pimcore-install command getting stuck at 0% in ubuntu 20.04 - pimcore

./vedor/bin/pimcore-install command getting stuck at 0% in ubuntu 20.04.
Sometimes it goes to 18% and stuck.
I am not able to solve it.
In the error log it show some symfony related warning.
[2021-08-12T10:44:18.202806+05:30] php.INFO: User Deprecated: The "Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authentication\Provider\AuthenticationProviderDecorator" class implements "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\AuthenticationProviderInterface" that is deprecated since Symfony 5.3, use the new authenticator system instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: The \"Scheb\\TwoFactorBundle\\Security\\Authentication\\Provider\\AuthenticationProviderDecorator\" class implements \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Provider\\AuthenticationProviderInterface\" that is deprecated since Symfony 5.3, use the new authenticator system instead. at /var/www/pimcore/project1/vendor/symfony/error-handler/DebugClassLoader.php:390)"} []
[2021-08-12T10:44:18.202828+05:30] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/event-dispatcher 5.1: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\LegacyEventDispatcherProxy is deprecated, use the event dispatcher without the proxy. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/event-dispatcher 5.1: Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\LegacyEventDispatcherProxy is deprecated, use the event dispatcher without the proxy. at /var/www/pimcore/project1/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/LegacyEventDispatcherProxy.php:16)"} []
[2021-08-12T10:44:18.416854+05:30] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/event-dispatcher 5.1: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\LegacyEventDispatcherProxy is deprecated, use the event dispatcher without the proxy. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/event-dispatcher 5.1: Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\LegacyEventDispatcherProxy is deprecated, use the event dispatcher without the proxy. at /var/www/pimcore/project1/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/LegacyEventDispatcherProxy.php:16)"} []
[2021-08-12T10:44:18.486394+05:30] doctrine.DEBUG: SELECT id FROM assets LIMIT 1 [] []
can anyone help. thanks in advance.

The solution would be - create a user new for mysql and use that user for your project. Also as #Christian said if the setup process failed once then you have to drop the database and create again. And then repeat the installation process again.


Liferay OSGi bundle deploy with FirebirdSQL jdbc driver error

I am new to Liferay 7.x and am having trouble with, I suspect, OSGI.
I am trying to write an DB Authenticator which just checks for users in a separate DB. The DB is a FirebirdSQL DB.
When setting the depenency in build.gradle like this
compileInclude group: 'org.firebirdsql.jdbc', name: 'jaybird', version: '4.0.9.java11'
The error I get when the bundle tries to deploy is:
2023-02-14 01:52:59.128 ERROR [fileinstall-directory-watcher][DirectoryWatcher:1173] Unable to start bundle: file:/home/me/Documents/IdeaProjects/liferay/labsys-authentication/bundles/osgi/modules/com.myapp.intranet.auth-1.0.0.jar
com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.LogSanitizerException: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: com.myapp.intranet.auth [1591]_ Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: com.sun.jna_ [Sanitized]
at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.start(Module.java:444) ~[org.eclipse.osgi.jar:?]
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.start(EquinoxBundle.java:428) ~[org.eclipse.osgi.jar:?]
at com.liferay.portal.file.install.internal.DirectoryWatcher._startBundle(DirectoryWatcher.java:1156) [bundleFile:?]
at com.liferay.portal.file.install.internal.DirectoryWatcher._startBundles(DirectoryWatcher.java:1189) [bundleFile:?]
at com.liferay.portal.file.install.internal.DirectoryWatcher._startAllBundles(DirectoryWatcher.java:1130) [bundleFile:?]
at com.liferay.portal.file.install.internal.DirectoryWatcher._process(DirectoryWatcher.java:1041) [bundleFile:?]
at com.liferay.portal.file.install.internal.DirectoryWatcher.run(DirectoryWatcher.java:247) [bundleFile:?]
I have looked at
https://liferay.dev/blogs/-/blogs/osgi-module-dependencies and
and tried option 1 (adding the DB driver in tomcats lib dir), and that still did not seem to work (in that case, the driver can't be found).
Just not sure how to include the Firebird jdbc driver in an OSGi bundle... of if I have to add any transitive dependencies (and if so, how do I know what they are and how do I best add them).
Just wondering if anyone has deployed a Firebird JDBC driver in a Liferay service app.
The important part of the error is "Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: com.sun.jna_ [Sanitized]". Jaybird itself doesn't provide OSGi metadata. I have no experience with OSGi, but I guess due to the lack of metadata, it scans the class files and notices that Jaybird uses JNA and that there is no dependency providing JNA. In practice this is a optional dependency of Jaybird (you only need it if you use native or embedded connections, which are not the default), but OSGi isn't aware of that and requires that you declare it.
Adding the dependency with compileInclude 'net.java.dev.jna:jna:5.5.0' to your build.gradle should do the trick.
(NOTE: This answer is based on my earlier comment and the comment by cfnz)

Rhel osbuild-composer system repository override is not working

As per document (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/composing_a_customized_rhel_system_image/managing-repositories_composing-a-customized-rhel-system-image) tried to override the system repository with custom base url . But blueprint depsolve is showing error as below
##composer-cli blueprints depsolve Test1-blueprint
2022-06-09 08:06:58,841: Test1-blueprint: This system does not have any valid subscriptions. Subscribe it before specifying rhsm: true in sources.
And with next service restart osbuild-composer does not start
ERROR: Info Error: Get "http://localhost/api/v1/projects/source/info/appstream": dial unix /run/weldr/api.socket: connect: connection refused
Am I missing something here ?
Having all manner of issues with this myself. A trawl of my /var/log/messages file, and it looks like, for me at least, osbuild-composer is failing to start due to the non existence of /etc/osbuild-composer/osbuild-composer.toml. Actual error is permission denied, but it doesnt exist..
This is on RHEL 8.5, and just updated to 8.6 this morning, and same problem
/edit Ive removed everything, and reverted to using the lorax backend, as per chapter 2.2 in the doc linked (same one I was following). My 'composer-cli compose types' command now at least works. Fingers crossed..

Could not get HttpClient cache - No ThreadContext available for thread id=1

I'm working on upgrading our service to use 3.63.0 (upgrading from 3.57.0) and I've noticed the following warning (with stack trace) shows up in the logs that wasn't there on the previous version:
2022-02-18 14:03:41.038 WARN 1088 --- [ main] c.s.c.s.c.c.AbstractHttpClientCache : Could not get HttpClient cache.
com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.thread.exception.ThreadContextAccessException: No ThreadContext available for thread id=1.
at com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.thread.ThreadLocalThreadContextFacade.lambda$tryGetCurrentContext$0(ThreadLocalThreadContextFacade.java:39) ~[cloudplatform-core-3.63.0.jar:na]
at io.vavr.Value.toTry(Value.java:1414) ~[vavr-0.10.4.jar:na]
at com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.thread.ThreadLocalThreadContextFacade.tryGetCurrentContext(ThreadLocalThreadContextFacade.java:37) ~[cloudplatform-core-3.63.0.jar:na]
at io.vavr.control.Try.flatMapTry(Try.java:490) ~[vavr-0.10.4.jar:na]
at io.vavr.control.Try.flatMap(Try.java:472) ~[vavr-0.10.4.jar:na]
at com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.thread.ThreadContextAccessor.tryGetCurrentContext(ThreadContextAccessor.java:84) ~[cloudplatform-core-3.63.0.jar:na]
at com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.connectivity.RequestScopedHttpClientCache.getCache(RequestScopedHttpClientCache.java:28) ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.connectivity.AbstractHttpClientCache.tryGetOrCreateHttpClient(AbstractHttpClientCache.java:78) ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.connectivity.AbstractHttpClientCache.tryGetHttpClient(AbstractHttpClientCache.java:46) ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.connectivity.HttpClientAccessor.tryGetHttpClient(HttpClientAccessor.java:153) ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.connectivity.HttpClientAccessor.getHttpClient(HttpClientAccessor.java:131) ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at com.octanner.mca.service.MarketingCloudApiContactService.uploadContacts(MarketingCloudApiContactService.java:138) ~[classes/:na]
This happens when the following calls are made...
Using the lower level API
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientAccessor.getHttpClient(destination); // warning happens here
ODataRequestResultMultipartGeneric batchResult = requestBatch.execute(httpClient);
Using the higher level API
.withQueryParameter("$expand", "AdditionalIDs")
.executeRequest(destination)); // warning happens here
Even though this warning shows up in the logs the service requests do continue to work as expected. It's just a little concerning to see this and I'm wondering if maybe I have something misconfigured. I reviewed all of the java docs and the troubleshooting page and didn't see anything out of the ordinary other than how I am fetching my destination, but even using the DestinationAccessor didn't seem to make a difference. Also, I'm not doing any asynchronous or multi-tenant processing.
Any help you or guidance you can give on this would be appreciated!
Such an issue is often the result of missing Spring Boot annotations - especially in synchronous executions.
Please refer to our documentation to learn more about the SAP Cloud SDK Spring Boot integration.
Edit Feb. 28th 2022
It is safe to ignore the logged warning if your application does not need any of the SAP Cloud SDK's multitenancy features.
Error Cause
The SAP Cloud SDK for Java recently (in version 3.63.0) introduced a change to the thread propagation behavior of the HttpClientCache.
With that change, we also adapted the logging in case the propagation didn't work as expected - this is often caused by not using the ThreadContextExecutor for wrapping asynchronous operations.
This is the reason for logs like the one described by the issue author.
Planned Mitigation
In the meanwhile, we realized that these WARN logs are causing confusion on the consumer side.
We are working on improving the situation by degrading the log level to INFO for the message and to DEBUG for the exception.

Selenium with Python. "Bluetooth: bluetooth_adapter_winrt.cc:1076 " . Error [duplicate]

I have updated Selenium but the error keeps occurring even though the web page loads. However, in some instances, the driver starts but it is stagnant. Is this causing an issue and if so, how do I resolve it?
[11556:9032:0502/152954.314:ERROR:device_event_log_impl.cc(162)] [15:29:54.314] Bluetooth: bluetooth_adapter_winrt.cc:1055 Getting Default Adapter failed.
This error message...
ERROR:device_event_log_impl.cc(162)] [15:29:54.314] Bluetooth: bluetooth_adapter_winrt.cc:1055 Getting Default Adapter failed.
...implies that ScopedClosureRunner on_init failed in BluetoothAdapterWinrt::OnGetDefaultAdapter().
This error is defined in bluetooth_adapter_winrt.cc as follows:
void BluetoothAdapterWinrt::OnGetDefaultAdapter(
base::ScopedClosureRunner on_init,
ComPtr<IBluetoothAdapter> adapter) {
if (!adapter) {
BLUETOOTH_LOG(ERROR) << "Getting Default Adapter failed.";
Ensure that:
Selenium is upgraded to current levels Version 3.141.59.
ChromeDriver is updated to current ChromeDriver v84.0 level.
Chrome is updated to current Chrome Version 84.0 level. (as per ChromeDriver v84.0 release notes)
If your base Web Client version is too old, then uninstall it and install a recent GA and released version of Web Client.
Additional considerations
However it was observed that this error can be supressed by running Chrome as root user (administrator) on Linux. but that would be a deviation from the documentation in ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome where it is mentioned:
A common cause for Chrome to crash during startup is running Chrome as root user (administrator) on Linux. While it is possible to work around this issue by passing '--no-sandbox' flag when creating your WebDriver session, i.e. the ChromeDriver session as such a configuration is unsupported and highly discouraged.
Ideally, you need to configure your environment to run Chrome as a regular user instead.
Suppressing the error
Finally, as per the documentation in Selenium Chrome Driver: Resolve Error Messages Regarding Registry Keys and Experimental Options these error logs can be supressed by adding the argument:
excludeSwitches: ['enable-logging']
So your effective code block will be:
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-logging"])
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=r'C:\WebDrivers\chromedriver.exe')
I had simmilar problems
ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was
forcibly closed by the remote host and
Bluetooth: bluetooth_adapter_winrt.cc:1055 Getting Default Adapter
Both of them disapeared after running cmd as an administrator. I don't know what is the exact cause of this issue but for me it seems that's a lack of privs while running selenium.
If anyone could explain why it is happening would be great.
Simply switching on my device's Bluetooth solved the problem... Don't know the reason behind it
I was getting the same error. On a code that was working yesterday.
The Code is available at this url at this moment https://youtu.be/0kLoVGLTISg?list=PLUDwpEzHYYLvx6SuogA7Zhb_hZl3sln66&t=4073
https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python/issues/3252 Found the Resolution hint over here in the comments section, along with https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase.setUp,
suggesting that, we cannot run on "Pycharm"/VSCode using right click -> run from within the class level, we need to run it from the module level i.e. outside the class level, since setUpClass() method is not executed when running from inside of the class.

How to re-enable Orchard CMS features without Dashboard or command line

I just disabled the Comments feature on my Orchard installation, not realising it was a dependency of Disqus, and now the entire site including admin dashboard fails with this error:
None of the constructors found with policy 'Orchard.Environment.AutofacUtil.DynamicProxy2.ConstructorFinderWrapper' on type 'Disqus.Comments.Services.DisqusCommentUpdateService' can be invoked with the available services and parameters: Constructor 'Void .ctor(Orchard.IOrchardServices, Disqus.Comments.Services.IDisqusMappingService, Orchard.Comments.Services.ICommentService)' parameter resolution failed at parameter 'Orchard.Comments.Services.ICommentService commentService'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: None of the constructors found with policy 'Orchard.Environment.AutofacUtil.DynamicProxy2.ConstructorFinderWrapper' on type 'Disqus.Comments.Services.DisqusCommentUpdateService' can be invoked with the available services and parameters: Constructor 'Void .ctor(Orchard.IOrchardServices, Disqus.Comments.Services.IDisqusMappingService, Orchard.Comments.Services.ICommentService)' parameter resolution failed at parameter 'Orchard.Comments.Services.ICommentService commentService'.
The Orchard installation is running on a web host and I do not have access to the command line there. I have FTP access, and access to the MS SQL database. Is there any way I can re-enable the Comments feature without access to the command line or web admin interface?
There is a file, /orchard.web/app_data/cache.dat, which is an xml containing a list of which features are enabled.
The documentation warns that modifying it may have unpredictable results, so be warned: http://docs.orchardproject.net/Documentation/Developer-FAQ#What'sinApp_Data?
There is a table in the database called Settings_ShellFeatureStateRecord, which stores the state for each module's feature. I re-enabled Orchard.Comments on my local installation (using SQL Server Compact Edition) with the following SQL:
update Settings_ShellFeatureStateRecord
set InstallState = 'Up',
EnableState = 'Up'
where Name = 'Orchard.Comments'
Good luck!
