What happens in Node.JS if a Promise runs forever? - node.js

Let's say we have this buggy function:
async function buggy() {
while(true) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
If you call it somewhere in NodeJS, would it permanently impact the server performances ?
If so, would it be better to always put a fail-safe mechanism like so for all untrusted promises:
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
buggy().then(() => resolve);
setTimeout(reject, 10000);

No, there is nothing wrong with your buggy function. To say that a promise runs is misleading: a promise doesn't run. It is an object that has provided a callback. As long as that callback resolve isn't called, and its then method isn't called, there is nothing happening with that promise object.
The following happens when buggy is run:
new Promise creates a promise object
setTimeout is run and completes immediately. It registers the resolve callback.
await is executed, which actually calls then on the above promise to add a listener, and makes buggy return. If this is the first time, then it returns a pending promise to the caller.
One second later (during which there is no activity related to buggy), the setTimeout API will put the resolve callback on the relevant job queue.
When the event loop checks this queue, it consumes and executes this job. The promise API (that provided the resolve callback) puts the promise in a resolved state and puts a notification for its then-listeners (including the one created by await) as a job on the promise job queue.
When the event loop checks this queue, it consumes and executes the listener(s). This restores the execution context of buggy, which then continues with its loop.
Repeat these steps from the top
The impact on the engine or memory is comparable with a setInterval call that you never clear with clearInterval. There is just a little bit more overhead due to the extra promise related jobs (in addition to the regular timer job) that kick in after each second, and the saved execution state of buggy, which is comparable with what you would have with an infinite generator (using yield).

In the case that the promise resolve state depends on an external resource / timer that never ends (Infinity as the duration) the suggested fail-safe would work and the server performance wouldn’t be affected so much.
// this won’t stuck and the fail-safe will work
// (ignore the timer not being cleaned)
function buggy() {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Infinity));
Otherwise (in case the promise is solely synchronous, i.e. the resolve depends on an infinite loop that never ends) the reject function would never get called as the event loop is stuck which will stuck the server.
// The fail-safe wouldn’t work and the server is stuck
async function buggy() {
As pointed out by #Vlaz, in case the buggy function is similar to this:
async function buggy() {
while(true) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
The fail-safe would work and the server won’t stuck.
Edit 2:
In both cases you won't need a fail safe because if a the fail safe would work it means that the code doesn't stuck the Event Loop and also calling reject on the promise doesn't abort the buggy one


JS: Why Promise then() method executes synchronously?

I need to make part of my method's code asynchronous, so it will execute in a non-blocking manner. For this purpose I've tried to create a "dummy" Promise and put the specified code in then block. I have something like this:
public static foo(arg1, arg2) {
const prom = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (notValid(arg1, arg2)) {
prom.then(() => {
...my code using arg1 and arg2...
However, then block always executes synchronously and blocks whole app, even though each and every JS documentation tells that then always runs asynchronously. I've also tried to replace the Promise with this:
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
...my code using arg1 and arg2...
but got same result.
The only way I've managed to make then block work asynchronously is by using setTimeout:
const pro = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1);
pro.then(() => {
...my code using arg1 and arg2...
What can be the reason behind then block working synchronously? I don't want to proceed with using setTimeout, because it is kind of a "dirty" solution, and I think that there should be a way to make then run asynchronously.
Application is NodeJS with Express, written using Typescript.
I need to make part of my method's code asynchronous, so it will execute in a non-blocking manner. For this purpose I've tried to create a "dummy" Promise and put the specified code in then block.
Promises don't really make things asynchronous in and of themselves. What they do is wrap around something that's already asynchronous, and give a convenient way to tell when that thing is done. If you wrap a promise around something synchronous, your code is mostly still synchronous, just with a few details about when the .then callback executes.
even though each and every JS documentation tells that then always runs asynchronously.
By that, they mean that it waits for the current call stack to finish, and then runs the code in the .then callback. The technical term for what it's doing is a "microtask". This delay is done so that the order of operations of your code is the same whether the promise is already in a resolved state, or if some time needs to pass before it resolves.
But if your promise is already resolved (eg, because it's wrapped around synchronous code), the only thing your .then callback will be waiting for is the currently executing call stack. Once the current call stack synchronously finishes, your microtask runs synchronously to completion. The event loop will not be able to progress until you're done.
The only way I've managed to make then block work asynchronously is by using setTimeout
setTimeout will make things asynchronous*, yes. The code will be delayed until the timer goes off. If you want to wrap this in a promise you can, but the promise is not the part that makes it asynchronous, the setTimeout is.
I don't want to proceed with using setTimeout, because it is kind of a "dirty" solution
Ok, but it's the right tool for the job.
* when i say setTimeout makes it asynchronous, i just mean it delays the execution. This is good enough for many cases, but when your code eventually executes, it will tie up the thread until it's done. So if it takes a really long time you may need to write the code so it just does a portion of the work, and then sets another timeout to resume later

Why does Node seemingly wait for all Promises to resolve?

I'm new to JavaScript and NodeJS so forgive me if this question is rudimentary.
Let's say I just have a simple file hello.js and I run it with $ node hello.js and all this file contains is
setTimeout(() => {console.log('hello');}, 5000);
Why doesn't this program finish immediately? Why instead does it wait for the underlying Promise to resolve?
After all, isn't the Promise associated with setTimeout created and run asynchronously? So wouldn't the main 'thread' of execution "fall off" when it encounters no more code to run?
The Node event loop keeps running until all outstanding tasks are completed or cancelled.
setTimeout creates a pending event, so the loop will keep running until that executes.
Outstanding Promises, setInterval and other mechanisms can all prevent the event loop from halting.
It's worth noting that setTimeout does not use a promise at all. That's just a regular callback function. The setTimeout() API long predates Promises.
I think there's more to the story/explanation here so I'll add an answer that contains additional info.
Nodejs keeps a reference counter for all unfinished asynchronous operations and nodejs itself will not exit automatically until all the asynchronous operations are complete (until the reference count gets to zero). If you want nodejs to exit before that, you can call process.exit() whenever you want.
Since setTimeout() is an asynchronous operation, it contributes to the reference count of unfinished asynchronous operations and thus it keeps nodejs from automatically exiting until the timer fires.
Note that setTimeout() does not use a promise - it's just a plain callback. It is not promises that nodejs waits for. It is the underlying asynchronous operations that promises often are attached to that it actually waits for.
So, if you did just this:
const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log("did nothing here");
Then, nodejs would not wait for that promise all by itself, even though that promise never resolves or rejects. This is because nodejs does not actually wait for promises. It waits for the underlying asynchronous operations that are usually behind promises. Since there is no such underlying asynchronous operation behind this promise, nodejs does not wait for it.
It's also worth mentioning that you can actually tell nodejs to NOT wait for some asynchronous operations by using the .unref() method. In the example you show, if you do this:
const timer = setTimeout(() => {console.log('hello');}, 5000);
Then, nodejs will NOT wait for that timer before exiting and if this is your entire program, nodejs will actually exit immediately without waiting for the timer to fire.
As an example, I have a nodejs program that carries out some nightly maintenance using a recurring timer. I don't want that maintenance timer to keep the nodejs program running if the other things that it's doing are done. So, after I set the timer, I call the .unref() method on it.

When should I split some task into asynchronous tinier tasks?

I'm writing a personal project in Node and I'm trying to figure out when a task should be asynchronously splitted. Let's say I have this "4-Step-Task", they are not very expensive (the most expensive its the one who iterates over an array of objects and trying to match a URL with a RegExp, and the array probably won't have more than 20 or 30 objects).
part1().then(y => {
}).then(z => {
}).then(c => {
The other way will be just executing one after another, but nothing else will progress until this task is done. With the above approach, others tasks can progress at least a little bit between each part.
Is there any criteria about when this approach should be prefered over a classic synchronous one?
Sorry my bad english, not my native language.
All you've described is synchronous code that isn't very long to run. First off, there's no reason to even use promises for that type of code. Secondly, there's no reason to break it up into chunks. All you would be doing with either of those choices is making the code more complicated to write, more complicated to test and more complicated to understand and it would also run slower. All of those are undesirable.
If you force even synchronous code into a promise, then a .then() handler will give some other code a chance to run between .then() handlers, but only certain types of events can be run there because processing a resolved promise is one of the highest priority things to do in the event queue system. It won't, for example, allow another incoming http request arriving on your server to start to run.
If you truly wanted to allow other requests to run and so on, you would be better off just putting the code (without promises) into a WorkerThread and letting it run there and then communicate back the result via messaging. If you wanted to keep it in the main thread, but let any other code run, you'd probably have to use a short setTimeout() delay to truly let all possible other types of tasks run in between.
So, if this code doesn't take much time to run, there's just really no reason to mess with complicating it. Just let it run in the fastest, quickest and simplest way.
If you want more concrete advice, then please show some actual code and provide some timing information about how long it takes to run. Iterating through an array of 20-30 objects is nothing in the general scheme of things and is not a reason to rewrite it into timesliced pieces.
As for code that iterates over an array/list of items doing matching against some string, this is exactly what the Express web server framework does on every incoming URL to find the matching routes. That is not a slow thing to do in Javascript.
Asynchronous programming is a better fit for code that must respond to events – for example, any kind of graphical UI. An example of a situation where programmers use async but shouldn't is any code that can focus entirely on data processing and can accept a “stop-the-world” block while waiting for data to download.
I use it extensivly with a rest API server as we have no idea of how long a request can take to for a server to respond . So in order for us not to "block the app" while waiting for the server response async requests are most useful
part1().then(y => {
}).then(z => {
}).then(c => {
As you have described in your sample is much more of a synchronous procedural process that would not necessarily allow your interface to still work while your algorithm is busy with a process
In the case of a server call, if you still waiting for server to respond the algorithm using then is still using up resources and wont free your app up to run any other user interface events, while its waiting for the process to reach the next then statement .
You should use Async Await in this instance where you waiting for a user event or a server to respond but do not want your app to hang while waiting for server data...
async function wait() {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,2000));
console.log("awaiting for server once !!")
return 10;
async function wait2() {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,3000));
console.log("awaiting for server twice !!")
return 10;
async function f() {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("done!"), 1000)
let result = await promise;//.then(async function(){
let promise6 = await wait();
let promise7 = await wait2();
//}); // wait until the promise resolves (*)
//console.log(result); // "done!"
This sample should help you gain a basic understanding of how async/ Await works and here are a few resources to research it
Promises and Async
Mozilla Refrences

Using caolan's async library, when should I use process.nextTick and when should I just invoke the callback?

I've been reading up on the differences, and it's hard to think about it when utilizing a library that helps with async methods.
I'm using https://github.com/caolan/async to write specific async calls. I'm having a hard time understanding the use of process.nextTick within some of these async methods, particularly async series methods, where async methods are basically performed synchronously.
So for example:
next => someAsyncMethod(next),
(res, next) => {
if (res === someCondition) {
return anotherAsyncMethod(next);
return process.nextTick(next); // vs just calling next()
], cb);
I've seen this done in code before. But I have no idea why? Just invoking next instead of process.nextTick gives me the same results?
Is there any reason for using process.nextTick in these scenarios, where there is an async method being controlled in a synchronous manner?
Also, what about in an async like the following?
async.map(someArray, (item, next) => {
if (item === someCondition) {
return anotherAsyncMethod(next);
return process.nextTick(next); // vs just calling next()
}, cb);
The code is happening in a SEQUENTIAL manner, not a synchronous manner. It's an important difference.
In your code, the async methods are called one after another, in sequence. HOWEVER, while that code is executing, node.js can still respond to other incoming requests because your code yields control.
Node is single-threaded. So if your code is doing something synchronously, node cannot accept new requests or perform actions until that code is finished. For instance, if you did a synchronous web request, node would stop doing ANYTHING ELSE until that request was finished.
What's really happening is this:
Start async action in background (yield control)
Node is available to handle other stuff
Async action 1 completes. Node starts async action 2 and yields control.
Node can accept other requests/handle other stuff.
Async action 2 completes...
And so on. Process.nextTick() says to node 'Stop dealing with this for a while, and come back once you've handled the other stuff that's waiting on you'. Node goes off and handles whatever that is, then gets back to handling your scheduled request.
In your case, there is nothing else waiting so node just continues where it left off. However, if there WERE other things going on like other incoming HTTP requests, this would not be the case.
Feel free to ask questions.

Why node js doesn't exit after promise call

In the following code:
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
Why NodeJS doesn't exit immediately? What causes the Promise to be waited for?
I thought I needed await sleep(10000) - but this gives an error.
Nodejs waits for timers that are still active before exiting. You can tell it to NOT wait for a timer by calling .unref() on the timer object itself.
So, it's not actually the promise it is waiting for, but rather the timer it is waiting for.
Internally, node.js keeps a reference count of the number of open timers that have not been .unref() and will not exit until that count (among other things) gets to zero.
Here's a couple excerpts from the node.js doc for timers:
Class: Timeout
By default, when a timer is scheduled using either setTimeout() or setInterval(), the Node.js event loop will continue running as long as the timer is active. Each of the Timeout objects returned by these functions export both timeout.ref() and timeout.unref() functions that can be used to control this default behavior.
When called, the active Timeout object will not require the Node.js event loop to remain active. If there is no other activity keeping the event loop running, the process may exit before the Timeout object's callback is invoked. Calling timeout.unref() multiple times will have no effect.
Take a look at the unref() function for timers in node - https://nodejs.org/api/timers.html#timers_timeout_unref
When called, the active Timeout object will not require the Node.js event loop to remain active. If there is no other activity keeping the event loop running, the process may exit before the Timeout object's callback is invoked.
You can create a timeout and call the unref() function on it - this will prevent node from staying alive if the only thing it is waiting for is the timeout.
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms).unref();
As a side note, the same unref function can also be used for setTimeout calls.
As correctly noted by jfriend00, it is not the promise that is keeping node alive, it is the timeout.
