"403 - This web app is stopped" when deploying to Azure from VSCode - azure

I have a web app, ironradio.org, that I've deployed on Azure from VSCode. I've made some updates to the site and am now trying to deploy the newest version. Now when I try to deploy using this button:
I get the error 403 - This web app is stopped in the output window:
I've already deployed several versions of the site using the same method and it's never failed before. Also, the app is definitely not stopped because I can still browse to the site and it shows up.
My best guess as to what's going on is that I associated the App Service with a new resource group since the last deployment, so maybe VSCode isn't recognizing that? Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?
I tried the link given in the error message, but it wasn't much help.

Microsoft foreseen this type of error and how it can affected its customers greatly and this is why the deployment slot is for you.
Firstly, you have to delete the app and reupload again except you set up continuous deployment which work mostly with GitHub and other version control platforms.
Apart from this, I will suggest you check out the deployment slot docs. It’s very simple and easy to use


.NET5 Blazor Server app in Azure App Services returns "You do not have permission to view this directory or page"

I am trying to deploy a Blazor Server app using .NET5 to an Azure App Service via Azure DevOps.
The Blazor app runs and works correctly locally. The Azure DevOps pipeline appears to also be building and deploying correctly. If I use the console in the Azure portal I can see that the files I would expect are in the wwwroot folder (which I guess is correct?). In Configuration > General Settings I can see that the App Service is correctly configured for .NET 5. On the network side there are currently no access restrictions. I've also turned off all auth in the app for now just to make sure that wasn't having an impact.
When I try to access the site at https://my-app.azurewebsites.net (not the real url, just an example in case it's relevant) I get a white page with the following text: "You do not have permission to view this directory or page.". When I look in the Diagnostics dump from the Kudu page I can see more detail error pages which say 403.14 - Forbidden and the message "The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.". If I look in App Insights for the times when I try to access it I can see requests with 403 response too (for some reason with url: http://localhost/). Unfortunately this error seems to cover a multitude of errors and so while I've found various sources with similar problems, none of the solutions I've found so far have had any positive impact.
EDIT: So I did some more digging and I think some files might be missing. I tried creating a new Blazor Server app and publishing it manually via Visual Studio. This worked and the only difference I've found from my app is that I have no web.config, hostingstart.html, or static css/js etc (from wwwroot). None of these files are in the output directory when I build for either my app or the test app I created so it looks like they must be getting added separately by something in the VS manual publish process and Azure DevOps publish step isn't doing it. Still not sure what the correct way to fix this is (or even entirely sure if any or all of this stuff is relevant).
Has anyone out there got any idea what I might be missing?
So after working out what was going on here I was going to delete this but I figured possibly someone else will make the same mistake I did and this might help. Basically I'd copied another deployment pipeline for an Azure function app as the basis for the deployment pipeline for this and in that I just did a dotnet build and that's enough. However it seems for this kind of app to get wholesome output you need to run dotnet publish.

Azure App Service gives 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

I am a total newcomer to the Azure cloud. I have this .net-core 2.0 app which runs locally on my development PC (Ubuntu Linux 17.10).
I have followed this guide:
... and I have deployed my app to the App Service container.
However, when I go to the app in my browser I get:
"503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"
Now, there are probably thousand things which can go wrong. However, I can't seem to find any debug logs/console logs to look into - so I am kinda looking with my eyes closed (It's not easy to debug that way).
It should be noted that I am on a free trial which have given me a $200 credit to use in the next 30 days.
How do one debug when a service is failing (yes, I've already tried the various suggestions on the portal but with no luck)?
How do one debug when a service is failing?
You could check deployment log on Azure Portal.
Click first commit, you will see the log.
Also, you could access Kudu console to check the log. You could access http://<webapp name>.scm.azurewebsites.net
Migrating OP's self-answer from the question:
I solved this by adding this to the PropertyGroup in my *.csproj file:
(as per: https://github.com/aspnet/IISIntegration/issues/476)
Now my app works and gives the expected output.

Could not validate web app name (Azure)

I'm trying create a web app on Azure, but no matter what i name my URL, it always warn me that
Could not validate web app name
What could have cause this problem? Any ideas that could fix this problem? thank you. I'm thinking about deploying my app on Winhost if the issue won't be solved (please hear me out, I've tried a lot of names here but it still says the samething).
It is the preview (i.e. BETA) portal. I have experienced lots of weirdness like this. Try the old portal - manage.windowsazure.com
I hit this after deleting an API App to recreate on a new App Service Plan with the same name.
(In Chrome) I cleared storage for the site https://portal.azure.com, refreshed the page (F5), and the problem was immediately solved.

Azure deployment fails because service not found

I am currently trying to deploy a cloud service to Windows Azure but I get the following error message:
"Could not retrieve the list of cloud services.[...]"
Details can be seen on the picture.
It seems to me that VS couldn't find an existing service role in the subscription but my service is available and running, I just can not deploy a new version there.
A few days ago it worked correctly. Any Idea would be appreciated.
Thank you!
After hours of Certificate generation, messing with azure toolkit, etc. I figured out that the problem was that somehow my computer tried to resolve the azure DNS to localhost because Fiddler got crazy and the proxy that Fiddler uses, haven't stopped even after restarting my computer.
I faced same problem, when trying to deploy to azure while fiddler is running. Simply closing fiddler solve the problem.
Go to the previous screen, there will be an option of connecting to Azure using your credentials. Select your subscription and you will be able to download a file to your local machine. That file contains your subscription info as well as the keys. Once you open that file through this wizard, you will be able to publish to your services. You must create cloud services first before you do that.

Difference of standard publish and adding cloud services with vs2012

I wonder if someone can help? I'm trying to deploy a mvc app to azure and have followed the what appeared to be simple instructions of selecting publish from my mvc app and using the imported azure profile. This all worked fine and with a couple of tweaks the site is working, after some testing I'm getting a 500 error, I've set the logging on but this doesn't help much.
After looking around I see that I can rdp to the site but this requires a web role and a different sort of publish am I missing something from the standard publish or do I need to add the cloud service stuff to my project?
