Google Maps JavaScript API warning: InvalidKey and Google Maps JavaScript API error: InvalidKeyMapError - node.js

I am trying to deploy an open source project ( on local host through docker composer and i have followed the instructions provided in the link, the app is a node.js app with frontend in react.js i have provided the (google_api_key) for the map to work in the application in the ".env" file but i am getting the error of "invalidkey" yet i tried to provide another newly generated key same error i faced. the screenshot is as
invalid key error
also in the location text field the "icon of something went wrong is coming".


BIM360 Issues editor Forge Node JS App -trying to run on localhost 3000

I am trying to work with the BIM 360 Issue Editor created by Petr and available on github
I have added all the dependencies,etc. but seem to be stuck with the configuration.
I am testing on local host and I am getting invalid URI error, what would be the correct configuration variables for launch.json file for
Also there is SENDGRID_API_KEY required, which throws an error on the console, I add the key from SendGrid in config.js, and the error goes away. Is it correct?
Please suggest. Thanks
Here's more details about the env. variables:
HOST_URL is just the host/port the app is listening on (for example, http://localhost:3000)
This value is used to built the callback URL for the 3-legged OAuth workflow; for example, if the host URL is http://localhost:3000, the callback URL will be http://localhost:3000/auth/callback
Note that the same callback URL must be configured for your Forge app on
SERVER_SESSION_SECRET is an arbitrary string that will be used to encrypt/decrypt browser cookies
CLI_CONFIG_PASSWORD is only needed when you want to use the command-line utility that's part of the sample code; in that case the configuration for the CLI utility will be zipped in a password-protected *.zip file using this env. variable as the password
SENDGRID_API_KEY is also optional and only needed if you want the app to send email notifications to users who triggered the Excel export

Firebase Auth error : Your API key is invalid, please check you have copied it correctly

I have this repo
Github simple repo
I just want to connect to firebase to express without using React ..
I got this error
Error: Your API key is invalid, please check you have copied it correctly.
I have created a video for figuring out what i learned
Youtube tutorial

How do I get my deployed React.js app to use API secret keys? I'm using Heroku confing vars but still not working

I created a simple React app (using Javascript and Node) that uses the GitHub API to search for users and return information about them. I need to use a GitHub oauth key so that I can make authenticated API requests. However, I am having trouble giving my deployed app (using Heroku) the key without hard-coding it into the API call. I'm fairly new at this so any help would be great! I linked the github repo at the bottom of this post.
I have tried several things which I will explain below:
Attempt 1:
I created a file where I set my GitHub key to a variable and exported it (Image of code)
I put said file in the .gitignore
I imported the variable in the files where I made API calls and used them it directly in the API call. (Image of API call)
This worked on my dev environment but (obviously) did not work on my deployed Heroku app because it had no idea what the variable was. (Image of error)
Attempt 2:
I configured variables in Heroku and set GITHUB_KEY to my key. (Image of Heroku variable setting).
Next, I checked that Heroku recognized this variable by running the command heroku config:get GITHUB_KEY and received the correct key in response (Image of terminal)
In my secrets file, I set the variable like so: process.env.GITHUB_KEY = 'a93b2c21918b42df5a28e0e529c627ee22c60de4'; (Image of setting variable using process.env)
And then I use it in my API calls on the frontend: const res = await fetch(
However, I get the following error: SearchBar.js:32 GET 401 (Unauthorized). (Image of error).
So, I know that I'm misunderstanding how process.env works but cannot seem to figure it out! Any clarification would be super helpful.
Here is the link to my github repo:

Google Cloud Natural Language Example

I have followed the getting started page closely.
The example code has the following: $projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
I fill in my project id taken from the json file and the Google console--e.g. "$projectID = 'myproject-197218'" and I always get a fatal error with "Permission Denied."
I have set the env variable, run composer to install the library. And, I created the Google json file. I am running the example in PHP code.
I am running the code on my local server (xampp).
I figured out my problem. The Google Cloud json file was stored on my drive d:, so in the env variable I referenced it as 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS= d:\xampp\htdocs\googapi\mproj.json', it did not work; when I moved it to the root of the c: drive and referenced it there (GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=c:proj.json), it worked fine.
Are you sure that the ID of your project is that one? I'm working in Google Cloud and I cannot see this project ID in our database, but if I type "my-project-197218" with a "-" between "my" and "project" I am able to find one project. please, to make sure that this is your correct project ID, run this command in your Google Cloud Shell to get the default project ID:
gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)' 2>/dev/null

Kiip web sdk integration showing bad request error in console

I just integrated KIIP SDK for web in my node js application and it works correctly . But the problem is it showing error on browser console on each page refresh, But this error does not affect working of this sdk, it works perfectly.
the errror message showing is,
'POST 400 (Bad Request)'.
My kiip code integration is as follows,
1) Included the script file on head tag
2)Declared the app key as global variable,
kiip_app_key='app-key from kiip site';
3) And intialized the kiip instance and invoked the method.
var kiipInstance = new Kiip(kiip_app_key);
kiipInstance.postMoment('received offer');
Andrew from Kiip here.A few things could be causing this:
The page is running from a local file or host. Solution: run the test page on a server.
The app is not submitted for live rewards. Solution: Submit for live rewards in the Kiip dashboard.
You're passing an incorrect app key. Solution: copy the app_key for the corresponding app from the Kiip dashboard and paste it as you're global variable.
Hope this helps,
