what could be the best way to control events in RecyclerView items? That is, if we are going to change the display of the Recycler View items, or if we are going to test an event on them at all, what would be the best way?
I mean, to control these changes on each item in the onBindViewHolder() method, or in the MyViewHolder class, if the latter is more appropriate, then how do we calculate the first position?
Because Default -1 comes first and this issue causes it to crash sometimes.
Thank you if you have a better experience in this field
If you want to perform the event automatically (not from user behaviour), then you must do it within onBindViewHolder().
If you want to perform an event based on the user behaviour (like click, drag, etc.), then you can do it within the onBindViewHolder() or MyViewHolder.
So I have a part of my game where the character is selecting an area of the map. And it opening up a panel. I have made it so that happens but an=m now stuck on the other part of it. I want only certain area of the map to be intractable, so that I can bar the player from selecting areas of the map that they aren't ready for. I have no idea how to make game objects in the game uninteractable. I have looked on Stack overflow, Youtube an d the Unity API to no success. Can someone help me with that.
How to make things un-interactable will vary depending on your situation. I'll be presuming that you're map is broken up into a grid of sorts.
The basic setup would involve a bool, probably called 'CanAccessZone'.
Then you'll need a class, to store any access info and popup logic, by popup logic I mean make the element either non-interactable or show a popup, with the shown popup being dependant on 'CanAccessZone'. This class can then be set up by your Map class when the level is loaded, or you could let the popup class grab the necessary values from the Map class.
If you're using Unity's UI buttons for the map pieces, then you could set interactable to false, until you want to let the player access the zone. If you want to display a popup informing the player that they can't access the zone, then your button will be interactable, but the click will delegate to your popup logic method.
It's a similiar principle if you're using gameobjects as buttons. You'd be using any of the OnMouse events to handle click events. https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.html
Hopefully this'll lead you in the right direction.
I followed this link http://www.wintellect.com/devcenter/jprosise/handling-the-back-button-in-windows-10-uwp-apps and "successfully" make my button work. I mean I can make my backbutton work between pages. However, if I navigate to a control which is inside this page and will cover the whole screen, then it would not allow me to back to the page. I will stuck in that control.
I'm wondering how to solve this problem. Currently I can think two possible ways (0) Override OnBackRequested() inside the control's code behind or viewmodel? (1) Override OnHardwareButtonsBackPressed() inside the control's code behind or viewmodel?. I don't know if these are correct way to do it or there is some better way to do it. Another reason for me to override is that I need to make some changes to the page navigation behavior.
As you have guessed, you simply need to hide the control again when the back button is pressed or back is requested in some other way. I would listen for the BackRequested event (not the HardwareButtons.BackPressed event) in the page's code-behind, and in the handling method you can check to see if the control is currently shown. The reason I recommend the BackRequested event is because it is universal, while HardwareButtons.BackPressed only works on a phone. Anyway, if the control is visible, then hide it, and set the Handled property of the event arguments to true. If the control is already hidden, don't do anything special to handle the event (because in that case you will want the navigation system to handle it by navigating to the previous page, if there is one). There are many aspects to navigation in Windows 10 -- please see these pages on Navigation and the SystemNavigationManager.
Is there a way to get a callback when a View appears/disappears on the screen?
I need this for analytics purposes - eg. I need to check how many times people saw a view versus how many times they clicked on it.
I can tell whether a view is on screen at a certain point in time but I'm wondering whether there is a callback for that.
Also note that I'm not interested when a View's state becomes VISIBLE and not even when a view gets rendered (because eg. in a ViewPager the Views of the second page are rendered before they actually appear on screen).
We did several workarounds for certain scenarios but I'd like to have something which is more generic. We need it in ListViews, GridViews, ScrollViews and ViewPagers and each one of them presents different challenges.
Does ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener help? I have never used it myself though.
See: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener.html
I have a question regarding coded ui UIMap.
Every time I record an action on the same application, coded ui generates a new object for the same window in the application.
It looks like:
and so on...
every window class holds different buttons, even though it's the same window.
Thus it's very hard to keep code maintenance.
What i would like is that every time i perform actions and records on a window, even if not at the same time, the already generated class for this window, will be updated with the new controls.
any suggestions to why it happens?
Thanks a lot!
You can clean up your UIMaps by doing two things:
Use the UIMap Toolbox (from codeplex) to move controls within the UIMap so they are all under one control tree.
When you have duplicate UI controls, go to the properties for the action that references the duplicate control and change the UI Control property to point to the original control in the UIMap.
The duplicate trees should now be unreferenced and you can delete it from your map, keeping things clean.
And yes, it's a pain to do, but it's worth it for maintainability.
In UIMap.uitest you can change the action name and the control name for better maintenance.
For example: you can set UIAdminWindow as FirstAcessWindow or other name that will express comfortably the control or the action.
What I can guess is that there is some randomly generated content or element identification data such as class or title that may be causing it. This may be caused by different username for example. Also you can update the element from UI map element tree.
I have created a wxGrid with custom table. Whenever the user scrolls down to very bottom of the grid, I have to load the next 100 rows from my table. I tried EVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM() but I am not able to detect it. What is the right thing to do? Thanks.
I don't know the answer to your question but I am reminded that the grid was designed to work with an object of type wxGridTableBase that can be extended by the application. By extending this class, you should be able to do whatever caching you want inside of the extended object.
You could bind the scroll win event for the grid. I have encountered almost the same requirement as you. :)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN, self.OnScroll)