Mongoose - how to fetch specific number and message ID - node.js

I'm trying to make the bot basically edit the message of any specific case mentioned for example if i do -case 5 test it will look for case 5 and it's message. So far when i do it, it basically changes the recent case number message, instead of the one i want it to change. like if i do case 5 test and the latest case is #9, it will change 9 instead of 5.
This is how i send the message:
Modlog.findOneAndUpdate({ guildID: }, { $inc: { 'caseID': 1 } }, { new: true }, async function (err, doc) {
if (err) throw err;
if (!doc) return;
if (doc.modLog.enabled) {
if ( {
let m = await{
embed: {
title: `${action} | Case #${doc.caseID}`,
color: colour,
fields: [
name: 'User',
value: user,
inline: true
name: 'Moderator',
value: moderator ? moderator : 'No issuer.',
inline: true
name: 'Reason',
value: reason ? reason : 'No reason.'
doc.messageID =;
doc.type = action;
doc.caseID = doc.caseID;
//doc.caseID =
doc.moderatorID = moderator,
doc.targetID = user;
that is how i send my message. And you can see i'm storing the things so when someone changes a specific case's reason, for example: case 5 spamming, i would want it to look for caseID 5, and then edit the message through it's ID. but i'm not sure how am i doing it wrong. I'm trying to make each case store it's own message ID and i would really appreciate any help. This is what i use to look for the case and edit's reason.
Modlog.findOne({ guildID: msg.guildID }, async (err, doc) => {
if (err) throw err;
if (!doc.modLog.enabled) return`Modlog is not enabled in this server! ${this.emoji.cross}`);
if (isNaN(Number(caseID))) return`Case \`#${caseID}\` was not a number! ${this.emoji.cross}`);
if (doc.caseID === undefined) return`Couldn\'t find case \`#${caseID}\`! ${this.emoji.cross}`);
const moderator = || {
username: 'Unknown User',
discriminator: '0000'
const target = || {
username: 'Unknown User',
discriminator: '0000'
let embed = {
title: `${doc.type} | Case #${doc.caseID}`,
fields: [
name: 'User',
value: `${target.username}#${target.discriminator} (${})`,
inline: true
name: 'Moderator',
value: `${moderator.username}#${moderator.discriminator} (${})`,
inline: true
name: 'Reason',
value: reason
try {
await, doc.messageID, { embed: embed });
await`Case **#${caseID}** has been updated. ${this.emoji.tick}`);
} catch (e) {
await`I\'m unable to edit that case or it has been deleted. ${this.emoji.cross}`);

Solution: Search for Case ID
It seems you didn't look for the case ID, and only looked for the guild's ID in the filter parameter.
Modlog.findOneAndUpdate({ guildID: }, { ... }, { ... }, ... {
In your code, only guildID was passed into the filter parameter. This causes Mongoose to look for the most recently initialized document for the server. For your case, you should also pass caseID into the filter parameter.
Modlog.findOneAndUpdate({ guildID:, caseID: caseIDArg }, { ... }, { ... }, ... {
Replace caseIDArg with your supposed caseID argument in the message's content. For example, args[1] or however you programmed your argument handler to work.
Hope this helped to answer your question!


Maching ids doesn't return true when compared

I'm trying to make some comprobations on my API (Node.js + Mongodb)
I want to check if the proposerId is equal to the eventOrganizer. To do so
I'm sending this on the body:
"participantId": "6238a608170aff10d16ccd89",
"proposerId": "62385d8caee17d13a1762b39", // this guy id is also an organizer
"gender": "female",
"groupId": "623aea21fcfad83bcf8d5bc4"
in my PATCH controller to add a user I have this verification:
exports.addParticipantToEvent = async (req, res, next) => {
// Group Organizer constants
const eventId = req.params.eventId;
const groupId = req.body.groupId;
const proposerId = req.body.proposerId; // it can be an admin adding someone to the participants list
// Participant constants
const participantId = req.body.participantId;
const gender = req.body.gender;
// Does the event even exist?
const eventData = await Event.findById(eventId);
if (!eventData) {
return res.status(406).json({
message: 'The event is not valid.',
// What kind of users can participate in this event?
const allowedParticipants = eventData.allowedParticipants;
// whos the event organizer?
const eventOrganizer = eventData.organizer._id;
console.log('Organizer: ' + eventOrganizer);
console.log('Proposer: ' + proposerId);
console.log('Result: ' + proposerId === eventOrganizer);
try {
return res.status(200).json({
message: 'The participant can be added',
participantId: participantId,
gender: gender,
allowedParticipants: allowedParticipants,
} catch (err) {
return res.status(400).json({ message: err });
I want to verify is the proposerId is an admin or an organizer of the event, so I console.log the eventData entirely and later I console log all the constants I want to verify and the result, it gives me false all the time.
Maybe I need to specify better something?
location: { province: 'Barcelona' },
_id: new ObjectId("634ffee75990124926431e6f"),
title: 'Test open close 14',
sport: new ObjectId("622ce6ca672c3d4447676705"),
group: new ObjectId("623aea21fcfad83bcf8d5bc4"),
organizer: new ObjectId("62385d8caee17d13a1762b39"),
participants: [ new ObjectId("62385d8caee17d13a1762b39") ],
replacements: [],
invitations: [],
when: 2022-10-09T13:43:02.999Z,
open: true,
costPerParticipant: 4.4,
skill: 'novice',
allowedGender: 'female',
minParticipants: 2,
maxParticipants: 5,
visible: false,
externalLink: '',
allowInvitations: true,
allowReplacements: false,
allowedParticipants: 'only-members',
createdAt: 2022-10-19T13:43:03.006Z,
updatedAt: 2022-10-19T13:43:03.006Z,
__v: 0
Organizer: 62385d8caee17d13a1762b39
Proposer: 62385d8caee17d13a1762b39
As you can see, both Organizer and proposer are same id, yet I get false.
After lurking some more, I have found that to validate mongos object ids with strings I need to use equals(). So now I have the solution.

Where value is "undefined" when using Sequelize.not

Using a simple sequelize query I keep getting error message "Invalid value { indefined: 0 }" when using the sequelize.not function as below
let total = await userDB.tblSMSSent.findOne({
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('COUNT', 'id'), 'numMessages']],
where: {
user: userName,
messageID: { [sequelize.not]: '0' }
}, logging: false
When I run the query without the 'MessageID: { [sequelize.not]: 0 }' filter it works fine (although with incorrect results). How can I use the sequelize.not function correctly here?
In the database the messageId column is nchar(20)
You need to use sequelize.Op.not:
let total = await userDB.tblSMSSent.findOne({
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('COUNT', 'id'), 'numMessages']],
where: {
user: userName,
messageID: { [sequelize.Op.not]: '0' }
}, logging: false

Mongoose: updateMany() is not working as expected

I'm using mongoose to handle my DB queries. I'm trying to update a set of records entirely using this method. Mode code looks like this:
// prepare database query
const filter = { type: 'company' };
const update = req.body.payload; // payload contains the array of objects (i.e. updated records)
const options = { new: true, runValidators: true }
// find and update the taxonomy record
await Taxonomy.updateMany(filter, update, options);
But whenever I run this query I'm getting following error in the console:
Error [MongooseError]: Invalid update pipeline operator: "_id"
I suppose there is something wrong in my update payload. The req.body.payload looks like this:
_id: '5ef3d08c745428001d92f896',
type: 'company',
name: 'Company Size',
__v: 0
_id: '5ef3cdc5745428001d92f893',
type: 'company',
name: 'Company Industry',
__v: 0
Can you please tell me what actually is wrong here?
This is not the right usage of updateMany() - it is aimed to update many documents with a single change.
To update many documents use bulkwrite() (docs) :
async function myUpdateMany(Model, objectsArray) {
try {
let ops = []
for (let obj of (objectsArray || [])) {
updateOne: {
filter: { platformId: obj.platformId },
update: obj,
upsert: false, // set "true" if you want to add a new document if it doesn't exist
Model.bulkWrite(ops, { ordered: false });
} catch (err) {
throw Error("myUpdateMany error: " + err)
Regarding runValidators, according to this, it seems to work by default.

I have a POST request to add users. I don't want to be able to add the same user twice. How could I add this functionality

I'm learning node by building a simple phonebook app. I have added the ability to add users and ensure that both name and number is added before fulfilling post request.
My question is, how would I prevent the post action if either name or number is already in phonebook and to prompt user to choose another name.
Here is my current post request:
let persons = [
id: 1,
name: 'Arto Hellas',
number: '010-111111'
id: 2,
name: 'Ada Lovelace',
number: '440-123456'
id: 3,
name: 'Dan Abramov',
number: '330-349994'
id: 4,
name: 'Mary Poppendieck',
number: '210-113578'
];'/persons', (req, res) => {
const body = req.body;
if ( === undefined) {
return res.status(400).json({
error: 'content missing'
if (body.number === undefined) {
return res.status(400).json({
error: 'content missing'
const person = {
number: body.number,
id: generateId()
persons = persons.concat(person);
Struggling to wrap my head around it.
In your example with a static array of objects, it's just a matter of checking if the user already exists in the array, but in a real world situation, you'll be working with an actual database. Depending on the type of database you choose, you could either have constraints on the columns, or you could check if the value exists already before inserting, or do both.
If you just want to check the array of objects, as in your example, it would be much easier to check if the object value exists in any of the objects using some() which allows you to define a function for testing the elements.
Live demo:
let persons = [{
id: 1,
name: 'Arto Hellas',
number: '010-111111'
id: 2,
name: 'Ada Lovelace',
number: '440-123456'
id: 3,
name: 'Dan Abramov',
number: '330-349994'
id: 4,
name: 'Mary Poppendieck',
number: '210-113578'
const name = 'Dan Abramov';
const number = '210-113570';
if (!persons.some(e => === name || e.number === number)) {
console.log("does not exist");
} else {
And in the context of your example:
let persons = [
id: 1,
name: 'Arto Hellas',
number: '010-111111'
id: 2,
name: 'Ada Lovelace',
number: '440-123456'
id: 3,
name: 'Dan Abramov',
number: '330-349994'
id: 4,
name: 'Mary Poppendieck',
number: '210-113578'
];'/persons', (req, res) => {
const { name, number } = req.body;
if (!name || !number) {
return res.status(400).json({
error: 'content missing'
if (!persons.some(e => === name || e.number === number)) {
const person = {
id: generateId()
persons = persons.concat(person);
else {
//person name and/or person number was already in persons
You'll notice I also simplified the request body checks as well.
Just need to add the checking coding before concate the person JSON object, like following:-
var valid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < persons.length; i++){
if (persons[i].name == || persons[i].number == body.number ){
valid = false;
//perform person concat
return res.status(400).json({
error: 'Person name or number duplicated, Please choose another name or number'

Mongoose Subdocument will not update

I am having trouble figuring out if I designed the schema correctly because I am receiving a 500 error when attempting to PATCH changes of the roles property from a profile. (Note: The 500 error just responds with an empty {}, so it isn't really informative)
Below is the profile schema:
var ProfileSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
roles: [{
application: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true,
ref: 'Application'
role: {
type: String,
required: true,
enum: [ 'admin', 'author', 'publisher' ]
Each profile has a role for an application, and when I send the request to the controller action 'update', it fails:
profile update controller:
// Updates an existing Profile in the DB
export function update(req, res) {
try {
if (req.body._id) {
delete req.body._id;
console.log('ENDPOINT HIT...');
console.log(`REQUEST PARAM ID: ${}`);
console.log('REQUEST BODY:');
console.log('ENTIRE REQUEST: ');
return Profile.findByIdAsync(
} catch(ex) {
console.error('FAILED TO UPDATE PROFILE');
return handleError(res);
I made sure that the id and body was being sent properly, and I am hitting the end point.
This is an example of the request body JSON:
_id: 57e58ad2781fd340563e29ff,
__updated: Thu Oct 27 2016 15:41:12 GMT-0400 (EDT),
__created: Fri Sep 23 2016 16:04:34 GMT-0400 (EDT),
name: 'test',
__v: 11,
{ application: 57b70937c4b9fe460a235375,
role: 'admin',
_id: 58125858a36bd76d8111ba16 },
{ application: 581b299f0145b48adf8f57bd,
role: 'publisher',
_id: 581b481898eefb19ed8a73ee }
When I try to find the Profile by Id, the promise chain goes straight to the catch(handleError(res)); part of the code and shows an empty object in my console.
My handle error function:
function handleError(res, statusCode) {
console.error('HANDLE PROFILE ERROR: ', statusCode);
statusCode = statusCode || 500;
return function(err) {
console.error('PROFILE ERROR:');
console.error(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
I am realizing the code is breaking when it hits my saveUpdates function (Note: I am using lodash):
function saveUpdates(updates) {
/// the code is fine here ///
return function(entity) {
/// once it enters in here, is where it begins to break ///
var updated = _.merge(entity, updates);
if(updated.roles.length != updates.roles.length) {
updated.roles = updates.roles;
for(var i in updates.roles) {
updated.roles.set(i, updates.roles[i]);
return updated.saveAsync()
.then(updated => {
return updated;
Lesson learned: Read Documentation properly.
Since I am using bluebird promises for this application, I forgot to use .spread() within my saveUpdates() callback function.
function saveUpdates(updates) {
return function(entity) {
var updated = _.merge(entity, updates);
if(updated.roles.length != updates.roles.length) {
updated.roles = updates.roles;
for(var i in updates.roles) {
updated.roles.set(i, updates.roles[i]);
return updated.saveAsync()
// use `.spread()` and not `.then()` //
.spread(updated => {
return updated;
I want to thank the following SOA that led to this conclusion:
Also, here is the link to the bluebird documentation in case anyone was curious on .spread():
