Unable to get Test run details from ALM API - python-3.x

Using below python code to get all test runs/test instances under a domain and project however it throws an 404 error, able to get the defects not the test runs
import json
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import urllib3
almUserName = "007"
almPassword = "#123"
almDomain = "PRO"
almProject = "Mobile"
almURL = "https://alm.com/qcbin/"
qcDefectURL = almURL+"api/domains/"+almDomain+"/projects/"+almProject+"/defects"
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
auth = session.post(almURL + "authentication-point/authenticate?login-form-required=y",
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(almUserName, almPassword))
#print("Authentication ", auth, auth.text, session.cookies)
site_session = session.post(almURL + "rest/site-session")
#print("Session ", site_session, site_session.text, session.cookies)
check = session.get(almURL + "rest/is-authenticated")
print("Check ", check, check.text)
# Enforce JSON output
session.headers.update({ 'Accept': 'application/json' })
#projects = session.get(qcDefectURL)
Tried using various links mentioned in blogs and stackoverflow answers(here,here,here), but not able to resolve
Output: {'Id': 'qccore.general-error', 'Title': 'Not Found', 'ExceptionProperties': None, 'StackTrace': None}

Your query URL ends with
but should be like
Further reading: https://admhelp.microfocus.com/alm/en/12.55/api_refs/REST_TECH_PREVIEW/ALM_REST_API_TP.html#REST_API_Tech_Preview/General/Filtering.html


API in python Error 400 "invalid input parameters" - how to fix

I am programming an API in python to query a server if it has endpoint agents in it. The server and the endpoint belong to Apex central SaaS trend micro.
The error I get is that I'm putting the wrong parameters but I don't think the problem is there.
The code I have for the query is as follows:
import base64
import jwt
import hashlib
import requests
import time
import json
import urllib.parse
def create_checksum(http_method, raw_url, headers, request_body):
string_to_hash = http_method.upper() + '|' + raw_url.lower() + '|' + headers + '|' + request_body
base64_string = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(str.encode(string_to_hash)).digest()).decode('utf-8')
return base64_string
def create_jwt_token(appication_id, api_key, http_method, raw_url, headers, request_body,
iat=time.time(), algorithm='HS256', version='V1'):
payload = {'appid': appication_id,
'iat': iat,
'version': version,
'checksum': create_checksum(http_method, raw_url, headers, request_body)}
token = jwt.encode(payload, api_key, algorithm=algorithm)
return token
# Use this region to setup the call info of the Apex Central server (server url, application id, api key)
# server info
use_url_base = 'https://arct3w.manage.trendmicro.com'
use_application_id = '52EB0005-B6DA-4249-9764-62AE3BFCDBB1'
use_api_key = 'B3FE1D91-5D05-490C-B45C-26A9EFF6C363'
productAgentAPIPath = '/WebApp/API/AgentResource/ProductAgents'
canonicalRequestHeaders = ''
payload = {
useRequestBody = json.dumps(payload)
jwt_token = create_jwt_token(use_application_id, use_api_key, 'POST',
productAgentAPIPath + useQueryString,
canonicalRequestHeaders, useRequestBody, iat=time.time())
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + jwt_token , 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'}
#Choose by call type.
r = requests.post(use_url_base + productAgentAPIPath + useQueryString, data=useRequestBody, headers=headers, verify=False)
if 'application/json' in r.headers.get('Content-Type', '') and len(r.content):
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4))
I tried to do something similar to an api belonging to Vision One but it didn't work:
the original code of the query is :

Unable to Access API

I am unable to access an API.
This is what I am doing:
import os, re
import requests
import logger
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
oauth_consumer_key = "123abc"
oauth_secret = "aaabbbccc"
url = "https://example_testing/v1/<ID_VALUE>/reports?"
oauth = OAuth1(oauth_consumer_key, oauth_secret)
output = requests.get(url,auth=oauth)
I keep getting a 500 error.
What am I doing wrong?
I didn't know this but apparently I needed to set values for headers and the payload. This solved my problem.
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
payload = json.dumps({
<other stuff>
output = requests.get(url=url, auth=oauth, headers=headers, data=payload)
Problem Solved

Authentification on Wootrade with python

I wanted to trade on Wootrade with some bots but I have a hard time getting the authentification right..
Here is my code:
import time
import hmac
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import requests
import hashlib, json, pprint
api_endpoint = "https://api.staging.woo.network/v1/client/info"
ts = int(time.time() * 1000)
hashedsig = hashlib.sha256(YOUR_API_SECRET.encode('utf-8'))
params = urlencode({
"signature" : hashedsig,
"timestamp" : ts,
hashedsig = hmac.new(YOUR_API_SECRET.encode(), params.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
userdata = requests.get(api_endpoint,
params = {
"x-api-signature": hashedsig,
"x-api-timestamp": ts,
"x-api-key": YOUR_API_KEY
headers = {
"x-api-signature": hashedsig,
"x-api-timestamp": str(ts),
"x-api-key": YOUR_API_KEY
and that's the error message:
{'success': False, 'code': -1002, 'message': 'invalid api key.'}
But I am pretty sure, that my api-key is right, I tried a new one and that didnt work either.
I tried to follow the instructions on the website: https://kronosresearch.github.io/wootrade-documents/#example
But I am not that familiar with hashing my authentication, because the exchanges I used before had either some examples in python or a package to download, so I am not sure, what I did wrong.
I am thankful for any help I can get!
You should also send your params in requests, the following code is how I make it work to get account orders:
import requests
import datetime
import time
import hmac
import hashlib
from collections import OrderedDict
class Client():
def __init__(self, api_key=None, api_secret=None):
self.api_key = api_key
self.api_secret = api_secret
self.base_api = "https://api.woo.network/v1/"
def get_signature(self, params, timestamp):
query_string = '&'.join(["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in params.items()]) + f"|{timestamp}"
signature = hmac.new(
return signature
def get_orders(self, symbol):
url = self.base_api + "orders/"
params = {
"symbol": symbol
params = OrderedDict(sorted(params.items()))
timestamp = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
signature = self.get_signature(params, timestamp)
headers = {
'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'x-api-key': self.api_key,
'x-api-signature': signature,
'x-api-timestamp': timestamp,
'cache-control': 'no-cache'
resp = requests.get(url=url, params=params, headers=headers).json()
If you have any further questions, please join the WOOTRADE official telegram group and ask the admins~
(Please don't do any transfer if anyone ask you to do so in the group!)
Telegram: T.me/wootrade
Or you can try this python library for wootrade API

getting 415 error while posting in requests in rest api , trying to run cms query

Hi I am new to python and REST API,
I am getting 415 error while trying to run a query in cms using requests.post
I am not able to pass content-type and Accept along with the logon token.
I am able to run this in talend along with these 2 headers.
Can you please help me in how to add these 2 headers in requests.post at the end.
Below is my code
import requests
from lxml import etree
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl as x
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import xmltodict
base_url = protocol + '://' + host + ':' + port
bip_url = base_url + '/biprws'
webi_url = bip_url + '/raylight/v1'
sl_url = bip_url + '/sl/v1'
headers_auth = {
'Content-Type' : content_type,'Accept':'application/xml'
headers = {
username = 'user'
password = 'pass'
auth = requests.get(bip_url + '/logon/long', headers=headers)
root = etree.fromstring(auth.text)
root[3].text = username
root[0].text = password
send = requests.post(bip_url + '/logon/long',
tokenresp = etree.fromstring(send.content)
headers['X-SAP-LogonToken'] = tokenresp[3][0][0].text
folder_get = requests.get(bip_url + '/v1/cmsquery', headers=headers)
folder_root = etree.fromstring(folder_get.text)
folder_root[0].text = Query_var
data1 = etree.tostring(folder_root)
folder_post = requests.post(bip_url + '/v1/cmsquery', headers = headers, data = data1)
I think 415 means that you're passing a content type that the API doesn't accept. You need to configure your headers correctly. Try this:
headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/xml'
auth = requests.get(bip_url + 'logon/long', headers=headers)
It looks like your problem is that you set headers to a blank dictionary.

Trying to use Yahoo Fantasy Sports API with python but getting internal server error

I'm trying to learn how to use the YahooApi, but when getting the data from the website, it gives me an internal server error. I have tried every combination of league or leagues data or even general game data, but everything is giving me an internal server error. I have attached my code below and any help I could receive would be very helpful.
import json
import time
import webbrowser
import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
from rauth import OAuth1Service
from rauth.utils import parse_utf8_qsl
credentials_file = open('auth.json')
credentials = json.load(credentials_file)
oauth = OAuth1Service(consumer_key = 'key',
consumer_secret = 'secret',
name = "yahoo",
request_token_url = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_request_token",
access_token_url = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_token",
authorize_url = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/request_auth",
base_url = "http://fantasysports.yahooapis.com/")
request_token, request_token_secret = oauth.get_request_token(params={"oauth_callback": "oob"})
authorize_url = oauth.get_authorize_url(request_token)
verify = input('Enter code: ')
raw_access = oauth.get_raw_access_token(request_token,
params={"oauth_verifier": verify})
parsed_access_token = parse_utf8_qsl(raw_access.content)
access_token = (parsed_access_token['oauth_token'],
start_time = time.time()
end_time = start_time + 3600
credentials['access_token'] = parsed_access_token['oauth_token']
credentials['access_token_secret'] = parsed_access_token['oauth_token_secret']
tokens = (credentials['access_token'], credentials['access_token_secret'])
s = oauth.get_session(tokens)
r = s.get('https://fantasysports.yahooapis.com/fantasy/v2/leagues;league_keys=nba.l.60379', params={'format': 'json'})
And that prints {u'error': {u'description': u'Internal server error', u'lang': u'en-US'}}
seems like this issues stems from Yahoo's side. One user reported trying OAuth2 authentication which seemed to work fine.
