Writing an async function that calls another async function - rust

I am trying to create a async function which takes a function pointer as a parameter. It does some stuff, calls the function, awaits on the result, then does some more stuff:
use std::future::Future;
async fn run_another_async_fn<F, Fut>(f: F)
Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
F: FnOnce(&mut i32) -> Fut,
let mut i = 42;
println!("running function");
f(&mut i).await;
println!("ran function");
async fn foo(i: &mut i32) {}
async fn bar() {
[view on Rust Playground]
Unfortunately this fails to compile:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/lib.rs:17:5
17 | run_another_async_fn(foo);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lifetime mismatch
= note: expected associated type `<for<'_> fn(&mut i32) -> impl Future {foo} as FnOnce<(&mut i32,)>>::Output`
found associated type `<for<'_> fn(&mut i32) -> impl Future {foo} as FnOnce<(&mut i32,)>>::Output`
= note: the required lifetime does not necessarily outlive the empty lifetime
note: the lifetime requirement is introduced here
--> src/lib.rs:6:28
6 | F: FnOnce(&mut i32) -> Fut,
| ^^^
Firstly, it seems the compiler found exactly what it expected but it's complaining anyway?
Secondly, what's "the empty lifetime"? I guess it must mean the '_, does that have some special significance?
Finally, what's the way to get this to compile?

The issue is that there is no way to specify the same lifetime for F and Fut in the where clause.
Luckily (if you don't mind heap allocating the future) there is an easy workaround. You can use the already existing futures::future::BoxFuture; which looks like:
pub type BoxFuture<'a, T> = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send + 'a>>;
With its help you can specify the same lifetime parameter for both the borrow and as a trait bound for the future:
where for<'a> F: FnOnce(&'a mut i32) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()>,
You also have to add an adapter function which will have the correct return type - i.e. BoxFuture<'_, T> instead of impl Future:
fn asd(i: &mut i32) -> BoxFuture<'_, ()> {
or use a closure:
run_another_async_fn(|i| foo(i).boxed());
As a result your code would look like:
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use futures::FutureExt;
use std::future::Future;
async fn run_another_async_fn<F>(f: F)
for<'a> F: FnOnce(&'a mut i32) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()>,
let mut i = 42;
println!("running function");
f(&mut i).await;
println!("ran function");
fn asd(i: &mut i32) -> BoxFuture<'_, ()> {
async fn foo<'a>(i: &'a mut i32) {
// no-op
async fn bar() {
run_another_async_fn(|i| foo(i).boxed());


How to specify lifetimes for `One type is more general then the other` compile error?

I have the following setup where I am trying to create a Dummy future which is intended to modify the values in-place inside the future obtained from f: FnMut(&mut i32) -> Fut. I am passing the generic function fun to substitute it, but I am getting different lifetimes.
pub struct Dummy<Fut, F> {
f: F,
futures: futures::stream::FuturesUnordered<Fut>
impl<Fut, F> Dummy<Fut, F>
F: FnMut(&mut i32) -> Fut,
Fut: futures::Future<Output = ()>,
fn new(f: F) -> Self {
Self {
futures: futures::stream::FuturesUnordered::new()
impl<Fut, F> futures::Future for Dummy<Fut, F>
F: FnMut(&mut i32) -> Fut,
Fut: futures::Future<Output = ()>
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: core::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut core::task::Context<'_>) -> core::task::Poll<()> {
// logic emitted
fn fun<'a>(f: &'a mut i32) -> impl futures::Future<Output = ()> + 'a {
async move {
*f += 1;
async fn main() {
playground link
which gives the compile-error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/main.rs:45:20
45 | Dummy::new(fun).await;
| ^^^^^^ one type is more general than the other
= note: expected trait `for<'r> FnOnce<(&'r mut i32,)>`
found trait `for<'a> FnOnce<(&'a mut i32,)>`
= note: the lifetime requirement is introduced here
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/main.rs:45:20
45 | Dummy::new(fun).await;
| ^^^^^^ one type is more general than the other
= note: expected trait `for<'r> FnOnce<(&'r mut i32,)>`
found trait `for<'a> FnOnce<(&'a mut i32,)>`
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
error: could not compile `playground` due to 4 previous errors
Is it possible to annotate the impl in a way that removes these mismatched types error? I could annotate everything with 'static, as I have done here: playground link. But I was trying to avoid this solution since I want to mutually borrow dependent data in the future poll method.
The signature of fun() connects the lifetime of the reference with the lifetime of the future it returns. You need to specify the same kind of connection on the Future implementation of Dummy:
impl<'a, Fut, F> futures::Future for Dummy<Fut, F>
F: FnMut(&'a mut i32) -> Fut,
Fut: futures::Future<Output = ()> + 'a,

Returning a future-generating closure from a function [duplicate]

Part 1: What should be the signature of a function returning an async function?
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
// What should be sig here?
pub fn higher_order_func(action: &str) -> ???
Part 2: What should be the sig, if based on the action parameter, higher_order_func had to return either async_func1 or async_func2.
I am also interested in learning the performance tradeoffs if there are multiple solutions. Please note that I'd like to return the function itself as an fn pointer or an Fn* trait, and not the result of invoking it.
Returning a function
Returning the actual function pointer requires heap allocation and a wrapper:
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn some_async_func_wrapper<'a>(arg: &'a str)
-> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
Why boxing? higher_order_func needs to have a concrete return type, which is a function pointer. The pointed function needs to also have a concrete return type, which is impossible for async function since it returns opaque type. In theory, it could be possible to write return type as fn(&'a str) -> impl Future<Output=()> + 'a, but this would require much more guesswork from the compiler and currently is not supported.
If you are OK with Fn instead of fn, you can get rid of the wrapper:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> impl Fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
|arg: &'a str| {
To return a different function based on action value, you will need to box the closure itself, which is one more heap allocation:
pub async fn some_async_func_one(arg: &str) {}
pub async fn some_async_func_two(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> Box<dyn Fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>>
if action.starts_with("one") {
Box::new(|arg: &'a str| {
} else {
Box::new(|arg: &'a str| {
Alternative: returning a future
To simplify things, consider returning a future itself instead of a function pointer. This is virtually the same, but much nicer and does not require heap allocation:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func_future<'a>(action: &str, arg: &'a str)
-> impl Future<Output=()> + 'a
It might look like, when higher_order_func_future is called, some_async_func is getting executed - but this is not the case. Because of the way async functions work, when you call some_async_func, no user code is getting executed. The function call returns a Future: the actual function body will be executed only when someone awaits the returned future.
You can use the new function almost the same way as the previous function:
// With higher order function returning function pointer
async fn my_function() {
let action = "one";
let arg = "hello";
// With higher order function returning future
async fn my_function() {
let action = "one";
let arg = "hello";
higher_order_func_future(action, arg).await;
Notice, once more, that in both cases the actual some_async_func body is executed only when the future is awaited.
If you wanted to be able to call different async functions based on action value, you need boxing again:
pub async fn some_async_func_one(arg: &str) {}
pub async fn some_async_func_two(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func_future<'a>(action: &str, arg: &'a str)
-> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
if action.starts_with("one") {
} else {
Still, this is just one heap allocation, so I strongly advise returning a future. The only scenario that I can imagine where the previous solution is better is when you want to save the boxed closure somewhere and use it many times. In this case, excessive allocation happens only once, and you spare some CPU time by dispatching the call based on action only once - when you make the closure.
Ideally, what you'd want is a nested impl trait: -> impl Fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()>. But nested impl trait is not supported. However, you can emulate that using a trait.
The idea is to define a trait that will abstract over the notion of "function returning a future". If our function would take a u32, for example, it could look like:
trait AsyncFn: Fn(u32) -> Self::Future {
type Future: Future<Output = ()>;
impl<F, Fut> AsyncFn for F
F: Fn(u32) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
type Future = Fut;
And then we would take impl AsyncFn. Trying to apply that naively to &str doesn't work:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/lib.rs:16:27
16 | fn higher_order_func() -> impl AsyncFn {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ one type is more general than the other
= note: expected associated type `<for<'_> fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {some_async_func} as FnOnce<(&str,)>>::Output`
found associated type `<for<'_> fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {some_async_func} as FnOnce<(&str,)>>::Output`
The error may look very strange, but it arises from the fact that async fn returns a future bound by the lifetime of all of its argument, i.e. for a signature async fn foo<'a>(arg: &'a str), the future is not impl Future<Output = ()> but impl Future<Output = ()> + 'a. There is a way to capture this relationship in our trait, we just need to make it generic over the argument and use HRTB:
trait AsyncFn<Arg>: Fn(Arg) -> Self::Future {
type Future: Future<Output = ()>;
impl<Arg, F, Fut> AsyncFn<Arg> for F
F: Fn(Arg) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
type Future = Fut;
And then we specify the type as:
fn higher_order_func() -> impl for<'a> AsyncFn<&'a str> {
In addition to the great accepted answer, depending on your use case it's also possible to "fake" the higher order function and avoid any heap allocations by using a simple macro to expand the wrapper code in-place instead:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
macro_rules! higher_order_func {
($action: expr) => {
fn main() {
let future = higher_order_func!("action")("arg");

Return type for function returning an async closure? [duplicate]

Part 1: What should be the signature of a function returning an async function?
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
// What should be sig here?
pub fn higher_order_func(action: &str) -> ???
Part 2: What should be the sig, if based on the action parameter, higher_order_func had to return either async_func1 or async_func2.
I am also interested in learning the performance tradeoffs if there are multiple solutions. Please note that I'd like to return the function itself as an fn pointer or an Fn* trait, and not the result of invoking it.
Returning a function
Returning the actual function pointer requires heap allocation and a wrapper:
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn some_async_func_wrapper<'a>(arg: &'a str)
-> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
Why boxing? higher_order_func needs to have a concrete return type, which is a function pointer. The pointed function needs to also have a concrete return type, which is impossible for async function since it returns opaque type. In theory, it could be possible to write return type as fn(&'a str) -> impl Future<Output=()> + 'a, but this would require much more guesswork from the compiler and currently is not supported.
If you are OK with Fn instead of fn, you can get rid of the wrapper:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> impl Fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
|arg: &'a str| {
To return a different function based on action value, you will need to box the closure itself, which is one more heap allocation:
pub async fn some_async_func_one(arg: &str) {}
pub async fn some_async_func_two(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> Box<dyn Fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>>
if action.starts_with("one") {
Box::new(|arg: &'a str| {
} else {
Box::new(|arg: &'a str| {
Alternative: returning a future
To simplify things, consider returning a future itself instead of a function pointer. This is virtually the same, but much nicer and does not require heap allocation:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func_future<'a>(action: &str, arg: &'a str)
-> impl Future<Output=()> + 'a
It might look like, when higher_order_func_future is called, some_async_func is getting executed - but this is not the case. Because of the way async functions work, when you call some_async_func, no user code is getting executed. The function call returns a Future: the actual function body will be executed only when someone awaits the returned future.
You can use the new function almost the same way as the previous function:
// With higher order function returning function pointer
async fn my_function() {
let action = "one";
let arg = "hello";
// With higher order function returning future
async fn my_function() {
let action = "one";
let arg = "hello";
higher_order_func_future(action, arg).await;
Notice, once more, that in both cases the actual some_async_func body is executed only when the future is awaited.
If you wanted to be able to call different async functions based on action value, you need boxing again:
pub async fn some_async_func_one(arg: &str) {}
pub async fn some_async_func_two(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func_future<'a>(action: &str, arg: &'a str)
-> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
if action.starts_with("one") {
} else {
Still, this is just one heap allocation, so I strongly advise returning a future. The only scenario that I can imagine where the previous solution is better is when you want to save the boxed closure somewhere and use it many times. In this case, excessive allocation happens only once, and you spare some CPU time by dispatching the call based on action only once - when you make the closure.
Ideally, what you'd want is a nested impl trait: -> impl Fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()>. But nested impl trait is not supported. However, you can emulate that using a trait.
The idea is to define a trait that will abstract over the notion of "function returning a future". If our function would take a u32, for example, it could look like:
trait AsyncFn: Fn(u32) -> Self::Future {
type Future: Future<Output = ()>;
impl<F, Fut> AsyncFn for F
F: Fn(u32) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
type Future = Fut;
And then we would take impl AsyncFn. Trying to apply that naively to &str doesn't work:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/lib.rs:16:27
16 | fn higher_order_func() -> impl AsyncFn {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ one type is more general than the other
= note: expected associated type `<for<'_> fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {some_async_func} as FnOnce<(&str,)>>::Output`
found associated type `<for<'_> fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {some_async_func} as FnOnce<(&str,)>>::Output`
The error may look very strange, but it arises from the fact that async fn returns a future bound by the lifetime of all of its argument, i.e. for a signature async fn foo<'a>(arg: &'a str), the future is not impl Future<Output = ()> but impl Future<Output = ()> + 'a. There is a way to capture this relationship in our trait, we just need to make it generic over the argument and use HRTB:
trait AsyncFn<Arg>: Fn(Arg) -> Self::Future {
type Future: Future<Output = ()>;
impl<Arg, F, Fut> AsyncFn<Arg> for F
F: Fn(Arg) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
type Future = Fut;
And then we specify the type as:
fn higher_order_func() -> impl for<'a> AsyncFn<&'a str> {
In addition to the great accepted answer, depending on your use case it's also possible to "fake" the higher order function and avoid any heap allocations by using a simple macro to expand the wrapper code in-place instead:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
macro_rules! higher_order_func {
($action: expr) => {
fn main() {
let future = higher_order_func!("action")("arg");

Return an async function from a function in Rust

Part 1: What should be the signature of a function returning an async function?
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
// What should be sig here?
pub fn higher_order_func(action: &str) -> ???
Part 2: What should be the sig, if based on the action parameter, higher_order_func had to return either async_func1 or async_func2.
I am also interested in learning the performance tradeoffs if there are multiple solutions. Please note that I'd like to return the function itself as an fn pointer or an Fn* trait, and not the result of invoking it.
Returning a function
Returning the actual function pointer requires heap allocation and a wrapper:
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn some_async_func_wrapper<'a>(arg: &'a str)
-> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
Why boxing? higher_order_func needs to have a concrete return type, which is a function pointer. The pointed function needs to also have a concrete return type, which is impossible for async function since it returns opaque type. In theory, it could be possible to write return type as fn(&'a str) -> impl Future<Output=()> + 'a, but this would require much more guesswork from the compiler and currently is not supported.
If you are OK with Fn instead of fn, you can get rid of the wrapper:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> impl Fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
|arg: &'a str| {
To return a different function based on action value, you will need to box the closure itself, which is one more heap allocation:
pub async fn some_async_func_one(arg: &str) {}
pub async fn some_async_func_two(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func<'a>(action: &str)
-> Box<dyn Fn(&'a str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>>
if action.starts_with("one") {
Box::new(|arg: &'a str| {
} else {
Box::new(|arg: &'a str| {
Alternative: returning a future
To simplify things, consider returning a future itself instead of a function pointer. This is virtually the same, but much nicer and does not require heap allocation:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func_future<'a>(action: &str, arg: &'a str)
-> impl Future<Output=()> + 'a
It might look like, when higher_order_func_future is called, some_async_func is getting executed - but this is not the case. Because of the way async functions work, when you call some_async_func, no user code is getting executed. The function call returns a Future: the actual function body will be executed only when someone awaits the returned future.
You can use the new function almost the same way as the previous function:
// With higher order function returning function pointer
async fn my_function() {
let action = "one";
let arg = "hello";
// With higher order function returning future
async fn my_function() {
let action = "one";
let arg = "hello";
higher_order_func_future(action, arg).await;
Notice, once more, that in both cases the actual some_async_func body is executed only when the future is awaited.
If you wanted to be able to call different async functions based on action value, you need boxing again:
pub async fn some_async_func_one(arg: &str) {}
pub async fn some_async_func_two(arg: &str) {}
pub fn higher_order_func_future<'a>(action: &str, arg: &'a str)
-> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + 'a>>
if action.starts_with("one") {
} else {
Still, this is just one heap allocation, so I strongly advise returning a future. The only scenario that I can imagine where the previous solution is better is when you want to save the boxed closure somewhere and use it many times. In this case, excessive allocation happens only once, and you spare some CPU time by dispatching the call based on action only once - when you make the closure.
Ideally, what you'd want is a nested impl trait: -> impl Fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()>. But nested impl trait is not supported. However, you can emulate that using a trait.
The idea is to define a trait that will abstract over the notion of "function returning a future". If our function would take a u32, for example, it could look like:
trait AsyncFn: Fn(u32) -> Self::Future {
type Future: Future<Output = ()>;
impl<F, Fut> AsyncFn for F
F: Fn(u32) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
type Future = Fut;
And then we would take impl AsyncFn. Trying to apply that naively to &str doesn't work:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/lib.rs:16:27
16 | fn higher_order_func() -> impl AsyncFn {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ one type is more general than the other
= note: expected associated type `<for<'_> fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {some_async_func} as FnOnce<(&str,)>>::Output`
found associated type `<for<'_> fn(&str) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {some_async_func} as FnOnce<(&str,)>>::Output`
The error may look very strange, but it arises from the fact that async fn returns a future bound by the lifetime of all of its argument, i.e. for a signature async fn foo<'a>(arg: &'a str), the future is not impl Future<Output = ()> but impl Future<Output = ()> + 'a. There is a way to capture this relationship in our trait, we just need to make it generic over the argument and use HRTB:
trait AsyncFn<Arg>: Fn(Arg) -> Self::Future {
type Future: Future<Output = ()>;
impl<Arg, F, Fut> AsyncFn<Arg> for F
F: Fn(Arg) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
type Future = Fut;
And then we specify the type as:
fn higher_order_func() -> impl for<'a> AsyncFn<&'a str> {
In addition to the great accepted answer, depending on your use case it's also possible to "fake" the higher order function and avoid any heap allocations by using a simple macro to expand the wrapper code in-place instead:
pub async fn some_async_func(arg: &str) {}
macro_rules! higher_order_func {
($action: expr) => {
fn main() {
let future = higher_order_func!("action")("arg");

How to indicate that the lifetime of an async function's return value is the same as a parameter?

We can match a normal function with non-static parameter like this:
fn processor(data: &i32) -> &i32 {
fn process<'b>(data: &'b i32, processor: impl 'static + for<'a> Fn(&'a i32) -> &'a i32) -> &'b i32 {
fn main() {
let data = 1;
println!("data: {}", process(&data, processor));
Since async functions return anonymous futures, we cannot indicate that the lifetime of anonymous future is the same as the parameter:
use std::future::Future;
async fn processor(data: &i32) -> &i32 {
async fn process<'b, F>(data: &'b i32, processor: impl 'static + Fn(&i32) -> F) -> &'b i32
F: 'b + Future<Output = &'b i32>,
async fn _main() {
let data = 1;
println!("data: {}", process(&data, processor).await);
The compiler will complain:
error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `for<'r> <for<'_> fn(&i32) -> impl std::future::Future {processor} as std::ops::FnOnce<(&'r i32,)>>::Output == _`
--> src/lib.rs:16:26
7 | async fn process<'b, F>(data: &'b i32, processor: impl 'static + Fn(&i32) -> F) -> &'b i32
| ------- - required by this bound in `process`
16 | println!("data: {}", process(&data, processor).await);
| ^^^^^^^ expected bound lifetime parameter, found concrete lifetime
How can I match it?
You need to state that:
the closure accepts a reference with the same lifetime as the parameter.
the returned future returns a reference with the same lifetime as the parameter.
the returned future captures a reference with the same lifetime as the parameter.
async fn process<'b, F, Fut>(data: &'b i32, processor: F) -> &'b i32
F: Fn(&'b i32) -> Fut,
// ^^ [1]
F: 'static,
Fut: Future<Output = &'b i32> + 'b,
// ^^ [2] ^^ [3]
