Do I need FIFO SQS for jira like board view app - node.js

Currently I am running a jira like board-stage-card management app on AWS ECS with 8 tasks. When a card is moved from one column/stage to another, I look for the current stage object for that card remove card from that stage and add card to the destination stage object. This is working so far because I am always looking for the actual card's stage in the Postgres database not base on what frontend think that card belongs to.
Is it safe to say that even when multiple users move the same card to different stages, but query would still happen one after the other and data will not corrupt? (such as duplicates)
If there is still a chance data can be corrupted. Is it a good option to use SQS FIFO to send message to a lambda and handle each card movement in sequence ?
Any other reason I should use SQS in this case ? or is SQS not applicable at all here?

The most important question here is: what do you want to happen?
Looking at the state of a card in the database, and acting on that is only "wrong" if it doesn't implement the behavior you want. It's true that if the UI can get out of sync with the database, then users might not always get the result they were expecting - but that's all.
Consider likelihood and consequences:
How likely is it that two or more people will update the same card, at the same time, to different stages?
And what is the consequence if they do?
If the board is being used by a 20 person project team, then I'd say the chances were 'low/medium', and if they are paying attention to the board they'll see the unexpected change and have a discussion - because clearly they disagree (or someone moved it to the wrong stage by accident).
So in that situation, I don't think you have a massive problem - as long as the system behavior is what you want (see my further responses below). On the other hand, if your board solution is being used to help operate a nuclear missile launch control system then I don't think your system is safe enough :)
Is it safe to say that even when multiple users move the same card to
different stages, but query would still happen one after the other and
data will not corrupt? (such as duplicates)
Yes the query will still happen - on the assumption:
That the database query looks up the card based on some stable identifier (e.g. CardID), and
that having successfully retrieved the card, your logic moves it to whatever destination stage is specified - implying there's no rules or state machine that might prohibit certain specific state transitions (e.g. moving from stage 1 to 2 is ok, but moving from stage 2 to 1 is not).
Regarding your second question:
If there is still a chance data can be corrupted.
It depends on what you mean by 'corruption'. Data corruption is when unintended changes occur in data, and which usually make it unusable (un-processable, un-readable, etc) or useless (processable but incorrect). In your case it's more likely that your system would work properly, and that the data would not be corrupted (it remains processable, and the resulting state of the data is exactly what the system intended it to be), but simply that the results the users see might not be what they were expecting.
Is it a good option
to use SQS FIFO to send message to a lambda and handle each card
movement in sequence ?
A FIFO queue would only ensure that requests were processed in the order in which they were received by the queue. Whether or not this is "good" depends on the most important question (first sentence of this answer).
Assuming the assumptions I provided above are correct: there is no state machine logic being enforced, and the card is found and processed via its ID, then all that will happen is that the last request will be the final state. E.g.:
Card State: Card.CardID = 001; Stage = 1.
3 requests then get lodged into the FIFO queue in this order:
User A - Move CardID 001 to Stage 2.
User B - Move CardID 001 to Stage 4.
User C - Move CardID 001 to Stage 3.
Resulting Card State: Card.CardID = 001; Stage = 3.
That's "good" if you want the most recent request to be the result.
Any other reason I should use SQS in this case ? or is SQS not
applicable at all here?
The only thing I can think of is that you would be able to store a "history", that way users could see all the recent changes to a card. This would do two things:
Prove that the system processed the requests correctly (according to what it was told to do, and it's logic).
Allow users to see who did what, and discuss.
To implement that, you just need to record all relevant changes to the card, in the right order. The thing is, the database can probably do that on it's own, so use of SQS is still debatable, all the queue will do is maybe help avoid deadlocks.
Update - RE Duplicate Cards
You'd have to check the documentation for SQS to see if it can evaluate queue items and remove duplicates.
Assuming it doesn't, you'll have to build something to handle that separately. All I can think of right now is to check for duplicates before adding them to the queue - because once that are there it's probably too late.
One idea:
Establish a component in your code which acts as the proxy/façade for the queue.
Make it smart in that it knows about recent card actions ("recent" is whatever you think it needs to be).
A new card action comes it, it does a quick check to see if it has any other "recent" duplicate card actions, and if yes, decides what to do.
One approach would be a very simple in-memory collection, and cycle out old items as fast as you dare to. "Recent", in terms of the lifetime of items in this collection, doesn't have to be the same as how long it takes for items to get through the queue - it just needs to be long enough to satisfy yourself there's no obvious duplicate.
I can see such a set-up working, but potentially being quite problematic - so if you do it, keep it as simple as possible. ("Simple" meaning: functionally as narrowly-focused as possible).
Sizing will be a consideration - how many items are you processing a minute?
Operational considerations - if it's in-memory it'll be easy to lose (service restarts or whatever), so design the overall system in such a way that if that part goes down, or the list is flushed, items still get added to the queue and things keep working regardless.

While you are right that a Fifo Queue would be best here, I think your design isn't ideal or even workable in some situation.
Let's say user 1 has an application state where the card is in stage 1 and he moves it to stage 2. An SQS message will indicate "move the card from stage 1 to stage 2". User 2 has the same initial state where card 1 is in stage 1. User 2 wants to move the card to stage 3, so an SQS message will contain the instruction "move the card from stage 1 to stage 3". But this won't work since you can't find the card in stage 1 anymore!
In this use case, I think a classic API design is best where an API call is made to request the move. In the above case, your API should error out indicating that the card is no longer in the state the user expected it to be in. The application can then reload the current state for that card and allow the user to try again.


Why do we need total order across view changes in consensus protocols?

In their famous article, Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov justify the commit phase of the PBFT consensus protocol like this:
This ensures that replicas agree on a total order for requests in the
same view but it is not sufficient to ensure a total order for
requests across view changes. Replicas may collect prepared
certificates in different views with the same sequence number and
different requests. The commit phase solves this problem as follows.
Each replica i multicasts <COMMIT, v, n, i>_{α_i} saying it has the
prepared certificate and adds this message to its log. Then each
replica collects messages until it has a quorum certificate with 2 f +
1 COMMIT messages for the same sequence number n and view v from
different replicas (including itself). We call this certificate the
committed certificate and say that the request is committed by the
replica when it has both the prepared and committed certificates.
But why exactly do we need to guarantee total order across view changes?
If a leader/primary replica fails and triggers a view change, wouldn't it suffice to discard everything from the previous view? What situation does the commit phase prevent that this solution does not?
Apologies if this is too obvious. I'm new to distributed systems and I haven't found any source which directly answers this question.
There is a conceptual reason for this. The system appears to a client as a black box. The whole idea of this box is to provide reliable access to some service, thus, it should mask the failures of a particular replica. Otherwise, if you discard everything at each view change, clients will constantly lose their data. So basically, your solution simply contradicts the specification. The commit phase is needed exactly to prevent such kind of situations. If the request is "accepted" only when there are 2f + 1 COMMIT messages, then, even if all f replicas are faulty, the remaining nodes can recover all committed requests, this provides durable access to the system.
There is also a technical reason. In theory the system is asynchronous, this means that you can't even guarantee that the view change will occur only as a result of a failure. Some replicas may only suspect that the leader is faulty and change the view. With your solution it is possible that the system discards everything it is accepted even if non of replicas is faulty.
If you're new to distributed systems I suggest you to have a look at the classic protocols tolerating non-Byzantine failures (e.g., Paxos), they are simpler but solves the problems in the similar way.
When I say "clients constantly lose their data" it is a bit more than it sounds. I'm talking about the impact of a particular client request to the system. Let's take a key-value store. A clinet A associates some value to some key via our "black box". The "black box" now orders this request with respect to any other concurrent (or simply parallel) requests. It then replicates it across all replicas and finally notifies A. Without commit phase there is no ordering and at two different views our "black box" can chose two different order of execution of client requests. That being said, the following is possible:
at a time t, A associates value to key and the "box" approves this,
at the time t+1, B associates value_2 to key and the "box" approves this,
at the time t+2, C reads value_2 from key,
view change (invisible to clients),
at the time t+3, D reads value from key.
Note that (5) is possible not because the "box" is not aware of value_2 (as you mentioned the value itself can be resubmitted) but because it is not aware that previously it first wrote value and then overwrote it with value_2. At the new view, the system needs somehow order those two requests but no luck, the decision is not coherent with the past.
The eventual synchrony is a way to guarantee liveness of the protocols, however, it cannot prevent the situations described above. Eventual synchrony states that eventually your system will behave much like the synchronous one, but you don't know when, before that time any kind of weird things can happen. If during the asynchronous period a safety property is violated, then obviously the whole system is not safe.
The output of PBFT should not be one log per view, but rather an ever-growing global log to which every view tries to contribute new 'blocks'.
The equivalent notion in a blockchain is that each block proposer, or block miner, must append to the current blockchain, instead of starting its new blockchain from scratch. I.e. new blocks must respect previous transactions, the same way new views must respect previous views.
If the total ordering is not consistent across views, then we lose the property above.
In fact if we force a view change after every sequence number in PBFT, it looks a lot like blockchain, but with a much more complicated recovery/safety mechanism (in part since PBFT blocks don't commit to the previous block, so we need to agree on each of them individually)

Multi-Aggregate Transaction in EventSourcing

I'm new to event sourcing, but for our current project I consider it as a very promising option, mostly because of the audit trail.
One thing I'm not 100% happy with is the lack of aggregate-spanning transcations. Please consider the following problem:
I have an order which is processed at various machines at different stations. And we have containers where workers put the order in and carry it from machine to machine.
The tracking must be done through containers (which have a unique barcode-id), the order itself is not identifiable. The problem is: the containers are reused and need to be locked, so no worker can put two orders in the same container at the same time (for simplicity just assume they can't see if there is already an order inside the container).
For clarity, a high level view:
Order A created
Order A put on Container 1
Container 1 moves to Machine A and gets scanned
Machine A generates some events for Order A
Move Order A from Container 1 to Container 2
Order B created
Order B put on Container 1
"Move Order A from Container 1 to Container 2" is what I'm struggling with.
This is what should happen in a transaction (which do not exist):
Container 2: LockAquiredEvent
Order A: PositionChangedEvent
Container 1: LockReleasedEvent
If the app crashes after position 1 or position 2, we have containers that are locked and can't be reused.
I have multiple possible solutions in mind, but I'm not sure if there is a more elegant one:
Assume that it won't fail more than once a week and provide a way the workers can manually fix it.
See the container tracking as a different domain and don't use event sourcing in that domain.
Implement a saga with compensation actions and stuff.
Is there anything else I can do?
I think the saga-thing is the way to go, but we will have a rest api where we get a command transfer order A from container 1 to 2 and this would mean that the API command handler would need to listen to the event stream and wait for some saga generated event to deliver a 200 to the requester. I don't think this is good design, is it?
Not using event sourcing for the tracking is also not perfect because the containers might have an influence on the quality for the order, so the order must track the used containers, too.
Thank you for any hints.
The consistency between aggregates is eventual, meaning it could easily be that AR1 changed its state, Ar2 failed to change its state, and now you should revert the state of AR1 back to bring system into a consistent state.
1) If such scenarios are happening very often and recovery is really painful, rething your AR boundaries.
2) Recover manually. Don't use saga's, they should not be used for such purpose. If your saga wants to compensate AR1 but other transaction already changed its state to another one compensation would fail.

How are the missing events replayed?

I am trying to learn more about CQRS and Event Sourcing (Event Store).
My understanding is that a message queue/bus is not normally used in this scenario - a message bus can be used to facilitate communication between Microservices, however it is not typically used specifically for CQRS. However, the way I see it at the moment - a message bus would be very useful guaranteeing that the read model is eventually in sync hence eventual consistency e.g. when the server hosting the read model database is brought back online.
I understand that eventual consistency is often acceptable with CQRS. My question is; how does the read side know it is out of sync with the write side? For example, lets say there are 2,000,000 events created in Event Store on a typical day and 1,999,050 are also written to the read store. The remaining 950 events are not written because of a software bug somewhere or because the server hosting the read model is offline for a few secondsetc. How does eventual consistency work here? How does the application know to replay the 950 events that are missing at the end of the day or the x events that were missed because of the downtime ten minutes ago?
I have read questions on here over the last week or so, which talk about messages being replayed from event store e.g. this one: CQRS - Event replay for read side, however none talk about how this is done. Do I need to setup a scheduled task that runs once per day and replays all events that were created since the date the scheduled task last succeeded? Is there a more elegant approach?
I've used two approaches in my projects, depending on the requirements:
Synchronous, in-process Readmodels. After the events are persisted, in the same request lifetime, in the same process, the Readmodels are fed with those events. In case of a Readmodel's failure (bug or catchable error/exception) the error is logged and that Readmodel is just skipped and the next Readmodel is fed with the events and so on. Then follow the Sagas, that may generate commands that generate more events and the cycle is repeated.
I use this approach when the impact of a Readmodel's failure is acceptable by the business, when the readiness of a Readmodel's data is more important than the risk of failure. For example, they wanted the data immediately available in the UI.
The error log should be easily accessible on some admin panel so someone would look at it in case a client reports inconsistency between write/commands and read/query.
This also works if you have your Readmodels coupled to each other, i.e. one Readmodel needs data from another canonical Readmodel. Although this seems bad, it's not, it always depends. There are cases when you trade updater code/logic duplication with resilience.
Asynchronous, in-another-process readmodel updater. This is used when I use total separation of the Readmodel from the other Readmodels, when a Readmodel's failure would not bring the whole read-side down; or when a Readmodel needs another language, different from the monolith. Basically this is a microservice. When something bad happens inside a Readmodel it necessary that some authoritative higher level component is notified, i.e. an Admin is notified by email or SMS or whatever.
The Readmodel should also have a status panel, with all kinds of metrics about the events that it has processed, if there are gaps, if there are errors or warnings; it also should have a command panel where an Admin could rebuild it at any time, preferable without a system downtime.
In any approach, the Readmodels should be easily rebuildable.
How would you choose between a pull approach and a push approach? Would you use a message queue with a push (events)
I prefer the pull based approach because:
it does not use another stateful component like a message queue, another thing that must be managed, that consume resources and that can (so it will) fail
every Readmodel consumes the events at the rate it wants
every Readmodel can easily change at any moment what event types it consumes
every Readmodel can easily at any time be rebuild by requesting all the events from the beginning
there order of events is exactly the same as the source of truth because you pull from the source of truth
There are cases when I would choose a message queue:
you need the events to be available even if the Event store is not
you need competitive/paralel consumers
you don't want to track what messages you consume; as they are consumed they are removed automatically from the queue
This talk from Greg Young may help.
How does the application know to replay the 950 events that are missing at the end of the day or the x events that were missed because of the downtime ten minutes ago?
So there are two different approaches here.
One is perhaps simpler than you expect - each time you need to rebuild a read model, just start from event 0 in the stream.
Yeah, the scale on that will eventually suck, so you won't want that to be your first strategy. But notice that it does work.
For updates with not-so-embarassing scaling properties, the usual idea is that the read model tracks meta data about stream position used to construct the previous model. Thus, the query from the read model becomes "What has happened since event #1,999,050"?
In the case of event store, the call might look something like
EventStore.ReadStreamEventsForwardAsync(stream, 1999050, 100, false)
Application doesn't know it hasn't processed some events due to a bug.
First of all, I don't understand why you assume that the number of events written on the write side must equal number of events processed by read side. Some projections may subscribe to the same event and some events may have no subscriptions on the read side.
In case of a bug in projection / infrastructure that resulted in a certain projection being invalid you might need to rebuild this projection. In most cases this would be a manual intervention that would reset the checkpoint of projection to 0 (begining of time) so the projection will pick up all events from event store from scratch and reprocess all of them again.
The event store should have a global sequence number across all events starting, say, at 1.
Each projection has a position tracking where it is along the sequence number. The projections are like logical queues.
You can clear a projection's data and reset the position back to 0 and it should be rebuilt.
In your case the projection fails for some reason, like the server going offline, at position 1,999,050 but when the server starts up again it will continue from this point.

EventSourcing race condition

Here is the nice article which describes what is ES and how to deal with it.
Everything is fine there, but one image is bothering me. Here it is
I understand that in distributed event-based systems we are able to achieve eventual consistency only. Anyway ... How do we ensure that we don't book more seats than available? This is especially a problem if there are many concurrent requests.
It may happen that n aggregates are populated with the same amount of reserved seats, and all of these aggregate instances allow reservations.
I understand that in distributes event-based systems we are able to achieve eventual consistency only, anyway ... How to do not allow to book more seats than we have? Especially in terms of many concurrent requests?
All events are private to the command running them until the book of record acknowledges a successful write. So we don't share the events at all, and we don't report back to the caller, without knowing that our version of "what happened next" was accepted by the book of record.
The write of events is analogous to a compare-and-swap of the tail pointer in the aggregate history. If another command has changed the tail pointer while we were running, our swap fails, and we have to mitigate/retry/fail.
In practice, this is usually implemented by having the write command to the book of record include an expected position for the write. (Example: ES-ExpectedVersion in GES).
The book of record is expected to reject the write if the expected position is in the wrong place. Think of the position as a unique key in a table in a RDBMS, and you have the right idea.
This means, effectively, that the writes to the event stream are actually consistent -- the book of record only permits the write if the position you write to is correct, which means that the position hasn't changed since the copy of the history you loaded was written.
It's typical for commands to read event streams directly from the book of record, rather than the eventually consistent read models.
It may happen that n-AggregateRoots will be populated with the same amount of reserved seats, it means having validation in the reserve method won't help, though. Then n-AggregateRoots will emit the event of successful reservation.
Every bit of state needs to be supervised by a single aggregate root. You can have n different copies of that root running, all competing to write to the same history, but the compare and swap operation will only permit one winner, which ensures that "the" aggregate has a single internally consistent history.
There are going to be a couple of ways to deal with such a scenario.
First off, an event stream would have the current version as the version of the last event added. This means that when you would not, or should not, be able to persist the event stream if the event stream is not at the version when loaded. Since the very first write would cause the version of the event stream to be increased, the second write would not be permitted. Since events are not emitted, per se, but rather a result of the event sourcing we would not have the type of race condition in your example.
Well, if your commands are processed behind a queue any failures should be retried. Should it not be possible to process the request you would enter the normal "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that" scenario by letting the user know that they should try something else.
Another option is to start the processing by issuing an update against some table row to serialize any calls to the aggregate. Probably not the most elegant but it does cause a system-wide block on the processing.
I guess, to a large extent, one cannot really trust the read store when it comes to transactional processing.
Hope that helps :)

How to avoid concurrency on aggregates status using Rebus in a server cluster

I have a web service that use Rebus as Service Bus.
Rebus is configured as explained in this post.
The web service is load balanced with a two servers cluster.
These services are for a production environment and each production machine sends commands to save the produced quantities and/or to update its state.
In the BL I've modelled an Aggregate Root for each machine and it executes the commands emitted by the real machine. To preserve the correct status, the Aggregate needs to receive the commands in the same sequence as they were emitted, and, since there is no concurrency for that machine, that is the same order they are saved on the bus.
E.G.: the machine XX sends a command of 'add new piece done' and then the command 'Set stop for maintenance'. Executing these commands in a sequence you should have Aggregate XX in state 'Stop', but, with multiple server/worker roles, you could have that both commands are executed at the same time on the same version of Aggregate. This means that, depending on who saves the aggregate first, I can have Aggregate XX with state 'Stop' or 'Producing pieces' ... that is not the same thing.
I've introduced a Service Bus to add scale out as the number of machine scales and resilience (if a server fails I have only slowdown in processing commands).
Actually I'm using the name of the aggregate like a "topic" or "destinationAddress" with the IAdvancedApi, so the name of the aggregate is saved into the recipient of the transport. Then I've created a custom Transport class that:
1. does not remove the messages in progress but sets them in state
2. to retrive the messages selects only those that are in a recipient that have no one InProgress.
I'm wandering: is this the best way to guarantee that the bus executes the commands for aggregate in the same sequence as they arrived?
The solution would be have some kind of locking of your aggregate root, which needs to happen at the data store level.
E.g. by using optimistic locking (probably implemented with some kind of revision number or something like that), you would be sure that you would never accidentally overwrite another node's edits.
This would allow for your aggregate to either
a) accept the changes in either order (which is generally preferable – makes your system more tolerant), or
b) reject an invalid change
If the aggregate rejects the change, this could be implemented by throwing an exception. And then, in the Rebus handler that catches this exception, you can e.g. await bus.Defer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), theMessage) which will cause it to be delivered again in five seconds.
You should never rely on message order in a service bus / queuing / messaging environment.
When you do find yourself in this position you may need to re-think your design. Firstly, a service bus is most certainly not an event store and attempting to use it like one is going to lead to pain and suffering :) --- not that you are attempting this but I thought I'd throw it in there.
As for your design, in order to manage this kind of state you may want to look at a process manager. If you are not generating those commands then even this will not help.
However, given your scenario it seems as though the calls are sequential but perhaps it is just your example. In any event, as mookid8000 said, you either want to:
discard invalid changes (with the appropriate feedback),
allow any order of messages as long as they are valid,
ignore out-of-sequence messages till later.
Hope that helps...
"exactly the same sequence as they were saved on the bus"
Just... why?
Would you rely on your HTTP server logs to know which command actually reached an aggregate first? No because it is totally unreliable, just like it is with at-least-one delivery guarantees and it's also irrelevant.
It is your event store and/or normal persistence state that should be the source of truth when it comes to knowing the sequence of events. The order of commands shouldn't really matter.
Assuming optimistic concurrency, if the aggregate is not allowed to transition from A to C then it should guard this invariant and when a TransitionToStateC command will hit it in the A state it will simply get rejected.
If on the other hand, A->C->B transitions are valid and that is the order received by your aggregate well that is what happened from the domain perspective. It really shouldn't matter which command was published first on the bus, just like it doesn't matter which user executed the command first from the UI.
"In my scenario the calls for a specific aggregate are absolutely
sequential and I must guarantee that are executed in the same order"
Why are you executing them asynchronously and potentially concurrently by publishing on a bus then? What you are basically saying is that calls are sequential and cannot be processed concurrently. That means everything should be synchronous because there is no potential benefit from parallelism.
When you want:
You should have a single command message and the handler of this message executes multiple commands against the aggregate. Then again, in this case I'd just create a single operation on the aggregate that performs all the transitions.
