I want to use Terraform to create a new virtual server using an existing Customer Image, just like manually under https://cloud.ibm.com/vpc-ext/compute/images.
I used an example code snippet and only replaced the name of the image (r010-...).
data "ibm_is_image" "centos" {
name = "r010-489ff05b-1494-4a05-8b12-c6f44a958859"
# Virtual Server Insance
resource "ibm_is_instance" "vsi1" {
name = "${local.BASENAME}-vsi1"
vpc = ibm_is_vpc.vpc-instance.id
keys = [data.ibm_is_ssh_key.ssh_key_id.id]
zone = local.ZONE
image = data.ibm_is_image.centos.id
profile = "cx2-2x4"
# References to the subnet and security groups
primary_network_interface {
subnet = ibm_is_subnet.subnet1.id
security_groups = [ibm_is_security_group.sg1.id]
The error message is:
Error: No image found with name r010-489ff05b-1494-4a05-8b12-c6f44a958859
It seems that only public AWS images can be used.
Seems like you're using id in place of name here
data "ibm_is_image" "centos" {
name = "r010-489ff05b-1494-4a05-8b12-c6f44a958859"
try using the name of the image
Here is an example: https://github.com/IBM-Cloud/isv-vsi-product-deploy-sample/blob/main/image-map.tf
This terraform file has image ids for different regions. Based on your VSI region, it will fetch the image id.
Your custom images are private. The visibility is an attribute that you can specify when looking up the data using ibm_is_image.
Thus, I recommend trying:
data "ibm_is_image" "centos" {
name = "r010-489ff05b-1494-4a05-8b12-c6f44a958859"
visibility = "private"
I confused name with id. The image name is expected rather than the id. Thanks!
I have been searching all over Google and other forums to find an answer for this. Can Hashicorp Packer support operating systems other than Ubuntu and Windows? I have been trying to get an .pkr.hcl working for an Amazon Linux 2 instance but, I can not find the path name in the source_ami_filter block.
The current source_ami_block:
source_ami_filter {
filters = {
# need a name path correction
name = "ubuntu/images/*ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*"
root-device-type = "ebs"
virtualization-type = "hvm"
What I am trying to find as information:
source_ami_filter {
filters = {
# need a name path correction
name = "<amazon-linux-2 image path here>"
root-device-type = "ebs"
virtualization-type = "hvm"
You can check in the AWS AMI Marketplace, the operating system vendor's documentation, or various queries with the API or CLI to retrieve a list of AMI names. For Amazon Linux 2, the name generally follows the path /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn*.
For your filter above, you can adjust like:
source_ami_filter {
filters = {
name = "amzn2-ami-*"
root-device-type = "ebs"
virtualization-type = "hvm"
I would recommend using the Amazon Packer plugin's AMI data source instead of a source_filter though. It would be more robust and organized in your code.
I am a newbie with terraform so donĀ“t laugh :) I want to deploy a number of instances of a server, then add their IPs to a Route53 hosted zone. I will be using Terraform v0.12.24 no chance of 0.14 at the moment.
So far, I have working the "easy", spaghetti approach:
module server: buys and creates a list of servers
module route53: adds route53 records, parameter=aray of ips
module "hostedzone" {
source = "./route53"
ncs_domain = var.ncs_domain
module "server" {
source = "./server"
name = "${var.ncs_hostname}-${var.ncs_id}"
hcloud_token = var.server_htk
servers = [
type = "cx11",
location = "fsn1",
type = "cx11",
location = "fsn1",
resource "aws_route53_record" "server1-record" {
zone_id = module.hostedzone.zone.zone_id
name = "${var.ncs_hostname}.${var.ncs_domain}"
type = "A"
ttl = "300"
records = module.server.server.*.ipv4_address
and the relevant server resource array:
resource "hcloud_server" "apiserver" {
count = length(var.servers)
# Create a server
name = "${var.name}-${count.index}"
# Name server
image = var.image
# Basic image
server_type = var.servers[count.index].type
# Instance type
location = var.servers[count.index].location
So if I run terraform apply, I get the server array created. Cool !
Now, I would like to be able to run this module to create and destroy specific servers on demand, like:
initially deploy the platform with one or two servers.
remove one of the initial servers in the array
add new servers
So, how could I use this incrementally, that is, without providing the whole array of servers everytime? Like just adding one to the existing list, or remove other.
I have a Virtual server in IBM cloud created using Terraform
resource "ibm_is_instance" "vsi1" {
name = "${local.BASENAME}-vsi1"
vpc = ibm_is_vpc.vpc.id
zone = local.ZONE
keys = [data.ibm_is_ssh_key.ssh_key_id.id]
image = data.ibm_is_image.ubuntu.id
profile = "cc1-2x4"
primary_network_interface {
subnet = ibm_is_subnet.subnet1.id
security_groups = [ibm_is_security_group.sg1.id]
How to create Virtual Servers with Terraform For loops
vsi1 , vsi2, vsi3, vsi4, vsi5
for full code Please refer IBM Cloud Terraform getting started tutorial
You may not require a for or for-each loop for achieving what you need. A simple count will do the required. Once you add count(number of instances), all you need to do is pass count.index in the VSI name.
resource "ibm_is_instance" "vsi" {
count = 4
name = "${local.BASENAME}-vsi-${count.index}"
vpc = ibm_is_vpc.vpc.id
zone = local.ZONE
keys = [data.ibm_is_ssh_key.ssh_key_id.id]
image = data.ibm_is_image.ubuntu.id
profile = "cc1-2x4"
primary_network_interface {
subnet = ibm_is_subnet.subnet1.id
security_groups = [ibm_is_security_group.sg1.id]
This will create instances with names vsi-0,vsi-1...
I'm trying to create an EPG on Cisco ACI using Terraform. EPG is created but Leaf's interface isn't attached.
The terraform synthax to attach Leaf interface is :
resource "aci_application_epg" "VLAN-616-EPG" {
relation_fv_rs_path_att = ["topology/pod-1/paths-103/pathep-[eth1/1]"]
It works when I do it manually through ACI web interface or REST API
I don't believe that this has been implemented yet. If you look in the code for the provider there is no test for that attribute, and I find this line in the examples for the EPGs. Both things lead me to believe it's not completed. Also, that particular item requires an encapsulation with VLAN/VXLAN, or QinQ, so that would need to be included if this was to work.
relation_fv_rs_path_att = ["testpathatt"]
Probably the best you could do is either make a direct REST call (act_rest in the terraform provider), or use an Ansible provider to create it (I'm investigating this now).
I ask to Cisco support and they send me this solution :
resource "aci_application_epg" "terraform-epg" {
application_profile_dn = "${aci_application_profile.terraform-app.id}"
name = "TerraformEPG1"
resource "aci_rest" "epg_path_relation" {
path = "api/node/mo/${aci_application_epg.terraform-epg.id}.json"
class_name = "fvRsPathAtt"
content = {
The solution with latest provider version is to do this:
data "aci_physical_domain" "physdom" {
name = "phys"
resource "aci_application_epg" "on_prem_epg" {
application_profile_dn = aci_application_profile.on_prem_app.id
name = "db"
relation_fv_rs_dom_att = [data.aci_physical_domain.physdom.id]
resource "aci_epg_to_domain" "rs_on_prem_epg_to_physdom" {
application_epg_dn = aci_application_epg.on_prem_epg.id
tdn = data.aci_physical_domain.physdom.id
resource "aci_epg_to_static_path" "leaf_101_eth1_23" {
application_epg_dn = aci_application_epg.on_prem_epg.id
tdn = "topology/pod-1/paths-101/pathep-[eth1/23]"
encap = "vlan-1100"
I've been trying to get terraform to create a new ae interface with no luck.
My tf files are very basic working with a factory reset PA3020 that only has the user, password, and IP preconfigured.
It's connecting correctly as I've been able to create/modify other values such as a management profile.
Has anyone successfuly been able to create an aggregate group in paloalso using terraform? If so how was that done?
provider "panos" {
hostname = "${var.pa-mgt-ip}"
username = "${var.pa-username}"
password = "${var.pa-password}"
resource "panos_ethernet_interface" "ae_int1" {
name = "ae1"
vsys = "vsys1"
mode = "layer3"
comment = "AE interface from TF"
resource "panos_ethernet_interface" "phy_int1" {
name = "ethernet1/3"
vsys = "vsys1"
mode = "aggregate-group"
aggregate_group = "${panos_ethernet_interface.ae_int1.name}"
comment = "AE1 physical interface from TF"
resource "panos_ethernet_interface" "phy_int2" {
name = "ethernet1/4"
vsys = "vsys1"
mode = "aggregate-group"
aggregate_group = "${panos_ethernet_interface.ae_int1.name}"
comment = "AE1 physical interface from TF"
The error is ae1 'ae1' is not a valid reference and the interface is not getting created. If I manually create the ae1 interface in the UI and set the group to ae1 in for the physical interfaces in the TF file they fail with the error aggregate-group is invalid.
Does panos not currently support creating AE interfaces? I couldn't find any issues in github related to creating interfaces.