how to add multiple titles at the same frame in iMovie project - imovie

I created a new movie in iMovie (version 10.2.5) in Mac OS.
I can easily add titles consecutively and other items. I can also add effects and customize it without any issue.
I want to add multiple titles for a frame that can animate separately in a new row (not in row1, row2 or row3 as shown at the image below).
I tried to illustrate what I want to do, in image below;
Currently row1, row2 and row2 exist in my project. When I drag an another (new) title it forces to place the titlebox in Row1 (or at the end or beginning of Row2) wherever I drag it. I want to be able to create a new row (like adobe flash timeline editor, that were very popular long time ago)
Is it possible to add a new row(s) for other items, like "sample" and "sample2", shown in the image, especially to be able to manage each's animation separately?
Thank you


How can I create a button on excel that automatically moves me to a specific row?

My excel sheet has a lot of rows where I go over different problems. Is there a way to create a drop down menu at the top of my sheet that can automatically take me to a specific row depending on what problem I want to look at?
I know how to create a drop down menu with all of the problem names, but I don't know how to link each name in the drop down menu to a specific row number to move the screen down.

Replace value with the average of it's column - many columns

I have an excel sheet with over 1000 columns and 11000 rows - all with numeric data. Within the data, there are missing values represented with '*'.
I would like to replace all of the '*' values with the average of the column that it is in.
Doing this manually would take a long time, so is there a formula that would achieve this?
Thanks so much in advanced for any help.
I can give you a three sheet solution Sam?:
Sheet 2:
Cell A1=
Paste that along the top row for each of 1000 columns in sheet 2.
Sheet 3:
Cell A1=
Copy that and then paste it into the entire worksheet 3 (i.e., that top left corner symbol that allows you to do that). It's gonna take a while to update but will deliver what you want!
As you have mentioned machine learning I thought I would introduce you to how you could do this with Azure Machine Learning Studio (AML) using a free account.
By using AML you gain access to a number of methods for replacing missing values which are extremely quick. AML has a Clean Missing Data module which exposes methods of replacement such as Multivariate Imputation using Chained Equation, Mean, Median and several others. The great thing here is you can visualize the dataset columns by right clicking on the dataset and see which columns have skew. You can then select on a column by column basis which replacement method to use. If you have heavily skewed columns you might use median instead for instance. This also offers great opportunities for data normalization (scale and reduce). You also gain access to using Python and R with your dataset.
I don't know if there is a method for directly treating "*" as missing values, I am trying to find that out, but if you do a little processing in advance of load then all is fine. The step before loading requires:
Export the sheet as a CSV and save it.
Use Ctrl+ F to bring up the find and replace dialog and enter "~*" for Find and leave Replace blank
Then login into AML and click the + New at the bottom of the screen
Select New > DATASET > FROM LOCAL FILE and select your file
When selecting type ensure to select CSV with no header if you data has no header row or with header if it does:
Your dataset will start uploading as shown by progress bar at bottom of screen and then appear in the SAVED DATASETS collection.
Click the + New button again and select EXPERIMENT > BLANK EXPERIMENT
Drag and drop your saved dataset onto the canvas on the right:
In the Search experiment items box on the right, type: Clean Missing Data
then drag the module that appears onto the canvas
Join the 2 boxes by clicking the dot at the bottom of the top box and dragging to the other box
Select the bottom box and then input the following parameters on the right (here is where you can choose which method to apply for missing values e.g. replace missing with mean, or perhaps median if your column data is skewed.
Right click the bottom module and select Run selected
Right click again and select Cleaned dataset > Save as Dataset
The progress bar at the bottom will inform you when complete
Type in the Search experiment items box again: convert to csv and drag that onto the canvas and connect the left hand side bottom of the second module to the top of the newly added third:
Select the bottom module and right click > Run selected
Wait for the progress bar to complete.
Right-click the bottom module and hit Download. Done.

Excel Shape Color Not Populating

I have developed a VBA script that (among other things) changes the color of ovals on an Excel sheet based on input data in another sheet. The ovals are part of pre-made groups of shapes that are copied into the workbook with the script. These groups were made a by someone else long before I started working with them.
Most of the time the color population part of the program works perfectly. However, I have found some instances where the color of certain ovals will not populate. Nothing is going wrong in the code. But, if I delete the shape that won't populate color, and copy and paste one that will into its place, it works. The only conclusion that I can come up with is that there is something different about the properties of the ovals. But I'm at a loss for what that might be.
The color is being updated with this statement.
Worksheets(sheetName).Shapes(groupName(i)).GroupItems(shapeName(i)).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = color
But, like I said, the code isn't the issue. That statement works and the color is is not being lost somewhere in the code.
The picture below is the output from a print statement placed right before the part of the code that inserts the color into the oval. If everything is working correctly I would expect to see exactly what I do see.
The next two pictures show a sample of the shapes in question. The top two ovals and textboxes are in a group named CONN 1. The bottom two are in a group named CONN 2. When the program runs it references the shapes within the group based on the individual name of the shape (ie. The line in the immediate window above that says "CONN 1,AE,362,RED" means that the textbox in CONN 1 next to the AE label should show "362" and the oval should turn red).
Here's what they look like before the program runs.
Here's what they look like after the program runs.
The oval on top next to the AF label should have turned red, but it didn't. The difference between CONN 1 and CONN 2 is that in CONN 2 I deleted the oval AF, copied oval AE into the place that oval AF had occupied and renamed it.
Do you have any idea why this might be happening? Thanks.
UPDATE: I just figured out that if I run the macro, select any oval that is not populating with color, manually go to the fill tool and select Automatic, it fills with the proper color.

Scroll then lock row

I have a worksheet that has header data in the first few rows, followed by a table with column headers. The header data includes parameters that are used to calculate values in the table.
What I want is to allow the user to scroll the sheet so that the header data is no longer visible but then freeze the table heading row when it becomes the first row. Then if they need to change a parameter, they can scroll back up and the top few rows come back into view.
I thought this was fairly easy to do but I can't remember how to do it. The only option I can find is the Freeze Panes option, but that freezes everything and I only want it to freeze when the header row is at the top.
Is this even possible?
Edited - To add a little more clarification, the freeze panes option freezes everything above the selected row (unless I have missed it), which is not what I am looking for. I want the sheet to behave similar to a website where there may be an ad banner at the top, followed by a navigation bar/logo/etc., then the content. As you scroll down, the ad banner moves out of view but when the nav bar is at the top, it stops and remains in view while the content continues to scroll.
Let's say I have the first 5 rows that have cells to capture input values. Then row 6 is a table heading and rows 7-100 are the table data. I want the user to be able to hit the scroll down button 5 times to move past the input values. Then I want row 6 to freeze at the top so that as the user continues scrolling, the table heading is visible. Conversely, when the user scrolls up, row 6 remains at the top until the user gets to row 7, then if they continue scrolling, the input values move into view.
Excel does something similar if you use the "format as table" function and indicate that the selection has a header row. Then when scrolling, the column headers will replace the "A", "B", "C", etc. address labels. This won't work directly for me because the table structure is a little more complex.
As far as i understood you want to keep visible a row or column thats not first. Which is kinda exotic.
If you want to hide configureables to save visual space and keep headers at all times:
Simply freeze as many rows/columns as you need for both your configs and headers. And then HIDE the rows/columns you won't want always in view.
You can even have a simple button that does this hiding and unhiding via one click:
Sub transaction1()
Rows("10:50").Hidden = Not Rows("10:50").Hidden
End Sub
As for the freeze panes, in case someone doesn't know you can freeze as many as you want. If you want to freeze columns A and B and rows 1 and 2 simply click on C3 and then use the freeze function. If you want to freeze 10 rows only - click on A11 and then use the freeze.
Though i usually just offload my service space to elsewhere and quickly jump to and from it with =HYPERLINK()
In any event your required result isn't any more convenient than the other ways you can achieve navigational ease. So if I've scrolled to row 14000 if i want to scroll back to the beginning to view my settings i still have to go through 14k rows. Having an always frozen settings area as well as headers is quicker to navigate. And if your settings area takes that much space either move it and create more compact navigations for it or simply hide/show it on demand.
There is no doubt you can have even more exotic ways to achieve the effect, but is it mandatory to do it that way?
Use this in the worksheet's code page (right-click worksheet name tab, View Code).
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iVISROWS As Long
Dim iHDRROWS As Long
Cells(1, 1).Resize(iHDRROWS, 1).EntireRow.Hidden = _
Target(Target.Rows.Count).Row > iVISROWS
End Sub
Optionally, take out the declaration and assignment of iVISROWS and iHDRROWS and out the following into the declaration area (top) of a module code sheet.
Option Explicit
Public Const iVISROWS As Long = 5
Public Const iHDRROWS As Long = 3
Play with the number of header rows (iHDRROWS) and the bottom of the current selection that triggers hiding the header rows (iVISROWS) untilo you get the results you are looking for.
I had the same problem and have much less tech savvy to do all the coding above.
My workaround is very simple.
Insert a new row right at the top of the sheet.
Copy the headings of the table to the new row 1 and then freeze the top row as normal.
As you scroll the top dummy row stays above your table and the rest disapears.
Your original headings still stay in place for filtering as needed if you scroll up.

Create Excel Spread Sheet with different section in a tab with each section having a vertical scrollbar

I am a beginner to Excel. I am using Excel 2010. I am trying to create an excel spread sheet that has different sections. For example Lets say, my sheet tab is labeled sports. I want the sheet to have different section of sports like basketball, baseball, and football all on the same sheet. In Each section I want to have a like 5 columns with a vertical and or horizontal scroll bar. Is this possible to have?
I believe that you want to go into the View tab on the ribbon, use the "New Window" button to make new windows, and then Arrange those windows.
The data can all be in one sheet or in multiple sheets, but you should be able to view all at the same time, with individual scroll bars.
I would actually strongly recommend storing each sport in it's own separate sheet, because while you can freeze panes separately in each window, you cannot hide columns separately.
I'm not exactly sure what you're aiming for here though.
And when it looks how you want it to, you'll want to save your workspace.
