How to push Node-Red to GitHub without revealing sensitive information? - security

I would like to share my NodeRed Code in Github as part of an IOT project, however I would like to keep some of my data private (wifi password, database password, etc).
I could manually erase this information, but this would not be very practical, since I would have to do it every time I update the file.
In my python scripts I use os.environ.get to save my passwords and upload to GitHub securely.
¿Is there some way to set up Node-Red to easily push to GitHub without revealing sensitive information?

Node properties can be pulled from environment variables using the ${} syntax. This is implemented by the runtime so should work in all nodes. If the node uses the typed input widget then they should also support environment variables directly.
Details are in the documentation here:
Secondly any node options that are explicitly tagged as credentials are stored in a separate encrypted file _creds.json. By default this is encrypted in a randomly generated key on first run and stored in a hidden file in the userDir, but you can set your own key in the settings.js file.
If you use the Projects feature to store your flows in a git repository then you will be prompted for the encryption key needed as part of setting up the project or when you check it out. Documentation for projects is here:


Using MongoDB and storing critical information so that it is protected

I am using mongoose with MongoDB in a NodeJS application. Right now, in development, I have a configuration (.env) file which stores sensitive information my code needs to run. For example, the MongoDB password & URL, emails & passwords needed to email using the code, etc.
When I put it into production, it would obviously be wrong to upload this configuration file anywhere on the cloud, given the information in it. How can I make it so my production code, hosted somewhere such as Heroku, can access these needed variables without letting undue access to them?
Thanks in advance!
You are right, pushing your env file to production is pretty bad from a security perspective.
The way you would go with storing your environmental variables differs between cloud platforms, but essentially you should get a secure way of adding them through either an user interface or through terminal (You usually find these information easily by looking into your provider documentation).
To store them in a project deployed on Heroku, you will need to:
Log to Heroku
Open the newly deployed project
Head over the Settings tab
Find the section named Config Vars
Click on Reveal Vars
Add your variables in there
And you are good to go!

what's the preferred way to store sensitive settings in web apps?

I know that a good way to store data like db passwords, etc. is via environment variables, but setting environment variables manually for every server instance created is time consuming.
I'm planning to deploy my project to the cloud (using aws ebs or heroku).
where should I store my db password?
I think the .ebextensions file isn't a good option because it's tracked in vcs
Don't ever store secrets in source control. A common practice is to either put them in a secure file or in something like then inject them (programmatically via a script or some other deployment/configuration tool) into the environment when you bring up your VM (or container or whatever).
My recommendation is to create a properties file which can be stored in the resources folder of your application and the code can access the resources. do not need environment variable. One property file can contain all db's userid and passwords. Deploy job based on url mapping in the properties file. For example, look at a spring hibernate example project which uses a property file. Or look at ant deploy scripts. Hope it helps.

Automate variable values during compilation

I am working on a big team (around 15) for a web application that use Google captcha. As you might know, is necessary a public and a secret key that are associated to a URL.
We have multiple environments where we test our work. Therefore, for have a valid captcha, we need multiple google keys for our captcha.
The problem is when we commit our work, many of us modify this keys and when we deploy it, captcha not works because we have put an invalid value.
I am looking a way to automate this and solve this problem. I have think two ways:
Put them as global variable when we start our nodeJS app, but is a very big string to remember it, so is easy to fail when we write them.
Automate it with Jenkins, bubt I am not sure if is a good practice to add it in this step (I think to make a shell script that replace the value for a value in the code -i.e. CAPTCHA_KEY-).
I don't like any of these ideas, so I am open to hear new options
Add the keys using environment variables on your machine.
A good example of this can be found in this link: Storing Keys
This is also good practice because you should not be committing and pushing the keys to the repo. It is best to add any file with private information to .gitignore so that these keys are not stored with the project. If the project were ever compromised, whoever obtains the code would not have the keys because they would not be stored in the repo.

Where to store API keys and other 'secrets' in a yesod app

I'm trying out a yesod applications which I will eventually put up on github or similar.
I will use oauth2 with google which means I have to provide an email and secret token. Which I obviously do not want up on github.
What is a good place to store these in a yesod scaffolded application? I'm hoping to store it in a seperate, config/secret.yml for example, so I can put that into the ignore file of git/mercurial and never commit it.
But i can't find out how to include such a file. Or if such a file already is provided by yesod. config/settings.yml seemed possible, but there's entries there which I would like in github.
So my question is, in a yesod scaffolded application. Where can I store secret keys in a way I can easily exclude it from version control systems?
There are many approaches to this, mostly depending on what flavor of devops/hosting your prefer. One option is to put a dummy value in the config file and override it with an environment variable at runtime (see: You can also having an extra settings file for production that overrides the values in the default config file, which is how the test suite works. A completely different approach would be to use a system like vault in production and query it for your secure credentials.
EDIT To spell out one of the approaches:
Create a new YAML file with the settings you won't to override, e.g. in config/production.yml:
copyright: This is a copyright notice for production
When you run the application, pass in a command line argument giving the location of the config file

Managing secure configuration outside version control with Google App Engine JDK

My Google App Engine application includes privileged credentials (like OAuth and cookie signing keys) that I don't want to check in to source control (i.e. Git).
I've considered storing these as system properties or environment variables in the appengine-web.xml file, however this file includes a number of other things that I do want to version. Where would be a good place to store "secret" application data so that I can easily exclude it from source control?
What I usually do it store the credentials in a secure repository (a file that is only accessibly by a superuser that I can trust) and then have a post-build script. Within source control, I have a dummy password in a properties file and then then post-build script runs after a build and replaces the dummy passwords with the real ones. That way the passwords are not in source control, but show up upon every build. This does depend on an automated build/deployment process, but it is very effective.
Put those things into another file/directory and exclude them with .gitignore.
For Java, I recommend the strategy of spring-boot's externalized configuration. The idea is a stack of configuration sources with the ones toward top override the ones below.
Command-line arguments
System properties
Environment variables
Local configuration files (application.yml or
Configuration files at the classpath
No. 4 is usually in a hidden folder in the user's home directory, e.g ~/.myapp/application.yml. Only the user can read that file.
For your question, the non-secret, version-controlled properties are put directly in the source code (No. 5 above). Secrets can be also put in 5 but with dummy values. Real secrets overwrite the dummy values at runtime from 1, 2, 3, or 4.
You can either use spring-boot or write your own code following that same strategy.
