I'm allowed to send Gmail Schemas of "EventReservation" type (with "reservationStatus" = "http://schema.org/Confirmed"), and they're inserting themselves automatically to Google Calendar as expected, but there's no way I can cancel one of those events.
I've tried changing the "reservationStatus" parameter to "https://schema.org/Cancelled" and "https://schema.org/ReservationCancelled" (as mentioned in schema.org) but it didn't work.
I read here that Google removed that feature on Dec. '19, but again there was a publication on Google Developer on Mar '20 that says that they enabled event cancellation in schemas (not specifically in Gmail), but those tips didn't work either.
Both JSON+LD structures are the same except for the keys mentioned above.
SuiteScript v1, but I'll switch to SS v2 if it's the only way to make it work.
I've tried:
salesOrder.setFieldText('shipcarrier', 'More');
salesOrder.setFieldValue('shipcarrier', 'noups');
salesOrder.setFieldValue('shipcarrier', 'nonups');
But UPS is always selected once the record is saved.
shipcarrier is a bit of an odd thing.
I'm not sure it is actually sticky - in some contexts it appears to be and in some it doesn't.
It appears to be pointless to set unless you are also setting shipmethod.
salesOrder.setFieldValue('shipcarrier', ffShipCarrier); //'ups' || 'nonups'
salesOrder.setFieldValue('shipmethod', ffShipMethod)
PS from cja: My conclusion/solution: Setting shipmode does nothing unless recordmode is dynamic and shipmethod is set at the same time. If both those conditions are met then the value shipmode will be updated.
NetSuite support have warned me against using this solution:
"With regards to your concern, I am able to set the Ship carrier field on the Sales Order record in the client script(nlapiSetFieldValue('shipcarrier', 'ups');) however I was unable to set the value of the field in the server side script. Upon further investigation, the field (ship carrier) isn't exposed in the Record browser hence the field isn't officially exposed for scripting needs. Please refer to the following Suiteanswer article for your reference.
"I am really glad that the solution worked for you perfectly. In order to explain further, I would say it is not advisable to write scripts using unexposed fields in the record browser. It may change in the future without any prior notification and can cause problem and NetSuite will not hold any kind of responsibility for the same.
"User groups contains simple solution to complex tips and tricks provided by the experienced customers. On the other hand, NetSuite Support are stickly adhering to the official documentation/processes to assist any of its customer. The solutions provided in the User groups are totally upto the consent of the customers and can be implemented at their own risk if not confirmed in the official documentation or NetSuite Support."
You need to use setFieldValue and pass the internal id of the "More" ship carrier.
nlapiSubmitField('salesorder', recordid, 'shipcarrier', 'nonups');
I want to trigger a NetSuite workflow when the user sets the value of a field, but I don't want to have them submit first. The Workflow state builder looks like it has useful options but I can't get it to work.
There's some useful looking blog posts around but a lot of them seem out of date.
Update - more info
My primary issue is this one: Restrict what customers an employee can see (NetSuite)
The hack I'm currently looking at is populating a custom Transaction Column Field that I've added to a custom Time Recording form. The idea is to load this field on the UI with only valid projects (not customers as well), and this I have been able to do.
The problem is I still (as far as I can tell) still need to populate the "Customer" field, which is mandatory; I'm also assuming that if I don't do that then any time that is recorded won't go against the project. I had thought that if the user selects the project they want then I can populate the customer field with that value. I hate this as an approach but I can't see how else to do it. I do have coding experience (including JavaScript) but haven't made the leap into SuiteScript yet.
You won't be able to do this in a Workflow, as they are currently limited to only work with body level fields and cannot modify Transaction Column Fields (aka sublists).
You should be able to achieve this with a Client Side Script though.
Source (Netsuite login required).
Sublist changes will be available for transactions in the 2018.1 release sometime in Feb/Mar.
In several mail-in and regular databases we have documents that appear to be "uneditable" - i.e. edit them and the edits appear not to save. In fact what is happening is that both the original and the edited doc are being saved because something has switched on "versioning". Needless to say this confuses users quite a lot.
It appears you can only tell versioning is enabled by looking inside the document properties for a field called $VersionOpt.
The form designs have versioning set to None, so something must be setting $VersionOpt.. but what might do that? Is there anything in a regular 8.5.3 mail client that sets document versioning? Any other ideas how this can happen?
(This link explains the background to Notes versioning - http://gg-lnotes.blogspot.co.uk/2010/04/ways-to-do-version-controllingtracking.html)
Based on the comments, my best guess is that you have one or more users drafting their messages in a Notes application built with a template that supports versioning (possibly the Document Library, but it could be something custom) and using a programmed action that calls #MailSend to submit them to the mail-in database. That's going to take the note intact, add the required fields (e.g., SendTo, etc.) for mailing, and drop it into mail.box, complete with all items that the application template's code had created.
(The only other possibility I can conceive of is that you have some add-on software on one of your servers that is hooking the router and adding the $VersionOpt item based on something it sees in certain messages, but that seems very far-fetched. I've never heard of a mail add-in that would do that.)
In any case, the solution to the problem would be to add an agent to the mail-in databases, triggered by the "Before new mail arrives" event, to remove the item. I.e., FIELD $VersionOpt = #DeleteField;
If a user creates a Notes 'memo' message using 'stationery', the new note can be created with a version control field. If this Notes 'memo' is then mailed in to the mail-in db, it will recieve the message with the version control field '$VersionOpt'. See this answer in an old forum post:
There are also old technotes referring to this issue.
The solution is to delete the field using a background agent or otherwsie arrange to delete the field.
How do I create an activity feed rule that writes an auto post on the Record Wall of a case when an email is automatically assigned (made Regarding) to that case because of its tracking token?
Our users are having trouble realising that there is something new to look at in the case and this would go a long way to preventing them from missing an important event.
These solutions have already been considered
They don't want follow up tasks.
The email is already displayed in a grid on the case
They don't want more Queues to check.
They don't want more emails to deal with.
This user is recalcitrant to say the least...they only want a note to appear on the record wall of the case.
To accomplish this with little/no coding, you could:
1) create a task or other activity that would show up on the activity feed. This is easily accomplished via workflow.
2) display the email/other activities in a grid on the case.
3) also set up queues to handle this.
4) send an email to the owner of the case when an activity gets appended to it.
There are a lot of options to resolve the issue of notifying users that their case has additional info.
Your comments are accurate and well received. Can't you do something as simple as create a workflow that will create a post when an email is created and/or when set regarding field changes. Then you can check within the workflow that the set regarding is for a case or else cancel the workflow. Within the post record, set the type to auto and the regarding to the same regarding as the email. (I was unable to get the record wall part working in my local VM, so I assumed that any post record regarding the case should show up in the case, but I couldn't test that).
In Amazon Mechanical Turk, when creating an External Question then it will send you each assignment like this:
Surprisingly, it doesn't send me the workerId and I can't find any way to do this. The closest method is GetAssignmentsForHIT which only gives me the assignment already submitted but I need to render the assignment based on the worker history.
As msha points out, the sending of a workerID parameter to an ExternalQuestion page seems to be deprecated, or at least taken out of the latest version of the documentation.
However, a fellow researcher who's been using MTurk a lot says: "People seem to be using it in the forums. I would go ahead with it...if it ever actually disappears, I'm sure that the developer community will yell very loudly. :) "
I tried it empirically today (2011-08-19), and indeed a workerID is being sent to the ExternalQuestion page I set up on my own server, after the HIT has been accepted. This was in the sandbox. My ExternalQuestion page contained a Java Web Start button (as described here: http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/deploymentInDepth/createWebStartLaunchButtonFunction.html ); I don't know if that made any difference.
A recent addition to the API is the GetAssignment call, which takes the assignment ID as an argument and will return the Worker ID inside the Assignment data structure.
According to the MTurk docs here,
When a Worker accepts your HIT, you can get the ID of the Worker. If
your HIT contains a Java Applet, an IFrame, or embedded binary data,
the URL contains a value for the workerId. If your HIT does not
contain these types of data, or if a Worker has not accepted the HIT,
the workerId element doesn't appear.
Haven't tried to confirm this myself yet.