataframe into Kafka is geven in the Spark Structured Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide
Still, and most importantly, I highly recommend to not mix up RDD and Structured API for such a case and rather stick to the one or the other.

Spark Streaming: Text data source supports only a single column

I am consuming Kafka data and then stream the data to HDFS.
The data stored in Kafka topic trial is like:
However, when I submit my codes, it returns:
Exception in thread "main"
org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryException: Text data source supports only a single column, and you have 7 columns.;
=== Streaming Query ===
Identifier: [id = 2f3c7433-f511-49e6-bdcf-4275b1f1229a, runId = 9c0f7a35-118a-469c-990f-af00f55d95fb]
Current Committed Offsets: {KafkaSource[Subscribe[trial]]: {"trial":{"2":13,"1":13,"3":12,"0":13}}}
Current Available Offsets: {KafkaSource[Subscribe[trial]]: {"trial":{"2":13,"1":13,"3":12,"0":14}}}
My question is: as shown above, the data stored in Kafka comprises only ONE column, why the program says there are 7 columns ?
Any help is appreciated.
My spark-streaming codes:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession
.config("spark.driver.memory", "3g")
val ds = spark.readStream
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "")
.option("subscribe", "trial")
.option("startingOffsets" , "earliest")
.option("path", "hdfs://")
.option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp/checkpoint")
That is explained in the Structured Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide:
Each row in the source has the following schema:
Column Type
key binary
value binary
topic string
partition int
offset long
timestamp long
timestampType int
Which gives exactly seven columns. If you want to write only payload (value) select it and cast to string:
.selectExpr("CAST(value as string)")

How to print Json encoded messages using Spark Structured Streaming

I have a DataSet[Row] where each row is JSON string. I want to just print the JSON stream or count the JSON stream per batch.
Here is my code so far
val ds = sparkSession.readStream()
.option("subscribe", topicName)
.option("checkpointLocation", hdfsCheckPointDir)
val ds1 ="value").cast("string"), schema) as 'payload)
val ds2 =$"")
val query = ds2.writeStream.outputMode("append").queryName("table").format("memory").start()
select * from table; -- don't see anything and there are no errors. However when I run my Kafka consumer separately (independent ofSpark I can see the data)
My question really is what do I need to do just print the data I am receiving from Kafka using Structured Streaming? The messages in Kafka are JSON encoded strings so I am converting JSON encoded strings to some struct and eventually to a dataset. I am using Spark 2.1.0
val ds1 ="value").cast("string"), schema) as payload).select($"payload.*")
That will print your data on the console.
ds1.writeStream.format("console").option("truncate", "false").start().awaitTermination()
Always use something like awaitTermination() or thread.Sleep(time in seconds) in these type of situations.
