Incomplete API response for getUsers - docusignapi

I'm implementing an API integration for DocuSign, and I'm currently hitting the following endpoint: /v2/organizations/{organizationId}/users
The documentaton for this:
The documentation is showing a response field, user_status. However, when I call the API, I get a response as follows:
As you can see, we have no user_status. Do we need to send any request parameters, to expand the response, or has this field been removed from the API response without being updated on the API documentation?
Or, could I assume that the user is active, if it appears in the API response, with a membership_status of active?
Thank you very much!

membership_status is probably what you're looking for.
there's no such thing as user_status because a user can be a member of multiple accounts and each membership can have a different status.
Here is a useful diagram:


How to set payment details with store-api in shopware 6

i want to use shopware as a headless shop with stripe payment provider. The payment works in shopware without problems.
Now im testing the order steps with api only. the last step is to handle the payment through the provider (stripe in this case).
in the shopware documentation its handled with the api call /store-api/handle-payment.
the payload looks like this:
"orderId": "string",
"finishUrl": "string",
"errorUrl": "string"
now when i request the api i get 500 error with message:
No credit card selected
My question is, how to send credit card data through this api so that Stripe can handle the payment. Is there anyone to solved this problem?
With the advice from Alex I was able to find the following solution:
Find error credit card not selected: This happens only when you try to pay per api request. The reason i found was, that Stripe saves the payment details (credit card id) in the session object. Per api you have no access to this as default and thatswhy u get the message credit card not selected
Take a look at the stripe plugin, especially in your PaymentMethods/Card/CardPaymentConfigurator.
i put the following in the configure method
from Line 46 - 62
$requestDataBag = $stripePaymentContext;
$paymentDetails = $requestDataBag->requestDataBag->get('paymentDetails');
if(!null == $paymentDetails) {
$card = $paymentDetails->get('creditCardId');
} else {
$card = null;
$selectedCard = $this->stripePaymentMethodSettings->getSelectedCard();
if ($selectedCard || isset($selectedCard['id'])) {
$selectedCard = $selectedCard['id'];
} elseif ($card) {
$selectedCard = $card;
} else {
throw PaymentIntentPaymentConfiguratorException::noCreditCardSelected();
send payment data per handle-payment request:
let payload = {
"orderId": event,
"finishUrl": "",
"errorUrl": "",
"paymentDetails": {
"creditCardId": "creditcardid"
Now do this for all methods you need. It works. Maybe Stripe can implement this in the future.
You have the following options:
Check the local API documentation - it might have more information than the public one, because it honors installed modules (see
Contact their support for more information as this is not covered in the API Docs
Make a test-payment via the normal storefront and look at the requests which are made in the network panel of your browser's development tools

Instagram MediaID/Shortcode to URL

I'm making a sequence of API calls to Instagram Graph API in order to publish an image.
As described in their docs I'm making two calls as follows:
with params:
access_token: IG_USER_ACCESSTOKEN,
image_url: "",
caption: "Caption goes here",
{ id: 17859694922405416 }
Then I get the media container id from this call and I make another one to publish it:
with parameters:
This returns another ID which then I convert into a shortcode (using a function I found handy).
id: '17872941842175967',
id_str: '17872941842175967',
Result shortcode is : _f1iNmBff
I cannot seem to find the proper URL to see that image in the browser.
I've tried with:, but it says that the page cannot be found.
I've even tried to check on the media container status with another call and it says that the status is FINISHED (but not PUBLISHED).
Any idea what the problem is?

How to get PaymentIntent next_action.type = redirect_to_url instead of use_stripe_sdk for Subscription

I am working on the implementing Subscription*(which is SCA ready) using Stripe.
I try to handle
After the subscription is created on Stripe side, I have got the answer like in documentation above:
"object": "subscription",
"status": "incomplete",
"latest_invoice": {
"payment_intent": {
"status": "requires_action",
"next_action": {
"type": "use_stripe_sdk",
According to the documentation
next_action.type can have two values redirect_to_url and use_stripe_sdk
So my question is how to get next_action.type = redirect_to_url(instead of use_stripe_sdk) and how to force stripe to fill next_action.redirect_to_url(Because I want to handle it on my own in my UI)?
*There is already a similar question on SO:
but my case is to create Subscription where I don't have control over PaymentIntent
In my understanding, the next_action.type will be equal to redirect_to_url only if you choose to manually handle 3D Secure authentication
As per documentation:
To handle 3D Secure authentication manually, you can redirect the customer. This approach is used when you manually confirm the PaymentIntent and provide a return_url destination to indicate where the customer should be sent once authentication is complete. Manual PaymentIntent confirmation can be performed on the server or on the client with Stripe.js.
Example using Stripe.js:
payment_method: '{PAYMENT_METHOD_ID}',
return_url: ''
).then(function(result) {
// Handle result.error or result.paymentIntent
Example using Stripe Python:
intent = stripe.PaymentIntent.confirm(
EDIT: as per #karllekko's comment the {PAYMENT_INTENT_ID} will in your case be
Please read - it gives more details about the "return_url" flow - and describes also posibilities to customize it inside "iframe" etc
Probably this document is fairly recent - so at the time of this question (July) it was not existing yet

Get GitHub avatar from email or name

I'm trying to get the GitHub user picture (avatar) from users of GitHub.
I've found these API:<username><userid>
But I can't find a way to get the avatar from the user email or the user display name.
I can't find documentation about that.
Is there some similar URL API to get what I'm looking for?
You can append .png to the URL for the User's profile to get redirected to their avatar. You can add the query param size to specify a size smaller than the default of 460px wide (i.e. it won't allow larger than 460).
Use the /users/:user endpoint. Should be under avatar_url in the returned json.
For example, my avatar_url can be found by hitting this url.
There is another way I can think of that is kind of roundabout. Since GitHub uses Gravatar, if you know the email associated with the account, do an md5 hash of the lowercase, stripped email address and construct a url like[md5_here].
This is an old post but nobody has proposed Github Search Users API with scope field :
using in:email :
using in:username :
Or using new Graphql API v4 :
search(type: USER, query: "in:email bmartel", first: 1) {
edges {
node {
... on User {
Using GraphQL API v4, this will work too
Query (for username)-
user(login: "username") {
Response -
"data": {
"user": {
"avatarUrl": ""
GitHub avatar can be accessed through
Optionally, you can modify the size at the end like so

how to get "my pull requests" from github api?

If you look at: it shows you how to get pull requests for a given repository.
How do we get "my pull requests" from the GitHub API similar to the data displayed on the GitHub dashboard?
I asked Github directly. A rep told me to use the search endpoint. Search for issues owned by you that are open and of type pr.
If you're using a python client lib like Pygithub you can do
issues = gh.search_issues('', state='open', author='davidxia', type='pr')
You can also use GraphQL API v4 to get all your pull requests :
user(login: "bertrandmartel") {
pullRequests(first: 100, states: OPEN) {
nodes {
pageInfo {
Try it in the explorer
or using viewer :
viewer {
pullRequests(first: 100, states: OPEN) {
nodes {
pageInfo {
First you have to realize that you must authenticate using either Basic Authentication or a token. Next you have to realize that there is no simple way to do this so you will have to be clever.
To be specific, if you probe, you'll notice that the issues there have a hash called pull_request which should have 3 URLs: html, diff, and patch. All three will be non-null if the issue is also a Pull Request. (Pro-tip: They're the same thing as far as GitHub is concerned…sort of.)
If you iterate over your issues and filter for ones where those attributes are not null, then you'll have your pull requests.
