Vala, string to enum - string

Is there a way to convert a string to an enum in vala:
string foo = "Enum1";
MY_ENUM theEnum = MY_ENUM.get_value_by_name(foo);
enum MY_ENUM {
So in this example "theEnum" would have the value: MY_ENUM.Enum1

It is possible using the runtime type system provided by GLib's GObject library. There are EnumClass and EnumValue. These provide introspection at runtime and allow an enum to be initialised from a string.
The syntax is a bit complex at present, although it may be possible for someone to modify the Vala compiler to make it easier, but that is a significant piece of work.
An example:
void main () {
try {
MyEnum? the_enum_value;
the_enum_value = MyEnum.parse ("FIRST");
print (#"$(the_enum_value)\n");
} catch (EnumError error) {
print (#"$(error.message)\n");
errordomain EnumError {
enum MyEnum {
public static MyEnum parse (string value) throws EnumError {
EnumValue? a;
a = ((EnumClass)typeof (MyEnum).class_ref ()).get_value_by_name ("MY_ENUM_" + value);
if (a == null) {
throw new EnumError.UNKNOWN_VALUE (#"String $(value) is not a valid value for $(typeof(MyEnum).name())");
return (MyEnum)a.value;


KOTLIN convert string to generic type

I want to read a line from input and convert it to generic type.
something like
fun <T> R() : T {
return readLine()!!.toType(T)
so for R<int>() it will call toInt() for long toLong() etc.
how to achieve such a thing?
And btw is there a possibility to have a default generic type (C++ has that) in case you want provide one
You can write generic inline function with reified type parameter:
inline fun <reified T> read() : T {
val value: String = readLine()!!
return when (T::class) {
Int::class -> value.toInt() as T
String::class -> value as T
// add other types here if need
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unknown Generic Type")
Reified type parameter is used to access a type of passed parameter.
Calling the function:
val resultString = read<String>()
try {
val resultInt = read<Int>()
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
// make sure to catch NumberFormatException if value can't be cast

How to multiply strings in Haxe

I'm trying to multiply some string a by some integer b such that a * b = a + a + a... (b times). I've tried doing it the same way I would in python:
class Test {
static function main() {
var a = "Text";
var b = 4;
trace(a * b); //Assumed Output: TextTextTextText
But this raises:
Build failure Test.hx:6: characters 14-15 : String should be Int
There doesn't seem to be any information in the Haxe Programming Cookbook or the API Documentation about multiplying strings, so I'm wondering if I've mistyped something or if I should use:
class Test {
static function main() {
var a = "Text";
var b = 4;
var c = "";
for (i in 0...b) {
c = c + a;
trace(c); // Outputs "TextTextTextText"
Not very short, but array comprehension might help in some situations :
class Test {
static function main() {
var a = "Text";
var b = 4;
trace( [for (i in 0...b) a].join("") );
//Output: TextTextTextText
See on
The numeric multiplication operator * requires numeric types, like integer. You have a string. If you want to multiply a string, you have to do it manually by appending a target string within the loop.
The + operator is not the numeric plus in your example, but a way to combine strings.
You can achieve what you want by operator overloading:
abstract MyAbstract(String) {
public inline function new(s:String) {
this = s;
#:op(A * B)
public function repeat(rhs:Int):MyAbstract {
var s:StringBuf = new StringBuf();
for (i in 0...rhs)
return new MyAbstract(s.toString());
class Main {
static public function main() {
var a = new MyAbstract("foo");
trace(a * 3); // foofoofoo
To build on tokiop's answer, you could also define a times function, and then use it as a static extension.
using Test.Extensions;
class Test {
static function main() {
trace ("Text".times(4));
class Extensions {
public static function times (str:String, n:Int) {
return [for (i in 0...n) str].join("");
} demo here
To build on bsinky answer, you can also define a times function as static extension, but avoid the array:
using Test.Extensions;
class Test {
static function main() {
trace ("Text".times(4));
class Extensions {
public static function times (str:String, n:Int) {
var v = new StringBuf();
for (i in 0...n) v.add(str);
return v.toString();
StringBuf may be optimized for different targets. For example, on JavaScript target it is compiled as if you were just using strings
The fastest method (at least on the JavaScript target from seems to be using StringTools._pad.
public static inline function stringProduct ( s : String, n : Int ) {
if ( n < 0 ) {
throw ( 1 );
return StringTools.lpad ( "", s, s.length * n );
StringTools.lpad and StringTools.rpad can't seem to decide which is more efficient. It looks like rpad might be better for larger strings and lpad might be better for smaller strings, but they switch around a bit with each rerun. haxe.format.JsonPrinter uses lpad for concatenation, but I'm not sure which to recommend.

Offsetof alternative for modern C++

I'm trying to add a map to my datatype that maps member name strings to the local offset of the member variable like this:
struct E
B memberX;
B memberY;
constexpr static entry map[] = {
{ "memberX", offsetof( E, memberX ) },
{ "memberY", offsetof( E, memberY) }
This doesn't compile with VS2015. If fails at { "memberX", offsetof( E, memberX ) }, with error C2227.
Besides, I know that offsetof doesn't work reliably for non pod types.
Do you have a suggestion how to do what I want in a compatible, modern way?
Not that this way is modern, but offsetof is often defined as following:
#define offsetof(type, memb) (intptr_t)&(((type)NULL)->memb)
so you can try using that as alternative.
I am assuming that you want to use the offsets only to access the members later. In that case and given that all members have the same type, a pointer-to-data-member is probably safer and more general:
struct E
B memberX;
B memberY;
static const auto& getMemberMap {
static const std::map<std::string, B E::*> memberMap {
{ "memberX", &E::memberX },
{ "memberY", &E::memberY }
return memberMap;
B& getMember(const std::string& str) {
auto it = getMemberMap().find(str);
if(it == getMemberMap().end()) {
// throw some exception
return this->*(it->second);
std::map does not have a constexpr constructor, so the map will be built runtime rather than compile-time, but you can replace it with your own implementation.
I used a local static variable instead of a static member because you required the initializiation to be contained in the class definition.

How to do Groovy method signatures with Python-style kwargs AND default values?

I might be asking too much, but Groovy seems super flexible, so here goes...
I would like a method in a class to be defined like so:
class Foo {
Boolean y = SomeOtherClass.DEFAULT_Y
Boolean z = SomeOtherClass.DEFAULT_Z
void bar(String x = SomeOtherClass.DEFAULT_X,
Integer y = this.y, Boolean z = this.z) {
// ...
And to be able to provide only certain arguments like so:
def f = new Foo(y: 16) true) // <-- This line throws groovy.lang.MissingMethodException!
I am trying to provide an API that is both flexible and type safe, which is the problem. The given code is not flexible in that I would have to pass in (and know as the user of the API) the default value for x in order to call the method. Here are some challenges for the solution I want:
Type safety is a must--no void bar(Map) signatures unless the keys can somehow be made type safe. I realize with this I could do the type checking in the method body, but I'm trying to avoid that level of redundancy as I have many of this "kind" of method to write.
I could use a class for each method signature--something like:
class BarArgs {
String x = SomeOtherClass.DEFAULT_X
String y
String z
And define it like:
void bar(BarArgs barArgs) {
// ...
And call it using my desired way using the map constructor: true), but my problem lies in the object's default on y. There's no way to handle that (that I know of) without having to specify it when calling the method as in: f.y, z: true). This is fine for my little sample, but I'm looking at 20-30 optional parameters on some methods.
Any suggestions (or questions if needed) are welcome! Thank you for taking a look.
Interesting question. I've interpreted your requirements like this
The class should have a set of default properties.
Each method should have a set of default arguments.
The method defaults override the class defaults.
Each method can have additional arguments, not existing on the class.
The method arguments should not modify the class instance.
Provided arguments needs to be checked for type.
I was not sure about number 5 since it is not explicitly specified, but it
looked like that was what you wanted.
As far as I know, there is nothing built-in in groovy to support all this,
but there are several ways to make it work in a "simple-to-use" manner.
One way that comes to mind is to create specialized argument classes, but
only use maps as the arguments in the methods. With a simple super-class
or trait to verify and set the properties, it is a one-liner to get the
actual arguments for each method.
Here is a trait and some examples that can be used as a starting point:
trait DefaultArgs {
void setArgs(Map args, DefaultArgs defaultArgs) {
if (defaultArgs) {
void setArgs(Map args) {
MetaClass thisMetaClass = getMetaClass()
args.each { name, value ->
assert name instanceof String
MetaProperty metaProperty = thisMetaClass.getMetaProperty(name)
assert name && metaProperty != null
if (value != null) {
assert metaProperty.type.isAssignableFrom(value.class)
thisMetaClass.setProperty(this, name, value)
Map toArgsMap() {
def properties = getProperties()
return properties
With this trait is it easy to create specialized argument classes.
#ToString(includePackage = false, includeNames = true)
class FooArgs implements DefaultArgs {
String a = 'a'
Boolean b = true
Integer i = 42
FooArgs(Map args = [:], DefaultArgs defaultArgs = null) {
setArgs(args, defaultArgs)
#ToString(includePackage = false, includeNames = true, includeSuper = true)
class BarArgs extends FooArgs {
Long l = 10
BarArgs(Map args = [:], FooArgs defaultArgs = null) {
setArgs(args, defaultArgs)
And a class that uses these arguments:
class Foo {
FooArgs defaultArgs
Foo(Map args = [:]) {
defaultArgs = new FooArgs(args)
void foo(Map args = [:]) {
FooArgs fooArgs = new FooArgs(args, defaultArgs)
println fooArgs
void bar(Map args = [:]) {
BarArgs barArgs = new BarArgs(args, defaultArgs)
println barArgs
Finally, a simple test script; output of method invocations in comments
def foo = new Foo() // FooArgs(a:a, b:true, i:42)'A') // FooArgs(a:A, b:true, i:42) // BarArgs(l:10, super:FooArgs(a:a, b:true, i:42)), a:'H') // BarArgs(l:10, super:FooArgs(a:H, b:true, i:1000)) // BarArgs(l:50, super:FooArgs(a:a, b:true, i:42))
def foo2 = new Foo(i:16) // FooArgs(a:a, b:true, i:16)'A') // FooArgs(a:A, b:true, i:16) // BarArgs(l:10, super:FooArgs(a:a, b:true, i:16)), a:'H') // BarArgs(l:10, super:FooArgs(a:H, b:true, i:1000)) // BarArgs(l:50, super:FooArgs(a:a, b:true, i:16))
def verifyError(Class thrownClass, Closure closure) {
try {
assert "Expected thrown: $thrownClass" && false
} catch (Throwable e) {
assert e.class == thrownClass
// Test exceptions on wrong type
verifyError(PowerAssertionError) { }
verifyError(PowerAssertionError) {'true') }
verifyError(PowerAssertionError) { } // long instead of integer
verifyError(PowerAssertionError) { } // integer instead of long
// Test exceptions on missing properties
verifyError(PowerAssertionError) { 'hello') }
verifyError(PowerAssertionError) { 'hello') }
verifyError(PowerAssertionError) { 50L) } // 'l' does not exist on foo

#CompileStatic: automatic type cast possible?

Is it possible that the below code can be compiled with #CompileStatic?
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
class CompileStaticTest {
List<Number> numbers = []
void addWithCase(something) {
switch (something) {
case Integer: numbers << something; break // compile error
case Float: numbers << something; break // compile error
void addWithInstanceof(something) {
if (something instanceof Integer) {
numbers << something // compile error
if (something instanceof Float) {
numbers << something // compile error
test = new CompileStaticTest()
println test.numbers
Currently there are compile errors:
[Static type checking] - Cannot call <T> java.util.List <Number>#leftShift(T) with arguments [java.lang.Object]
The type of something is known by switch-case or instanceof so the cast could be done automatically, no? Maybe I am just presenting a too simple example and implementing the requested functionality is not suitable for more complex code.
This sounds like a bug, because the following is allowed:
if (something instanceof Integer) {
Maybe filling a JIRA?
