How to retreive memory cache in Azure app service - azure

I am hosting a Net core application as as Azure app service. The app uses Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memoryto set and get string values to cache. Is there a way I can see the key-values stored in my server's in-memory cache ?
Reason:- The values I set, always seem to be null when I retrieve them.
Is there anything like Redis console in azure portal to check the key values present in memory cache?
the part of code used to set and get.
_memoryCache.Set("key1", "value1", TimeSpan.FromHours(1))
_memoryCache.TryGetValue("key1", out string result)

There is no function you mentioned on the azure portal.
Follow below steps, you can retrieve the value.
You need add services.AddMemoryCache(); in ConfigureServices.
And you also change your controller like below. Then you will get the value. It will not be null.


Lookup Azure application name from within a running function app

Is it possible to lookup the application name for an Azure app as it runs, i.e., get the information about that is displayed in the Azure portal? In the example below, I'd want something to tell me from within the application that I am running sitemap-prod-eastus.
I've been looking at the Azure Context object but not seeing what I need. There is an invocation ID, a name for the function, a directory - not the info in this window.
Maybe this can be done through Azure Application Insights?
I am working in Node JS.
I've not seen anything that would expose this to a function app. That said, there is one sort of workaround that you could do which would work - go to the Configuration blade for the function app, Application settings tab, and add a configuration key like function_name and set its value to the name of your app. Your app could then just read it out of configuration.
It's an extra step, but if you're doing it with something like ARM or Terraform, it's just another configuration entry with a variable you already declared to set up the app in the first place.
Answering my own question: Azure provides WEBSITE_SITE_NAME in the runtime environment that matches the name of the function app.

Creating Multiple Environment Parameters for Azure Data Factory Linked Services

I have a requirement where I need to point our DEV Azure Data Factory to a Production Azure SQL database and also have the ability to switch the data source back to the Dev database should we need to.
I've been looking at creating parameters against the linked services but unsure of the best approach.
Should I create parameters as follows and choose the relevant parameters depending on the environment I want to pull data from?
Any sort of trigger can also have parameters attached to it. Check out the following example, assuming you have a custom event trigger and SQL server as a source:
Create a string parameter for the database name field while establishing a SQL server connected service as a dataset.
Create New parameter in dataset, assign the dataset parameter to that same Linked service parameter, which will be used to store the trigger data.
A custom event trigger has the ability to parse and deliver a custom data payload to your pipeline. You define the pipeline parameters and then populate the values on the Parameters page. To parse the data payload and provide values to the pipeline parameters, use the format #triggerBody() keyName_.
As per Microsoft Official Documents, which could be referred:
Reference trigger metadata in pipelines
System variables in custom event trigger
When you utilize a pipeline activity in a source, it will request you for a dataset parameter. In this case, utilize dynamic content and choose the parameter containing the trigger data.
I would suggest using Azure Key Vault for that.
Create an Azure Key Vault for each environment (dev, prod, etc.)
Create secrets inside both key vaults with the same name but different values.
For example, for the database server name, create the same secret "database-server" in both dev and prod key vaults but with the correct value representing the connection string of the dev and prod server respectively, in the following format:
integrated security=False;encrypt=True;connection timeout=30;data source=<serverName>;initial catalog=<databaseName>;user id=<userName>;password=<loginPassword>
In your Azure Data Factory, create a Key Vault linked service pointing to your key vault.
In your Azure Data Factory, create a new Azure SQL Database linked service selecting the Key Vault created in step 1 and the secret created in step 2.
Now you can easily switch between dev and prod by simply adjusting your Key Vault linked service to point to the desired environment.
Have fun ;)

Any way to concatenate two Application setting in Configuration - Azure Function app

In Azure Function App, I have added two application settings using the Configuration tab. The first Application setting is fetching the SAS token from the Azure Key vault using #Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=##). The other application setting is the endpoint URL. Now I have to concatenate these two variables and use in connection parameter in HTTP and Queue Trigger.
For example, Below StorageConnectionAppSetting will be the key that will have concatenated value.
public static async Task Run([QueueTrigger("myqueue-items", Connection = "StorageConnectionAppSetting")] string queueItem, ILogger log)
Is there any way this concatenation can be done in the Application setting itself.
This isn't currently possible. Even if you were to customize configuration using DI, it won't work for triggers when deploying to the consumption or premium plans as mentioned at the end of the docs.

Azure REST API VM LicenseType parameter

I'm trying to get LicenseType property of running VMs, but the value is not returned as part of query.
How to get it? Is it some kind of "lazy" property?
I tried the standard query and with &expand option..
Really need this setting for Azure VM reporting, if they using AHUB or not.
Powershell returns this value...
The property LicenseType is only used for images that contain the Windows operating system. In other words, we just can get the property with Azure Windows VM.
Besides, if you want to get the property with Rest API, we just need to run a standard query.
For example

Storing connection strings in Azure App Service Settings

I have an ASP .Net Core 2.2 Web API which connects to a MySQL Database.
It is hosted on Azure App Service.
Currently I am storing the connection strings in the appsettings.json file:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"MyDataContext": ";user id=username;Pwd=password;persistsecurityinfo=True;database=db1;"
And I read the connection strings in Startup.cs (in the ConfigureServices method) like this:
services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseMySql(Configuration.GetConnectionString("MyDataContext")));
I read that I can store these connection strings in the Azure App Service Settings instead, as it offers some advantages. I've been trying to do this, but am struggling to get it to work.
My first question is, when adding the connection string to Azure App Service Settings (under the Connection Strings section), what do I put in for Name in the Name/Value pairs? Do I just put "MyDataContext" or do I put in "ConnectionStrings:MyDataContext"? (I'm trying to keep the same structure as I have in the appsettings.json file).
My second question is, can I still read the connections string in my Startup.ConfigureServices method the same way I am doing now? From what I understand, Azure App Service will automatically inject the connection string store in Settings into the Configuration object in the API? I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but it's not working...
Yes and yes.
Yes, you can name the connection string as almost anything you want, though I've discovered recently that certain characters aren't allowed, but Azure doesn't tell you this, it will just strip them out and not tell you, so to be safe I'd only use alphanumeric characters, you can use CamelCasing if you need to. You don't need to prefix with anything like ConnectionStrings: as this is done automatically by Azure, and the syntax has changed in the most recent version anyway.
And yes, if you haven't specified your own ConfigurationBuilder, your web app should call CreateDefaultBuilder which will add environment variables at runtime. The code you've written will stay the same and you can delete the connection string from your appsettings.json file, if you keep it in there it will get overridden anyway.
It is a good idea to remove connection strings from the appsettings.json file if you are able to store them in Azure instead for security reasons, so that you are not storing either database server address nor connection credentials in your source code. One step up from this is using Managed Identity in conjunction with Active Directory, where you specify an AD username in the connection string but no password, then assign that user (or the user's group) as the server admin.
It looks like there's a slight delay (a couple of seconds at least) when changing the Settings of an Azure App Service - I was too quick...
