Mongodb upadate the whole collection according to the data - node.js

I needs to update the Mongodb whole collection according to the data on my website.
Schema({ title: "data" }).which_function_should_I_call
when I call the first time it has 20 data item update the collection 20 documents - collection documents length should be 20.
after the second call data has 5 data item the collection length should be 5 documents.


Remove records in Arango DB UI with length condition

I want to delete some records from ArangoDB UI through the length condition.
For example : For a collection, I want to delete records that are having the length of a string object as 9
FOR item IN collection
FILTER LENGTH(item.string) > 5
REMOVE item IN collection

Parse Server undefined column values in query result

I have a class in parse-server which has 20 columns. 6 of these columns has values but others not so in query result just these 6 value comes. Is there any way to retrieve other 14 values ? I just need keys of these 14 values
Query results will only have fields that are set for the object, so no, you cannot get all of the available fields by querying for objects. If you want all of the fields, you'll need to query the schema:
const schema = new Parse.Schema('_User');
const result = await schema.get();

Is there a way to query for documents that have a certain millisecond in a timestamp? [Mongo]

I have a collection on my db with a "created" field that is a timestamp.
What I need to do is somehow get the milliseconds on that timestamp, divide it by 10 and then floor it and THEN match it to a number.
What I'm trying to achieve with this is have a random spread of this documents into "batches" that range from 0-100.
Is there a way to do all this in one query? Basically something like:
Tried aggregation to add that field but then I'm getting all the documents and filtering, was wondering if there's a way to do all this "in-query"
collection.find({<created.convertToMilliseconds.divideByTen>: X }})
// X being any number from 0 to 100

How to store a value in nested collection field in blueprism?

I need to store "x" in Item Data.Equipment Requirement.Tariff.0
Item Data is a collection which has a field of type collection "Equipment Requirement"
Equipment Requirement is a collection which has a field Tariff and filled with 6 rows.
I am sure that there is no naming errors, but each time i store something in Item Data.Equipment Requirement.Tariff.0 i got and error:
Internal : Could not store calculation result - Field Item
Data.Equipment Requirement.Tariff.0 not found
Blue Prism's dot notation only has the capability to refer to collection fields, not specific row indices. Use the Utility - Collection Manipulation VBO's Set Collection Field Action:
Business Object: Utility - Collection Manipulation
Action: Set Collection Field
- Row Index: 0
- Collection: Item Data.Equipment Requirement
- Field Name: Tariff
- Value: "35"
- Updated Collection: Item Data.Equipment Requirement

Is it Possible to Create multi Single-field indexes in mongodb?

Is it valid to create more then 1 Single-field index in mongodb?:
Let's assume I have a collection of products, and in some queries I want to find by Category whereas in others I want to find by date
Will it be valid to create 2 single-field indexes for that collection?
schema.index({ Category:1});
schema.index({ date: 1 });
