How to identify incoming stream is landscape or portrait on HLS - http-live-streaming

I am streaming a live broadcast on the web for that purpose I am using opentok as a webRTC and publishing the stream using an android app and showing that stream on the web by using HLS. But I have a different design on the web for landscape and portrait streams. So I want to identify the incoming stream on the web is landscape or portrait. So, I can change the design on the web according to that and ideally also want to listen for stream dimensions on the web. So if the dimension of the stream from the android app is changed I can also update the design on the web also.

I just use the video height and width.
if width >= height: landscape layout
elif width < height: portrait layout


How to embed azure media services live stream to a personal website

I have created a simple live stream using Azure Media Services. I can view it from Azure Media Player but I want to be able to embed the video to my personal website using the <Video></Video> HTML tag. I've been looking for a solution but I can't seem to find one. Is this even possible?
The HTML5 tag does not always support playback of HLS or DASH depending on the platform you are on.
Sounds like you are trying to playback HLS or DASH from Azure Media Services with just an HTML5 video tag and no javascript player framework. That won't work in most browsers.
Review for background on how HLS and DASH actually work in the browser - and the reason that you need access to a javascript library and the Media Source Extension feature of HTML5 (not always available in all browsers - see

How to make Azure Media Service hosted video auto play on mobile?

I am working on a project where by we are hosting and streaming video through Azure Media Service.
There is a particular video we have positioned as the hero background upon entry to the site. On desktop the video auto-play's and streams just fine but on mobile it does not autoplay at all. It simply showcases the preview image.
I'd love to be able to paste a link to the site but unfortunately due to the confidentiality of the project I am not able to. However, if there is something in particular you'd like me to post to help support the question please let me know.
The web-app is build using Angular.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem? or can point me in the right direction?
Check with the browser platform you are targeting on the mobile applications. Most mobile browsers have disabled autoplay. User MUST now initiate all playback actions.
Since the release of iOS 10 Apple has allowed muted video autoplay:
Chrome 53 on Android also allowing muted video autoplay:

Save UWP Ink Strokes as SVG

Is there a way to save InkStrokes from an UWP InkCanvas as SVG?
I already save them in the format 'GifWithEmbeddedIsf', this is good for reloading the ink data in another InkCanvas, but my problem is when I use the Gif to display the Ink Strokes inside a web client. This Gif does not have the same quality as displaying the InkStrokes in the UWP app [this is especially visible while zooming in].
I already found this answer that's available in WPF apps, but the same API is not available in UWP [or I haven't found it].

Streaming with Azure media services

I have a media services account with a streaming unit and I have been able to upload a video and dynamically package into various streams. I am trying to have a webpage with the streaming url to be able to serve cross platform iOS, android, desktop etc.. How do I go about it.
PS: I was able to create a page with videojs and progressive download. I am tring to explore the other option with Windows Azure.
Thanks for any help.
Azure Media Services has shipped Azure Media Player which could automatically detect the capability of your browser or device, and request the appropriate streaming format- for instance, it will grab MPEG-DASH stream with EME enabled browser, or HLS for iOS devices. You could give it a try: Please contact yanmf#microsoft if you want to get into Private Preview for this player. It will be free for use when we launch very soon.
Take a look at JW Player and the Microsoft Media Platform Player Framework. Both offer plenty of playback options for progressive and adaptive streaming to a wide range of browsers and devices.
For desktop : Use OSMF plugin - Adobe + Smooth streaming URL
For iOS : Use HTML5 Video tag+HLS v3 URL
For Android : Use HTML5 Video Tag+HLS v3 URL or Dash.JS with Mpegh Dash URL
For Windows Phone : Use Dash.js + Dash.JS URL
Hope this helps...
Azure has came up with their own Media player for streaming which will take care of playing video in all the devices.
For Demo and Test -
For Documentaion -
The bitdash MPEG-DASH player works also out of the box for MPEG-DASH content, here you can see an example stream comming from Azure:

How can I use a UIWebview to load content from a website dynamically loading .mp4 video and get the video to play?

I have a client that has a website. The website current allows users to login and search for and play .mp4 video. The list of playlist is created dynamically where values are stored in a sql server 2008 database. My client's site is already built for smartphone utilization and did not want to recreate an iphone app. Besides it would mean loading thousands of video. Instead I thought I would use the UIWebview to load the website. This seemed to work well. However, when you try to click on and play video within the UIWebview nothing happens. This is not the case if we launch the mobile website within the apple mobile safari browser. The vide plays by kicking off in the iPhone video player. Is there any way to accomplish this same functionality with a uiwebview? Any guidance or help is appreciated.
UIWebView will play video using <video> if everything is set up correctly, either remote files or local files will work (if they are the correct format).
What does your video tag look like? In particular your src.
If you want to, for example, play an inline video the html5 for that would be something like
<video id="theVideo" controls width="280" height="160" src="yourVideo.mp4" webkit-playsinline></video>
And it would be necessary in the UIWebView to set this line
self.webView.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = YES;
Or you can also explicitly load the media player, but doing everything in HTML5 is neat and tidy and easy.
