Import data from Salesforce Report using ADF - azure

I am working on importing data from Salesforce Report using ADF. I am using copy activity and have created salesforce linked service.
I did get the below syntax from Microsoft documentation but I get the below error.
Failed to import source schema. ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][Salesforce] (120) SOQL_FIRST mode prepare failure: SOQL error: [Microsoft][SQLEngine] (31480) syntax error near '"<<< ??? >>>query": "{call "Quality & Impact Survey Results by Tier"}"'. SQL error: [Microsoft][SQLEngine] (31480) syntax error near '"query"<<< ??? >>>: "{call "Reportname"}"'. Activity ID: a1373279-97e4-42e4-86e3-80d930ef9364
If anyone have worked on this then do let me know your thoughts.

I found out the syntax to extract data from Salesforce from ADF as per below.
{call "Reportname"}


Azure Data Factory - Copy Data - Failed to retrieve data

I'm using Azure Data Factory - Copy Data activity from retrieving the data from NetSuite. It's all working fine for most of the tables except one large table which has around 800+ columns. Below are the errors that i'm facing in different places.
Unable to run Copy Data Activity - It fails with error "Failed to retrieve data" (I don't think it's a timeout issue as I set the timeout to 5 mins and it fails within 3 mins without even connecting to the source)
Within Copy Data - Unable to Import Schema - It fails with error "Failed to retrieve data"
Preview Data in Dataset - It fails with error "The operation has timed out"
Is there any limitation in the Data Factory in terms of the number of columns that you could have in the source? Please let me know
Praveen Sreeram

How to create azure data explorer function which deletes data from table?

I am new to Azure data explorer and trying something like this
.create-or-alter function
.clear table batchwise_last_processed_record data;}
But I am getting below error
A recognition error occurred.
Token: .
Please note the dot in the error message (right after "Token:")
A recognition error occurred.
Token: .
You cannot execute a command within a function

Extracting data from SAP Solution manager using ADF ~ Failed to invoke function /SAPDS/RFC_READ_TABLE2

I am trying to extract the data from SAP Solution manager using SAP Table connector in ADF.
It is working for some table and throwing a below error few tables.
Could someone please help me with any lead on how to resolve it.
and also my objective is extract the data from SAP solution manager using ADF tool.
Failure happened on 'Source' side.
Message=Failed to invoke function /SAPDS/RFC_READ_TABLE2 with error:
message: Error with ASSIGN ... CASTING in program /SAPDS/SAPLRS_BASIS .
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConnection.ReadBytes(Byte* buffer, Int32 count)
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConnection.ReadRfcIDBegin(Int32& length)
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConnection.ReadUpTo(RFCGET readState, RfcFunction function, RFCID toRid)
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConnection.RfcReceive(RfcFunction function)

ADF Script Activity - Custom SQL Error code

Azure ADF has recently added a script activity that allows us to add multiple SQL statements. I am trying to execute those statements against SQLMI. In that, on certain error, if I want to throw an exception, I have following piece of code.
set #ERROR_MSG = 'My custom error message';
throw 50000, #ERROR_MSG, 1;
The output of activity have custom error message. But the error code is not getting customized. It returns 2001. My question is, how to customize error code ?

Error while using topcount

I'm using the following MDX query:
SELECT [Measures].[Unita (libri)] ON COLUMNS,
TopCount([Anno].[Anno].Members, 10.0, [Measures].[Unita (libri)]) ON ROWS
FROM [Pubblicazioni]
But i always get back an error:
Error Occurred While getting Resultset
MDX Query Editor
An error occurred while rendering Pivot.jsp. Please see the log for details.
I can't access the log (for some reason the server is not writing logs) but i think it's not normal to get this error with this simple query. Any ideas about?
