boto3 change_resource_record_sets with multiple ipadresses - python-3.x

How do I add an A record for a lb where I'm able to add more then one ipaddress to the same record. I the console it is possible, but I'm not sure how to do it in Python. Below is my try which only add the last Value to the record.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import boto3
#TODO #use env variables for names, Values and zonename
def lambda_handler(event, context):
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
'Changes': [
'Action': 'UPSERT',
'ResourceRecordSet': {
'Name': '',
'Type': 'A',
'TTL': 60,
'ResourceRecords': [
'Value': '',
'Value': '',
'Comment': 'Record to acces private ips of alb',

ResourceRecords is a list that can contain multiple elements.
'ResourceRecords': [
'Value': '',
'Value': '',
Managing an A record with multiple IPs in Route53 with python boto3


Python lists and dictionaries indexing

In the AWS API documentation it wants me to call a function in the boto3 module like this:
response = client.put_metric_data(
'MetricName': 'string',
'Dimensions': [
'Name': 'string',
'Value': 'string'
'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
'Value': 123.0,
'StatisticValues': {
'SampleCount': 123.0,
'Sum': 123.0,
'Minimum': 123.0,
'Maximum': 123.0
'Values': [
'Counts': [
'Unit': 'Seconds'|'Microseconds'|'Milliseconds'|'Bytes'|'Kilobytes'|'Megabytes'|'Gigabytes'|'Terabytes'|'Bits'|'Kilobits'|'Megabits'|'Gigabits'|'Terabits'|'Percent'|'Count'|'Bytes/Second'|'Kilobytes/Second'|'Megabytes/Second'|'Gigabytes/Second'|'Terabytes/Second'|'Bits/Second'|'Kilobits/Second'|'Megabits/Second'|'Gigabits/Second'|'Terabits/Second'|'Count/Second'|'None',
'StorageResolution': 123
So, I set a variable using the same format:
cw_metric = [
'MetricName': '',
'Dimensions': [
'Name': 'Protocol',
'Value': 'SSH'
'Timestamp': '',
'Value': 0,
'StatisticValues': {
'SampleCount': 1,
'Sum': 0,
'Minimum': 0,
'Maximum': 0
To my untrained eye, this looks simply like json and I am able to use json.dumps(cw_metric) to get a JSON formatted string output that looks, well, exactly the same.
But, apparently, in Python, when I use brackets I am creating a list and when I use curly brackets I am creating a dict. So what did I create above? A list of dicts or in the case of Dimensions a list of dicts with a list of dicts? Can someone help me to understand that?
And finally, now that I have created the cw_metric variable I want to update some of the values inside of it. I've tried several combinations. I want to do something like this:
I am of course told that I can't use a str as an index on a list.
So, I try something like this:
It all just ends up in errors.
I found that this works:
But, that just seems stupid. Is this the proper way to handle this?
cw_metric is a list of one dictionary. Thus, cw_metric[0] is that dictionary. cw_metric[0]['Dimensions'] is a list of one dictionary as well. cw_metric[0]['StatisticValues'] is just a dictionary. One of its elements is, for example, cw_metric[0]['StatisticValues']['SampleCount'] == 1.

How to use 'And' filter on get_cost_and_usage AWS boto3

I'm trying to get values based on Dimensions and tags from costexplorer client using get_cost_and_usage, but I keep getting errors for bad formats.
Client: CostExplorer
Filters: Tags and Dimensions
My actual Filter block looks like:
And: [{
Dimensions: 'Key': 'USAGE_TYPE',
'Values': [
Tags: {
'Key': 'tag',
'Values': ['example']

Adding multiple filters in boto3

Hi I have a requirement to fetch ec2 instance details with tags as follows
prod = monitor
test = monitor
The objective is to list instances with these tags only . I was able to add one filter but not sure how to use multiple filters in ec2.instances.filter(Filters
from collections import defaultdict
import boto3
# Connect to EC2
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
# Get information for all running instances
running_instances = ec2.instances.filter(Filters=[{
'Name': 'instance-state-name',
'Values': ['running'] ,
'Name': 'tag:prod',
'Values': ['monitor']}])
ec2info = defaultdict()
for instance in running_instances:
for tag in instance.tags:
if 'Name'in tag['Key']:
name = tag['Value']
# Add instance info to a dictionary
ec2info[] = {
'Name': name,
'Type': instance.instance_type,
'State': instance.state['Name'],
'Private IP': instance.private_ip_address,
'Public IP': instance.public_ip_address,
'Launch Time': instance.launch_time
attributes = ['Name', 'Type', 'State', 'Private IP', 'Public IP', 'Launch Time']
for instance_id, instance in ec2info.items():
for key in attributes:
print("{0}: {1}".format(key, instance[key]))
Your syntax does not quite seem correct. You should be supplying a list of dictionaries. You should be able to duplicate tags, too:
{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']},
{'Name': 'tag:prod', 'Values': ['monitor']},
{'Name': 'tag:test', 'Values': ['monitor']},
This should return instances with both of those tags.
If you are wanting instances with either of the tags, then I don't think you can filter it in a single call. Instead, use ec2.instances.all(), then loop through the returned instances using Python code and apply your logic.
Try this;
for example;
response = ce.get_cost_and_usage(
'Start': start_date,
'End': end_date
'Type': 'DIMENSION',
'Key': 'SERVICE'
"Dimensions": { "Key": "LINKED_ACCOUNT", "Values": [awslinkedaccount[0]] },
"Dimensions": { "Key": "RECORD_TYPE", "Values": ["Usage"] },

Boto3: Get autoscaling group name based on multiple tags

I have a requirement to get the name of the autoscaling group based on its tags.
I have tried following code:
kwargsAsgTags = {
'Filters': [
'Name': 'key',
'Values': ['ApplicationName']
'Name': 'value',
'Values': ['my-app-name']
by using above filter I can get the autoscaling group name but since I have same 'ApplicationName' tag used in multiple environments like dev/qa/uat, the output prints all autoscaling groups belong to all environments. How do I filter the EnvironmentName as well?
For that I've tried following but this time it prints all auto-scaling groups belonging to 'dev' environment as well.
kwargsAsgTags = {
'Filters': [
'Name': 'key',
'Values': ['ApplicationName', 'EnvName']
'Name': 'value',
'Values': ['my-app-name', 'dev']

unable to tag the ec2 resources boto3 python

I would like to tag the host that I am spining up using boto3 python api
response = client.allocate_hosts(
'ResourceType': 'dedicated-host',
'Tags': [
'Key': 'string',
'Value': 'string'
Here is what I am doing
Availability Zone,Instance Type , Quantity are parameterized and I use dictionary to input data
count = 10
input_dict = {}
input_dict['AvailabilityZone'] = 'us-east-1a'
input_dict['InstanceType'] = 'c5.large'
input_dict['Quantity'] = int(count)
instance = client.allocate_hosts(**input_dict,)
This code works for me but i need to tag the resource too
'ResourceType': 'customer-gateway'|'dedicated-host'|'dhcp-options'|'elastic-ip'|'fleet'|'fpga-image'|'image'|'instance'|'internet-gateway'|'launch-template'|'natgateway'|'network-acl'|'network-interface'|'reserved-instances'|'route-table'|'security-group'|'snapshot'|'spot-instances-request'|'subnet'|'transit-gateway'|'transit-gateway-attachment'|'transit-gateway-route-table'|'volume'|'vpc'|'vpc-peering-connection'|'vpn-connection'|'vpn-gateway',
'Tags': [
'Key': 'string',
'Value': 'string'
how can I input that into the dictionary .. It seems like tag specification has dictionary inside dict .. I am making syntax errors. I tried the below code without success.
input_dict['TagSpecifications'] = [{'ResourceType':'dedicated-host','Tags':[{'key':'Name','Value':'demo'},]},]
The easiest way is to simply pass values directly:
response = client.allocate_hosts(
'ResourceType': 'dedicated-host',
'Tags': [
'Key': 'Name',
'Value': 'Demo'
