How do I set up IIS to debug classic ASP? - iis

How do I set up IIS to debug classic ASP?
Help Needed Setting up Classic ASP Debugging
According to what I have seen on social media, in order for me to set up my computer for writing and debugging Classic ASP, I need to set up IIS a certain way -- which I did -- and then I have to enable ASP by doing the following:
IIS7 - IIS > ASP > Compilation > Debugging Properties > Enable Server-side Debugging
And I am stuck on this. Please, someone give me an idea of what I need to click on.

The steps to implement your requirements can be found easily from internet. The reason why you can't see "ASP" module in your screenshot is you didn't enable "ASP" feature. Please refer to the steps below:
1. Open your "Control Panel" --> "Programs" --> "Turn Windows feature on or off".
2. Then you can find "ASP" option under "Internet Information Services" --> "World Wide Web Services" --> "Application Development Features" like below screenshot.
3. Just enable "ASP" and then go to your IIS manager, choose the site which you want to edit under "Sites". Then you can find "ASP" module.

Hury Shen posted a very good answer. I might be ready now to have a go at making my first "Hello World" classic ASP program.
The answer provides content that even the online Microsoft Documentation I have read has left off. Namely, it is checking the ASP box.
I clicked on the help button and this lead me to a browser page which explained how to create an ASP page.
This link offers this help:
and this takes me to a new page
I have accomplished the prerequisite and step 1 on the list. So I go to step 2
Step 2: Add a Classic ASP Website You can perform this procedure by
using the user interface (UI), by running Appcmd.exe commands in a
command-line window, by editing configuration files directly, or by
writing WMI scripts. To add a website by using the UI Open IIS
Manager. For Windows Server 2012, on the Start page click the Server
Manager tile, and then click OK. On the Server Manager Dashboard,
click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Information Services
(IIS) Manager. For Windows 8, on the Start page type Control Panel,
and then click the Control Panel icon in the search results. On the
Control Panel screen, click System and Security, click Administrative
Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. In
the Connections pane, right-click the Sites node in the tree, and then
click Add Website. In the Add Website dialog box, type a friendly name
for your website in the Site name box. If you want to select a
different application pool than the one listed in the Application Pool
box, click Select. In the Select Application Pool dialog box, select
an application pool from the Application Pool list and then click OK.
In the Physical path box, type the physical path of the Web site's
folder, or click the browse button (...) to navigate the file system
to find the folder. If the physical path that you entered in step 5 is
to a remote share, click Connect as to specify credentials that have
permission to access the path. If you do not use specific credentials,
select the Application user (pass-through authentication) option in
the Connect As dialog box. Select the protocol for the Web site from
the Type list. The default value in the IP address box is All
Unassigned. If you must specify a static IP address for the Web site,
type the IP address in the IP address box. Type a port number in the
Port text box. Optionally, type a host header name for the Web site in
the Host Header box. If you do not have to make any changes to the
site, and you want the Web site to be immediately available, select
the Start Web site immediately check box. Click OK.
It has been a long time since I have done anything like this. Basically, I assume I am turning my desktop computer into a web server. Am I right? If this is so, do I have to follow through with all the overhead and steps in buying a namespace? I hope not.
I have questions about step 4 : "If you want to select a different application pool than the one listed in the Application Pool box, click Select. In the Select Application Pool dialog box, select an application pool from the Application Pool list and then click OK." As I type out the site name, the field for "Application pool" repeats what I type for the site name. Since I am not creating a new application pool -- or I do not want to -- I click on select and choose the DefaultAppPool .
Since I am only wanting to write test code locally, I connect as an application user.
I did not put in an IP address.
It complained that I was using port 80. So I switched it to port 79 and clicked ok.
So now I think I have an asp website. What do you think?


IIS default page doesn't work

I think I must have changed something to IIS default website settings. Now I cannot even browse IIS default website. Even if I create new website, when I browse, it always go to http://localhost/webpages/home.aspx which became the default page for all website I added to IIS. where can I change that setting not to call that http://localhost/webpages/home.aspx by default.
any pointer would be appreciated.
if I understand your question correctly.
These steps should help you to produce the result(s) you require:
1 Create your project in VS.
2 Right click Project name.
3 Select Properties.
4 Select Web.
5 Under Server there is a dropdownbox. Here the default is IIS.
The usual choice as far as I know is between IIS and localhost.
6 Click the Create Virtual Directory button located to the right.
A message box should pop up saying Virtual Directory successfully created!
Here is a link that may be more helpful.

Binding net.pipe to Default Web Site via IIS

When I attempt to set up appfabric to link up to my application and monitor and track and tract it, I get an error stating
“Workflow persistence is not functional because the net.pipe binding is not enabled for this web site.”
Now according to This Website I need to enable the net.pipe bindings for a site. It says that To enable the net.pipe binding for a site, right-click the site in the Connections pane of IIS Manager, click Edit Bindings, and add net.pipe with binding information of “*”.
I go to Default Web Site, right click and click edit bindings, but am unsure how binding information plays into it. I see site bindings, one of them http no host name, port 80, ipaddress of * and no binding information. When I click add I can put in a host name, put in a port, select an ip address, and select a type (http or https). Where would I edit the binding information to make it * and thus no longer show the error with appfabric.
Thanks in advance!
In fact, it's depending on IIS and/or Windows Server version.
As a prerequisite, you have to enable Net Pipe Activation first. You can add it via windows feature or Server manager.
Here is the illustrated explanation :
First, Go to the Advanced settings on your Web Site.
Under IIS manager, it's on the right after you select your WebSite.
In Enabled Protocols, add net.pipe (default is http)
At the end, Add a new Bidning (Right Pane when you select your web site), and add a net.pipe binding with a wildcard "*" for Bidning Informaiton.
That's all.
Cybermaxs basically has the correct answer, with one minor caveat in my experience: You might need to do an iisreset before things will work (that is, click win + R, and enter iisreset, or just run iisreset in a command line window).
As a bonus, what follows is the equivalent of what Cybermaxs included, only from Windows 8. Search for "Turn windows features on or off" to open this window:

Enabling SSI on IIS

According to this page, I should be able to:
<!-- #include file = "..\myfile.htm" -->
Q: How do I enable SSI on IIS7?
Oh, I see what my problem is: I'm on a VPS and they have the "Turn Windows Features on or off" disabled.
Try this:-
1) In the IIS Manager, go to "Web Service Extensions" and set server-side includes to "Allowed."
2) In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click the "Web Sites" folder (for all sites) or right-click a specific Web site, and click "Properties."
3) In the "Documents" tab, make sure that index.shtml is included in the default content page list.

SharePoint list webpart connections option not visible

I want to connect two list webparts. The problem is that when I go to "Edit Web Part -> Connections" this option "Connections" doesn't apperar.
Searching on google found this: There is a paragraph that says: "The Web Part menu may not be enabled or visible on your Web Part Page for several reasons, including that the Web Part or the zone does not support connections, you are using a browser that is not compatible with Windows SharePoint Services, or connections are disabled on your site"
I think connections are disable on my site. Where can I enable connections on a SharePoint site?
Thanks for your help!
Ha ha. In Internet Explorer 11, you have to view Sharepoint sites in "Compatibility Mode"! Imagine that! Without Compatibility Mode, IE won't display the connection menus - but Firefox and Chrome will! Apparently, this is even a problem with Sharepoint 2013.
I saw this problem even when Connections were enabled.
The workaround was to choose Edit Web Part and Click "Apply". This magically made the connection menu appear. However when the page is reloaded, the workaround needs to be applied again.
I'm not 100% sure if I remember correctly, but I had the same issue last week.
First you need access to the central administration at the sharepoint host.
In there, you have to click on "Application Managment" -> "Manage Web Applications"
Then select your web app and click on Web Part Security in the ribbon. If i remember right you should find an option there to allow connections between webparts.
Here in my experience I found that on wiki page web part connection is not possible, if you want to connect two web parts or two list, go and add your lists, or webpart onto webpart page, and on edit page connect them, ok.
There are some issue with placing filter web parts on a wiki page. The filter web part is not visible and it's impossible to select the webpart menu when in page edit mode.
I encountered it a few times. Like user2780851 states. Enable the publishing features, add a new (publishing) page (so in the 'pages' library not in the 'sitepages' library). When you add the filter webparts on this publishing page all the menu options (and the connection option) will be available.
I was able to get things to redisplay without using compatibility mode. In IE 11, what I had to do was hit F12 to pull up the developer menu, and then under the emulation tab, I switched my user agent to Internet Explorer 10, and then it started working correctly. My problem that lead me to this thread was that my web part menu wasn't displaying at all. This is a serious Microsoft fail. Probably why they are planning to abandon IE altogether. Good riddance, says I.
I've found that this issue has caused a lot of confusion, and led people to incorrectly think that connections between web parts isn't available on wiki pages.
The Connections option will appear as long as you are in the edit mode of any web part on the page - it doesn't have to be a web part which will be involved in the connection.
First you need access to the central administration at the sharepoint host.
In there, you have to click on "Application Managment" -> "Manage Web Applications" Then select your web app and click on Web Part Security in the ribbon. If i remember right you should find an option there to allow connections between webparts.
this is answer right i did it and it works

IIS ASP Caching

I'm trying to configure ASP caching in IIS, following the instructions of a software I purchased. This is supposed to make it run faster.
The software instructions point to that article.
The problem i'm having is that the "ASP File Cache section" that's mentioned there does not exist in my IIS dialog...
Am I missing something?
Is there any configuration that'll make it appear?
I'm running IIS 6.0 on W2003 Server Enterprise Edition.
Update 1: I am logged in as the local administrator (the box is not in a domain)
Right click on "Web sites" in IIS manager. Choose Properties->Home directory->Configuration and you'll see "Cache options" tab.
The trick is to click on "Web sites" as opposed to proceeding to specific web site.
