Powerpoint PPT File to PPTX Using Python - python-3.x

I have been searching the web for hours trying to find something that might help me convert a file that was saved in the ppt file type to the pptx file type using python. I found "python-pptx" and was planning on using it to save the files, however this was not possible due to the continuous error:
Package not found at 'FileName.ppt'
I discovered another post (Convert ppt file to pptx in Python) which did not help me at all. I assume it is because my python version might be too high. (3.9) After reading up on getting the win32com.client to work and installing multiple pip and pip3 commands, it is still not working. If anyone could assist me with this manner I would be very thankful. My Current Code:
from pptx import *
prs = Presentation("FileName.ppt")

You can use Aspose.Slides for .NET and Python.NET package for converting PPT to PPTX as shown below:
import clr
from Aspose.Slides import Presentation
from Aspose.Slides.Export import SaveFormat
# Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPT file
presentation = Presentation("presentation.ppt")
# Save the presentation as PPTX
presentation.Save("presentation.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx)
Our web applications use our libraries and you can see conversion results here.
I work at Aspose.

I doubt python-pptx can parse a .ppt file. (It's a completely different file format.) You're better off automating PowerPoint itself - somehow - to read one and write the other.
The "somehow" depends on the platform you're running on - and the automation capabilities available to you.


convert .pptx and .xlsx files to pdf using libreoffice cli

I'm using LibreOffice CLI to convert two files I have:
.XLSX to .PDF;
.PPTX to .PDF;
To do the task I'm using the below command:
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import re
args = ['libreoffice', '--headless', '--convert-to',
'pdf', '--outdir', 'output', 'my_file.pptx']
process = subprocess.run(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=25)
re.search('-> (.*?) using filter', process.stdout.decode())
It is converting the files to pdf, but unfortunately, it's not keeping the same layout style
Continuation of the previous page (with the footer) and header of the next page:
As you can see in the images, the headers have different size and it also has a weird value in the header "x000a"
I would like to understand if there are a alternative to fix this kind of problems?
You should not expect a 100% replica of Microsoft Office output from LibreOffice. Anyway, if you think this is a bug, you can report the bug to LibreOffice Bugzilla with a good description and a sample documents to reproduce the bug:
There are faster ways to convert a document to PDF, if you can have a running LibreOffice in the background. For example, see this project which is written in Python:
Python script to automate document conversions using LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org

Error while loading excel file into pandas : xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: Workbook is encrypted

I am downloading a file using python and read it. But while reading the xls file it throws xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: Workbook is encrypted I am able to open the file manually but not in python
My code
df = pd.read_excel(filepath)
Can somebody help me on this! . I have researched a lot to crack this issue but None worked.
XLRD is not capable of handling file with encryption on it's own, but there is another Python library that actually can unencrypt a lot of MS Office files including the one you are trying to read .xls. It's called msoffcrypto-tool

What are Python3 libraries which replace "from scikits.audiolab import Format, Sndfile"

Hope you'll are doing good. I am new to python. I am trying to use audio.scikits library in python3 verion. I have a working code version in 2.7(with audio.scikits) . While I am running with python3 version I am getting the Import Error: No Module Named 'Version' error. I get to know that python3 is not anymore supporting audio.scikits(If I am not wrong). Can anyone suggest me replacing library for audio.scikits where I can use all the functionalities like audio.scikits do OR any other solution which might helps me. Thanks in advance.
2.7 Version Code :
from scikits.audiolab import Format, Sndfile
from scipy.signal import firwin, lfilter
array = np.array(all)
fmt = Format('flac', 'pcm16')
nchannels = 1
cd, FileNameTmp = mkstemp('TmpSpeechFile.wav')
# making the file .flac
afile = Sndfile(FileNameTmp, 'w', fmt, nchannels, RawRate)
#writing in the file
To check entire code please visit :Google Asterisk Reference Code(modifying based on this code)
I want to modify this code with python3 supported libraries. Here I am doing this for Asterisk-Microsoft-Speech To Text SDK.
Firstly the link code you paste is Asterisk-Google-Speech-Recognition, it's not the Microsoft-Speech-To-Text, if you want get a sample about Microsoft-Speech-To-Text you could refer to the official doc:Recognize speech from an audio file.
And about your problem you said, yes it's not completely compatible, in the github issue there is a solution for it, you could refer to this comment.

How do I use python to show data in excel?

I'm trying to display data from Python in Excel. Ideally, a pandas dataframe's worth of data would appear in a new, unsaved excel instance. My search has turned up ways to create excel files, and lots of ways to 'open' an excel file to read data from it, but no way to display it. My current approach was to create a file and then figure out how to open it, but I consider that approach second-best.
I found this. Another way would be to export your data to CSV and import it in Excel.
I found you can 'run' files with the OS library. As long as your computer knows what to do with it, you can create the xlsx file with whatever method and then run it to display:
import xlsxwriter
import os
w = xlsxwriter.Workbook(r"C:\Temp\test.xlsx")
Still not sure if you can work with an unsaved open instance of excel

Load spydata file

I'm coming from R + Rstudio. In RStudio, you can save objects to an .RData file using save()
save(object_to_save, file = "C:/path/where/RData/file/will/be/saved.RData")
You can then load() the objects :
load(file = "C:/path/where/RData/file/was/saved.RData")
I'm now using Spyder and Python3, and I was wondering if the same thing is possible.
I'm aware everything in the globalenv can be saved to a .spydata using this :
But I'm looking for a way to save to a .spydata file in the code. Basically, just the code under the buttons.
Bonus points if the answer includes a way to save an object (or multiple objects) and not the whole env.
(Please note I'm not looking for an answer using pickle or shelve, but really something similar to R's load() and save().)
(Spyder developer here) There's no way to do what you ask for with a command in Spyder consoles.
If you'd like to see this in a future Spyder release, please open an issue in our issues tracker about it, so we don't forget to consider it.
Considering the comment here, we can
rename the file from .spydata to .tar
extract the file (using file manager, for example). It will deliver a file .pickle (and maybe a .npy)
extract the objects saved from the environment:
import pickle
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
data_temp = pickle.load(f)
that object will be a dictionary with the objects saved.
