Binance API GET request multiple values - get

I am trying to send GET request with Binance API as below by using Postman. However I couldn't manage to get multiple values in symbol parameter. For example ETHUSDT and BTCUSDT - tried different syntax but none of them worked for me. How can I send GET request for multiple values? Or am I have to send GET request for each value?

It seems best way to handle this get all prices as below and filter the symbols or in a loop send get request for each symbol we want to get.

the documentation says it is available to add multiple symbols but when you attempt to get more than one it breaks. its a backend issue, its not set up to handle multiple symbols. it should accept using
symbols=["symbol", "symbol", symbol]
but it cant read that. reach out to Binance and tell them to update their api if you wish. i have tried to no avail.


Serving a HTTP request response as a dialog response - Composer Framework

We are developing a chatbot to handle internal and external processes for a local authority. We are trying to display contact information for a particular service from our api endpoint. The HTTP request is successful and delivers, in part, exactly what we want but there's still some unnecessary noise we can't exclude.
We specifically just want the text out of the response ("Response").
Logically, it was thought all we need to do is drill down into ${dialog.api_response.content.Response} but that fails the HTTP request and ${x.content} returns successful but includes Tags, response and the fields within 1.
Is there something simple we've missed using composer to access what we're after or do we need to change the way our endpoint is responding 2? Unfortunately the MS documentation for FrwrkComp is lacking to say the very least.
n.b. The response is currently set up as a (syntactically) SSML response, this is just a test case using an existing resource.
Response in the Emulator
Snippet from FwrkComp
Turns out it was the first thing I tried just syntactically correct. For the case of the code given it was as simple as:

How to use getSpaceGroups json-rpc api?

I want to get all the space groups assigned to a space. I was using the Atlassian REST API Browser and found the API " json-rpc/confluenceservice-v1/getSpaceGroups" to fetch the groups of a space. I tried using this API to fetch the space groups but got the error “The request body could not be parsed as JSON”. I entered ds in the body, I also tried using [“ds”], and “ds” but got no luck. Can anyone please tell me how to use this API?
I know this SOAP API will be removed in the future, but for the time being, I can’t wait for the REST API to arrive, so I’m okay with this one.

Python: adding comments to specific cell using Drive API

I am trying to automate some simple updating of a Google spreadsheet and I'm using the gspread library to do so. One task that is critical and not currently supported by gspread is the ability to add comments to a specific cell (there's an open issue for this and even a gist solution but I was getting a 404 error when trying to use it).
I know that the Google Drive API (v3) supports adding comments as described here, but I'm having issues with authenticating and could use some help.
What I have/know:
I have already setup the OAuth 2.0 and registered for the API through Google, as well as have the client_secret.json in my directory, but my knowledge of web requests and responses is limited so going through the Drive API documentation hardly makes sense. I know in order to create the comments I will have to make use of anchors and specify the cell location using column/row numbers.
What I'm stuck on:
When using the Google API Explorer, I'm getting a 400 error with the message: The 'fields' parameter is required for this method. How can I make the POST request using my authentication? I think from there I'd be able to actually add the comments myself.
I'm getting a 400 error with the message: The 'fields' parameter is required for this method
The error is asking for a property which you want returned (these properties are listed in Drive API files resource).
You can just place ' * ' to indicate you want it to return a complete response. That's the quick fix.

Get Request URL Capability

I recently began working with JavaScript and am looking at various get and post requests one can send to a server.
For get, as far as I know, all of the information of the query is contained in the URL that the user triggers. On the server side this has to be dissected to retrieve the necessary parameters.
I was just wondering how larger and more detailed requests are handled with this get method? For instance what if I had millions and millions of parameters that make up my whole request? Would they all be jumbled into the URL? Is there a limit as to the number of unique URLs one can have? I read this post:
How do URL shorteners guarantee unique URLs when they don't expire?
I would really like some more input.
Thank You!

Loopback - get list of API endpoints via REST

Loopback has nice documentation which you can view at
I want to write some tests for our server, and at the very least do a GET request for each of the endpoints that should be public and available over REST.
Loopback explorer clearly has this information somewhere - is there a way to get a list of endpoints programmatically?
I just want something like this list:
PATCH /ServicecontractViews
GET /ServicecontractViews
PUT /ServicecontractViews
POST /ServicecontractViews
PATCH /ServicecontractViews/{id}
GET /ServicecontractViews/{id}
HEAD /ServicecontractViews/{id}
GET /Notes/{id}
HEAD /Notes/{id}
PUT /Notes/{id}
DELETE /Notes/{id}
GET /Notes/{id}/exists
is it possible to get this information programmatically (while the server is live)?
The LoopBack explorer uses Swagger JSON to generate the UI you see.
If you watch the XHR requests using your browser debugger, you can grab the direct URL to the raw Swagger. This data should contain what you need, though not in quite as concise a format as you probably want.
