Intercept Android Studio Emulator HTTPS Traffic with Burp Suite (it's like HTTP but with an 'S') - android-studio

I don't even know why I am asking this question as I am sure no one actually knows an answer. I just want to intercept HTTPS traffic with burp suite while using the android studio emulator.
I did everything. Installed the certificate, proxied through android studio, proxied through the phone and android studio, proxied through the phone alone, messed with the certificates, it's all HTTP. all the other traffic gets the usual "Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown". I think the only way to do it is to root the phone somehow and then install a "rooted certificate" (rooting an emulator sounds so dumb...), god knows that won't be easy.
So, if you don't know how to intercept HTTPS traffic on android studio emulator, please suggest a better emulator where you can do that (with a google play store), in the comments.


Android studio cant download sdk with v2ray

I am an Android developer in Iran
There are too many restrictions for the Internet
Fortunately, V2ray
has solved the problem to some extent, but Android Studio has serious problems with V2ray
no library is downloaded, it does not even allow to download SDK.
I have tried all the VPNs but none of them work
IN IRAN no VPN is working to use for android studio these days , only proxy is available , do it this way inside AS :
Appearance & Behavior ->System Settings -> Http Proxy
http proxy
Manual proxy configuration
Host name >
Port number > 8118
Apply AND OK
Thank you #iDeveloper
even you can use the auto-detect proxy setting and android studio use the proxy setting of os that you run v2ray
Like you, I am in Iran
use this dns in your pc :
AND turn off v2ray.
or use similar site of

How to brake network capabilities of an apk? Not installed app

Am trying to disable all network capabilities of an app. I know how to do it in settings but i want to brake all online service of an app on apk. so that even if i share apk of that app with someone else they won't have to disable network of that app manually. I am slightly familiar with Android studio and java.
Try lucky patcher app. It's not available on Play store.

Can't sync Gradle in Android Studio in Iran

I use Android Studio version 1.5.1,
and I'm trying to compile '' in build.gradle, but I can't sync Gradle.
I think this error is because of my Internet connection or access being blocked from my country (Iran).
Yes, it's because Google has been blocked in Iran since 2012.
You can use a proxy app like Shadowsocks to change your country.
After activating your proxy app, in Android Studio go to
file->setting->Appearance & Behavior->System Setting->HTTP Proxy
active 'Manual proxy configuration'
and set:
host name: (for example)
port name:1080 (for example)
and reset Android Studio. When Android Studio resets, activate the HTTPS proxy and sync your Gradle and it will work. ;)
Certainly Google as an american company has to obey US foreign policies. Google has too many services, among them those which relate to developers are blocked. There are many ways to work around these bans using proxies and VPNs but i personally wish for changes to happen between Iran and US.
you have to install any connect and set cisco username and password
and restart android studio
Put this info in your Android Studio proxy settings:
Put these lines on file in your project:
For more information see this repository:

how to ping an intranet server with android emulator

Is it possible to do a ping request inside the android emulator of AndroidStudio?
I would like to know it, because i want to request a server in the intranet, but all i found til yet was how to ping the computer running the IDE.

Using IE in a virtualbox instance to test a site in VS2015 on my workstation

I have an MVC application that I've developed using Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise that is not behaving nicely in IE8, and as much as I'd like to just declare IE8 as unsupported, this is unfeasible from a business perspective at the moment.
So, to test in IE8, I downloaded a VirtualBox containing an instance of windows with IE8 from here.
I've been successful in using this instance of IE8 to connect my organization's dev server (which is running Windows Server 2012r2, IIS 8.5.9600), so I've been able to reproduce the issue. I'd really like to be able to step through what's happening in the debugger, though.
So, I believe I have two options.
Connect to the IIS instance on our dev server using Visual Studio's remote debugging feature.
This is kind of intimidating to me to attempt, because there seem to be a lot of options and I'm unsure how to proceed. It would be nice to be able to figure this out, though, as being able to do remote debugging on the dev server would be very helpful for future development. I tried using the default transport and putting the host for the dev sever in the "qualifier" box in VS, but it just told me the debugger service wasn't running on the remote machine, even though I'm fairly certain it is.
Connect to my local workstation running Visual Studio from virtualbox
This seems like it would be the simplest solution, but I can't figure it out. I tried a few different network modes from virtualbox -- NAT, bridged, and Host-Only, but I could never get the page to load in IE inside the virtualbox. I tried using the ip of my workstation as reported by ipconfig /all (the IP of the normal network adapter for bridged and NAT mode, and the IP of the "Host Only" special adapter in Host Only mode) and the port VS was configured to use. No dice.
Any ideas on how I can move forward with either of these options? Or some third, better option?
